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Padraig Rua

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Everything posted by Padraig Rua

  1. Could you please rename the Calgarian Federation to the Albertan Dominion. Thank you.
  2. The journey to the capital city of Edmonton was less arduous than the journey from the Coast Mountains of British Columbia to the snow covered forests of Northern Alberta. Erandur stayed with Tiber, making visits to the Stone Circles of his Gods along the way, giving thanks for their assistance in defeating Bjorn the Dark. Bjorn's body was taken back by horse and cart, to be buried in the crypt of his family estate in the Ayr Realm, once Count Karlsson was strong enough to make the journey back to the long defunct Kingdom of course. The boys heart was burnt in a ritual by Erandur, to ensure his soul would be cleared of the evil which once inhabited it. The Count thanked the two hero's for their help in "bringing" back his little boy and cleansing him of the evil which possessed him. Tiber felt sad for Bjorn once he saw what he was, a naive adolescent, before he died by his sword. He wished he could've somehow saved the boy without killing him. But there was no way of doing so. And if there was, there was no time to do it in, for Tiber had to decide between saving one boys life and the thousands of lives throughout the Federation that were being threatened by the Dark Bjorn's fiends. Once Bjorn was killed the snow storm which had gripped the country for countless days immediately died down to nothing. The sun broke through the overcast grey sky for the first time in weeks. The snow slowly melted away. The undead hordes which roamed the north and south of the Federation became normal people once again. They had no memory of what they had done recently. However, they remembered their homes and duly returned to them or reconnected with loved ones also turned by the Dark Bjorn. However, those undead individuals that were raised from the very soil itself collapsed into dust and blew away with the wind. The wolf men transformed into normal wolves. The human element, however, stayed with them. Trapped. Which resulted in suspiciously cunning wolves throughout the north and Canada. The harpies turned back into normal women again. They also had no memory of recent events and returned to their homes and loved ones. When Tiber and Erandur arrived in Edmonton they were met by snow covered abandoned streets without any foot fall. A few fires were burning here and there from buildings. It seemed devoid of life. But slowly people emerged from their hideouts and defenses. They approached Tiber and Erandur. The people asked who they were. Tiber explained. The crowd was now immeasurable. Once Tiber finished telling the story of receiving the Gods appointment and blessing, meeting a Japanese guide and defeating Bjorn...they shouted in joy. Tiber was surprised. He thought no one would believe him. It turned out that word had somehow spread south about the heroic journey, and that the people were waiting for Tiber's return (no doubt Erandur's doing). A large celebration was later held that night. Everyone showed their thanks, and gave praise to the two hero's, mainly Tiber. The next day food arrived into the city, for the snow had melted enough to allow passage on the roads once again. And the pipes unfroze. The people became jubilant and thanked Tiber once again. They unanimously proclaimed him Emperor of the Federation. Tiber accepted their appointment. Now began a new and prosperous era for Western Canada. And so ends our Saga. Long live the Emperor! Tiber Gauldurson
  3. Tiber and Erandur were finally brought to their intended destination by the mysterious Yukiko. She skillfully navigated her two unwanted companions through the forested and snow covered depths of northern Alberta and British Columbia. Avoiding the hordes of undead which were spread throughout the northern lands, and the wolf men which lurked among the trees hunting prey, they arrived safely. However, unknown to Tiber and Erandur, the Fiends of Bjorn had invaded south, attacking large towns and cities. Including Edmonton, the capital. The Southerners couldn't believe what they saw emerging from the blizzards. Most cities had to fend off the abominations by themselves. For the snow storm had made it impossible to travel between the cities and towns. Food was hard enough to procure due to the storm. Indeed the water pipes had frozen too, leading to a lack of drinkable water. Many were starving and thirsty. People were slowly dying. One would hardly expect that if all important food and water couldn't get through, neither would any military reinforcements. Now the south started to comprehend what they were up against. With the situation growing worse and worse Tiber and Erandur had to act soon, lest the people of the Federation be overwhelmed and destroyed by the undead, or fall victim to starvation. Yukiko had disappeared before Tiber and Erandur could offer their thanks for her help. But before she left she had pointed the two adventurers in the direction of Bjorn, just beyond the trees. And so they approached the treeline cautiously. They were careful not to make any noise that would alert Bjorn to their presence. After three or four minutes of careful walking the hero and the mage caught sight of the Count on the ground panting. They took cover behind the trees and watched to see if he was Bjorn. Meanwhile, Tiber was mentally preparing himself for the upcoming battle. " Can I do this? Can I do this?" he thought to himself. " How am I to fight this bastion of evil? I don't think I can do this......". Suddenly Erandur spoke aloud: " Yes you can do this. Not only have you the blessing of the Gods, but the spirit to do so. I believe in you, Tiber.You can do this. Your people need you to do this!". Tiber was startled by the fact that Erandur could read his thoughts, or at least guess what he was thinking from his facial and body movements. Then from out of nowhere Bjorn appeared and attacked the Count who had been resting against the tree. Erandur and Tiber watched as the event unfurled. Tiber pondered what Erandur had said and replied: " You're right. I can do this. I CAN DO THIS! FOR MY PEOPLE!". Tiber burst from behind the tree which he was concealed by. With his sword drawn he ran towards Bjorn and stopped a few steps before him, with Erandur in tail. Bjorn was standing over the battle-worn and blood stained Count, his own sword in hand. " Who are you?" he asked. " I am Tiber Gaulderson. And I am here to see you defeated." Bjorn laughed aloud in a maniacal manner. " Is that so? We'll see about that.". He made a whistle sound with his mouth. It was rather quiet and barely audible. Then, from amongst the trees, came the top lieutenants of Bjorn's fiends. His Harpies, Wolf Men and Undead minions. All in their terrible forms. " Attack!" shouted Bjorn. The creatures all moved to attack Tiber and Erandur. Tiber fought off the Wolf Men and the Harpies, while Erandur fought the undead creatures. The battle which ensued took quite some time. Tiber had slain many Harpies and Wolf Men, while Erandur still couldn't kill the Undead. Bjorn watched at a distance, waiting to see the two hero's overwhelmed. Meanwhile, the Count had moved against one of the trees for support, weakened and tired. Seeing Erandur fight the Undead he remembered seeing one of the supposedly invulnerable Undead fall to ashes in the fire at Bjorn's den. He called out to the mage " Magician! Use fire. Fire is their weakness.". Erandur heard him and cast a fireball with his staff. It struck one of the armored Undead. It went up in flames and fell to ashes. A smile emerged on Erandur's face. He was now winning against the Undead. Meanwhile, Tiber had slayed the last of Bjorn's lieutenant Wolf Men and Harpies. The battle was turning in their favor. " ENOUGH!" shouted Bjorn. He rose off the ground. His hair wildly flickered above his head. His eyes went a deep red. His voice turned into a demonic tone, while electricity circled around his body. Erandur and Tiber were knocked to their feet by an unknown force which came from the demon which now hovered above them. " You will not defeat me, mortals. I am more powerful than you can imagine! This land is mine! This world is mine! And now you will die". Then, from behind, Count Karlsson threw the dagger which he had taken from one of the sentinels at Bjorn's den into Bjorn's unprotected back. Bjorn screamed out in pain and anger. He collapsed to the ground and tried to pull it out. He couldn't and went into a delirious anger as he tried further attempts. Tiber saw his chance. He got up off the ground and charged at Bjorn. He thrust his sword into Bjorn's chest and through his heart. Bjorn let out a horrible demonic roar. Tiber twisted and pulled out his sword, with Bjorn's heart lodged at the end. Tiber took a few steps back and watched as Bjorn dropped his sword and placed his hands over the large hole where his heart was. Blood poured from his wound. He fell to his knees. His hair turned blue again. His physique transformed into that of a 17 year old once more, as did his facial features. He turned back into the young and innocent Bjorn. His true self. The one which had set out from Ayr with his companions on a quest to defeat the woman who would eventually turn him. He looked up at Tiber, his blue eyes wet from tears. " I'm sorry." he said in a quiet childish voice, before falling to the snow covered ground dead. Count Karlsson rushed over to the body of his dead son. He held it in his arms and cast angry tearless sighs. It was all over.
  4. Bjorn assembled his conjurations, transformations and undead thralls in the ruins of an old building deep in the woods of Northern Alberta, which had originally been a trading post for furs and other materials. Bjorn had taken it over, using it as a place from which he could launch his raids and conduct his magic in safety. In the main room of the ruins was a fire, large and bright. To the right of the fire was a table stained with blood and covered with a variety of embalming tools, where Bjorn transformed his victims. To left of the fire was a crude desk composed of a large stone slab, supported by two smaller stones. Upon the table was a variety of arcane tomes, wax candles and writing implements. There was no sign of a bed, for Bjorn did not rest. But at the end of the room, above the fire, made out of wood, stone and fur was a throne. There sat Bjorn. His maniacal demeanor had increased even further. His hair was now a derivative blur between red and blue. His eyes changed color between yellow and red. Lying down on the ground beside his throne were two Wolf Men, at rest. Their chests gently rising up and down as if they were new born cubs. Standing around the fire were Harpies, the Undead and more Wolf Men. But they were not the typical looking sort. The Harpies had long, white sharp claws, with long white hair draped down their backs. They wore crude armor as well, made out of the bones of their victims. The Undead were clad with pieces of steel armor. Never a full set however. Their eyes varied from red to blue, and they spoke in their own tongue. A tongue which Bjorn could comprehend and reply to them in. The fur of the Wolf Men were an unnatural black and red mixture. They were much bigger then their kin. With larger teeth and bigger claws. Their eyes were yellow. It was apparent that these creatures were the lieutenants of the other damned souls underneath Bjorn's command. They were the top of their breed and held council with Bjorn. Or rather he told them what he wanted done and they did it without question. " Bring him in!" he shouted. The two large wooden doors which acted as an entrance to the ruins of the building were slowly opened by the two undead sentinels guardian it. A large gust of wind came into the hall and disturbed the fire. Snow followed it. From the whiteness emerged three individuals. Two corpses and their prisoner. He was covered in blood. His hands were chained. He was being dragged on his knees by the two damned souls. The creatures around the fire looked with emptiness and hunger at the prisoner as he was dragged before the throne and thrown to the ground. The two Wolf Men that were resting now awoke and growled at the man. Bjorn got up from his throne and stood a step away from the man. He grabbed the long hair of the prisoner and pulled it back so that he would look up at Bjorn's face. " Well, well. Who do we have here?" he said with an evil smile. The prisoners face was slightly obscured by a snow covered and untamed beard. He looked into Bjorn's eyes. " You know who I am. I am Count Karlsson. Your father! And I'm here to bring you back home. I immediately left my meeting with the Faraway monarch once I heard you disappeared. And now I see I must turn you away from these unchristian practices.". Bjorn kneed the Count in the chest. " You're not my father. I only have one parent. My dear mother, Eleonore Bath. She created me. She made me see the light, and the falseness of your Christ. You should've stayed in Ayr, dear Count. For now you are about to die.". Bjorn stretched out his right hand. One of his undead lieutenants put a sword in it. Bjorn placed the sword on Count Karlsson's neck. He then raised it above his own head in preparation for a crushing strike. " Now you die!" Bjorn shouted, as the sword came crashing down. However, the Count raised up his chained hands to catch the blow of the sword. The strike of the steel sword against the iron chains broke the Counts bindings. He rolled away from the throne on his back. Karlsson stood up and ran to the door which he was dragged through earlier. He dodged the attacks of all the creatures along the way, pushing one of the Undead into the fire. It burned to dust in the flames. The sentinels were trying to shut the wooden doors. But Count Karlsson hit one of them, took it's dagger and ran into the forest just before the doors slammed shut. He ran and ran and ran until he could run no more. After a while he stopped and took respite behind a tree and looked around. No one was following. He collapsed to his knees, panting. Then, out of nowhere, Bjorn appeared and hit him in the face with the pommel of his sword. The Count fell to his side, blood pouring from his mouth. " Time to finish this!" shouted Bjorn. He raised his sword to strike dead the Count. But he stopped and lowered his sword. Bjorn looked past his fallen foe at something else. " Who are you?".
  5. Tiber was angered by what he considered to be Yukiko's cowardly flight from the fight. " A few corpses? Hardly. That seemed more like a battalion of near invincible damned souls! Though then again, I shouldn't expect you to know their strength since you fled like a child from them all. Not to forget your convenient reappearance with the dispersal of the wolf men. Your only skills seem to be direction, and disappearance in the face of foes." He sheathed his sword and followed Yukiko. Erandur followed suit. " Tiber is correct, Yukiko. That was a difficult challenge. Even for the strongest of warriors. And if you had noticed many fell at our hands. But even so they kept coming and coming. Very soon they would've overwhelmed us through sheer number. It's wise to know when to fight and when to retreat. Furthermore, I think it's best that we spare as many of these creatures as we can. Some are captured people who can be still released from their unnatural forms.". The trio continued their journey north. Much was yet to come.
  6. It was difficult to tell when one day began and another ended in this unforgivable climate. The heavy cloud cover and frequent blizzards often made it dark when it should be light, and darker again when it was night. The further north the trio went the worse it got. Even the trees of the forest were bare. The Stone Circles established by the Gods as sanctuaries for local wildlife and lost travelers grew less and less in number. Not that they were plentiful to begin with in the first place. But even as it became more desolate in the northern reaches of the Calgarian Federation movement was often seen between the trees, while peculiar noises resonated throughout the snow covered forest. Tiber in particular took notice of these noises. Some of them reminded him of the howling of wolves. Others the sorrowful moans of humans and the horrible screeching of birds. It sent a shiver through his spine for he knew that these sounds came from creatures conjured from another world. These disturbances didn't seem to bother Erandur or Yukiko at all. They just continued to walk silently through the snow. Tiber, however, remained vigilant. He slowed his pace and stopped. He drew his sword slowly from his sheath and listened attentively to his surroundings. Erandur turned his head back to look and see whether or not Tiber was still following. When he saw that the Champion was in a statutory manner he stopped as well. Yukiko followed suit. " What's the matter my dear lad?" he called out. " Did you see something?". Without waiting for a response the old man took a defensive stance with his staff in hand. " I suggest you prepare yourself Yukiko. Yukiko.......?". The newest addition to the group had disappeared into the snow. " Where did she go?" he said to himself. But then, off in the distance, a disturbing howl cut through the air. Tiber slowly walked backwards to Erandur. He stopped and they both stood with their backs to each other moving slowly around in a circle. Waiting for an attack to come from anywhere. But when the howl died, it was followed by silence. Nothing came bursting out from amongst the trees. Nothing. But then, slowly shambling from all directions, came decomposed corpses. They wore worn clothing. Some wore torn suits, regular wear and bedclothes. Clothes one would expect to see in a museum or a period movie adorned these undead people. Some were even naked. They all slowly shambled towards the two men, all the while making a sorrowful moaning sound. It was as if though they were in despair. Perhaps because they were awoken from their eternal sleep? Perhaps because they were captured and made into this by the Dark One. Tiber re-sheathed his sword and took the bow latched onto his back into his hands and notched an arrow from his quiver on its string. He aimed at one of the corpses and fired. It hit the former person, a woodcutter by the look of it, in the chest. But it kept coming. He notched another arrow and this time aimed for the head. It hit the dead woodcutter directly in the eye. But it kept on coming. Tiber was getting frustrated. " They seem invincible. How are we to make the Dead....dead....Erandur?!". Erandur wondered as much as well. " Keep trying. They are bound to have a weakness.". Tiber unsheathed his sword again and attacked the nearest walking corpse. As he approached the creature it reached out its arms to grab him. Tiber hacked them both off. However, it continued to come after him. He then severed its head. It rolled onto the ground, staining the snow with red as it went. The head kept snapping and the body, now headless, continued forward. Tiber hacked off the headless body's legs. It fell backwards in to the snow, but kept struggling to get up again. " Bloody hell. They won't give up!" shouted Tiber. He preceded to fend of the creatures around him by cutting off their arms and legs. Erandur was doing the same. He fought the undead back with his staff. As a mass of the Damned surrounded the two adventurers Erandur became desperate. " Damn it all! Prepare yourself Tiber, to run!" he shouted allowed. Erandur banged the heel of his staff against the ground. Suddenly a huge amount of the undead were blasted away, cutting a path through the horde. " Quickly now. Run!". Tiber and Erandur ran through the opening which the wizard had formed. Panting, they got clear of the undead danger and rested in the snow, now far away from the slow shambling corpses. " That was too close." said Erandur " But I fear we are not out of the woods yet, pardon the pun.". Erandur was right. As soon as they had regained their breath a pack of wolf men had surrounded them. Tiber, his blood drenched sword in hand, charged at the nearest wolf. It knocked him back, leaving a huge scar on his torso. Tiber rose again. This time he allowed the beast to make the first move. It lunged at him with its claws. He dodged the attack and thrust his sword though the creatures skull. A whimper arose from the beast as it fell to the ground dead. Tiber pulled his sword from the beasts skull and waited for the other wolf men to attack. Two charged at him, while the remaining three went for Erandur. At that moment the wizard raised his staff and a blinding light emerged from it. The wolf men whimpered at its shine and ran off into the woods. Then silence came again. The two adventurers had won this battle. But more was to come." Well, that was eventful. But where is Yukiko?" said Erandur, curious to know as to where she went off to.
  7. Tiber was confused by what Yukiko had said. " Source? What source?" he asked gently. But she did not respond. Tiber turned his head to look at Erandur, who hadn't broken his stare on Yukiko since the moment he sat down. " You know what we seek girl? Don't you? However, you don't know why......" said Erandur as he looked into the blue eyes of the young stranger. Still holding his stare on Yukiko he spoke to Tiber " She knows that we are looking for something. She knows what we are looking for. But the reasoning behind it she does know." The old man went silent for a moment. " What an interesting character you are Yukiko. One can only wonder what powers you possess." The Mage stood up with the aid of his staff. He looked to Tiber and back to Yukiko. He started to speak. " My friend here is on a quest. A quest to save this very world. For a dark force has moved into this land. It has conjured many creations. Werewolf's. Harpies. The undead.They threaten to invade the south and spread throughout the continent. Already they attack the northern settlements. And each day we stand and do nothing the stronger this evil gets. However, salvation is here and it comes in the form of Tiber. He has been made the Champion of the Gods. They have named him Ysmir. So why do we seek the source? Because it's Tiber's destiny to stop this evil and prevent the ending of the world." " Will you help us?"
  8. Erandur was a bit perplexed by the unexpected physical contact from the young Japanese lady. Well, he assumed she was of Japanese origin due to her appearance and accent. Later her name confirmed his assumption. He noticed how the strangers white overalls acted like camouflage in the snow, especially when she sat down. Though her long dark hair countered that. " Takeuchi Yukiko, what a nice name. I am Erandur the Old, son of Galmar, son of Falk. My companion standing a small distance behind my is Tiber Gauldurson. And I do believe we've been looking for you as well." Erandur called Tiber to come meet Yukiko. As he waited for him to come he sat down in the snow across from the Japanese adventurer. Tiber arrived, his helmet removed from his head and held tightly under his left arm. He stood above the other two wondering why they were sitting in the coldness of the snow. " Sit with us." said Erandur. Tiber duly did so. The three of the them now sat in quietness. Nothing but the cold winter wind could be heard and, at times, the falling of snow from the branches of the trees nearby. " My Gods said that we were to meet an individual dressed in white deep in the forest who would lead us to the source of the lands woes. They said it would be an unexpected encounter. And unexpected this encounter is."
  9. Deep in the forest the three adventurers met as strangers. Each dressed in their own unique apparel. Each here for a specific purpose. To rid the land of it's evil plague or die trying. " Wait here Tiber. I shall approach this individual first." Erandur slowly walked towards the foreigner while Tiber remained where he stood in the snow. Erandur stopped a few steps from the mysterious individual and leaned on his staff. He took a huge breath and began to speak. " Hail, stranger. What brings you so far out in the woods? It's dangerous to be on your own you know. Might I ask your name?"
  10. Erandur and Tiber left the stone circle and continued their journey through the forest. Tiber felt unusually strong. Stronger than ever before......even though there was no physical change to be seen upon his body. It was as if his soul...his confidence...had increased in strength when he touched the Stone of Shor. " What has this blessing done to me, Erandur?" he asked. " When you touched that stone you were in-turn touched by the Gods. They made you their champion. Ysmir. And with this blessing you received a boost to your physical and mental being. The blood of the Gods now runs through you. Your destiny is confirmed. You're to defeat the evil which resides in this land." Tiber was confused. Erandur kept saying that he was to defeat this evil. But how? " And how I am to do this?!" Erandur kept walking without even turning to answer Tiber " All in good time Tiber. All in good time." " But right now, we have a friend to meet. And if I'm right she's just over there. Come, we must keep on top of matters while we can."
  11. Weather - Meteorologists have reported a large cold front descending from northern and eastern Canada which will settle over the Federation in the coming days. There is expected to be large snowfall throughout the Calgarian Federation and the surrounding American Commonwealth protectorates. This will be accompanied by heavy mists, thunder and lightening. The federal government has warned local authorities and citizens throughout the country to prepare for this particularly upcoming harsh winter weather. Citizens have been suggested to gather supplies and essentials in preparation for this front and to have the necessary items to keep warm. The Elderly Protection Program (EPP) has been put into operation by all local authorities at the command of President Archibald. This program moves elderly couples or individuals living on their own into family houses or the houses of volunteers for the duration of the winter in order to keep them safe. Citizens living in northern municipalities have been encouraged to have weapons at hand in case bears, wolves or any other dangerous animals coming down south escaping the weather or trying to find food come in close proximity to their properties. Northern municipalities - There has been a significant escalation in the amount of disappearances in the territories of northern British Columbia and Alberta. Local authorities are trying to find out what has happened to these individuals and are asking for any information relating to the matter. Local police have also issued warnings to citizens, suggesting that they should not travel alone.
  12. Tiber and Erandur had been walking for hours through the forest. Snow fell gently from the sky through the branches of the trees above them. It was late in the day and the red evening sky could be seen sprawled out in all directions. It was the first sight of a non-overcast sky in a long time. It seemed as though if the Gods themselves favored this day and made it lighter to give hope to those in need of it. The two adventurers were a long way away from the warmth and comfort of the cabin. Tiber had dressed up warmly with a cloak upon his back, but Erandur the Old did not. He seemed accustomed to this type of climate. " Not much further now." he said to Tiber " We should be at our destination in a matter of minutes!" Tiber sighed in relief. This wasn't the evening to be making a long walk through the forest. The cold gets to ones arms and legs. Making them sore and stiff. Tiber had brought with him his trusty bow and quiver of three dozen arrows which he used to hunt animals. It never let him down. Not once. Every shot he fired went straight into the heart of its target. Sometimes the eye! In an elaborate sheath on his left side was a silver sword. It was a fine sword made of the best material Tiber could procure. Its handle was well crafted and engraved with artistic patterns. He called it Buadach. And it would accompany him once again through the forest. Tiber wore his own personal leather armor which was warm and sturdy. He also wore a steel helmet with horns on either side. It gave him a heroic look. It was practical too due to the fact that the leather armor made him more mobile and the helmet protected the all important head. " Here we are!" shouted Erandur. In a small clearing stood three standing stones engraved with runes and symbols. Some had worn out images of people in the form of a wizard or warrior upon them. A small stream ran close by one of the stones. Steam rose off it, creating a mist which lingered along the outside of the clearing. Acting as a form of camouflage to this small enclave of peace. As Tiber and Erandur walked closer to the stones the air became warmer. Birds could be heard. Small woodland creatures such as rabbits and squirrels were running around. It was obviously a safe place. " Why is there so much life here, Erandur?" asked Tiber. " Because my Gods protect this place. These stones are a direct connection to them. They resonate with the energy and magic of the Gods. The characters on the stones represent some of them. The wizard is Magnus, God of Wisdom and Logic. The warrior is Shor, God of War and Strength. You will find stone circles like these spread throughout the forest. They are enclaves of protection not only for animals but people as well." Tiber was amazed by this sanctuary of nature. But he would be amazed even further by what he was about to see next. " And now to show you what we are here for." Erandur walked behind one of the large standing stones. He disappeared for a minute or so until he reappeared dragging the large corpse of a creature behind him. He threw it before Tiber. Tiber took a look and what he saw astonished him. It was a half-man half-wolf creature. Its teeth were as sharp as knives. Its claws as long as daggers. Its eyes were large and red. " This.." said Erandur " is what stalks the lands of the north day and night, preying on the weak and strong alike. It's a creation of a boy, or what was once a boy, called Bjorn the Dark. An apprentice, as far as I can tell, of Eleonore Bath. A necromancer. The Gods told me she corrupted him and has unleashed him upon Western Canada, trying to spread the dark will of her Gods even further across the continent. If we don't stop them they will create a large army of unthinkable evil to conquer, kill and enslave man not only here, but throughout the world. For she has that power. They have that power!" Tiber stood confused looking at the creature. He now knew the seriousness of the situation. He knew what Erandur spoke of was true. " I believe you now Erandur, and I'm sorry for my previous doubt. But, I must ask, how does this concern me?" Erandur placed his hand on Tiber's shoulder " You've been chosen by the Gods. Your good heart and desire to serve your fellow man has shown that you are the right man to do this. And the fact that you live near the forest and have learned its ways is helpful too. You are more than suited for this crusade. And you won't be doing it alone. For I shall be with you. And I expect more to join in. Now we have one more thing to do." Erandur banged his staff on the ground. Three flashes came from each stone. Tiber looked around and noticed that three more people dressed in similar robes to Erandur had joined the circle. " These are my brothers and sisters. They are here to help me conduct the ceremony that will mark you as the champion of the Gods. Place your hand upon the stone of Shor and we shall begin." Tiber did as he was asked and place his hand upon the stone of Shor. Erandur and the others assembled around him. They raised their hands into the air and said together " By the will of Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Mara, Shor, Magnus, Brigid, and Lar we name you Ysmir, Dragon of the North, and bless you in their name." The three stones lit up and shot three large electric blue beams into the sky. The ground shook and a dragon roar ripped through the air. A hero was created.
  13. " A dhaoine Uaisle, ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a thabhairt leat. Tá sé deas Éire nua a fheiceáil. Go n-éiri an t-ádh leat!" Carl Thompson Secretary of Foreign Affairs
  14. ......Elsewhere in the North...... By the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, where the wild northern forest ends just as it touches the foundations of the natural giants which grace the local landscape with their magnificent beauty, lives a humble man. This man lives a simple life. One free of the artificial needs and desires of the modern world. One free of electricity or modern technology. A life lived in harmony with nature. His days are mainly taken up with fishing along the inlets of the Inside Passage just over the mountains, growing food in his plentiful garden, hunting game in the forest or chopping wood for the fire. In the evenings, after washing up and eating his grown or caught food, he reads from the vast collection of books in his possession or hones and tidy's his weapons. Years of this style of living have made him strong and hardy. Patient and calm. Wise and knowledgeable. But his life was not always like this. Five years ago he was once a part of the hectic world which he now is free from. He was a politician. A young one at that. He was twenty years of age. A member of parliament for an urban municipality. At first he loved his job. He wanted to help and serve the people to the best of his abilities. But then the true nature of politics was revealed to him during his time as representative. The people he worked with were not motivated by love of country or by the well being of the people. They were motivated by personal interest and money. And so with the undermining of his idealism he left his home to have a more simple life. One which he found. And here he was content to stay. But little did he know that he was to be charged with a great task. One that would not only serve his people, but save them as well. And they will reward him greatly for it. But that's if he succeeds..... It was evening time and this man was outside cutting the grass which had grown wild about his home. The fire was on within the house and the smoke it produced could be seen rising from the chimney. A nice rabbit stew was on the boil and he intended to have it once the grass was done. With a few quick slashes of his scythe his task was finished and he straightened his back and looked around him to admire his handiwork. Just as he was about to go inside he noticed a figure coming out of the forest. It seemed to be an old man with a staff making his way slowly to the cabin. The owner of the cabin walked towards the old man and stopped when he was in hearing range. " Who goes there?" he asked. " I am Erandur the Old, son of Galmar, son of Falk. And I come only with good intentions and more. Might I ask that you give hospitality to an old man who has walked far?" " You are welcome to stay. My name is Tiber Gauldurson." "That I know." replied Erandur. The two men entered the house and sat down beside the fire. Tiber poured the stew which he had made earlier into two bowls and gave one to Erandur. They sat there eating quietly until Tiber asked " How do you know my name?". Erandur looked at him. His face was lightened by the fire. His great thick grey beard and stern face could be seen clearly now. " The Gods told me your name and to come find you. They said you're of great importance, my son." Tiber looked at him in confusion. " You must have been walking in those woods for far too long and lost your mind.". Erandur shrugged his comment off and continued " A dark evil has moved into these lands. It has disturbed the forest greatly. The animals have moved further north to escape this darkness. Surely you've even noticed this, Hunter?" Tiber had as a matter of fact. The rabbit in their stew was the first one he had caught in weeks. He hadn't seen deer or any larger game for much longer. Come to think of it the birds weren't as active as usual either. " Throughout the northern lands of the Calgarian Federation disappearances have become common place. Tales of wolf men, birdlike women and shambling corpses are everywhere. Serious enquiries were made to the appropriate authorities in the southern lands. But they don't believe a word of it." Erandur stopped and looked dead into the eyes of Tiber. " But I can tell you, they are not lies. It's all true. For I have seen these things not only on my way here but before that. In a different land. A barony of the old Faraway Queendom. We are in great danger. Western Canada is. Which is why my Gods have returned to this land and asked me to come find you." Tiber stood up and placed his empty bowl above the fire place. He could not help but think of what the old stranger had just said. At first he thought he was crazy. Then he reflected further while looking into the fire. To him it would explain the disappearance of the plentiful game which once resided in this neck of the woods. It would also explain the peculiar noises he heard three days ago coming from the forest. Noises that sounded as if a pack of wolves were chasing down a human. Then there was that other occasion, just yesterday evening. It was dark and Tiber was finishing up in the garden when he caught a glimpse of what looked to be two large read eyes at an incredible distance from the ground on the edge of the forest. It was as if though a huge bear standing on its legs was looking at him and then disappeared. But he was still unsure. " I don't believe you Erandur. These events can be attributed to natural occurrences and not dark forces." Erandur stood up and placed his bowl above the fireplace too. He looked Tiber directly in the eyes. " O really? I can change that. Follow me and I will show you that what I speak of is true."
  15. ..........10 Years Later.......... The forest floor was covered in the winter snow which had fallen continuously since last month. It stretched endlessly, undisturbed, in all directions. Not even the imprints of small woodland creatures active during this time of the year were to be found. A sorrowful silence hung over the forest, as if though everything had hidden or fled in fear of a dark evil. A creation of another world……of other Gods. By an isolated boulder sat a tall hooded figure near the warmth of a small fire, staring at something in close proximity. Another human. This stranger was dressed in purple robes. His head was shrouded in darkness by a hood. He quietly exhaled, his breath freezing as it exited from the illusion of a dark void his hidden face portrayed. By his right side lay a large staff with a magical stone of some form on top. To his left was a carelessly placed bag of supplies, scrolls and weapons. His demeanor seemed menacing. And it would be proven true by what was about to happen next. The hooded man slowly rose from his previous position, all the while maintaining eye contact with the figure lying against the tree directly across from where he now stood. The area they were in was a treeless place. A clearing in the form of a perfect circle deep in the forest. The overcast winter sky could be seen above them. The man slowly walked towards the other stranger. His boots making large footprints in the snow. As the hooded man approached this other individual he stopped and pulled back his hood. What was revealed, once hidden away in the artificial darkness of the hood, was the face of a blue haired adolescent. His eyes a demonic red. His face as white as the snow around him. He knelt down to uplift the black bag which hid the face of this other stranger. With the bag removed the person it once concealed was revealed to be a young man of twenty years. His dark blond hair was a mess and speckled with blood. His blue eyes were red around the rims from crying. Tears were still visible on his cheeks. His hands and feet were bound with rope. “Please.” he said “Let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone. I promise.” The blue haired teen looked at him with indifference and walked to the center of the clearing. There he stood and held his hands in the air. He looked up to the sky and spoke in an incomprehensible tongue. As he did so lightening hit the ground around him. It slithered like a snake into a circle about his position, forming runes and symbols of an unknown nature. The red eyes of the adolescent burned like fire. His voice became deeper and deeper as he spoke the demonic language. The ground started to shake. The snow about him melted away. The adolescent turned to face his hostage. The runes on the ground shone with an electric blue. His hair danced wildly on his head. His eyes burned brighter and brighter with red. He lifted off the ground and hovered above the demonic circle which formed beneath him earlier. Then, with a large flash, a bolt of red energy came from the adolescents being and struck the constrained boy. The boy’s hair turned white. His body shriveled up into an older form, and then bone. It was over. The blue haired demon returned to the ground. His eyes went back to a calmer red. His hair relaxed and the electricity and energy about him disappeared. Only something was different. He seemed older, stronger. More developed. It was as though if he aged ten more years into a proper adult. The former boy inhaled through his nostrils and exhaled through his mouth. “Power.” He whispered, “POWER! No longer am I Bjorn the Boy, but Bjorn the Man. Bjorn the Undying. Bjorn the Dark!” He laughed maniacally. It echoed throughout the forest. It made the birds take flight from the trees and the woodland creatures flee in fear. “Time to begin my work. This land is mine.”
  16. OOC: Continuation from this: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/116796-defence-against-the-darkness/?hl=%2Bdefence+%2Bagainst+%2Bthe+%2Bdarkness As Bjorn walked into the room he found Eleonore and her lieutenant on a dais, as another harpy and wolf sat at their feet. She smirked and rose form her throne, "Ah, the teenager, welcome." She smiled and pointed to the two monsters. "Your friends were less successful, but they seem to enjoy their new beings. I must congratulate you for coming so far." Torstenson would eye the two monsters closely as she indicated them, but remained silent, standing by the dais and adding to the imposing figure that Eleonore already seemed to cut. Bjorn was devastated. After all his hardship, after all his mental and physical conflict, he had failed. His eyes filled with tears as he looked at the monstrosities which he once called "friends". “What...what have you done to them?!" he asked in astonishment. “You she-devil!” "Shhhh, dear heart." She smiled and walked down from the dais, running her hands over the feathers of the harpy and the fur of the wolf. "They enjoyed what they became, I gave them power, strength, a new look on life and I can give that to you as well. Indeed I will give you back your friends and in your hands I will place the realm of Ayr." Bjorn dried his wet blue eyes with the sleeve of his red tunic. His blue fringe had fallen once again over his forehead, and obscured his view. He pushed it back and looked at Eleonore. “What you say is treason. What you say is all lies. You pour poison in my ear!” Bjorn took a defensive stance and unlatched his silver great sword. “We shall see what you will offer when your head is severed from your body!". Bjorn charged at the sorceress with full speed. Torstenson had moved forward to protect the sorceress from the marauding character, but instead, Theo would stop short of stepping in front of the alchemist. Eleonore threw out her hand as an invisible force pushed the sword out of Bjorn's grip and then lifted him into the air, ramming him against a nearby wall. "You won't kill me, warrior, you have no idea of the power that I have. I would suggest if you want anything out of your life. You listen to me. Your friends did." Bjorn fell to the ground with a great thud. His fragile physique was like a twig. A twig that could be easily snapped by the limitless power of Eleonore. Blood poured from the side of his head like a trickle of rain. It fell to the floor and stirred the beast which was once his friend. “You evil witch. You abomination!" he cried out. He rose up upon his knees weakly with the support of his hands. “You will not turn me." he said softly, but with much pain. "Yes, yes I've heard it before, now, are you going to accept my offer or aren't you? If you're not," she turned to Theo, "You can kill him." With the strength gone out of his body Bjorn stammered towards Eleonore. His legs seemed to forget themselves. One foot went slowly in front of the other. He collapsed onto her shoulder. Bjorn looked at his former friends. He sobbed silently once again. Only a bit though. For he understood what he was about to do. A quiet and despairing "Yes." was whispered into Eleonore’s ear. She turned him........
  17. The American Commonwealth, a bastion of democracy and freedom. A pillar of stability on the North American subcontinent. Giver of Calgarian independence, and major unofficial trade partner to the Federation. President Archibald thought it high time to establish official diplomatic relations with the Commonwealth. A message was sent ahead to Washington asking if it would be possible to hold a meeting with a representative of the American Commonwealth to discuss various diplomatic matters. Upon receiving confirmation Carl Thompson, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, flew to Washington to begin talks. It was the beginning of a new chapter, indeed the first chapter, of Commonwealth/Federation relations.
  18. With the invitation received, and the necessary arrangements made, President Archibald flew to Sapporo on the Presidential Jet. He believed a meeting of such major powers like this required his personal presence and not that of some low grade federal diplomat.
  19. The Federal Army has been reduced in size from eighty-thousand personnel to sixty five-thousand personnel, and ten-thousand in reserve. The Military High Command thought it best to invest money in a smaller, more professional, defensive force to protect the people of the Federation. President Archibald found himself in agreement with this policy change. He was quoted to have said that it would contribute to the development of a professional force of soldiers defending " our homeland ". He also said that this action freed up more money to be invested in social welfare projects and the economy, which benefits everyone. Meanwhile, in economic news, increased investment from Japanese firms has been reported in the markets. This is no doubt a direct result of President Archibald's Economic Development Programme and recent diplomatic talks held with the Japanese Foreign Minister. A rise in Japanese tourist numbers coming to British Columbia and Alberta has also been noted. The economic benefit of their presence will soon reveal itself, developing the Calgarian economy even further. In other news a new, partially state-owned, company known as the Athabasca Oilfields Corporation was opened today. The necessary facilities to extract the oil have been built, as has a pipeline to the harbor of Prince Rupert to handle oil exports to the Pacific Ocean. The company is now open to public/private investment. Furthermore, a Calgarian-Japanese military research facility has been built in the harbor of Prince Rupert.
  20. Great celebrations were held throughout the federation today to mark the unification of the state of British Columbia with it's southern lands. Families, friends and general kinsmen once divided by the boundaries of nations have been reunited once again, sparking much joy and happiness in the state. The government of the American Commonwealth and the government of the Calgarian Federation are working closely together to ensure that a smooth unification is achieved. The southern lands of British Columbia are being integrated into the political system of the state. Constituencies are being established and elections are being held to help these new citizens voice their opinions in the state assembly and national assembly. President Archibald in a speech earlier today praised the American Commonwealth for allowing the people of British Columbia to determine the course of their future through these elections. He said " The American Commonwealth, our friends in the south, truly emobdy the definition of democracy and freedom."
  21. Could you please add MostGloriousLeader's section of the province of British Columbia to the Calgarian Federation, as approved here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/108220-the-commonwealth-chronicle/page-4#entry3189442 Thanks.
  22. " We're also cautious in regards to defining our diplomatic relationship with your state, just as you are with ours, but no doubt time will change that. We accept your offer of establishing an embassy in your fine country. We also appreciate the funding, support and expertise which your country has offered to provide in developing the harbour of Prince Rupert. So thank you very much, Mr.Nakamichi. If that is all there is to discuss I would like to bid you farewell, and safe travels. It was a pleasure hosting you, Mr.Nakamichi."
  23. Many changes have taken place recently in the Calgarian Federation. Infrastructural improvements have occurred, along with military expansion. The federations energy supply has been steadily pulled off coal to a mixture of oil, gas, solar power, wind power, and hydro power. Large wind farms have been created in non-forested, non-fertile and non-inhabited regions of the federation, while solar farms have been constructed and scattered throughout the country. Hydro power is being drawn from the many rivers of British Columbia and Alberta. While this may seem detrimental to the environment it should be known that all these energy facilities have been constructed in less attractive areas of the federation, and any damaged caused during construction has been corrected. This is so because the public does not want the natural beauty of the federation to be stained. Large amounts of energy are being created from these new power sources. So much so that the federation has become self-sufficient in energy needs. However, this may change as the federation marches into the future. As this power switch occurred new railways were constructed throughout the federation connecting all the major cities, while previously existing railways and motorways were restored across the states of Alberta and British Columbia. Finally the Federal Army has been increased to 80,000 active men and women. They've been properly trained and armed and are ready to defend the federation from any hostile nation.
  24. " I commend you on your well thought out approach to these matters Mr.Nakamichi. I agree with the establishment of a partially state-run company over the Athabasca oil fields. In this way not only can Calgarian company's invest in the venture, but your own entrepreneurs as well. My government will fund the construction of the necessary facilities to extract and process the oil from the Athabasca oil fields. My government will also fund the construction of pipelines to the harbor of Prince Rupert, which will itself be expanded to accommodate its new function to the Federation. Or perhaps do Japanese companies want the contracts for such undertakings? Much wealth will be had from this. As for the construction of a research facility in Prince Rupert at the same time, I agree. We can jointly research the creation of new weapons and vehicles to fulfill the role of a mobile defensive force in mountainous and rugged terrain. We can even expand it in future to research aircraft and other defensive weapons systems. And but of course we should have student exchanges between our universities. Japanese students can come to our finest institutions of learning and co-operate with our experts on the primary sector, and ours will do the same with yours. In this way we can utilize the full potential of both our primary sectors and share information. I would also like to invite you to establish an embassy in Edmonton. Consider us your friends on the North American sub-continent Mr.Nakamichi."
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