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Posts posted by Cager

  1. [quote name='CloudGT4' date='05 April 2010 - 12:11 AM' timestamp='1270440696' post='2248487']
    wow C&G turned into the new tC.. great job of proving you guys were better, and changing tech extortion in CN..

    O/TOP for a good fight.

    Much <3 for ya.

    Wait...what exactly is it that you're on?

  2. [quote name='Mussolandia' date='31 March 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1270053309' post='2242104']
    Oh, nothing, it just doesn't really fit with your general demeanor towards non NPO people in the last, what, 3 years?

    Karma War changed all that. Times have changed, my attitude towards the NPO changed.

  3. [quote name='Lord of Destruction' date='31 March 2010 - 12:36 AM' timestamp='1270010156' post='2241864']
    A large majority of the people that were in Darkstar did not know the basics well, if at all. It was my choice to have people go through the exams. If I didn't want them, then I would have asked for the exams to be waived - but I believed it necessary for most of the people who were in Darkstar to take the exams, especially because of the IRC interaction part of the exam.

    It is not "MK" who you should blame for you having to go through the academy process - it is I.

    So making me come back to the game AND make me do the exams over again. LoD is notching high marks!.

  4. [quote name='relyt92' date='30 March 2010 - 12:30 AM' timestamp='1269923441' post='2240827']
    I'd just like to thank the alliance of SLAP for staying classy, recruiting from an AA not even 3 hours after this notice goes up, but recruiting multiple members more than once in under an hour. You guys seem to have great recruitment organization. Stay classy.

    Couldn't agree more. Back to MK for some fun times!.

  5. [quote name='MagicalTrevor' date='20 March 2010 - 11:04 PM' timestamp='1269140677' post='2231793']
    [03:03] <Unsure> man with a title like that i thought it would be something cool
    [03:03] <Unsure> D"
    [03:03] <Unsure> you know like a disbandment
    [03:04] <lebubu> me too

    sums it up for me

    I also had high hopes like you.

  6. [quote name='lebubu' date='09 March 2010 - 01:15 AM' timestamp='1268115619' post='2218994']

    [b]Not accept.[/b]

    07:12 &babyjesus • everyone knows #mushroom has eclipsed #nsa as the nerve centre of the hegemony

    Going to have to agree #mushroom has become the new must idle channel. #nsa is trolled by over controlling no fun ops.

  7. [quote name='flak attack' date='19 February 2010 - 01:22 PM' timestamp='1266603774' post='2192256']
    Don't worry GOONS. I seem to recall the OP failing our basic exams.

    He also left the NPO due to my unique sense of humour. If he can't take my heat I can't see him taking GOONS for long.

  8. [quote name='LRA KING' date='18 February 2010 - 02:22 PM' timestamp='1266520964' post='2190030']
    Cager, you found me :smug: i thought our rivalry had died lol ... but its good to have common enemies in CN gives me a reason to wake up and check my nation :D

    One must be equal to be a rival. I have yet to see you demonstrate anything accordingly. Hopefully GOONS smashing of your alliance will bring you down a level.

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