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Posts posted by Cager

  1. NPO, Valhalla, and TPF all aiding RV despite his rogue actions against an alliance? Interesting to say the least.

    I'll admit this thread has had its lulz, but if anyone aided somebody at war with any of you guys I'm sure you would take it as an act of war. So why do it to Vox Populi when they have shown no aggression towards any of you?

    Most of Vox Populi have shown aggression to us in the past, so why would they quit now?. It seems Anti-NPO statements are making a comeback.

  2. The nation of the Black Hand is pleased to have Arcades in his squad and in the Order, where he can eat nukes alongside him. My citizens all wear big hearts with Arcades' face on it today, failure to comply results in execution by firing squad.

  3. How is the argument "It's just a game" not a valid argument. There is a war feature in the game, it can be used for good or bad. But tech raiding to be cyberbullying?, I don't think so, Tech Raiding for people is a way of life, and what is to stop you from defending yourself?. But to call it Cyberbullying, come on now. I mean, for example,

    OOC : In EVE Online, which is an online game, you can destroy everything somebody has worked for, take down a player made corporation, steal everything from them and leave them broke, and the admins and developers won't even bat an eyelash in your direction. It is part of the game and people learn to make due with it.

    So to call Tech raiding cyberbullying is a complete joke.

  4. I don't see where I'm trolling. And also, I condemn Seerow and Co. for deserting (and abandoning their positions) during a time of war. They left due to a disagreement over Anthony's expulsion. I left due to boredom. These are completely different scenarios.

    I am no longer in the NPO, and I no longer have to agree with every NPO action or policy. If I agree with a move by the NPO, I will let you know, but the flip side is that if I disagree, I will also let you know.

    and I will let you know where I disagree with you and here I do. So the boredom also immediately turns into distaste and dislike to the alliance you have served in for over a year now?. Somehow I'm not convinced this is just a spontaneous thing.

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