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Posts posted by Cager

  1. [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289233950' post='2506150']
    You dont get it (be it intentionally or not), not surprisingly. Its a piece of cloth. It truly is a case of what you see is what you get. It surely shouldn't be that difficult to figure out if you want one or if its not worth it. Also, its a flag, meaning, its meant to be showed off and not hidden (as also other symbols are, its their purpose) and its only natural that is showed off here, to the people that understand the meaning of it. So not hidden away in a box due to your own insecurities.

    That is why I find Cager's predicament funny. Of course, not laugh my brains out funny, but enough for a decent chuckle.

    How so? I am fairly inactive in light of this lame CN we currently have, its quite a gamble to bet on my appearance.

    I know what I want or don't want, unlike some :P (had to squeeze that in, take it as a champ). I really dont want to own any flags, not my thing, though I am appreciative of good flag designs.

    Well, they know what they want and they got what they wan. Surely, those that do not can find that strange but certainly there are (if one choses) better ways to express that then your last post where I got that you were trying to make fun and take cheap shots at those that have the flag.

    If you say it wasnt your intention, then Ill take your post as just another fail attempt at a "funny".

    lol, I had a feeling it would come down to this. First of all, quite irrelevant to the topic here, the minesomething game incident. Second of all, when we are on it, people can ban people for whatever the $%&@ they want. If one is being an intentional jerk to others and hence for that not popular among them they do have a right to get rid off him from their community. I think its reasonable to assume that if you try to mess up a project of the community you are part of, they will not like that. So suck it up, they knew what they were doing.

    Cry me a river Cager, find a better angle for critique.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm insecure(if you socialized with me in any capacity in an out of game context you'd know this. It's not really a "predicament" so to speak as I've had the flag for 3 years. This is just another opportunity to try and pawn it off on somebody who wants it. When I ordered that flag I did legitimately want one, but when it arrived it had been like a week and a bit to get it, and I lost interest in owning it. I hung it up to see how I jived with my room and it didn't so I replaced it with a poster. Also if I was an intentional jerk Branimir and was "not popular" as you say. I was runner up for Council back last year. I was elected to Council by being the runner up(meaning I got votes weeee) and ended up serving on the Council(which is elected, so I had to get votes, something a not popular person wouldn't be able to do). Of course I ended up leaving the NPO in the middle of my Council term and joined MK. You didn't "get rid of me" in any sense. If you think you did I'd love to hear the theories(talk to Weirdgus about his it's a laugh). If the not popular comment wasn't directed at me please disregard.

    The better angle Branimir would require me to betray the one person in this game I respect. So no I'll pass.

  2. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1289235203' post='2506188']

    Backroom discussions that go wrong or are in gross violation of "precedent" and standard convention [i]always[/i] remain private?


    Come on. I know I am out of touch but damn.

    Define "standard convention" please.

  3. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1289234943' post='2506185']

    I commented expressly on my opinion of the issues and Cager's crying about the backroom dealings being made public.

    It's just when you read 3 years of people doing this exact same thing and having the general community here set the precedent by stating it should be held in private channels(the statement private channels ftw ring bells). What happens in private channels stays in private channels.

    But since when has the NSO cared about precedent.

  4. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1289234695' post='2506177']
    And you never were. So what?

    I am trying to play no such man. I am simply pointing out the duplicity of your alliance. You go into a backroom discussion and make ridiculous demands that no one else has ever done in similar circumstances because of your power and then cry when you get called out on it.

    Either do it and be the villain, which is what most people want anyway, or don't do it, but don't cry about it.

    I'm pretty sure the NPO has made some hilarious and ridiculous demands in backroom channels to make that statement untrue. Maybe not while you were in power but saying we're setting the supposed precedent for something like this in 4 years is laughable at best.

    Also I was more cool circa '07 than anything.

  5. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1289234229' post='2506157']
    Once upon a time those backroom channels included conducting affairs with [u][b]honor[/b][/u] and [u][b]integrity[/b][/u] as well.

    So yes, times do change.

    I look at that sentence and the bold words and then I look at your alliance affiliation. The moral high ground and the NSO don't belong together.

  6. I could have sworn the standard procedure for things like this was BACKROOM channels. Or my memory's a bit fuzzy and the Planet Bob community didn't repeatedly deal with publicity threads like this by stating you should go through private channels. My my the times have changed.

    So for future reference folks, keep in mind if you discuss something with RV in backroom channels, there's a big chance it'll end up plastered here if he doesn't like what you have to say.

  7. I knew you'd pop out someplace Branimir. I think you should buy my flag. Anyway it's not really to make anybody feel "bad" it's just.....they're $80 flags and people have two of them. . If memory serves and it has been a while, but didn't Pacifica ban LJ for using his flag as a tablecloth?. Clearly the Body Republic(general membership, so you are in this category branimir) and especially the Imperial Staff takes these flags to the utmost seriousness to ban for things taking place out of the game(and bought with LJ's own money). Just ask Azrael and ComradeAsh about how seriously you guys take things that take place outisde of CN. I bet RL CN meets for the NPO are super fun. Makes jokes about the Emperor, that's a bannin.

  8. It's an instant turn off when people are like "What country is that flag from" and you bow your head and say it's from a video game alliance in an online nation simulator. My dad asked me that exact question, when I told him he shook his head and said I was hopeless. BUT I SHOWED HIM. No that never actually happened, I took the flag down at the first sign of anybody approaching my room.

    The offer is still valid if somebody wants to buy it.

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