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Everything posted by r00tn00b

  1. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1330583025' post='2931060'] I see GOONS has more than twice as many nations in anarchy as Mongols, this war is going great for you guys. [/quote] It's like, there isn't some thing that put someone in anarchy instantly, without effort or skill, something that can be used on multiple people a day and doesn't care about statistics or ability.
  2. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1330582703' post='2931054'] You are trying too hard. [/quote] Oh, go on about how much effort you think I put into this. It's adorable. Making you look like a fool, its just to easy.
  3. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1330582610' post='2931052'] How about you deal with Mongols then and send Europa our way? im sure we can deal with them just as easy as Mongols are with you guys. [/quote] What is it like in a world of pure imagination. Take a look at you'll see that its just in your head, We'll be here with some nukes rolling in the world of our creation, how you react it defies explanation. If you want to view paradise simply take a look at us, anything we want we do it, We want to change the world.
  4. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1330582430' post='2931048'] I never get tired of see how people act war hungry when they are in the bigger side. [/quote] I never get tired of you being on the losing side. warms my heart. and its kind of pathetic you are so bitter about it.
  5. [quote name='trimm' timestamp='1330581434' post='2931040'] I would say the tone of Tyga's responses show pretty clearly that both of them are responding quite purposefully. [/quote] the world may never know
  6. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1330580354' post='2931030'] I love how Sarcasm doesnt really travel that well over the internet. [/quote] You DON'T say. Who would have thought a spoken word concept that uses inflection and tone not to be translated well over a text based communication forum. HOLY CHRIST ON A !@#$ CRACKER you are a !@#$@#$ genius. Europa, roll them.
  7. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330579508' post='2931026'] Yup. More insults, no substance. [/quote] Substance abuse is bad, You should seek professional help. I can see why you have trouble understanding the situation when your judgment is clouded by narcotics. So we can forgive you. I have seen how hard it is on people who rely on these terrible things to make it through the day, and I for one, pity you.
  8. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1330576522' post='2930989'] Did i really say that? fun can be alot of things, it seems you have a one track mind on everything. [/quote] Lord Caparo -Backpedal king "Please don't call me on my !@#$%^&* bro"
  9. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330565824' post='2930910'] More abuse and no attempt to point out what it is I have missed. Well played, Sir! [/quote] Missed, WHAT HAVE YOU MISSED, WHAT THE $%&@ HAVE YOU MISSED, the point good sir you missed the point, the point of my blade you mangy cur. I'll have at ye again if you be boarding my ship again. And I won't be so sloppy next time.
  10. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1330558759' post='2930841'] It obviously went over your head? Boasting about a skewed chart is pretty funny, this is what I was getting at and obviously for some reason you didn't catch it. Tbh boasting about any chart skewed or not is funny, and not something that you would associate with GOONS who supposedly don't care about stats. Clearly you don't know me, I only have 1 mode and that's !@#$ mode You really don't think I'd change my habits because a GOON says "Hiro: I never had anything against you, don't be a !@#$%." [/quote] for someone who "gets" GOONs you sure seem to not "get" it.
  11. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330553513' post='2930788'] More abuse but no indication what it is that I missed. I'm not surprised. [/quote] stating a fact is not abuse. what you missed and continue to miss is the ability to step back and look at anything in a different light. as of this post I am just going to ignore your content and just reply with the crazy ramblings of a senile old man who thinks everyone else is out to get him and needs to let everyone know it.
  12. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330516459' post='2930591'] Yes, I did. I don't see what that has to do with what I said. [/quote] Of course you don't if you were able to see things from any other perspective than your own skewed view you'd be almost tolerable.
  13. [quote name='votomax' timestamp='1330504332' post='2930557'] It's great to see so many voices and opinions here and a special shout out to you MONGOL lovers out there. It's true, we are the kind of dudes that will get between the bullies and the little guy because we don't mind getting punched in the face and we love punching back. 22 MONGOLS have risen up against many more GOONS and there will be 22 MONGOLS when the fun's all done. Will there be a few LESS GOONS and a few MORE MONGOLS as a result of our stand ? well, I guess time will tell. Best of Luck to everyone involved and Enjoy [/quote] You except the 1 that fled to MHA and the 3 that ran to peace mode. other than that. also if you think goons run from war, you don't pay attention.
  14. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1330500565' post='2930543'] Maybe he was blinded by laughter at you posting a skewed chart with nations of 174k joining you and them only loosing under 100k NS to an alliance 10x larger? Yea.............. [/quote] yup, must be it, you hit the nail on the head once again Hiro, you are a sage with wisdom beyond your years.
  15. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1330500042' post='2930541'] You should have serious self-confidence problems to need to post charters of a war against an alliance literally 10x smaller than yours. [/quote] You really can't read huh.
  16. GOONS: [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/oh8sgh.png[/img] MONGOLS: [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/24o35fl.png[/img] normally I wouldn't do this, but since they wanted to bring it out that they were totally crushing us on day 1.
  17. [quote name='lord bitburg' timestamp='1330447872' post='2930039'] Damn it kids. Keep on subject! This is about US and THEM. Now start talking about ME ME ME! and why does no one address the facts, in the end 1 mongol aided, and we are being attacked, and 1 lone aided, and he is free. Yes thats because this was the plan, its the GET (Goon Entertainmant Television) [/quote] you must not come here to often. these threads never stay on topic. and no this wasn't an eleborate scheme we didn't even know who you guys were a few days ago. nor do we.care now. we are just enforcing polocy.
  18. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1330443740' post='2930025'] The only reason this version of goons might follow "thru" is because their allies win their wars for them. Up against it I imagine you would do as goons do, fold without a fight. [/quote] you are just mad you don't have awesome friends like we do. its no.secret we do like our money but in the last war we requested no outside aid.
  19. [quote name='The Great One' timestamp='1330442590' post='2930019'] So to clarify, being selected as a raid target by a GOON denies you the right to use the foreign aid function of the game with one exception. If you use it then those sending the aid are considered to be committing an act of war against GOONs. On the other foot, the raiding of a nation by GOONs for no reason other than might is right denies all of CN the right to conduct foreign aid deals with that nation, under threat of a GOONs DoW. [/quote] close. missed it by thaaaat much. it has to be deliberate war aids. in this case 3m/50t/2000s from more than one person in the same alliance and this had no ill effect on the raided nation. the issue we had was with another alliance interfering with our nations war. if they had waited till the war ran its course or contacted us for letting the nation go (which would have been a simple task on the mercy board for taking income away from our members) this would not have escalated at all.
  20. [quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1330360643' post='2929307'] But you haven't. Mongols are 22 nations with 66 defensive war pslots. You are 218 nations. You have put 41 offensive wars on them... and they have put 16 offensive wars on you. [/quote] to be fair they only have 57 avalible slots since 3 ran to pm before the dows happened. and I have confidence the rest will.be filled. missing a few on day one isn't a crime.
  21. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1330417939' post='2929894'] I call it honesty. Seems to work for SirWilliam and Co. You're responding to me though aren't you? [/quote] I thought you needed the attention, you looked lonely.
  22. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1330417464' post='2929889'] Not character assassination though is it. The only thing you taught me is how to push your members buttons, if you count that as teaching then maybe, I class it as me learning. [/quote] You are such a clever little boy aren't you. I bet you know exactly what to say to get me all FIRED UP. And I would say that insulting someone intelligence is a true form of character assassination.
  23. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1330417369' post='2929888'] I have a 1,000 word essay I need to write for a much more important reason than CN, yet I've still procrastinated doing it for a week with than less than a week left to do it. I still haven't started it and don't look forward to doing it, if it was for the purpose of getting peace with GOONS I would never get around to writing it. 1,000 words don't wright themselves and is much more hassle than doing anything in CN should be. Although if you're going to have your tech raid policy effect others like this, it does make it people who aren't in your alliance's business what your tech raid policy is and whether you follow your own rules. [/quote] We follow our rules to the T, and if we make a mistake, we pay damages. 1,000 words was an option of 3 options the mongols could have taken, it is not our fault what option they chose. There were easier, more fun options to do.
  24. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1330416913' post='2929881'] Explain to me how calling someone being angry is the same as saying they are having an emotional breakdown, and your alliance taught me nothing of value. [/quote] I do believe calling someone and idiot is more than calling them mad. We have taught you plenty.
  25. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1330416742' post='2929879'] One of them aiding a tech raid victim is a horrible reason to go to war, from what you guys have said in the past you don't consider yourselves to be at a state of war with those you tech raid, as you consider them separate things. You guys seem to be pushing your tech raid policy onto others in deciding whoever you attack suddenly can't recieve money, thus you're trying to limit people from being able to tech deal with those you consider unaligned. Kind of makes all the announcements from Doom House on wanting to protect tech buyers rights with the policies you wanted to shove on everyone seem hypocritical when you deal with those you're tech raiding receiving money like this. [/quote] We have never said anything different about how we treat our wars and raids. We acknowledge there is a difference but our policy is that be it war or raid, out side interference from another entity for the sole purpose of helping a target not under their protection by treaty or alliance affiliation is and will always be an act of war against GOONs. We stated that to MONGOL, we gave them rep/mercy terms, they rejected and failed miserably, and this is now where we are.
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