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Everything posted by AlDei

  1. AlDei

    Takbīr TV

    [color="#006400"] Exercising their right to free speech in Tunisia a rally of nearly 5,000 has taken to the streets in support of what they are calling the war against infidels. Several signs expressing these views are paraded by the crowd, also a massive banner glorifying the [i]Most Devoted[/i], warriors of the Yaza Hajin & their [i]Greatest Cause[/i]. [i]"This is one more battle"[/i] they say, [i]"of the long war between Islam & the infidel world."[/i] [img]http://notesfromamedinah.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/hamas-march-w-flag-4-23-04.jpg[/img] Word of jihad is rumored amongst the rally members, while others claim jihad is already active & has long been so. The highly organized march was allowed to continue to the capital palace where Princess Majida appeared for a brief moment from her meeting with Caliphate delegates, receiving praise. They protesters chanted demands of official jihad to be declared by the State, but we have been assured that as the situation stands, this is not likely to happen. Regardless, the thousands continue their cause.[/color]
  2. Tunisia is in support of move by the Caliphate as well as the expulsion of foreign powers from Africa immediately, following the wars end. While we cannot back the claims made by the Republique & Ottomans we are opposed to the over use of force, or any foreign force in Africa. A nation of Islam is at war with a foreign coalition; at this time we call for unity among the Muslim community in these times of crisis to see to it that the forces of invasion are brushed back by the hand of Allah. [center][IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/islam4-1.jpg[/IMG][/center]
  3. [i] "The Ottomans have certainly disgraced themselves before Allah. Making foolish war in the name of God without a clear purpose has invited foreign crusaders to the African mainland as well as ushered the end of what was the Ottoman Republic as we once knew it in state & mind. While we dedicate ourselves to the protection of Islam, we cannot save the Ottomans from themselves. This war came without justification as well as without warning. Perhaps if we had been given a bit of time to..."[/i] The broadcast was ended abruptly, cutting short the Tunisian General's announcement.
  4. The delegation was instructed to make their landing unobstructed into the Carthage International Airport. Anxiously Majida paced the corridors of the palace as she awaited the arrival of the delegation. Already reports of war were rampant- reports where constantly being brought to her by palace aids who frantically fumbled between final palace preparations & conflict updates. She had ordered them silent, more to retain what little peace of mind she could than to ease the burden of palace hands. She didn't know what to expect of her first meeting with the heads of a nation; perhaps the foremost African power of all nations at that. They where already on their way & set to arrive any minute. [i]"I'd better get to the conference chambers."[/i] she thought to herself, [i]"Allah, please. Please, please guide me. Our world is nearly up in smoke, if it is truly I who am to be your Right Hand, let me know as to how I must do it. And I WILL do it." [/i]
  5. [center] [i]As we move forth in progress for a united Africa, Tunisia wishes to forge & solidify its bonds in a new friendship with our brothers & sisters U.F.A. We cordially invite a Free Africa delegation to come & be welcomed to Tunisia to meet with myself, Princess Majida Al-Fayyoumi to discuss & outline a new future in the relationship between our two states, our role in the protection of an emerging Africa, as well as the ascent of Islam to the surface of African affairs. Please consider this invitation with Africa in mind & heart.[/i][/center] The documents where prepared & placed on the marble table top before her, as Majida completed her only task; to write the personal invitiation that was to initiate good relations with the African superpower. Tunisia had all but fully embraced Islam & there was growing tension that this would lead the nation to be targeted by any hostile power, or any repression against radical Islam. She considered in her mind all these aspects as pieces of a game, the African theatre being the board in which it is to be played. Africa, Islam. Islam, Africa. [center][i]When Islam goes to war, Africa goes to war. In nearly all circumstances, these fates are tied.[/i][/center]
  6. [center] Muslims of Tunisia will not & cannot be advised against participating in the Hajj. Should any further evidence arise of mistreatment or murder of Muslims within Novak, a state of Jihad may be recognized herein & in all the Muslim world.[/center]
  7. Princess Majida offered a speech of the Islamic community world-wide before a large contingent of followers following the address by Rotevele. The silhouette of the beautiful Palestinian Princess was illuminated before the audience & viewers worldwide. A welcoming applause rose & faded as she began her short address. [i]We live in a time of struggle & strife. A polarized world of Islam & Infidel. We cannot deny our role in this; is not our service that, the work of Allah?”[/i] The crowd applauded her opening words. Majida smiled & cleared her throat gently. [i] "Muslims are not of a single nation, land, or region. Ours is a religion of peace, thrust into a world at war. We are of Allah & it is His will we seek to carry out now, but let us continue about it in peace. Brothers & sisters of Islam, sons & daughters of Allah, lay down your arms for the sword of Allah is not ours to wield. But lift up your heads & bare witness to His truth. His Will is upon us here & now- so place less worry upon whom refuses to be a witness, & more practice into how you, yourself, do witness this. War is not to be made outside of His divine law nor may battle be denied when justified by it. Where we once remained long in silent denial, we now deny silence. Our voice has been found & by Allah, most gracious, most merciful, it will resonate in all places, & for all time.”[/i] Her audience rises from their seats in cheer. Their passion emanated from the area & empowered their speaker who commanded her oratory now with new strength. [i] "Let His Caliphate exist!.."[/i] Majida is interrupted early by a mass of cheers & applause, clearly the crowd supported these words. Chanting, [i]"Bring us a Caliphate!"[/i] fueling another eruption of cheer & praise of Allah [i]“Allah’u Akbar!”[/i] Majida was energized by her audience. Answering the crowd’s loud cries with a nervous giggle, she nodded, [i]"Mhm Allahu akbar."[/i] This did not help by any means at quelling the crowd who erupted again in cheers. When this finally faded just enough for Majida to continue over them she went on, [i] "Let His Caliphate exist not as a military empire, but of a united Muslim spirit. One that is at peace with the world around it & guided by the hand that rules above it. Attempts at war have only fueled the assault on our faith, & let run the blood of countless. We must seek war with no one. Ours is purely a defensive jihad. To those who seek war with us, let us arm you with the fact that while blood can run, this Faith cannot."[/i] The riled crowd gave a brief cheer, [i]"Allahu akbar!"[/i] Majida forced calm over them, continuing on as they quieted to hear her speak, [i]"This is the moment for Islam. Allah’s shining accomplishment in our age to usher in a triumph of the devout & collapse of all denial. We are the substance & Allah is the driving force. Love is our basis so should one take a strike against Allah, you will feel the unrelenting force of His love. May peace be raised up or His sword will fall. Is Tunisia united in this endeavor?"[/i] There appeared not one man, woman, or child to be separate of participation in the deafening applause that engulfed the square. [img]http://cdn-wac.emirates247.com/polopoly_fs/1.360962.1298735721!/image/414339349.gif[/img]
  8. Tunisia denounces this horrid display of aggression. We offer our nation as a neutral zone for a conference between these two feuding states: the Chunian kingdom & the Ottoman Republic. While we enjoy the recent peace, we should make the most out of it so that it exists as a lasting one. The unity of the African League is certain; we ask all of our league members to stand with us for a stable African peace.
  9. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298648435' post='2644762'] [b]Private to members of the African League from Great Britain[/b] In an effort to repair damaged relations with Africa,specifically, the Republique De Fleuve, we request that we be permitted to establishes embassies in your Nations. We enjoy an excellent relationship with the Ottoman Republic and our embassy staff there enjoy a close friendship with the Ivorian People. It is this relationship we wish to build up with Africa. In the Colonial era, Britain did more harm to Africa than it did good, and it is time we set the record straight and began activly working towards sharing better relationships. [/quote] Perhaps if embassies could be exchanged between participating nations of Africa with England?
  10. Signed, [i]Princess Majida Al-Fayyoumi[/i] of Tunisia
  11. AlDei

    Takbīr TV

    [color="#006400"] A time of high nationalism has appeared to fuse with a vigorous zeal for the Muslim community as one community in the streets, sands, & steppes of Tunisia. Following the uprising in Sidi Bouzid, the nation has moved in swift momentum towards stable nationhood & progress as the new Tunisia finds its balance. The most organized governing entities in the country have been the Muslim councils who have been in existence in every region, including most every major city & it is they who have led & organized the meetings to establish a government for the nation. Today, the council’s conference has been concluded. Representatives from major regions have accepted the future of the nation be decided by a single leader, guided by a Basic Law of Tunisia; a charter in accordance with Shari’a and does not override Islamic Law. Following suite with the major regions, swaths of support had gradually sprouted from the many minor regions yet to accept the decision. A domino effect has begun sweep throughout Tunisia leading to the ratification of the decision & government charter by all represented regions of Tunisia. With ratification by the regions complete, Princess Majida Al-Fayyoumi has been crowned sole Head of State, presumably until she marries. [/color] [img]http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/pc/Rima+Fakih+newly+crowned+Miss+USA+2010+rolls+dGdPVlP7I8cl.jpg[/img]
  12. [center] [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2129/2085143781_49fd239c67.jpg[/img][/center]
  13. I'm glad to see the alliance active on these forums. I am a new member & if I may speak on the alliance's behalf, I'd like to say it is a very welcoming & united group. Faith not only binds us but guides us, here in [i]Jamahiriya[/i].
  14. [font="Courier New"][color="#006400"]November - February 1- Unknown Location[/color][/font] The small aircraft provided by the Yaza Hajin whisked the two away from the bloody aftermath of the Portuguese Civil War. The inside of the aircraft was stocked with food & several personnel who catered to the couple's every whim. [i]"No, thank you. I just want to rest."[/i] Majida declined the fifth offer for food & drink in just 20 minutes. Sahib, on the other hand was eating as if he hadn't seen food in weeks. The aircraft crew was clearly bothered by the fact that Majida would not eat. They were under strict orders to take the utmost care of these special passengers, that should any harm befall them, it would be the crew who would pay recompenses. Carrying a luxurious look, of almost royalty, the interior of the small plane caught the eye of Majida who had only just now taken the time to examine her surroundings. Majida turned to Sahib who was now also examining the fancy contents of the plane & placed her hand on his arm, [i]"Why are we being treated like this?"[/i] before Sahib could reply, the pilot's voice arose from small speakers at the heads of their seats, [i]"We are now flying through protectorate airspace. Welcome to Africa."[/i] The small windows invited the last light of the sunset & allow the two to soak up the beautiful view. The breathtaking sights woke her exhaustion as Majida pressed her forehead against the window. Calmly, the crew members opened several cabinets in which various fire arms had been placed. Arming themselves they approached the distracted couple before they had any idea what was going on. One of the flight attendants offered slight comfort, [i]"Please forgive us. We are under orders, you must understand."[/i] Sahib had swiftly drawn his handgun, but was severely outgunned. The attendant continued, [i]"Please, we need you to comply."[/i] he glanced at Majida, [i]"Or we will kill her."[/i] The standoff lasted for agonizing seconds before Sahib finally dropped his weapon. The crew placed black masks over the heads of Majida & Sahib, guiding them to a small storage room where they were to sit the remainder of the flight. The plane landed several times during the journey. The two came to the conclusion that it was refueling, during which time the two where fed & treated well besides being bound & blindfolded in a small room. Finally, the two where guided off the plane & for just a moment they endured a scorching heat & whipping sand winds before being transferred into a vehicle to continue their blind journey. At last the two where brought into a massive complex where they where unbound & the hoods where removed from their heads. Grasping each other tightly, Majida & Sahib caught eye of the barefaced concrete walls that stood either side of them nearly 50 meters apart. The wall behind them was sealed by a massive door which was slowly swung shut with much effort by the men who accompanied the two. The wall ahead ahead of them presented an elevator shaft that the group entered, beginning their decent into the lower levels of the complex. Their only light was coming from below them, & it increased in intensity as they descended towards it. At their stop, Majida & Sahib along with the armed men accompanying them feasted their eyes on a magnificent marble foyer, designed as the interior of the most beautiful mosque any of them had ever seen. The glittering sights where hailed by the hall's designers as wielding beauty [i]"second only to the Heavens."[/i] Massive columns towered above them, curving into a massive domed ceiling adorned with beautiful religious arts & complex designs decorated in thousands of shades of white marble, outlined in gold. A whisper befell the inhabitants of this deep ground place of worship. The two had been long expected in this wonderful place as could be seen on the welcoming faces of those who looked onto them with expressions of great admiration. The group brought the two to a cavernous room through a massive doorway where Majida & Sahib where made to continue on by themselves to a final room where they assumed was their destination. The doors where opened & the two where welcomed inside by several guards. This dimly lit room was just as beautiful as the outer Mosque, decorated in darker tones with walls decorated only in gold Arabic lettering. Inhabiting this room was a small council of Muslim elder scholars, teachers, & Imam's. Majida finally broke the silence, [i]"Why are we here! We've been dragged across the world in secret for too long, I wish to know what it is you want with us!!.. What do you want with me.."[/i] She fell into Sahib's chest as one of the men came to her. [i]"You're journey is nearly complete, you mustn't give up now. God is before you & this is certainly not your best face."[/i] Majida found strength in the thought that God was in this place. She straightened herself & dried her eyes. The old man smiled, [i]"See, this is much better. We have heard so much about you. Both of you. You're service to Allah is devout & proven worthy to his Will. Your actions thus far have, indeed, embodied the Greatest Cause. Your actions from this point on will see its completion or not."[/i] Majida & Sahib clasped their hands together tightly. The rest of the elderly men came about them opening their palms, offering their welcome. Together, the two spoke, [i]"We are ready."[/i] Over the course of the next several months, the two would be sheltered in this underground domain. Eating, sleeping, praying; carrying out there lives here as they underwent intense teachings, revealed secret & ancient knowledge as well as the insights of perhaps the greatest religious figures of Islam. Growing evermore devoted to their faith & the cause they serve for it, Majida & Sahib where being prepared to become the Right Hand of Allah on earth.
  15. Tunisia may now be marked as Tunisia, if the mapmaker would be so kind. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lynneth_del_Serpentas/AE/Thing328.png[/IMG]
  16. Tunisia submits its application for the League.
  17. [center][color="#8B0000"][font="Trebuchet MS"][size="5"]Tunisia[/size][/font][/color] [img]http://www.channel4.com/media/images/Channel4/c4-news/JAN/23/23_tunis_g_k.jpg[/img][/center] [u]Background[/u] The tide of a rediscovery of an African nationality in opposition to forceful foreign interaction with the continent & in united front with a uniting Africa, has rapidly spread. The birth of "Africanism" fanned by the growing force of Islam throughout the world has sparked the populations of Africa to action towards a new destiny. The end of Rebel Army administration over North Africa has opened the gates to the free flow of the people's will toward the establishment of their own sovereign nation. These conditions culminated in the events of Sidi Bouzid Uprising. Organizing synchronized rallies nationwide through social network channels & cell phones, thousands took to the streets in every major city in Tunisia to unite around a new government & a free nation. The "Uprising" as it would come to be known was headed by the first major civilian rally, taking place in Sidi Bouzid, where nearly 80,000 Tunisians participated in the call for self-determination against the seats of the weak provisional government. Armed troops requested the crowds move from their original meeting grounds. Maintaining order & without firing a shot, the troops blockaded certain streets, that ultimately led the rally to converge on the executive offices where for several hours protests erupted. In a spectacular display of unity that was to send shock waves throughout the African world, soldier & civilian side by side forged the birth of a free state. A sudden and explosive wave of street protests to establish the sovereign state of Tunisia immediately followed suit. The nation was declared sovereign by the armed forces who along with local civilian elected councils established the nation of Tunisia based on the principals of African unity, self-determination for the continent, & being publicly a peaceful advocate for pan-Islamism.
  18. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298391992' post='2641718'] So in short, you are saying that the Caliphate WILL use stoning and mutilation as acts of punishment if the accused is found guilty of a crime under Sharia law? [/quote] Yes, if that is the punishment explicitly stated to be issued for a specific offence. Why?
  19. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1298265533' post='2640257'] Ah so your saying that your all knowing so called prophet was omniscient enough to know the highest truths of man's place in the universe but not know that forcing himself on young girls was wrong? I find it astounding that someone who was divinely inspired could not find it in him to use the medium of his new religion to stand up against sexual predation rather than help codify it. Of course that would require critical thinking, something religion in general and yours in particular is quite lacking in. [/quote] The prophets marriage with the young Aisha was an acceptable action by the laws & expectations of the region (including much of the known world) & time. Who ever claimed Muhammad to be an angel? Either way, your accusations rely on a law; ex post facto the marrriage, by thousands of years. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1298307440' post='2640692'] "While the Athenian Federation has nothing against an Islamic state we must ask whether you practise the traditional Sharia which includes punishments such as stoning and mutilation or a more modern version which has adapted to the sentences practised in the rest of the world" [/quote] If it is instructed by Shari'a Law, then it should be expected that the Caliph would rightfully & lawfully execute the practice should ever it become necessary. Criminal punishments of a sovereign nation should not be a concern so long as they are justified by law, rather then the views of a foreigner.
  20. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1298262990' post='2640215'] [b]The Muslims of Cochin have never denied any of your endeavors to follow the Qu'ran[/b]. However we do not believe your Caliphate represents the true philosophical aspirations of Muslims worldwide. Does this mean we are infidels in your eyes? We find such an outlook despicable. You bring disrespect to the words of the Prophet. You bring dishonor to the faith of Allah. The true tenets of Islam is found in peace, sharing and charity. Not in the guns and politics as defined by your politics. - Haji Pir Ahmad. [/quote] If you are truthful in this statement, you have answered your own question.
  21. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1298261597' post='2640196'] Mohammed was a pedophile who perpetuated a 4000 year old lie about a false god. There is no savior coming from on high at the end of days. There is only now. These are just stories used to justify the butchery and pillage by the priestly and ruling classes. [/quote] If one wished to butcher & pillage, he will find his justification anywhere. If you do not believe in God, you already understand our stance towards you. To mention pedophilia, I know you must speak of Muhammad's marriage to Aisha who was one of his several wives as was custom in culture of the region during that time. There is not only now, there is then & later as well.
  22. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1298260647' post='2640174'] The national religion of our Khaganate is Marscurian Judaism. Will the caliphate recognize our right to worship and rule ourselves as we please, and will you abstain from any harassment or attempts at conversion? [/quote] Yes! Of course. Who in the world do you believe us to be? You see us only through a perception of fear & uncertainty. We seek to establish our Caliphate where we may be given voice, protection, & freedom to practice Islam as we please in peace while protecting the rights of Muslims worldwide. Christianity & Judaism are respected as having received word of God, only not retained it in its entirety; this is the sole reason is was instructed of Muhammad by Allah to write the Q'uran, because His word had been distorted & lost throughout time. Islam was only the result of this third & final attempt to give man the true word of God.
  23. [quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1298259999' post='2640158'] The Free State does not recognize the Caliphate as a sovereign nation. [/quote] Neither does the Caliphate recognize the "Free State" as a sovereign nation, despite the fact this effects & accomplishes nothing.
  24. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1298258629' post='2640132'] Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve . Al-Quran 2:62 Perhaps Yaza Hajin should read their own scriptures before insulting the writings and beliefs of others. [/quote] When have we denied this? Your misguided assumptions have & will continue to lead to wrongly stated comments such as this.
  25. [quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1298257899' post='2640114'] "With hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world and several governments openly denouncing your cause, perhaps [i]you[/i] are wrong." [/quote] We represent hundreds of millions of Muslims. Also consider the fact that while we are loudly opposed, those who are amongst the opposition are still a minority. We do not profess to be "right" by the standards of man, but devoted by the standards of Allah. Perhaps the contrast lies in the fact that we believe God supersedes the customs of man? Also, we are aware that the path we travel is narrow. The path of the lost is broad & densely traveled. [quote]We were not generalising, you stated it outright. And it is not necessary to the progress of the nation to be 'faithful'--to cling to old ideals and religions can only hold us back[/quote] The statement you quote, in its entirety, is directed to the Muslims who do not follow the commands of the Q'uran, not necessarily by not joining the Caliphate, but by denying our endeavors to follow them. Thus these men & women can be considered nominal Muslims only, but never devoted followers of the faith. They're actions do not reflect their claims. By instituting Islam correctly as a 'religious ideology', our society may certainly progress. If you read the Constitution of the Supreme Caliphate, you would see it operates much like any other nation, only towards us, there is a discrimination since we are "The Terrorists who never actually Terrorized anyone but we look like the guys from a movie I saw last week so they must be Terrorists.."
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