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Everything posted by Ulthran

  1. Caesar invaded Britannia after taking over Gaul. He was just a governor at that time because he hadn't yet invaded Rome and created the Empire.
  2. Tribunes were part of the Republic. I'm probably going to have Legions of 8 nations with one commander (able to fill defensive war slots for three enemy nations) and have closer groupings of three among the legions that will be Centuries. Each Century can then work as a unit to take out up to three nations within range.
  3. I'm essentially copying over the government of the Ancient Roman Empire in the time of Caesar. Emperor- Ulthran (complete power) High Advisors- Cabinet of 3 or 5 trusted advisors (my own added bit) Senate- Probably about 10 Senators who will work as a legislative body (but everything goes through me eventually)
  4. Despite that, thanks a ton for your protection. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you in return. It did. I founded it a couple years ago and then it merged to create SCAR. Now I am reforming it.
  5. Yeah... I started out thinking I would go without protection... bad thought.
  6. Yes the love of a raid. And thanks Germans. :)
  7. Yes I'm working on that. And thanks for the kind welcome reavers. :psyduck:
  8. Well the plan atm is to grow. But I see what you're saying. Perhaps a protectorate with the agreement of it turning to an MDP once TRE reaches a certain size...
  9. Oh did I not put the forums on there? Here they are: http://theromanempire.freeforums.org/index.php As for a protectorate, I was hoping to instead get an MDP or two with larger alliances. I am trying to not have a protector.
  10. I don't know how this puts me on the foreground but thanks. :)
  11. The Charter of the Roman Empire Preamble: In ante annis, olim imperium a spodio urbis casis et labore uni viri surget fieri unus maximi potestati in terram. Imperium ob gloria et potestate affectebat crediens fortissime in gravita et industria et dignita. Imperium multos annos abhinc ceciditet multos res occurebat in absentium suum sed iam Romam Imperium iterum surgit. In exemplare veti praedecessi et potestate novi inventi, Romam Imperium appropinquans vincere, subicire, et ducere novam terram. In earlier years, an empire once rose from the ashes of a fallen city and the work of one man to become one of the dominant forces in the world. The empire strove for glory and power believing strongly in the virtues of gravitas, industrias , and dignitas. The empire fell many ages ago and much has happened in its absence but now The Roman Empire (TRE) rises once more. Upon the principles of its ancient predecessor and the power of new technology, The Roman Empire is come to conquer, subjugate, and rule the world anew. Article I: Gravitas- Only the most serious and ambitious Romans can hope to gain a foothold in the harsh world in which we live. The principled can shoot through the ranks of social, political, and military life and will rule with confidence and authority once there. Industrias- One cannot go far in life without working hard to get there. The Greeks see life as a series of rolling hills but a true Roman sees life as an infinitely high mountain needing to be crested. Those who can keep going up will get the closest to success. Dignitas- With strength and fortitude, one can go far in life. However, there comes a point at which one can go no further without the easy grace of nobility. Any Roman plebian aspires to be noble with hard work and ambition while every nobleman aspires to work as hard as the working man. Article II: Citizenship- Any and all are welcome into The Roman Empire but to gain citizenship they must be allowed by the Emperor. To request citizenship, one must first enter The Roman Empire and then make themselves known at the public forums. Soon after this announcement the Emperor himself will welcome the applicant into Rome with full citizenship should they be worthy of such an honor. Promotion- Any Roman citizen has the right to appeal to the Emperor for a place of power in the Senate of Rome. Only those citizens who follow most rigorously to the ideals of The Roman Empire will be granted the position of Senator. That means they must be active in the forums, lucrative in trade, and a prospective for greatness. If deemed to be worthy of this honor, one should hold true to these values with the utmost effort, for none are safe in the Senate and to put an aspiring new Senator in, one dying must be removed at the Emperor’s behest. Should a Senator show themselves to be extraordinarily dedicated to Rome, they may be granted a seat on the High Council of direct advisors to the Emperor. Only five may hold such an esteemed post at any one time. Expulsion- The Emperor holds the sole right to revoke the citizenship of any citizen at any time and for any cause. While this power is to be used sparingly, it is applicable to any situation. The same is true of demotion from the Senate or High Council and even expulsion directly from these venerated ranks. If a citizen is expelled for treason against Rome, they are to be branded an Enemy of Rome (EoR), and will be persecuted against for eternity. The Emperor may excuse a citizen of treason and remove their EoR status if it is necessary. Article III: Civil Rights- Any citizen that is true to Rome is entitled to these rights. These are the only things a Roman citizen has that are inalienable by the Emperor. By law, Roman citizens are allowed Freedom of Speech. Although they may not break the laws set forth by the great Adminus Moderatus, all is allowed to be spoken by any. They are also guaranteed protection by the state if ever they are threatened or attacked. This protection will invoke the full diplomatic powers of the Emperor to come against the attacking nation and their alliance (should they have one). In addition war will be made upon the aggressor by any within range if diplomacy fails to settle the matter satisfactorily and aid will be given to the besieged. Article IV: Defensive War- Should any citizen of The Roman Empire be attacked, the above civil right shall come into effect. Offensive War- Should there be need for a foreign power to feel the wrath of Rome, the legions will be set upon them. Each legion shall consist of 8 citizens led by a general. The general will organize his men for an attack against enemies within their collective strength ranges. I hereby announce the creation of The Roman Empire and my resignation from SCAR.
  12. Alright I have revamped our seller list. I'll try to keep it updated for you guys.
  13. I want a $30 donation. I'll pay $36 million, 600 tech, or any combination (such as $18 mil and 300 tech). Contact me here or in-game if you want to sell to me. :) http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=556352
  14. Why not just take the top ten alliances and merge them? I think that would probably be easier.
  15. I just want to point out that Aidan is no longer a part of SCAR. :)
  16. I too am saddened by the passing of the Terran Empire, SCAR's greatest friends and protectors but we celebrate a new chapter in our alliance with Nordreich and hope to accomplish much more with them. Goodbye TTE and hello Nordreich.
  17. :P I forgot to include myself http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=556352
  18. Format: Nation Name; Number of Slots Open (FM=soon to get foreign ministry); Nation Link TheByzantineEmpire; 1 (FM); http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=561968 New Republic; 1; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=543533 Empyrean Empire; 1; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=540614 Sinon; 2 (FM); http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=561507 Calithe; 3 (FM); http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=562125 Venturi Cigon; 2; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=561911 African Republic; 3 (FM); http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=552920 N.B. Highly inactive. May take a while to return tech New Haven; 0; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=535413 VadXa; 2; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=561695 National Liberation; 2; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=560291 Northeast Nation; 2 (FM); http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=544038 Capitol; 0; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=557049 Lardlandia; 0; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=558266 Territory of Awesome; 4; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=551893 Nigerlis; 0; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=555306 matt land; 1; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=542726 Canadian Dominance; 1; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=545923 Ukraine Federation; 0; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=557874 Pacema; 0; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=537547 Republic of Witzen; 1; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=552969 N.B. buys as well as sells The Lufian Union; 4 (FM); http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=543303*** Infinitus; 4 (FM); http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=559912*** Fizland; 4 (FM); http://www.cybernations.net/nation_dril ... _ID=562058*** This list will be updated weekly. ***Needs tech deals soon if possible. Please consider them first.
  19. You'll always fit in at SCAR. Feel free to come over. :) http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=11757 and forums: http://scar.forumotion.org/forum
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