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Posts posted by Helios

  1. I see my continued existence still annoys you and will be going no where at this moment. Thanks for the alliance though, next time don't be a total moron and you may just get to start your own.


    Your existence does not annoy me Xanth, I'm fine with you continuing to exist as a butthurt ruler. Your attitude however, will only continue to invite such reprisals as I dealt when you came to that channel.



    How? The ability to determine real alliances and owners hasn't been introduced until July 13th of this year?


    So? The technicality of being able to be first to an AA and become its "owner" does not matter. I am quite certain that before you did it, at some point during the last two and a half thousand days, someone has come up with the idea of hijacking an AA before it began. It is not therefore, original.

  2. Okay, I like this one.


    Yeah, it made me laugh to be fair, although the text underneath is dumb considering none of us started anything.



    I'm pretty sure hijacking an AA before it even exists is pretty original.


    Pretty sure that this has happened already, at least once during the last seven years.





    Your persistent presence in this discussion only confirms for me and mine how much pain your ass is in after we called you a whiny bitch and kicked you out of our channel.

  3. More incoherent chatter from the peanut gallery. 


    Tell me how it is being an anonymous grunt in whichever alliance you've joined?


    What about any of this is incoherent to you? Did a donkey kick you in the head?


    It is a hell of a lot better than being in dorne and that's a goddamn fact.

  4. Those attacks were not authorized under my orders.


    The Dominion will not be pursuing any "ZI". We have no qualm with Kiloist, he has decided to leave our alliance.



    If you have further issues, you can take them up with myself or gowfanatic, our Duke of Foreign Affairs.





    DRN Sovereign,



    Damn right you won't be pursuing him. 

  5. Firstly, to actually make an OT statement: it's not friendship killing politics, just the natural degeneration of our planet, about which virtually nothing can be done. Not a bad OP though, I agree with a few of the sentiments expressed there.


    On to this beautiful thing:

    Bitter, bitter.


    I would hardly call that whining. But if you'd like to continue an argument where you defend the rationality of continuing to attack a sphere that has taken significant damage over the last two years, be my guest. If the entire OP was about friendship killing politics, then attacking SF/XX etc. is doing exactly what the OP is preaching against.


    Don't mistake contempt for bitterness. I've nothing to actually be bitter about, regarding R&R at any rate.


    But I have to say, it really, truly looks like whining to me. Almost every assertion and statement I've seen that's been made by someone within the SF/XX camp has had some form of complaint in it, apropos DH/C&G. Now, I get that you guys have been pretty badly mauled in recent years and I can understand the bitterness of it but jesus christ if I didn't know any better I'd say you almost wanted to be treated like this. Note now that when I say "you" I'm referring largely to you individually in addition to the people of your alliance and two blocs.


    At one time, long gone by now, you could have made the choice to be more proactive political characters and made an attempt to actually, physically alter the balance of power to favour yourselves. That you did not is not inherently a bad thing; people will play their roles however they want to play them and that is okay. But to then complain to people after being roughed up badly because you did not be proactive politicians, is simply ridiculous to the extreme and provides no wonder whatsoever as to why people are still wanting spilled blood.


    I personally wasn't around for the time of your formation but reliable sources tell me XX formed up with at least thirty million total strength, making you the most powerful bloc NS-wise in the world. If that isn't incentive enough to destroy you, then I'm not sure what is. But of course, you managed to somehow add fuel to the fire by not working on fixing the perception many people had of you, or else you would not have been hit quite so hard the first time around.


    If you're so offended at the notion of people justifying attacks on a sphere that has been rolled six ways from Sunday in the past, then you definitely need to take a good, hard long look at the position of your alliance. It's my personal opinion that R&R should simply up and leave SF. That bloc has outlived its usefulness in terms of political and military power and some distance between XX and SF is what is needed if you people in XX ever want to seek non-pariah status.

  6. ...Rush shitting on SF/XX is the new Crymson shitting on Polar. You'd think the fact that he already warred us twice would calm his rage boner, but apparently he's taken too much viagra for that. That said, TLR, you guys should remind Rush that if he maintains a rage boner for over three years he should see a doctor. It's a bit concerning :/


    Maybe he wants to keep warring you until you stop crying and whining like a fucking baby.

  7. When I first read this I have to admit that it made me wonder just a little.  However, since you and ColonelDionysus have made negative comments in every thread dealing with DRN since, I have a clear idea of who is causing the problem.  Thank you for clearing that up.


    You're welcome.

  8. Article V: Liasons 
    The DRN will send two Liasons to NCPA's forums to monitor the alliance. One Liason will be the Sovereign of DRN, the other being the choice of the Dominion. Each Liason will be masked fully as a member and will be able to view every forum in the alliance. The Liasons will respect the sovereignty of the AMN and the decisions its government discusses and chooses upon.


    Your insecurity knows no bounds Roman.

  9. In my mind, a paperless world would mean freedom to the point of chaos. Alliances would probably move in circles, unsure of exactly where to manoeuvre out of fear of being allied to someone who might get rolled. It would also likely mean far less wars, as nobody (or rather, very very few alliances) would be willing to risk attacking someone on the off chance that they will not be heavily defended.


    Of course, much more complaining would also ensue as people bitch and whine about why someone didn't defend them, enter this war, attack this alliance, etc.

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