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Willaim Kreiger

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Posts posted by Willaim Kreiger

  1. Just when I thought this thread wouldn't deliver any more gems...

    It's rather well known that we have a Guy and Girl of the Day thread, like most alliances. In fact I think we advertise it in our recruitment messages.

    If you think we are upset about pornography and that is why this thread was posted then we are clearly on two different levels of discussion.

    I think you missed the point. He is making unsubstantiated allegations and just in case someone calls him out on it he's saying it over and over again because, according to the OP, that makes it true whether or not there is any real credible evidence.

  2. HELL yes. That was the best part about raiding, the possibility of meeting someone who wanted to go toe-to-toe with you. I can't understand for the life of me why people say things like "attack me back and get ZI'd." There, I think I'm in agreement with Random: Those people SHOULD be countered and destroyed. Raid, expect to get hit back. Accept it; move on. Don't call in your friends and ZI the poor guy who was only doing what you would've done.

    But nuclear escalation is an entirely different story.

    What makes nukes any different? Just because they have a bigger punch than ground attacks or air attacks doesn't mean zomg they shouldnt be used. I don't get how you can say you want to fight someone, and then !@#$%* when they nuke you.

  3. I edited them before you replied.. long before you replied.

    Also, I don't like NpO at all. In fact, I wish them death.

    nah, I'm kidding.. but seriously, who cares? The point is you guys should do as you wish with him if he tried to brute force a channel takeover.

    Three whole minutes! And it doesn't change the fact that you still posted ridiculous comments before even bothering to read the thread, which is what I was incensed about in the first place ;)

    And thank you, I agree!

  4. Maybe if the OP had elaborated a little bit more he wouldn't have needed to read 6 pages just to find out what happened. A simple "trying to brute-force the founder password to private channels" would have sufficed.
    He's to be ZIed for attempting to hack our private IRC channels with brute force attacks. We were informed about the incident by an IRCop. This is posted in an OOC forum because the attacks skirt the line between OOC and IC, but we won't tolerate hacking of our private channels by people who have a history of mischievous behavior. We gave him a second chance after spying on our private forums; this is what zero tolerance means.

    It's literally on the first page.

  5. Making enemies when it's not necessary is always a stupid decision. I thought Polar members would have learned that the hard way by now. :)

    (oh admin it is so fun to make snarky little one or two liners.)

    If you're going to skip an entire thread about a decision my allince has made and post ridiculously stupid comments at the end I am going to call you on it. Admittedly he went back and re-read and then edited his comments but I still stand by what I said. Six pages isn't all that difficult people.

  6. ... because it wasn't serious. I honestly have no idea why everything said is meant to be taken seriously on PB, especially when it's quite obvious that the person is joking.

    I agree with NpO and I think the punishment fits.. everything outside of that wasn't serious.

    Thanks for reading this time!

  7. You know I hate reading, it's for suckers, but I decided to read a few posts after the original post to see if I could figure out what happened.

    He allegedly tried to hack into your private channel by brute force? Does this mean he tried to guess the key a bunch of times? And if that's the case, was he successful? If he wasn't successful, then, what's the big deal?

    Also, if it's just a key that prevented him from joining, that's not a very secure channel. If he tried to ident with nickserv as someone in your alliance, that's something else entirely, but if he was just typing /j #whatever derp and that didn't work so he did /j #whatever herpderp and then /j #whatever herpaderpderp and none of that worked... that's not really hacking or attempted hacking.

    I mean, IF that's the case, I don't know if it is, so don't take this as me saying that's what happened, but if that's the case, members often give the key away by accident by doing .j instead of /j ... so.. yeah.

    I'm not going to serve as your personal tl;dr. If you want to post read the thread so you don't look like a fool at the $@! end of it.

    All of the questions you just raised were answered along the course of the thread. I mean it's only 6 pages.

  8. This is ridiculous, I have no malicious intend towards Polaris or Pacifica, I have absolutely no need to.

    I'd like to get in contact with him, but I can't get on IRC. I evaded the ban to try and talk to him and was then re-banned when I talked to him.

    This is the last reply I'll make because I'm tired of repeating myself.

    Best of luck with CN everyone. Even the Polars and the Pacificans even though they want blood.

    I've tried my best to defend myself, but once again, I'm not listened to.

    See you at your next re-roll!

  9. has anyone told you what a moron you are, there was no destroying NPO, and NPO will be underterms for a while

    as someone who voted to keep his out of the karma war because i saw the karma war for what it was...a war of retribution against the victors of the UJW by those who had allied with GOONS....I really hope NPO rises up the ranks again because this time i will stand by her unlike i did in the past because karma did wrong against her, and speaking of which what is wrong with Color Sphere unity, Orange did it first, then BLEU then Purple(with Poseidon) and even Maroon which for a while was the Balkans of CN is Unified for the most part and now NPO wants to do it with red and someone has a problem with that

    seriously Hail NPO and Hail Francoism, and this is someone who spent the first half of his CN Carrer going against the NPO, even getting booted from IRON when i became too much of a pest

    NPO hardly had a hand in the Unjust War, I don't really see why it would have fueled the Karma War. You should probably take another look into the history of CN, or at least talk to people who have some idea of whats happening.

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