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Ivan Salazar

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Status Updates posted by Ivan Salazar

  1. thank you for your service.

  2. http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?search=594897&Extended=1

    so that you know i just caught this, hes now sending aid to himself.

    1. Captian


      Dang you r a snitch let them catch the people on their own gish I bet u have no friends

  3. hy, comrade you wanna take care of a nuclear rouge?

  4. I haven't heard anything in my embassy for awhile comrade. i need to know is supernova with me againist monsters inc.

  5. hmmm, you know i was greatly disappointing when planet gamming suddenly vanished. (well not that much sense the only game I ever played was cyber citzen and tour of generals which in my opinion was slightly more realistic compared to cn,down side you don't need to wait around for your opponent  to attack however unlike cn there is an clear winner. )



    Speaking of which are the mighty admin ever going to implement a winning macanic? ps it would simply rock if i could control my men movements in game other then simply playing by chance and numbers.


    legibly asking questions. :P

  6. If it looks like an prate and acts like an prate then its a prate.

  7. this day is so boring.

    1. Captian


      Well go outside for once

  8. Not to sure if any one actually reads these things but hy it keeps me intertained.

  9. It's good to be the Tsar.

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