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Posts posted by Krihelion

  1. 2 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    wow check out this COOL DUDE careful on his edges though yikes!


    Dark Templar do absolutely nothing of note for at least a decade, then turn up at the behest of Hershey from Doom Squad and White Chocolate of CLAWS (because we all know how they love multiple degrees of separation from possible danger!) and proceed to start puffing out their chests for hitting an alliance far smaller than they are.


    Yes, we're all very impressed down here with this toothless DoW. "From the Shadows I come" - super awesome of you to hire a 12 year old who just discovered Slipknot to draft your announcements.

    "No one does anything at all" 


    "You did the wrong thing"


    Get a grip on reality. 


    Welcome back DT, kill a commie for mommy. 

  2. 57 minutes ago, Kapleo said:

    People flaunting GK's name as if he'd be so proud of the outcome of anything that happened at all.


    Cobra dead, his friends scattered all over, assimilated or just plain gone. Shut the f*ck up, honestly.


    If GK has any questions all he needs to do is see the paths his former allies and friends took. But let me save him the trouble in case he comes around: they went as far from NG as they could with the exception of TIE. Oh, nevermind. They swallowed TIE like a C-shot. The fact that former Boogs got close to Claws (their former worst enemy) will tell him everything he needs to know.


    Don't smile too much, Claws. You still suck. Just not as much as before.


    how is selling tech going these days for you?

  3. 4 hours ago, Kapleo said:


    Oh sweet summer child. At this point I'm not sure if I should be amazed by how good/manipulative the NG propaganda machine is or if I should feel sorry about how naive people like you are. If that sounds "deeply personal" to you, then yeah. It was totally all about "discord mean words". Believe what you want. I stopped caring about what people think or believe a while ago, if that ain't obvious by now.



    Yeah well I'm sorry I didn't make your wishes come true. I wish I had left too back then, but it's quite impossible to delete your nation while you are under attack. And no, I wasn't gonna let it go inactive while being hit. That sounds like "y r u fiting bacc!??" Lol. Shows how little you know me. Throw a punch at me and I can guarantee you, you will get punched back until you stop. 



    I'm always mad. Rp stuff. I think.



    It ain't a bluff if you did what you said you would do.


    I remember being done with the game. I remember surrendering and giving up on everything, even disbanding TPF. I remember trying to make amends publicly and privately after figuring out what was going on in the background. I remember wanting to leave the game for good. I remember NG refusing to give me peace when I asked, when Korlath asked and even when Devo asked.


    Understanding I was done for good back then was the reasonable thing to do. Instead, you wanted to beat on a corpse, to drag it down and fight, so I gave you a fight. That I fought in a way your side didn't like sounds like a "you" problem. You had the chance to let me go. In fact, you had several. Now you're stuck with me until God knows when cause I promise you I won't approach for peace ever again. I've done enough of that already. Your turn, buddy. I'm out now.


    Good luck with the Bundy thing. Good luck to Bundy as well. 


    Cheers 🍻


    Wanna hear a joke?



  4. 6 hours ago, Lord Hershey said:


    No problem, @lilweirdward, I am glad to be benevolent in this case since Non Grata may need all the help they can get in something they had no reason to get involved in the first place.


    Happy hunting. 😆

    I'm glad we are just open supporting of rogues. 


    It really cuts out the pretense of diplomacy/politics that I think have been dead for half a decade. 

  5. 7 hours ago, firingline said:


    I don't know what any of that means.


    I was just making a simple statement: NG, as per usual, will do nothing but talk trash. You have no ability to change the behavior of CLAWS, myself or really anybody else, because you have little power and equally little influence. You know it and I know it.

    Such is the status quo. 


    A shame you weren't around when bob had competitors that actually cared to lose pixels. 2021 CN should not be misconstrued with the real game that used to be played. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, AL Bundy said:

    Ehhh i was told it was never requested by FAN to sanction me, NG took the opportunity.


    All I see is an alliance raiding another and NG blew there loads to volunteer to help when it was me (Which I could care less if I get to fight NG). Have your guys drop or build to hit me haha ill enjoy every minute of it.


    Sanctions on an alliance raiding or warring another is out of line to me. Especially when I did no such thing.






  7. NonGrataflagcircle123.png



    Non Grata 


    Non Grata is an alliance that was founded by a merger between alliances, and over the years have welcomed many more into our community. As such, Non Grata recognizes these alliance affiliations as permanently protected, and owned by Non Grata.  



    The following Alliance Affiliations are protected indefinitely by Non Grata; 


    New Sith Order

    Poison Clan



    Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes


    Team Rocket

    The Imperial Entente



    /S/ Non Grata, 

    Kerschbs, Secret Democrat
    Lyanna, Intern
    Unkajo (Krihelion), Sergeant of the Pope's Armies
    Thrash, Minister of Not Poaching 
    dane0, Blood God 
    Erwin Schrodinger, Spirit of not even going here anymore
    Lenin, Advisor to Questionable propaganda
    King Cyan (Chameleon), Spirits Supplier
    Caustic, Pope of Non Grata
    Stewie, Dreadnought God-Emperor




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