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Van Hoo III

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Posts posted by Van Hoo III

  1. B&G has been camped in our IRC channel for some time now and last week attempted to woo us in their embassy with beer and gun porn ... it worked.

    I am pleased to announce the signing of a PIAT with our friends at Beer & Guns!

    The Life's a PIATch Treaty

    Ragnarok - Beer & Guns PIAT


    In order to promote friendship, peace and Friday night keg parties between two sovereign alliances, Ragnarok and Beer & Guns hereby sign this treaty of Peace, Intelligence and Aid. Both alliances and their respective members shall remain sovereign of each other.

    Article I - Peace

    Neither alliance shall engage in or endorse military action, including the use of spies and non-alcoholic beer, against the other signatory. If a member nation of either signatory alliance is found in violation of this article, they will be ordered to offer peace, reparations and a candlelight dinner with the offended party. The payment of reparations must not take place if in doing so would be in violation of any other treaty, document or instrument of surrender. Should an offending nation refuse to offer peace and agree on terms of reparations, they will be declared a rogue, will no longer be offered the protection of either alliance and will be dealt with accordingly.

    Article II - Intelligence

    If either alliance receives information that stipulates a form of danger to the other signatory, the receiving alliance shall notify the other and share such information. Further, both signed parties agree that engaging in espionage against the other is as bad as making your mom cry, so either signatory alliances shall not engage in such actions.

    Article III - Respect

    Each signatory alliance and their respective members agree to remain respectful and civil to each other, especially in public. Furthermore, both signatories will keep their matters private at all times, you know, PRIVATE CHANNELS FTW and all that jazz.

    Article IV - Aid

    In times of need, a signatory alliance may request financial aid. In such case, the members of one signatory are encouraged to provide aid where possible to members of the other signatory. This is not required, however such action is strongly encouraged.

    Article V - Cancellation

    Both parties agree that if either signatory does not want to party with the other one, then the withdrawing alliance must notify the other signatory through private channels, except when the countersigned has hit the other in the face intentionally or has been mean to the other and calling them nasty names. Termination of this pact requires 72 hours notice.

    Signed for Beer & Guns:

    SandersPacheco, King of Kegs

    Chata, Minister of Ethanol

    Signed for Ragnarok:

    Van Hoo III - First President of Ragnarok

    General Lee - Vice President

    Rabbit of Caerbannog - Lord of Internal Affairs

    Konung_Lindstrom - Acting Lord of War

  2. This is the most saddening thing I have heard for quite some time, my dear Kogenta. I'm sure many mourn for your loss, myself included ;[.

    STRAWBERRIES FTW :awesome:

    Also, whoa, what?! I completely missed that Sphere change o__o. Oh, well, it's a shame you couldn't move to

    :awesome: Orange :awesome:, but Aqua is cool too ;P.

    That's because you don't pay attention when I talk to you, TD. ;)

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