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Vladimir Poutine

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Posts posted by Vladimir Poutine

  1. One of those two is more than likely than the other, since one of those two has happened several times already.

    And the other is not likely since NpO has promised to defend STA from any attackers so they'd have to declare on themselves and it'd just be a huge clusterfuck. As most wars involving Polaris are.

  2. So bloody much hilarity in this thread. 


    Stop with the "It takes XXXXX ns to fight our YYY NS, how pathetic" nonsense. 


    You(Mi6) once helped set, and cheered on a war that began with Fark, TOP and NpO DoWing on NSO. If memory serves me correct, 2 of those 3 were sanctioned alliances, 1 was just off sanction, and NSO was 25-30ish. It was PROBABLY in the neighborhood of 30 million on 4 million, or maybe more, or hell, maybe less, but the point is, it was many many many times more than what was needed.


    The only difference is , NSO had friends to whittle down that ratio, even if just a little bit. Mi6, well, you have no friends.


    You then joined in, and DoW'ed alongside NpO, Sparta, Legion, Valhalla, GOONS, then later CCC for !@#$% and giggle on NPO. You didnt say "wow, we have about 5 or 6 x their NS, we should be embarrassed it takes so much." Fortunately, NPO had friends to help reduce that ratio a little. Mi6, oh yeah, you have no friends.


    You then plodded merrily along as the coalition, that you were an integral part of arranged such even matchups as Umbrella, VE, LOSS, Mortal Wombat, DoD, UPN, MHA on NG. Fortunately, NG had some friends to decrease that ratio just a bit. In case you missed it, Mi6 has no friends.


    As time went on, you then cheered and lol'd your way along as the coalition that was going to springboard Mi6 from kingmakers to kings (LMAO), arranged many more even square offs such as TOP, GO, Umbrella, NpO, Sparta, Fark, MHA on NATO. Fortunately though, NATO had a few friends to at least lighten some of that load. Mi6, as you may have figured out by now, has no friends.


    The butt hurt over the NS is not about a sense of right, wrong, or overkill, it is a frustration post, from a group who has nobody to lighten their load. Rather than focus on why that is, they choose to play the victim card. Life on Planet Bob is hard, when you have no friends. I read a book once, about a place called the United States of America, on a planet called Earth, in a galaxy far, far, away. In this book, there was a great philosopher named Ron   White. You see, Ron was once getting drunk in an establishment that serves alcoholic beverages, and got into a spot of trouble with a group of 11 or 12 other guys. It was this encounter that produced an amazing quote of wisdom. You see, he didnt complain, he acknowledged his mistake. "I didn't know how many of them it would take to kick my ass, but I knew how many they were going to use."

    We have friends. They're just really hard to see.


    I'm saying I highly question the validity of logs that don't match the ingame actions that can be proven.

    Then what do you make of these logs?


    <Petro> we wanted to see warchests, you guys have them
    <Petro> nice ones btw


    The use of plural words such as 'warchests', 'them', and 'ones' proves that you have been spying on us not just once, but multiple times. So I would take anything you say with a grain of salt.

  4. You and your government lost alot of my respect last week. I am astounded you would underestimate me after our shared experiences during the Disorder War.

    Words that were spoken last week are not forgotten.

    You came to us begging for a treaty. And we rejected it because it was not in our best interests to sign with you, for reasons which I thought were fairly obvious.


    Good luck with your new friends.

  5. Nothing was "requested" so much as it was demanded in a hostile manner when I expressed my frustration at having my posts deleted without any effort to approach the situation in good faith. From people I've known for years, I expected a little more sensibility rather than knee-jerk offense. You keep trying to strip the situation of context as if it doesn't matter (as, indeed, you were attempting to do before I went rogue), so forgive me if I come to the conclusion that you are pursuing your own interest rather than the truth.


    Of course it was negotiated "on the authority" of a 00. It needed gov approval, but who suggested pursuing peace.

    Our 002 suggested pursuing peace. You can imagine what the rest of the alliance wanted.

  6. Except that what I said was neither racist nor hate speech. Perhaps you need to learn the difference between derogatory language and racism or hate speech from a source other than Tumblr or Jezebel.


    In your mind, sure. "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." It's nice to see you're sticking to such tried and true tactics to defame me. It's nice to see you can do no wrong and any mishandling of the situation by gov is irrelevant. That's certainly a great way to approach the situation and a major factor in my decision to go rogue.


    The fact of the matter is that non-gov members negotiated this peace in spite of the wishes of those above them. You can try to play coy all you want but you can't wriggle out of that fact, nor can you fool anyone into thinking not having a government position means you have the same influence as any other member.

    Peace was negotiated on the authority of our 002, Voodoo Nova. Neither of our M's (as far as I know) expressed any opinion on the matter. There was no higher authority in this situation.

  7. This is false and yet another twisting of my words and the facts. I did not determine it was some sort of Orwellian conspiracy out to get me. I determined it was just a sad circlejerk of people who enjoyed their positions of power too much. As I have repeatedly stated, I reposted the slur once when the situation was not handled in good faith and again in a different context when it became obvious that this expectation of "respect" only went one way. I don't care what you think of my arguments because you have shown you are only interested in misrepresenting them to cover your own hide.


    I also notice you did not address the fact that non-gov members of the alliance negotiated peace with me in spite of your and TLs efforts to get me rolled. Perhaps you need more time to find your words? It's ok. I'll wait

    Neither posting nor reposting any racial slur is okay in any context, be it your pursuit of the destruction of the "sad circlejerk" that is our gov, or just some general, good-faith trolling. While we may allow many things on our boards, outright racism and hate speech is entirely disallowed on the authority of our forum admin, so you'll have to take it up with him if you want that policy altered.

  8. I'm almost certain he has, at one point, said something racist on the boards. Apparently, joking does in fact count, so the context would be irrelevant here.

    It's entirely relevant to this topic because if you're removing one guy for this action you should be removing more, and to do otherwise would hint at an ulterior motive/cover story. If it's an ulterior motive in removing a specific instance, fine -- you should be removing more, but you're not -- but to defame somebody in this manner would be just plain stupid and yet it is the exact kind of drama that happens around this realm all the time.

    We did not remove Shokkou for using a racial slur. We removed him for going rogue on three members of our alliance.

  9. I don't know how any more clear I can be on this subject. If you don't understand after this... I simply don't know what to tell you sir.

    I D-O N-O-T C-A-R-E T-H-A-T M-E-T-H-R-A-G-E R-A-N F-O-R S-E-N-A-T-E!

    I S-A-N-C-T-I-O-N-E-D H-I-M B-E-C-A-U-S-E I W-A-S O-R-D-E-R-E-D T-O D-O S-O. P-E-A-C-E W-A-S T-H-E-N A-C-H-I-E-V-E-D G-R-A-C-I-O-U-S-L-Y T-H-R-O-U-G-H M-A-R-G-R-A-V-E O-N M-E-T-H-R-A-G-E-'S B-E-H-A-L-F. I D-E-L-E-T-E-D T-H-E S-A-N-C-T-I-O-N. I I-N-F-O-R-M-E-D M-E-T-H-R-A-G-E T-O N-E-V-E-R C-O-N-T-A-C-T M-E A-G-A-I-N. M-E-T-H-R-A-G-E H-A-S T-H-E N-E-R-V-E T-O C-A-L-L M-Y P-H-O-N-E T-O G-L-O-A-T. I S-A-N-C-T-I-O-N H-I-M A-S A R-E-S-U-L-T. H-E T-H-E-N D-E-C-L-A-R-E-S A D-U-E-L T-H-A-T W-A-S N-E-V-E-R A-G-R-E-E-D U-P-O-N. W-E G-O T-O W-A-R A-G-A-I-N. A-F-T-E-R W-H-I-C-H I A-M F-O-R-C-E-D T-O L-E-A-V-E T-H-E T-H-R-E-E P-E-R-C-E-N-T. I C-O-N-T-I-N-U-A-L-L-Y S-A-N-C-T-I-O-N M-E-T-H-R-A-G-E A-N-D H-I-S K-E-Y S-U-P-P-O-R-T-E-R-S.


    How long did it take you to write this?

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