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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1323920521' post='2878347'] Um, why are you attacking our protectorate VE? [/quote] Because we felt like it.
  2. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1323919712' post='2878321'] I don't think it's fair that Warrior Concept gets to pick which alliances destroy GOD, seeing is though he is an honorary member of GOD. It just seems tacky. [/quote] You're right I changed my mind. Nebula-X, you're going down.
  3. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323919176' post='2878315'] If you didn't already know that VE basically gave MK a list of which alliances could or could not attack GOD, and you also missed Impero's posts to that effect on this forum, that's your own ignorance. If you didn't understand the reference, don't reply to it. So, the topic at hand, then, is did VE approve this? [/quote] Yes, GOD must burn.
  4. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1323914709' post='2878236'] I wonder what GOD's reaction would have been if VE had defended them? [/quote] Let's find out.
  5. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1323886733' post='2877899'] Macho posturing is distasteful and unproductive. I hope to see this war brought to a swift and merciful conclusion. There is no need for MHA to suffer excessive damage, and certainly no need for them to be humiliated. [/quote] Keep the bar open tonight, good sir.
  6. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1323889717' post='2877935'] Sure. GOD's getting ripped apart today and the one alliance it was loyal to (over all others) is doing a victory dance because it gets to veto which other alliances get to carry out the destruction. And you're gonna get rolled next because you have no real friends and we both know the alliances you are treatied to would turn on you in an instant if it was politically expedient. As a neutral observer, it's pretty funny. [/quote] You really aren't as wise as you think you are, but do keep up. Makes it all the more amusing for us knowing we have another fan next to schatt. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1323890094' post='2877939'] I do not think this word means what you think it does. [/quote] You assume he thinks and isn't living in 2009 where FARK is rolling everyone and being hailed. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1323890151' post='2877940'] This is Farkistan we're talking about. [/quote] Touché [quote name='Sir Sci' timestamp='1323890352' post='2877942'] I fail to see the problem here. VE and GOD are on good terms and clearly have talked about this and VE has entered the war following a treaty. This is pretty cut and dry, folks. [/quote] Some people live to complain. Alas, I've already exchanged PMs with my opponent and we're both set on having a fun time this war and shaking hands when it's all done with.
  7. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1323889032' post='2877925'] Aside from Gramlins, no alliance has lost its respectability as quickly and as completely as Ragnarok has. They've gone from respected power broker to low-rung alliance in the meatshield bloc. [/quote] All a matter of perspective. [quote] Who's arguing? I'm laughing. This is hilarious to anyone with a memory. [/quote] Let me know when you move on from 2008 or 2009 or whatever past you're living in.
  8. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1323888422' post='2877913'] Anybody who was a participant in the "friendly" FARK/VE meet & greet in late 2008 has to be rolling on the floor laughing right now. I know I am. Those were the talks that arose because FARK had some hesitation that VE might not be a great fit for SuperFriends and was, therefore, blocking them from membership. The first question that was asked of the VE spokesman was (paraphrase - it's been 3 years) "Assume VE is in SF. What would be VE's course of action if one of its other MADP treaty partners attacked a SF alliance?" As we all know, the correct answer was "SF rolls together, regardless of other treaty obligations." The answer that was given was "We don't have to think about that because we (VE) would never let a situation like that that happen." The "friendly" chat ended with Xiphosis calling FARK's membership every pejorative he could think of and then attacking the FARK leadership for letting its general membership ask the VE diplomats questions. Fun times. EDIT: As an aside, all VE had to do was give the correct answer to that one question and they were in. [/quote] Are you sure that's the correct answer? Seems like RoK didn't think so! Anyway, you seem hung up on the past. It's almost 2012, get with the times. You're literally only ever arguing about things from years ago around here.
  9. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1323885851' post='2877889'] Unlike you GOONS, I can see the value of sacrificing for my allies. [/quote] Are you trying to claim GOONS don't sacrifice for its allies?
  10. [quote name='Style #386' timestamp='1323887333' post='2877901'] You know what? You were one of the first people to make a jab at ODN during the NoCB War when they ditched Polaris. I suppose you guys haven't cancelled on GOD, but it's no less right now than it was then, and it make you, WarriorConcept, a hypocrite. Figure it'd take an alliance of such low calibre as VE to make me feel sorry for GOD. [/quote] Yet, we are doing something for GOD and they know and are fine with it. Was NpO? It's still highly amusing seeing people complain for a party that is okay with what's going on.
  11. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1323883566' post='2877865'] Are you guys really going to start waving around your friendship army like this? [/quote] That really wasn't the point of the post, mainly it was meant to demonstrate that if GOD had problems with our actions I would have been told so immediately. From speaking to them prior to and until this point of the war I have a better understanding here than those spouting faux outrage on behalf of GOD.
  12. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323845583' post='2877560'] And I miss the days when I did not have to argue with you that regardless of whether or not you told GOD beforehand that it is still a scandal that you have fed them to the wolves. [/quote] Yet, no one in GOD agrees with you and we're having a very good time chatting at this very moment about you trying to advocate for something they're fine with. [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1323845681' post='2877564'] I'd almost be surprised, but this sort of pathetic behavior has become about par for VE... [/quote] Yes, honoring an ally's request is clearly pathetic. Almost as bad as attacking an alliance after it just got peace 2 days before and is mostly still in anarchy with its allies already burning.
  13. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323845137' post='2877540'] I have been an advocate for the disenfranchised for quite a long time. Far from a disgrace, it is an honor above all. [/quote] I miss the days when you had legitimate arguments.
  14. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323843981' post='2877512'] Nothing. [/quote] If that were the case, don't you think GOD would be in here complaining? I don't want to get into character attacks or whatever but you're literally reducing yourself to arguing for someone that isn't angry at all with what's happening. [quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1323844044' post='2877514'] Fair enough; I've never actually read the text of your treaty before and just assumed it was a full MADP since that was what I had heard from others. I do wonder what choice GOD had in the matter though since even if they really wanted you to fight with them you'd probably have declined as per Impero's post in another thread stating that VE was always going to be on this side due to the sheer number of other allies that you have here (plus Bloc preference). My gut instinct and suspicion is that GOD had little say-so in the matter, but since I have no evidence to suggest that I'll concede the point and be on my merry way. Have fun with your war. [/quote] Fighting for GOD is not completely off the table and they know this as do our other allies. Regardless thank you for being very civil throughout our little discussion and raising some good points. Thanks, good luck with yours too.
  15. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1323842461' post='2877461'] These two gentlemen make my case for me really. The section Wu Tang quotes though is just ambiguous enough where it might be interpreted as this treaty really isn't an MADP and is actually an O-everything like it was stated. If you could explain to me how exactly this supports GOD's cause, I am willing to listen. [/quote] No one is making the case that this declaration supports GOD, we do have other allies whom we have an obligation to help as well. GOD and VE have already agreed to certain things regarding this war and VE is still abiding by them regardless of this declaration. Rest assured GOD knows what we are doing for them and know this war will not affect that.
  16. [quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1323842284' post='2877452'] I'm not sure I understand what a non-chaining MADP is. If GOD were to randomly declare a war you'd be obligated to assist, but not if they declare a war because of a treaty obligation? Doesn't that strike you as a bit... weird? Again, this is between you and GOD. If you two are cool with it then whatever. I'm just saying that you might want to officially downgrade the treaty to an MDoAP just since MADP gives off a different vibe than what I think you want to give off. [/quote] Well, as Wu Tang has graciously shown a few posts above, the treaty essentially gives both of us the discretion to work with the other in order to work to the best of our abilities with mutual understanding of the other's position. In essence you can call it an MoAoDP as sometimes the best way to help the other may not necessarily be militarily but other means. To emphasize, both VE and GOD are cool with it and have been talking throughout this conflict.
  17. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323841708' post='2877425'] http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Balkan_Entente [i]In the understanding that we live in dangerous times, full of intrigue, betrayal and opportunism, the three signatories hereby reaffirm their commitment to the defense of one another and their respective dominions against any foreign aggression.[/i] GOD is on the defensive side of this conflict; there's no non-chaining language apparent; the treaty pre-dates the appearance of non-chaining in treaties; and it is a MADP, not a MDoAP. Add to that that VE was active in the planning of GOD's destruction, and I think we can call it a day and ask you to please spare us all the agony of watching [i]the [/i]WarriorConcept defend this spinelessness, betrayal, and base survivalism. [/quote] In case you weren't aware, VE retroactively made all our treaties non-chaining upon agreement with all our allies, including GOD in respect to our MADP. Also you keep trying to argue for GOD, yet they're fine with this. It's almost as if we've been in contact through this war.
  18. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1323841326' post='2877415'] Then it isn't an MDAP. It's an MoDoAP. [/quote] In the same sense that all MDPs with non-chaining clauses are ODPs, sure.
  19. [quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1323841035' post='2877401'] Also, while I understand why you guys are fighting on this side (more treaties here, Bloc preference, etc.), doesn't that bring into question the point of an MADP with GOD? When I think MADP, I think CnG; you roll together, always, period. But hey, that's between you and GOD I suppose. [/quote] Our MADP with GOD has a non-chaining clause, something CnG does not have I believe. As well, GOD and VE has discussed this situation in the past and are both aware and satisfied with what we have agreed to.
  20. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323840836' post='2877396'] What grudge? VE has never done anything to me. You are just rancorous. [/quote] About what?
  21. You seem angry, Schatt. Yet, none of our allies are. I think you need to re-evaluate your grudge.
  22. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1323839248' post='2877340'] You are correct. I know I would be...if instead of helping me out my eternal ally declares on an alliance that is fighting on my side of the war. But then again. nothing surprises me in this current state of chaos. Next thing you know TLR is going to be declaring on ODN because there weren't full glasses of orange juice at tea time. [/quote] Again you assume that the only way an alliance can be helped is militarily on the field of battle. Also for the record, that would should be a DoW reason in the future if someone declares on ODN.
  23. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323839037' post='2877332'] Oh, god, WC, [i]come off it[/i]. [u]THEY ARE FREE TO TRY!![/u] [/quote] Of course they are. Does not mean that they will actually be imposed.
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