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Posts posted by Cager

  1. The bottom line is, if someone like Alec can get into your channel, it is not private. The fact that someone like me could get the transcript and the name of the channel because it was posted publicly on these forums means it's not private. I am not the one who first revealed this, so direct your righteous indignation elsewhere.

    But thanks for bumping my thread. You know how I crave attention.

    Alec got in probably because he was a friend of somebody with channel access which doesn't make it any less private, it means he was allowed into the private channel through an invitation. It's not exactly hard to get logs from a channel if you have somebody you know inside..or somebody who shares your ideals. All it takes is a quick query to you from somebody who supports you to get the logs and channel name.

    It's not as hard as you make it seem Walford. Try again.

  2. This private channel of yours ceased to be private when you allowed it to be used to facilitate warfare. If you were the moderator of this chan, you should have kick/banned Alec when he was being offensive. Instead, you or whomever was moderating this chat allowed the horrible vile exchange to continue and permitted info to be gathered on Alec's nation so his group could be subject to violence even though they had absolutely nothing to do with this.

    If you want a private channel, you can make it so it is by invitation only.

    I'm sorry. Who are you to make those claims that maskofblue's channel ceased to be private when "warfare" was facilitated within the channel. It's a free discussion channel Walford which means anything goes discussion wise, whether it be CyberNations topics(such as "warfare") or real life. And who are you to define what is offensive and what is not. It's her channel, in the end it's her decision to kick people for being offensive, not yours, so don't try and claim she's in the wrong for not kicking whomever. And I'd love to know what info could have been "gathered" on this nation in question, is a nation link now considered "info" in declaring war on somebody.

    Comon Walford. You can do better than this.

  3. Some of us like to mock illnesses and speak our minds but you dont allow us

    Soemday you will get what you have coming.... theres hundreds of /b/tards even in Continuum... we WILL rise up

    Some of us like to blow up people like you, and we are allowed to do so, hence you're getting smacked down. and Oh noes, You're going to get meeee in an online game, and you WILL RISE UP, isn't that against rules, you know, the whole personal army stuff.

  4. Like many GPAers I am a proud /b/tard

    Go ahead throw me in an over... /b/tards are the jews of CN you evil haters, you are the nazis you are the cancer!!

    I am like Cool Rye's friend at 16 and you are KILLING ME!!!

    Good to know why we're ZIing you. If you're all a bunch of /b/tards, it makes destroying you all the more justified. And how are you the Jews of CyberNations?, you aren't being persecuted, and it's not like you didn't do anything to deserve it. You hacked the source code, posted incredibly disguisting images on the forums, and took down the game for almost a week. So don't even try and compare yourselves to the Jewish people on this one. And cancer is never funny, you're on the list buddy.

  5. Even so, the NPO should have only attacked those "violating" the terms. Is it not defined in the terms that the NPO will attack only those violators??

    Yes it is, but clearly your leadership cared little for the fact the members of the alliance were violating it and did nothing to maintain the treaty itself. It was clear that you thought the treaty was a joke or else there wouldn't have been any violators and if leadership saw any violators, would have either kicked them out of the alliance, or notified them of the violations. You did neither, so it was clear you thought that they could slide through and not be noticed instead of directly dealing with them. So you got attacked for it.

  6. The terms are linked in my sig. You show me 20% and not "enough" and I'll stop now.

    Because "enough" to keep the population happy falls between 20% and 80%, we followed the terms.

    If that mistake is the only thing you can pick out of the argument, you're still in violation of improvements. Plus you didn't touch upon my statements regarding our so called "violations".

    Unless you have no responses to it, then I'll take that as admitting defeat.

  7. What required amount? "Enough"? Enough is easily interpreted many ways when looking at the terms.

    Besides, as I already stated, your alliance failed to protect those POWs in a timely manner on many occasions, which was a violation of the terms. You also attacked the whole alliance, which was a violation of the terms.

    I believe the required amount was 20%. You guys are smart players, do the math and get the required amount of soldiers. You failed to do this and paid the price. And I firsthand know we didn't fail to protect FAN nations as I declared on a rogue attacking FAN nations, only to take 3 nukes in your defense so we didn't violate anything. And we attacked the whole alliance because you were in violation of the terms you agreed to follow. And if we are "in violation" of these terms you state, why did mpol not use his fingers to type a complaint, or even say a word about it?, obviously if we were "violating" these terms, I'm sure you'd have said something.

    So comon now.

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