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Posts posted by Cager

  1. Nope. I fully intend on honoring that request to aid out 15m and 500+ tech out and even more if I win (notice I don't arrogantly say "when"). I've had the cash in place for some time now? Obviously I'll have other nations send out. And I'm still sitting on 10m in reserves and even with basically no trade I'm still making money each tax collection. I've had offers to send me aid too.

    The new pacific order sanctioning seems to be hurting their campaign. I've had a few people PM me about how stupid they thought that was.

    No you don't, you have no intention of honoring that request. You are giving false hope for people to vote for you in the hope they get an aid package from you, but we all know you won't divvy up. And this just proves you don't think you'll win because you are resorting to aid packages to bribe other nations, but if you don't win you don't need to pay yes?.

  2. It strikes me that your defining neutrality in such a broad an all-encompassing way that the GPA will always be at fault in some way or another if you look hard enough, so they're not perfect, is that your charge? Again I revert to my last point, the ulterior motives for this. I mean so what about this IRC stuff, this is a total overreaction and is being used to push a hysterical environmental around the GPA for what nefarious purposes we obviously know.
    The duty and interest of the member states of the Green Protection Agency (henceforth GPA) require that the GPA in sincerity and good faith pursue friendly and impartial conduct toward all other nations, maintaining a strict stance of political neutrality.

    Therefore we hereby declare that the GPA is legally bound to its neutrality, and must exhort and warn member states to avoid any and all acts or proceedings which may in any manner contravene this agreement and thereby violate the neutrality of the GPA.

    Furthermore, we do agree that any member nation of the GPA committing, aiding, or abetting hostilities against any other nation or otherwise breaking the terms of this treaty does render itself liable for punishment; and further, that this punishment will be delivered without delay, restraint, or reserve by the officers of the GPA in formal prosecution against the accused member nation.

    Doesn't look like political neutrality here.

  3. I have to laugh at those slandering the longest standing neutral alliance in the history of Cybernations.

    Neutrality isn't defined by just staying out of wars you know, it defines every action they make, and sooner or later, they would cease to be neutral, unfortunately this time they have bit off more than they could chew.

  4. I confronted him, I did not avoid him. The only debate I am avoiding is the one laid out in the OP, and that is not because of an inability to argue, but because of a fear of the consequences. You see, when one wears an AA such a mine one must consider several things before posting.

    You seem to know a lot about running your mouth at leisure. You have posted many insults throughout this topic, yet you still have not addressed my initial question about your verbal attack on Hjalmar, my Atlantican comrade.

    The only difference between Hjalmar's posting and JosefThorne's posting is that JosefThorne posts with intelligence and grace, and thinks before he talks. Your comrade on the other hand has repeatedly trolled the NPO in each thread, along with the GGA.

  5. He wasn't mocking the disease in #gpa. It was just a nick. For all we know, he was trying to support Bilrow in his struggle against a killer disease/condition. But he was just idling, there was no reason to kick him.

    Can you please explain to me how you got to be leadership in the #GPA. Is it by lottery now?. Because you are obviously the most insensitive human being to ever grace the #GPA. You don't find a guy making fun of a disease that is fatal a problem at all?, are you really that daft and stupid?. If I was to change my nick to prod fun at your misfortune, I'm sure you'd kick me faster than lightning. But of course, you're "neutral" so how can you pick sides, yet you already have in not kicking him. I think the DoN is obsolete, so maybe you should dissolve it.

  6. kingzog, i did like you a lot while you were with us. however, i very much disagree with what you are saying there. even in private there is no anti order slant to what we talk about. i can say personally that i admire the way they have played the game and remained so successful for so long.

    we aren't anti anyone, please don't judge us by one guy's actions.

    a leader represents his people, and Xenu is doing a great job at it. GPA is so neutral!!!! teehee.

  7. Seriously, this situation has been blown out of proportion. At best this is a minor OOC attack. It's like saying you're gay. The implications are very minor if any implication can be pulled out at all. Maybe GPA should of kicked him, maybe they shouldn't have, the supposed OOC attack doesn't warrant all this drama.

    Like NWRoyale, I speak for myself not for TTK.

    Blown out of proportion. Explain how having Bilrow[AIDS] in a channel is minor. Please do I'd like to see this.

  8. GPA, you should have banned him just out of good form. Seriously. Just by your "neutral nature" you should have banned him. As to the people claiming "ZOMG it's an OOC channel" That seems to be a bunch of BS to me. It is a channel for people in GPA and other members of CN to come together and discuss things happening in CN and things out of CN, I would say it is just as much IC and OOC. Kicking him was something that should have happened immediately upon realizing his name. You knew he was ghosting at that point. Not only Ghosting but Ghosting in an inappropriate manner. He was Ghosting in YOUR channel. It was something you should have fixed, by either telling him to change his name or kicking him. I've read a lot of the other stuff in the channel and a lot of it was inappropriate. This, coupled with some of the posts of a few members on the OWF is making me question how neutral you really are.

    Check, GPA.... Your move.

    in not banning him they have chosen sides, you can't really stay neutral in this situation. Either choice has a reaction, but the one the GPA chose was the wrong one.

  9. I must ask NoV to reconsider there actions- alalthough I may not be a leader of an alliance or a great spokesmen i still think this has to be said.

    the actions of a minoirty do not consitute the actions of a majority. one member does not speak for a hundred or a thousand. I would like to give some examples...

    a member of the NPO attempts to become emporer without any internal decision or aggreement of succession, in contempt of the NPO constitution and political system.

    a member of the NoR insights racism (upon which basis NoR disbanded), whilst the majoirty stand against racism.

    Vader tries to provokes wars between SE, LSF and NoV.

    a member of SE attempts a coup to replace a 'trotskyist' with himself.

    in all of these instances- it was made clear that the NPO, NoR, NoV, LSF and SE did not support the actions of the minoirty and would take action against them internally through their established political methods.

    now we have a similar situation, where a minority decides to nuke NoV and insight others to follow their path... I cannot see any difference bettween the events above and the current situation- other than it has spirraled out of control.

    I would like to ask NoV, should the NPO attempt to destroy their alliance is a few of their members insighted nuclear attack- whilst the majoirty were against it? LSF has already published an apology and has made it clear that the vast majoirty did not support this, or thought the whole thing was a joke!

    LSF works in a very different way to pretty much every other alliance in CN- we are democratic, non-hierachial, and therefore quite 'slow'...

    we have made an apology and I believe would gladly assist NoV in dealing with the nuclear threat if NoV made an offer of an armistice.

    judge us by our actions, not our words!

    I'd like a TS;DR on this please.

  10. and here definately because u accuse me of spying

    Because your story is that of an inept spy making up identities and dragging in the leadership of another alliance in the vacuum of stupidity this thread has created.

    And I would advise you to stop posting on the forums, if you even want a splinter of hope to being readmitted, after numerous LEADERSHIP(LEADERS YA KNOW?) told you to contact them in private and stop posting here , and you just blatently refused saying you wouldn't stop posting here till you were readmitted, I would stop now.

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