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Van Hoo III

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Posts posted by Van Hoo III

  1. Rather than blaming your problems on former allies, and external parties, you should consider what you all have done to get yourselves here. It is true, you are unfortunate victims, but victims of unfit candidates calling themselves your leaders. You know who I'm talking about, the sort of people that impress others with the notion that your alliance is composed entirely of tactless reprobates. Fix that problem, and change your approach.

    When founded, you guys presented yourselves as a bold experiment, well it pains me to say it, but so far it's a failed one- do something about it.


    Ugh. Not this garbage again. I keep hearing about how awful we are and what we're doing to cause "global hatred" for our alliance. I've been back in an alliance for the last eight months and am just not seeing these horrific transgressions that merit an attack.


    Don't get me wrong, I dislike e-lawyering a CB. If you think you have a good reason to attack, then awesome. But don't sit here and tell me that we've "brought it on ourselves" and "need to change", because that particular line is just pure crap. I get that it is cool to hate us and the group-think is strong on Bob these days, but this is getting ridiculous.


    The armchair FA advice from a bunch of forum posters that have little to no real experience on the matter is also all kinds of amusing. lol


    Coming from the ally of TPF who seemed to make a habit of allying the enemies of TPF... Really? Also, if MI6 is seriously y'alls enemy, then y'all have some pretty !@#$@#$ small epeens raging right now. 





    edit: *from- not for...


    If only I had kept count of all the times we were told that we were not the enemy and that we're just emotional and paranoid.

  3. Why would they ever do that? My voice is so sexy!

    Van Hoo III, please get a bit bigger so that Great Admin would interpret it as honorable to devour you. I mean seriously, if I'm Dollar Store Smaug, doesn't that make you wooden nickle Gandalf?


    I'd love to, Spyro ... but something tells me that none of MI6 will be growing any time soon. Rain check? ;)

  4. Those rolling the hard six war declarations sure are original. The lack of creativity there may be even more disappointing than the despicable nature of NPO.


    Welcome to CN where memes and grudges never really die.


    In b4 NPO gag order for maelstrom


    I hope not. I enjoy the posting style of Dollar Store Smaug.

  5. "Nothing strategic about this"

    So you think there is no difference in a surprise attack as opposed to letting them prepare and declare their offensive wars first? Nope, nothing strategic about that.

    True it wasn't necessary, but why allow themselves to take more damage than necessary? That would be very poor strategy.



    What damage? No offense to TPF, but they aren't known as a military juggernaut and even if they were, would have slammed up against your superior numbers and then been rolled in the counter, thus getting you the "extra targets" you were looking for.


    No, this wasn't done as strategy (though it will most certainly be spun that way), but for fun.



    I can respect this Gibsonator definitely... there is no probs with this ... what i can not respect is the crying that we are not allowed to attack a AA that we may have had as allies in the past and even by our own admission we consider loyal and all for when they stood beside us.  Then turning around and saying well we had not right too because of it.  We dont have that peice of paper no more and unfortunetly it is what it is today.  NPO went one way and TPF went another BOTH knowing what may happen in the future .. we hate it they hate it but why cry about it.   After the war maybe the leaders of that time can sit and say what they need too .. that to me is the logical way to go.  ?


    I think you're missing the point. No one is saying that NPO has "no right" to attack an alliance they don't hold a treaty with. What does rub people the wrong way is that this was not necessary and since you DO have a long history with TPF, it is surprising that you would have signed off on this. There is nothing strategic about this and appears to be done "because you can" or "for the lulz" which is something that other alliances in Oculus are expected to do (which is why they received zero flack), but not you guys. You guys are supposedly above such behavior ... or at least used to be.

  7. Here here. I find my treatment of TPF to be unconscionable and demand MI6 treat me as they will forthwith. They are the World Bob Police and should censure my conduct as part of Oculus in an appropriate manner. Who knows, maybe TPF said something nice about me once. Or maybe they thought about saying it. Someone was bound to.



    Don't worry. This sort of thing was definitely expected from you.


    Sure we do care. We also look at our history and if i recall we were preempted twice.  DH and the next war if i recall.  And at that time no one gave a craps as(s) if it was right or wrong cept for our allies at the time which i understand you guys are saying now. Yes agian times of changed and as well the one thing people seem to forget this is not only a NPO thing but it is Oculus. Of which there are many not just one.  We are standing with our committment to Oculus so in just picking out just NPO at this point is not the right propaganda for you all.  Sure we are NPO and we always take the blame most of the time and we are used to it.  In this case however singleing out NPO is also singleing out the whole of Oculus



    I meant that you should not care about my loss of respect for you. I am but one man and not even a relevant one any longer.


    Yes, you were pre-empted, and I am sure some "gave a crap" even if they didn't verbalize it. The NPO, however, has usually been above such acts which is why they had gained the respect of some of us "old school" rulers. To see you degenerate to this level is sad, in my opinion.


    Also, yes, you are a bloc and this is not the act of one alliance. The bar is lower for your bloc-mates though. This sort of thing (and worse) is expected from them. I just never thought I'd see the day that the NPO jumped into the mud.


    When I returned to being an active alliance member eight months ago, I was told that you guys were not the same and prone to more underhanded decisions than before, but I didn't believe it. Like I said though, times have changed and this is not the NPO that I once knew. Carry on.


    Times do change.  TPF and NPO at one time were great freinds and even today alot of us members hold them in high regard for the time they spent defending us. That is not a question of debate at any point.  History has dictated that relationships do sour over time and both NPO and TPF decided to take different directions. NPO choose thiers and TPF went a different path with both knowing that at some point this day would come. Sitting here listening to the old well you should not fight us cause we .... is kinda retoric at this time.  It is what it is unfortunetly and we both took the path we stand today.


    Yeah, you went down different paths. I have read that a few times now. That still does not explain why this was OK. At all. You've pre-emptively attacked someone who you would have just rolled anyway should they decide to defend us. I'm going to preface my next statement by saying that I don't care about the sheer amount of NS attacking us right now so that the peanut gallery understands ... but ... with such an overwhelming advantage, pre-empting an ally isn't even remotely strategic and you know it.


    That's your decision though. It's just not something that the NPO that I used to know would have done. It's just not how they "played the game" and a great deal of respect has been lost on my end (not that you should care).

  10. As far as I can tell my alliance doesn't have a dog in this fight, so have fun, everyone.


    Personally, though....while this has been one of the more 'telegraphed' wars I've ever seen, I still don't understand the 'why' of it.


    "Why" seems to have died in 2009 or so.



    Also: Hello.

  11. Well, at least they were honest. They're hitting us because we're terrible people who deserve to die.


    Cleanest CB of all time.





    I think they had less time than anyone thought.



    Well, I joined in February and this attack has been coming since at least that date ... soooo, yeah ... I expected an epic declaration with eight months of planning behind it. I sit here disappointed.


    I don't think you realize how amazingly hilarious this is.


    MI6 apparently has an enormous amount of foresight.



    This was a much boring boring DoW than I was hoping for. It wasn't even very inventive. Oh well, to war.


    You'd think with all the time they had it would have been better. I certainly expected much more from them. :(



    Hey Hoo! How are you?


    Have fun!


    Well, hello there Bilrow. I am awesome. You?


    ... and I will. :D



    EDIT: ... eventually, anyway. I have been put in peace mode. My nation will be biting ankles soon enough though. You've been warned, Oculus!


    Letum claiming NPO has never interfered in MI6 foreign affairs and Sengoku (and various others) claiming log forgery are blatant, hilarious lies that deserve nothing but the ridicule Myth's displayed towards them thus far, not actual discourse or discussion.  It is impossible to have rational discourse about an issue borne out of a bold-faced lie.



    Well, I don't know anything about NPO interference, but I will agree that Sengoku's claims of forgery are a hilarious and poorly acted lie. lol

  15. I don't even understand how anything you just said even remotely relates to my comments. I have neither talked about what I'd do in a war nor about any spy ops.


    I think that what he's getting at is that while you've pointed out that we'd be better served getting along with your allies, in this particular case we did just that and it didn't seem to matter. We had some pretty heated words with them in our embassy, but that was months ago and it's been quiet ... up until they decided to conduct spy operations against us. In my opinion, this doesn't have anything to do directly with the NPO (or at least, I hope not), but it does reek of us "taking your advice" and still being messed with for no real reason other than being disliked.

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