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Van Hoo III

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Posts posted by Van Hoo III

  1. ITT MI6 vehemently takes everything personal while everyone else takes things in stride.

    Come on guys, stop rustling their jimmies. Let's roast someone else for a few posts so they can slip away to the powder room and fix their mascara.


    You are apparently reading an entirely different thread than I am. Try as I may, I'm just not seeing that at all.

  2. Man, I do sometimes miss a good spirited debate on Bob.


    Wakka wakka wakka.



    On topic: I can't really rate alliances since I was away for so long and have mostly stayed out of politics since my return. I hear those guys at MI6 are terrible (turrible, turrible) and I should stay far, FAR away from them though.


    Seems like sound advice to me.

  3. I think the opposite applies and you should visit. MI6 possibly has too many cooks to reach their full potential but their embassy is one of my favourite places to visit.


    Well, to be fair, Chim is an insufferable !@#$%. He's also a tyrant who is forcing me to actually build my nation.


    It's like he doesn't know me at all.

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