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Vladimir Poutine

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Posts posted by Vladimir Poutine

  1. ITT MI6 vehemently takes everything personal while everyone else takes things in stride.

    Come on guys, stop rustling their jimmies. Let's roast someone else for a few posts so they can slip away to the powder room and fix their mascara.

    Come with me Scourge and we can fix each other's mascara.

  2. I think this whole "why does MI6 suck" discussion can be summed up by one word: pride.

    Sometimes, you need to be pragmatic, and not pour vitriol on your less polite opponents. It might be smart to give a nice answer to a less nice question, sometimes. You might be displeased by what someone posts in an embassy, but that does not mean you need to spend five pages moaning about how they're going to roll you for no reason, or grandstanding about how majestic your military capacities are and how you're going to make them regret it.

    You also seem to suffer from the same disease on a member level, beyond the alliance-as-a-whole. Your members need to learn that it isn't always a great idea to show up and spread their genius opinion all over a thread. Sometimes it's more productive to have a few competent posters on one line in a thread than a roaring storm of half-informed opinions from your entire alliance.

    If the rumours I've heard are true, about members directly disregarding instructions not to post their customary rage in an embassy -- which certainly seems to mesh with the rest of my impression of your alliance, though I'm not saying it is necessarily true just because of that -- then that also seems like a sign of your members' pride. You shouldn't prioritize your own special snowflake little opinion (which is probably the same as half of your alliance's already, anyway) above the success and governance of your alliance.

    Learn some humility and get over yourselves. You aren't a magic special snowflake, no one is going to treat you like one, so stop acting like you are.

    Good post, saxasm. I agree with you for the most part, though keeping up with embassy posts, OWF posts, and IRC bs is nearly impossible in MI6 when you also have a real life to think about.




    Ah, I get a hello now? Last time I believe I spoke to anyone in mi6 (except abbas) I was being verbally attacked for my ally dowing you. Am I still ban from your forums for having the nerve to open an embassy?


    I still stand 100% behind my last post there. 

    We welcome all types at MI6. From trolls to people who can actually form a thought without it descending into unpleasantness. So no, you're not still banned from our forums for "having the nerve to open an embassy", if that ever was the case. We welcome all alliances who wish to begin a dialogue with us, or those who just want a place to post with a lot of active people.

  3. You don't seem to understand, people take potshots and 'mouth off' to you because you've already arrived at a level where you've put a bad taste in the mouths of just about everyone. You don't get a do over because you want one, you actually have to work towards fixing your image, and in your case being combative is just reaffirming why people don't like you. Big surprise, people will hate you no matter what, the issue is actually getting along with a group (or putting up with), instead of doing things like bungling the structural integrity of war coalitions because you think you're the hottest alliance since ever. Then there's the whole systematic repulsing of your allies because MI6 doesn't know how to play to any of the powers that be. Don't be lackeys if you don't want to, but realize that if you want powerful friends instead of powerful enemies, you need to stay your tongue instead of wiggling it at every given opportunity.

    It is was self-fulfilling prophecy and you already fulfilled the criteria, you're beyond that point. You saw threats everywhere and systematically managed to get yourself run out of allies with real connections. There is an alliance that would love to roll just about anyone, and you played straight to their hand. I'd say you have to mend bridges to avoid it, but they're pretty thoroughly burned. And I can tell you, the strategy of picking up peripheral's peripherals works toward it to, because if powers that be so decide, they can be acceptable collateral. I just wonder how long a coalition with MI6 and the likes of TPF and TIO would last in actual practice.

    And maybe you're about to pull a high profile treaty out from under your hat in the coming days or weeks, and hopefully MI6 looks at their recent history, grits their teeth, and begrudgingly keeps their thoughts on this ally to themselves when push comes to shove, because I believe speak for a lot of CN when I say there are more interesting pursuits than rounding off this MI6 saga.

    Maybe we don't know how to "play to the powers that be," but if we die at least we will die with dignity. Maybe we will crash and burn, but maybe this whole "no allies" situation will work to our favor. You never can tell in CN how things will play out. All I know is that pandering to those who already despise you never works.

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