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Lord bagel

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Posts posted by Lord bagel

  1. Ah, but you cannot have a great Empire without a contingent of Spehs Muhrines to defend it. I, ForSparta, and my companies of brothers pledge service to The German Empire. Defend the throne, at all costs!

    As Quartermaster of The German Empire, Protector of the Citrus and Defender of the Fruit, I shall make sure that your troops who fight for our Kaiser Auctor shall be properly fed. 

  2. Hello, and Thank You. I am sorry for acting out. But together we shall form a group, us as royals, and we shall show strength and will together. If you accept, I will hereby form the... BROTHERHOOD OF KINGS! and we shall start with a treaty. contact me in-game if you accept, we must not reveal our plans to our first enemy...

    so then you admit that you are the illegitimate Kaiser of The German Empire! You try to form another alliance and destroy all that my Kaiser has created. We German people will do all we can to protect our Kaiser. Your Brotherhood of Kings are naught but a cesspool of usurpers and heathens unworthy of even mentioning our Kaiser. The Lord shall protect our Kaiser Auctor, for he is with us.



  3. My allegiance lies with my Kaiser, not the Kaiser before him, or my Kaiser's Kaiser. I am loyal to my Kaiser, and only my Kaiser. Any insults towards my Kaiser shall be met with the wrath of my Kaiser. There is no Kaiser but my Kaiser, and we are all our Kaiser's people. Only our Kaiser looks out for the interests of his people, and we owe our Kaiser our eternal gratitude. As such, we thank our Kaiser Auctor and we ask the Lord to protect Kaiser Auctor

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