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Everything posted by Logan

  1. Yeah, something cool later tonight.
  2. You forget that old nations also disappear. When I started I never thought I would be in the top 5%. And now I'm sitting at 3.3% and going to rocket up further soon. And thats after taking around 10 nukes.
  3. You guys are assuming that larger nations never get beat down or leave. I remember when I first started playing I never thought I would get in the top 5% and I did! Then in UJW I got beat down from 5.6k infra to 2k, and look I'm in the top 3% again! Isn't it amazing how being a good Nation Leader can affect the growth of your nation? Oh yeah not to mention I have aided out 10's of millions of dollars.
  4. My SDI has blocked 2 out of 2 nukes. He gave up after that, so I could have taken many many more.
  5. I agree, its rather annoying not being able to have even tech >_>
  6. You need to update more often
  7. Yeah, yeah I know... I'll get to you guys eventually >_>
  8. Thank you Roy. I just popped in here to tell everyone that I am not seriously ill anymore, so that means they put me back to work in the kitchen >_> Thats why I've been away for the past couple days, and won't have time until monday. Thanks again Roy, Gopher, Winst, SG, and the countless others who don't mind helpin' me out.
  9. Pacifica lost score? Gopher is now banned from updating >_> Also, $%&@ yeah 110,000 views. On the dot.
  10. 3/25/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.88 --> 61.29 (+0.41) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 50.06 --> 50.13 (+0.07) 3 New Polar Order: 36.52 --> 36.52 (0.00) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 34.10 --> 34.16 (+0.06) 5 Sparta: 28.62 --> 28.40 (-0.22) 6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 27.53 --> 27.56 (+0.03) 7 Orange Defense Network: 26.36 --> 26.35 (-0.01) 8 The Phoenix Federation: 25.91 --> 25.85 (-0.06) 9 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 23.63 --> 23.62 (-0.01) The Order of the Paradox: 21.19 --> 21.21 (+0.02) 10 Fark: 20.34 --> 20.50 (+0.16) 11 Viridian Entente: 19.86 --> 19.99 (+0.13) 12 Grand Global Alliance: 19.77 --> 19.88 (+0.11) ---------- FOK: 18.95 --> 18.95 (0.00) The Grämlins: 17.06 --> 16.99 (-0.07) The Order of Light: 16.01 --> 16.05 (+0.04) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.60 --> 14.65 (+0.05) NATO: 14.53 --> 14.57 (+0.04) Mushroom Kingdom: 13.43 --> 13.60 (+0.17) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.08 --> 13.16 (+0.08) Echelon: 12.73 --> 12.86 (+0.13) Random Insanity Alliance: 12.21 --> 12.28 (+0.07) LoSS: 12.13 --> 12.16 (+0.03) Green Protection Agency: 11.60 --> 11.51 (-0.09) World Task Force: 11.45 --> 11.51 (+0.06) Global United Nations: 11.13 --> 11.14 (+0.01) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.93 --> 10.97 (+0.04) Invicta: 10.76 --> 10.60 (-0.16) The Legion: 10.17 --> 10.20 (+0.03) Biggest Gainer New Pacific Order: 60.88 --> 61.29 (+0.41) Biggest Losers Invicta: 10.76 --> 10.60 (-0.16) Passes of the Day World Task Force Ties Green Protection Agency Commentary Today doesn't look as good as yesterday, though I have to say I am pretty excited about New Pacific Order massive jump. Fark, Viridian Entente, and Grand Global Alliance all look like they are not going to give up their top 12 spots anytime soon. Mushroom Kingdom pulls far away from Confederacy of Imperial States. Random Insanity Alliance has a gain of (+0.07) for the second day in a row. Looks like you guys are really starting to shape up again. Also grats to Green Protection Agency for being the first alliance in this race to have Bold and Italics. Not really a good thing though >_> Invicta unexpectedly take biggest loser. Also Related Links have also been added to the OP. Related Links: ----------------------- Stats by Unspeakable Evil Alliance Nuke Count Vote for Cybernations Daily!
  11. 3/24/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.74 --> 60.88 (+0.14) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 49.92 --> 50.06 (+0.14) 3 New Polar Order: 36.27 --> 36.52 (+0.25) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 34.06 --> 34.10 (+0.04) 5 Sparta: 28.43 --> 28.65 (+0.22) 6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 27.47 --> 27.53 (+0.06) 7 Orange Defense Network: 26.35 --> 26.36 (+0.01) 8 The Phoenix Federation: 25.82 --> 25.91 (+0.09) 9 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 23.61 --> 23.63 (+0.02) The Order of the Paradox: 21.07 --> 21.19 (+0.12) 10 Fark: 20.14 --> 20.34 (+0.20) 11 Viridian Entente: 19.68 --> 19.86 (+0.18) 12 Grand Global Alliance: 19.73 --> 19.77 (+0.04) ---------- FOK: 19.03 --> 18.95 (-0.08) The Grämlins: 17.00 --> 17.06 (+0.06) The Order of Light: 16.15 --> 16.01 (-0.14) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.58 --> 14.60 (+0.02) NATO: 14.48 --> 14.53 (+0.05) Mushroom Kingdom: 13.39 --> 13.43 (+0.04) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.06 --> 13.08 (+0.02) Echelon: 12.72 --> 12.73 (+0.01) Random Insanity Alliance: 12.14 --> 12.21 (+0.07) LoSS: 11.97 --> 12.13 (+0.15) Green Protection Agency: 11.53 --> 11.60 (+0.07) World Task Force: 11.41 --> 11.45 (+0.04) Global United Nations: 11.21 --> 11.13 (-0.08) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.86 --> 10.93 (+0.07) Invicta: 10.72 --> 10.76 (+0.04) The Legion: 10.12 --> 10.17 (+0.05) Biggest Gainer New Polar Order: 36.27 --> 36.52 (+0.25) Biggest Losers The Order of Light: 16.15 --> 16.01 (-0.14) Passes of the Day Viridian Entente Passes Grand Global Alliance Commentary Everyone is happy today, save a couple alliances. Gains all across the board, except for three alliances who lost a bit. Viridian Entente proudly passes Grand Global Alliance for that 11th seat. New Polar Order takes biggest gainer for the first time in awhile. Global United Nations continues their slow descent. Everyone should keep an eye on NATO in the next couple of months. Looks like all that hard work is finally coming to fruitation. Thats about all I can say for today.
  12. 3/23/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.43 --> 60.74 (+0.31) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 50.03 --> 49.92 (-0.11) 3 New Polar Order: 36.13 --> 36.27 (+0.14) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 34.10 --> 34.06 (-0.04) 5 Sparta: 28.53 --> 28.43 (-0.10) 6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 27.44 --> 27.47 (+0.03) 7 Orange Defense Network: 26.21 --> 26.35 (+0.14) 8 The Phoenix Federation: 25.68 --> 25.82 (+0.14) 9 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 23.64 --> 23.61 (-0.03) The Order of the Paradox: 21.16 --> 21.07 (-0.09) 10 Fark: 20.09 --> 20.14 (+0.05) 11 Grand Global Alliance: 19.73 --> 19.73 (0.00) 12 Viridian Entente: 19.17 --> 19.68 (+0.51) ---------- FOK: 18.99 --> 19.03 (+0.04) The Grämlins: 17.02 --> 17.00 (-0.02) The Order of Light: 16.10 --> 16.15 (+0.05) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.57 --> 14.58 (+0.01) NATO: 14.29 --> 14.48 (+0.19) Mushroom Kingdom: 13.32 --> 13.39 (+0.07) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.16 --> 13.06 (-0.06) Echelon: 12.79 --> 12.72 (-0.07) Random Insanity Alliance: 12.14 --> 12.14 (0.00) LoSS: 11.83 --> 11.97 (+0.14) Green Protection Agency: 11.46 --> 11.53 (+0.07) World Task Force: 11.38 --> 11.41 (+0.03) Global United Nations: 11.56 --> 11.21 (-0.35) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.82 --> 10.86 (+0.04) Invicta: 10.63 --> 10.72 (+0.09) The Legion: 10.10 --> 10.12 (+0.02) Biggest Gainer Viridian Entente: 19.17 --> 19.68 (+0.51) Biggest Losers Global United Nations: 11.56 --> 11.21 (-0.35) Passes of the Day Green Protection Agency Passes Global United Nations World Task Force Passes Global United Nations Commentary No real trends in ups and downs today. Though New Pacific Order and Viridian Entente continue to grow larger by the day. Despite their loses yesterday Mushroom Kingdom is able to turn it around and keep their lead ahead of Confederacy of Imperial States, who is not having such a good weekend. Green Protection Agency rererepasses Global United Nations, but from the looks of it they might be heading down for good if they can't somehow turn themselves around. They also are going to have to live in italics status, since they dropped below 300 members. Also lol Random Insanity Alliance.
  13. Anyone is welcome to do that. But you got to realize that threads like these take a ton of commitment and hard work.
  14. I will probably add new alliances within the next week. I would prefer to add them all at once.
  15. 3/22/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.24 --> 60.43 (+0.19) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 49.98 --> 50.03 (+0.05) 3 New Polar Order: 36.19 --> 36.13 (-0.06) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 34.06 --> 34.10 (+0.04) 5 Sparta: 28.24 --> 28.53 (+0.29) 6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 27.29 --> 27.44 (+0.15) 7 Orange Defense Network: 26.25 --> 26.21 (-0.04) 8 The Phoenix Federation: 25.63 --> 25.68 (+0.05) 9 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 23.72 --> 23.64 (-0.08) The Order of the Paradox: 21.07 --> 21.16 (+0.09) 10 Fark: 20.05 --> 20.09 (+0.04) 11 Grand Global Alliance: 19.72 --> 19.73 (+0.01) 12 Viridian Entente: 18.29 --> 19.17 (+0.88) ---------- FOK: 18.92 --> 18.99 (+0.07) The Grämlins: 17.09 --> 17.02 (-0.07) The Order of Light: 16.13 --> 16.10 (-0.03) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.54 --> 14.57 (+0.03) NATO: 14.30 --> 14.29 (-0.01) Mushroom Kingdom: 13.44 --> 13.32 (-0.12) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.28 --> 13.16 (-0.12) Echelon: 12.72 --> 12.79 (+0.07) Random Insanity Alliance: 12.14 --> 12.11 (-0.03) LoSS: 11.79 --> 11.83 (+0.04) Global United Nations: 11.49 --> 11.56 (+0.07) Green Protection Agency: 11.51 --> 11.46 (-0.05) World Task Force: 11.35 --> 11.38 (+0.03) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.84 --> 10.82 (-0.02) Invicta: 10.58 --> 10.63 (+0.05) The Legion: 10.06 --> 10.10 (+0.04) Biggest Gainer Viridian Entente: 18.29 --> 19.17 (+0.88) Biggest Losers Mushroom Kingdom: 13.44 --> 13.32 (-0.12) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.28 --> 13.16 (-0.12) Passes of the Day Viridian Entente Passes FOK Global United Nations Passes Green Protection Agency Commentary Not to many big losses today, but there were some nice gains by Sparta, New Pacific Order, and Viridian Entente. Orange Defense Network continues to stagnate, and if they don’t turn it around soon The Phoenix Federation might catch up to them. Viridian Entente not only has the biggest gain, and passing FOK for the number 12 spot, but they also lose their italics status. Awesome guys, I’m proud of you. The Green Neutral Race contenues as Global United Nations turns around and repasses Green Protection Agency.
  16. Damn, still sick today. I will most likely be able to update, so don't worry about it today.
  17. 3/21/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.28 --> 60.24 (-0.04) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 49.65 --> 49.98 (+0.33) 3 New Polar Order: 36.15 --> 36.19 (+0.04) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 33.79 --> 34.06 (+0.27) 5 Sparta: 28.12 --> 28.24 (+0.12) 6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 27.28 --> 27.29 (+0.01) 7 Orange Defense Network: 26.28 --> 26.25 (-0.03) 8 The Phoenix Federation: 25.67 --> 25.63 (-0.04) 9 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 23.79 --> 23.72 (-0.07) The Order of the Paradox: 20.97 --> 21.07 (+0.10) 10 Fark: 20.01 --> 20.05 (+0.04) 11 Grand Global Alliance: 19.65 --> 19.72 (+0.07) 12 FOK: 18.88 --> 18.92 (+0.04) ---------- Viridian Entente: 18.10 --> 18.29 (+0.19) The Grämlins: 17.45 --> 17.09 (-0.36) The Order of Light: 16.12 --> 16.13 (+0.01) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.50 --> 14.54 (+0.04) NATO: 14.25 --> 14.30 (+0.05) Mushroom Kingdom: 13.43 --> 13.44 (+0.01) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.26 --> 13.28 (+0.02) Echelon: 12.74 --> 12.72 (-0.02) Random Insanity Alliance: 12.05 --> 12.14 (+0.09) LoSS: 11.71 --> 11.79 (+0.08) Green Protection Agency: 11.47 --> 11.51 (+0.04) Global United Nations: 11.59 --> 11.49 (-0.10) World Task Force: 11.31 --> 11.35 (+0.04) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.81 --> 10.84 (+0.03) Invicta: 10.56 --> 10.58 (+0.02) The Legion: 10.03 --> 10.06 (+0.03) Biggest Gainer Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 49.65 --> 49.98 (+0.33) Biggest Loser The Grämlins: 17.45 --> 17.09 (-0.36) Passes of the Day Green Protection Agency Passes Global United Nations Commentary Score gains and losses are all over the place. All of the alliances who have been recently beat down look like they might have some sunny skies ahead of them. Most notably Green Protection Agency takes back their seat as largest neutral alliance. Viridian Entente creeps closer to one of the sanction spots, but it doesn't look like any three of the bottom top 12 are going to give it up.
  18. I will update sometime in the near future.
  19. This topic will be happy talk :angry: Also Polaris sucks. DIE DIEDIEDIEIDIEIDIKEIDIEIDIKEICIKDIDIDIEDIDIEI :2bong:
  20. 3/18/2008 1 New Pacific Order: 60.30 --> 60.15 (-0.15) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 48.86 --> 49.27 (+0.41) 3 New Polar Order: 35.65 --> 36.01 (-0.64) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 32.78 --> 33.07 (+0.29) 5 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 26.84 --> 26.98 (+0.14) 6 Sparta: 25.56 --> 26.73 (+1.17) 7 Orange Defense Network: 26.37 --> 26.34 (-0.03) 8 The Phoenix Federation: 25.34 --> 25.56 (+0.18) 9 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 23.63 --> 23.69 (+0.06) The Order of the Paradox: 20.88 --> 20.89 (+0.01) 10 Fark: 19.90 --> 19.94 (+0.04) 11 Grand Global Alliance: 19.48 --> 19.52 (+0.04) 12 FOK: 19.39 --> 19.26 (-0.13) ---------- The Grämlins: 17.24 --> 17.35 (+0.11) Viridian Entente: 15.96 --> 16.18 (+0.22) The Order of Light: 16.08 --> 16.14 (+0.06) Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.66 --> 14.53 (-0.13) NATO: 14.08 --> 14.11 (+0.03) Mushroom Kingdom: 13.30 --> 13.30 (0.00) Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.26 --> 13.12 (-0.14) Echelon: 12.53 --> 12.62 (+0.09) Global United Nations: 12.28 --> 12.30 (+0.02) Random Insanity Alliance: 11.97 --> 11.96 (-0.01) Green Protection Agency: 11.60 --> 11.57 (-0.03) LoSS: 11.55 --> 11.59 (+0.04) World Task Force: 11.29 --> 11.30 (+0.01) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 10.67 --> 10.70 (+0.03) Invicta: 10.35--> 10.40 (+0.05) The Legion: 9.90 --> 10.06 (+0.16) Atlantis: 11.39 --> 7.73 (-3.66) Biggest Gainer Sparta: 25.56 --> 26.73 (+1.17) Biggest Loser Atlantis: 11.39 --> 7.73 (-3.66) Passes of the Day Sparta Passes Orange Defense Network Viridian Entente Passes The Order of Light Atlantis Falls Under World Task Force Atlantis Falls Under North Atlantic Defense Coalition Atlantis Falls Under Invicta Atlantis Falls Under The Legion Commentary Atlantis has fallen under 9.00 score and will be removed from the race. It was a good run, everyone wave good bye. A ton of good gains today. All of our contending alliances are above 10.00 score.
  21. If it is update you want, update you will get!
  22. The reason I and probably admin have a delay about removing disbanded alliances, is because history has proved that another group within the alliance can try to revive it. So when admin removes Atlantis from the ingame stats, or if they fall bellow 9.00 score they will be removed. Whichever is first.
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