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Henry Rollins

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Blog Comments posted by Henry Rollins

  1. CN dying would be horrible in ways unknown, the Butterfly-Effect meets Peak Darth Black Swan, I suggest a bunker away from the death zone, there will be no doughnuts, so plan accordingly.

    You're funny and creative, I like that.

    Let me fill you in,

    No updates in like 2 years.

    A great community that was once centered around an interesting and developing game which has stopped trying to be interesting and is no longer being developed.

    The reason why so many people are saying that CN needs to be saved is because, and get this because it is very important, many of us really really like this community and don't want to see it end like so many others.

    The people who are telling you this are not wearing tinfoil hats.

    We have been smart, contributing members.

    Keep pretending like nothing is wrong though. ;)

  2. What do you celebrate then?

    I used to be like you. Enraged by the evil of mankind. Frustrated that centuries of injustice is ignored readily by popular culture. Never understanding why other people could be thankful for things which were bore out of greed, lust, rape and bigotry.

    I was like you; well-educated, passionate, yearning to illuminate other's to what I perceived to be the truth.

    Then I hit rock bottom.

    My hate consumed every bit of light that I had.

    And you know what transpired to bring me back again?

    A family meal.

    Seeing the look in my nephew's eyes as I debated the merits of the Incredible Hulk winning a wrestling match against Iron Man.

    Remembering that that young happy boy, used to be me.

    Hate will consume you my friend.

    You're not wrong, AUT; although you sure as hell aren't right.

    There are no Saints.

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