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Posts posted by Stylesjl

  1. Well, from an OOC point of view, I would doubt that The Citadel could fend off a concerted effort to single it out and destroy it if the parties involved were not themselves potential targets for destruction.

    That being said, I have heard comments made concerning TOP's leadership that indicated it was perforated with NPO agents. Should they suddenly drop into peace mode, they may know something the rest of TOP does not know. Those were but comments, and I have no way to verify them. But if TOP itself has no way to verify them, then it would seem that they would be potentially vulnerable, or potentially a wedge in The Citadel to pry it apart and make it more digestible. While The Citadel has a massive trading network, it is unlikely that tech sellers would step up to defend a bloc about to be destroyed.

    If the 1V alliances withdrew from tC, would the rest of tC stand with The Citadel alliances remaining in it if an attack on Citadel seemed likely? I don't think they would. There would be circumstances put forward to justify severance of those bonds and The Citadel would be alone, just as surely as BLEU was isolated this summer. Not only did MCXA take over NpO's spot in 1V, it has now taken over NpO's former alliance ranking.

    To be sure, I do not know or say that The Citadel will be next. Which alliance or bloc is next is irrelevant. But I do say that each alliance will take its turn at being submitted to the curbstomp process, barring an actual power rift developing.

    A power rift with NS of equal strength might actually produce more stability, for fear of triggering a war no-one could guarantee a win in.

    What would be most fascinating to me would be a sudden backstab in the current war. While some alliances in the current curbstomp are heavily committed, there are others with very light commitments relative to their alliance size. IRON, for instance, has a lower ratio of wars:nations than does teh much-maligned ODN. It certainly possesses the capacity to either remain in reserve or, in conjunction with other alliances also lightly engaged, launch a coup de main against an alliance that is currently heavily committed to wars. Given that many nations have gone nuclear in this war, IRON and other alliances with a low percentage of nations in nuclear anarchy enjoy a massive tactical advantage over the alliances hit hardest - and those that have been hit back the hardest. If the current conflict continues and there is another round of nuclear exchanges over the next few days, attacking nations could be re-engaged in a backstabbing war, nuked a few more times, and see nuclear anarchy extend past 20 days in a row, putting them at a severe disadvantage monetarily relative to a fresher set of alliances.

    Considering that NPO has a very high ratio of wars:nations for an alliance doing a curbstomp, its offer of terms to CIS seems to bespeak of its awareness of its vulnerability in this situation. But I mention the last few points only to illustrate that there are several possible scenarios for any alliance in the top 40 to take a huge hit - The Citadel is by no means immune, but neither is any other alliance.

    Hmm that is quite interesting. However such a backstabbing move would be extremely risky and would mean that the alliance doing it would never be trusted ever again, so I doubt it will happen. I think the war will end much like how the Unjust War ended, defeat for the foes, and the stage set for a new conflict

  2. Very interesting. Although I fear it will be undermined by continual trolling and disdain. It would be good to get some commonly agreed standards of decent behavior, it could even be enforced by mutual reciprocation, too many times have we seen in the past terrible precedents being set

  3. If you are in a state of bills > Income you are in serious danger of billock. This Global Radiation will not subside for at least several weeks. You had best find a way to stay in the green

    Luckily for me I can survive, even if my cash flow was hurt

    Edit: According to my calculations based on the GR over 700 nukes have flown so far

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