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Vladimir Stukov II

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Posts posted by Vladimir Stukov II

  1. There's a reason GOLD wasn't being mentioned anywhere :P
    I remember them; one of my first political conflicts was with them, VE [Egore] and a couple others due to the tech-scamming practices of Silent_01 via Oasis circa late 2006 ... Got me kick-started in the ways of CN gov and I never looked back ...

    Hahaha. I started playing CN with silent_01 and silent_spitfire, we came here from StarCraft and joined BoSS back in the ancient days before it merged into GOLD. Those two were into scamming people and planning coups from the start, whereas I was more interested in helping my alliance. I guess those types of people didn't last long in this game which is why the early days were more exciting.

    1) MK
    2) LUE
    3) GOONS
    And before that he was in TOP and DBDC and pretty much still is de-facto member of DBDC.
    Bones is getting 36 votes in the senate, if I had to guess TOP accounts for a high enough percentage of that vote.
    It is misguided to blame Kaskus for it because it probably would have happened anyway.


    Uhhh what? This Bones guy has never been in TOP nor do we vote for him.

  3. If you want to start a peace mode statistics thread that is unbiased then keep the stats of every single alliance in this war and avoid commentary about how we are hiding peace mode. It doesn't seem you were really interested in that though.

  4. I didn't present an argument with my stats - I merely put them into context by giving a quick summary of the discussion that led to my interest. There's no need to be rude about it.


    Besides, I would be a little bit impressed if nobody had cycled back into peace mode since the start of the war.


    Don't be dense. How exactly are the peace mode statistics of an arbitrary selection of alliances relevant to anything other than you trying to insinuate that we are hiding in peace mode to avoid damage?

  5. My statistics would have been as big and numbery as those but I'm way too lazy. I'll be sure to check in on that as time goes on.


    His statistics are already proving that we are doing exactly as we said we are. Maybe you should find something else to harp on that isn't completely idiotic.

  6. I'll say the same thing I said in the MHA thread:


    What matters is our ability to output damage in a sustained war and I would say we do that quite well. Your peace mode statistics are irrelevant to me as I was never the one to call out someone for peace mode usage (unless of course they truly were hiding their nations in peace mode to avoid damage, which I haven't personally seen any evidence of yet this war.)

  7. None of the problems you mentioned there are problems that other alliances do not have to deal with. Numbers don't lie.


    What matters is our ability to output damage in a sustained war and I would say we do that quite well. Your peace mode statistics are irrelevant to me as I was never the one to call out someone for peace mode usage (unless of course they truly were hiding their nations in peace mode to avoid damage, which I haven't personally seen any evidence of yet this war.)

  8. Actually, it is possible to have very few nations in war mode but still have them all fighting at full throttle. TOP being good at war and TOP saving their nations in PM are not mutually exclusive positions.


    That said, none of this has anything to do with MHA. I intend to, when I get a chance, analyze whether or not any cycling is being done and I'll post that in a new thread.


    I'm going to be honest with you and I can give a shit if you believe me or not. Only reason I'm responding is because military is my forte and I take great pride in how TOP performs during a war.


    There are a few reasons we send nations to peace mode:

    1. They are going to be unavailable at the start of the war. Believe it or not 100% of our alliance is not always around and people do have obligations outside of this world. Doing this allows us to use them later for staggers and doesn't leave their nation as a tech farm for our enemies. If they are going to be away for an extended period of time we will try to get them sitters.

    2. They are in the lower tier. It's no secret that our lower tier is not our strong point. We usually put most of our lower tier in peace mode to start a war because we don't have the resources there to defend everyone and they are usually not as prepared as the rest of our alliance. Of course we have some smaller nations with substantial warchests and experience who we let loose to wreak havoc, but the rest we will bring out once the war is fully underway and we've evaluated the situation. These nations are no good to anyone if after a round or two into the war they are already spent.

    3. They are in anarchy and their wars have expired. This allows us to redeploy them where needed instead of letting them sit there and get hit by our enemy.

    4. They are unprepared for war. This is something we never want to do because we pride ourselves on our war preparedness. Anyone in this situation has screwed up. Luckily there are only a couple who fall into this category... If need be we would send them out (such as in a losing war where we need all the help we can get).


    What we don't do is order well prepared nations to peace mode in order to save them for after the war. We will always use the resources available to us to help win the current war we are fighting, we will worry about rebuilding and preparing for the next war after this one is over.

  9. First off all, I'm actually enjoying this war the most of any war I've been in.  Everyone knows that.  Even in-game it's been a blast as I actually have a good challenge now.  I realize you are trying to paint another picture of me, but it's unbecoming of your alliance.  Taking pot-shots only shows how egotistical and cocky TOP is.


    The best part of this thread is that the TOP Propaganda Brigade is in here in full force because you want to make XX more favorable to your post war goal of rolling IRON.  Any idiot can see that, and that does make me chuckle at how obvious you are.


    I don't see how responding to you calling us out for peace mode usage has anything to do with rolling IRON after this war. You are delusional.

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