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Posts posted by Helios


    What consequences?! Who is going to attack me this fast?! I'm not triyun to claim half the continent I just want the coast.


    Maybe nobody or maybe somebody, you don't and won't know until it happens, if it happens. Remember there are three other American nations just a matter of a few hundred miles away from you, and Alaska right on your doorstep. How do you think those nations will perceive and react to a rather militant state already taking an interest in lebensraum?


    Also what JED said is wholly correct.

  2. Yeah. I realize that and I was waiting for it to be added to the map so I could do more things. Didn't we make this new CNRP for the people? If that's how I want to roleplay my region I should've able to do it that way.


    I don't think you understand. California, IRL at least, has a population of thirty-eight million people. You may not necessarily need to deploy a man for every square metre of land in the state and this may indeed be CNRP(2) but your 2,500-man force would be having trouble just keeping coyotes from attacking livestock.

  3. Various tips from critics that were very pushy, almost like the critic "Rush Stykes" on this forum. Except, of course, that the others gave tips :)


    You should reconsider your path. It's all well and good listening to valid advice, even from critics, but you seem to have let it go to your head and now your ambitions are causing you to get carried away. It'd be in your best interests to temper them and settle down in a well-structured, strong alliance that can help you learn the ropes properly, for a good few months at least. Take it from someone who tried to create and lead an alliance successfully and $%&@ed it up, someone who had a damn slight more experience then than you do at present.

  4. Despite his relatively young age, the Chancellor had no illusions about the sheer scale of the task that lay before him. Security issues were blooming. The economy remained on a knife's edge. There was no coherent foreign affairs policy in place. There was work to be done. Plans needed to be set in motion.


    The first action taken by Chancellor Prescott was to file and release complete government lists for public consumption. His cabinet was small in comparison to past governments but it was experienced and competent.



    • Vice-Chancellor - Daniel Bedford
    • Minister of Foreign Affairs - Richard Winters
    • Minister of Defence - Alexander Hartmann
    • Minister of Finance and International Development - Elizabeth O'Mahoney 
    • Minister of Education - Michael Vlaar
    • Minister of Councils and Local Government - Anne Lugo
    • Minister of Justice and Law - Thomas Jenkins
    • Minister of Culture, Media and Sport - Edward Lawson
    • Minister of Transportation - Christopher Lee
    • Minister of Northern Ireland - Chloe Hastings



    The Chancellor's next approach involved approving and releasing a number of spending packages to the local councils across the country. Initial packages of around fifty million pounds went to places where major infrastructure work was needed, whilst twelve million pound lots went to some of the major cities for outstanding building contracts. Some of the biggest construction works included: new general health clinics in Birmingham, Leeds and Portsmouth, new schools in London and Manchester and a new hospital in Coventry. In addition to all this, the construction of a series of embassy buildings would begin in London for future use.






    Security threats in the world remained serious and efforts to meet these threats would require a complete re-organisation of the armed forces.


    Starting with internal security, every existing national security apparatus would be rolled into a new agency: Military Intelligence Section 7. Furthermore, in an attempt to streamline administration and ease bureaucratic procedures, MI7 would consist of four sub-sectors: the Counter-Terrorism Division, Cyber Security Division, the Overseas Operations Contingency and the Extraordinary Activities Division.


    Over the next several months also, work would begin towards a massive restructuring of the armed services. The Federal Air Force would examine a number of options for retirement of unneeded aircraft, as well as looking into buying transportation aircraft and pursuing a design for a new close air support plane. The Federal Army would require administrative overhauls and a restructuring of troop organisation, as well as an examination of doctrine and training protocols. Moreover, weapons systems would need to be examined and determined as to whether they would continue to fit future mission parameters.


    With every naval asset destroyed, confiscated or sold in the events of the last world war, the Federal Navy was powerless. The safety of immediate oceanic regions around the British isles would remain in doubt for some time to come. This would also translate into a severe lack of global projection capability and would affect future war movements. Although efforts would be made to change this, with work already finished on new harbours at Portsmouth and Dover, it would be a long time before the British regained their role as masters of the seas.


    In the mean time, a small coast guard would be created with a number of small patrol ships taking charge in the littorals. These were simply speedboats and armed rigid-hull inflatables, although contracts would go out for a series of new patrol vessels.

  5. "The Imperium of Japan welcomes Great Britain back into the world, we look forward to working with the many European nations rising from the ashes."


    "The Federation thanks the Imperium of Japan for its lofty recognition of these isles and indeed Europe itself. We likewise extend recognition to Japan and express hope for a bright future in Asia."



    "We warmly extend recognition to the Federation of Great Britain and Northern Ireland." - Secretary of Foreign Affairs Simon McBride


    "That's a wicked flag, yo." - random citizen


    "The Federation warmly thanks Qamadan for its recognition of Great Britain and likewise extends similar recognition to your fine American union."



    The Baltic Union of Ubersteinia recognizes the Federation of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


    "The Federation thanks Ubersteinia for its recognition of Great Britain and likewise extends recognition to this glorious union of Baltic states."



    "Cascadia welcomes this new English government but we question about Northern Ireland"


    "The Federation thanks Cascadia for its recognition of Great Britain and in kind extends recognition to your fine country. Furthermore, if the matter bears some immediate and/or great importance to the government of Cascadia, we would be happy to host discussions on the issue of Northern Ireland." 

  6. Only just read your IG message Mogar, I'll be on IRC soon. Also I would greatly appreciate it if you could mark England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as the British Federation as per [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/121682-decus-et-tutamen/]this[/url] claim.

  7. d3b860e6-13fa-4483-8473-62b1c6734c43_zps


    "Citizens of the world, we announce today the formation of a new Federal Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. After years of war, peace reigns supreme. May it last as long as it can." 


    The last great war had been devastating for Britain. Its economy took a hammering and virtually collapsed, while the English monarchy had been wiped out during the conflict that ravaged the continent. The country was on the verge of civil war. Fortunately, a strong new government rose from the ashes of the old one and assumed control over the nation. A federal republic was created that emphasised the values of strength through unity but also recognised the advantages of localised automony. Chancellor William Prescott led this new force for change, supported by the equally new National Assembly. He had selected a small cabinet to assist him in various duties. Documents would soon be released which outlined the people who would attempt to return Britain to prosperity.

  8. Yet here they sit with thekeys to your alliance.


    Yes, in peace mode as well despite having nothing worth raiding. A simple name change will correct the issue of alliance ownership, something I have zero problem with.




    Clearly, and if our names weren't there you'd say by us posting we are claiming it as our own. Spin it in anyway that makes you happy


    Except the reality is your names are there and so you have stolen work and attempted to pass it off as your own. No spinning is needed here.

  9. Pretty sure we made zero attempt to call the work our own. Crossing out your sigs in the charter would be proof of that. Appreciate the effort though. Made things a lot easier


    Putting your names on work that is not yours is not an attempt at passing it off as your own? 


    Please, you're equally as asinine as Mvbomber is.

  10. Someone looks a little offended at being out-trolled. 


    This is not my offended state, Rolypoly, I'm simply calling it as it is; four people who apparently did not even have a place in this world, wanted to create nations in an effort to steal materials used in the construction of an alliance that was not due to be started for at least another month or two and then proceeded to make a DoE whilst adopting the alliance and passing it all off as their own work, a most unclassy and distasteful act in itself.


    It is a grab for attention and relevance and, on that matter, such an attempt seems to have been supported by House Baratheon. 

  11. So no counterexample to disprove my statement exists is what I gather from your offended lack of one? Another victory for Mvbomber!


    Had I even provided one, chances are you would've dismissed it for some bullshit reason anyway, so bent are you upon achieving some measure of relevance.


    Please continue counting your "victories", I'm sure they mean something to you beyond merely wanting to look asinine.

  12. You should have seen how he melted when I was talking to him the other day. It was rather amusing. Particularly when he got so angry he decided to go rogue and downplayed it when BRU and I attacked him.


    You have no idea how jealous I am of you right now.



    Yes you were the reason all along, you got me you goonfuck.



    Even your nation slogan just sounds like a whine in disguise.



    My question still stands. Who did it? If I'm so unoriginal then you shouldn't have such a problem proving it. Show me an example. In saying "Well in time x someone must have thought of y therefore you are unoriginal" you are providing an unfounded assumption at best. If such a case exists I would love to see it.


    Thankfully I haven't been a citizen of this world for seven years and so I, unfortunately I suppose, definitively lack the necessary evidence you seem to require.


    If you genuinely believe what you have done is original, then I would politely suggest you get your head examined.

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