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Willaim Kreiger

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Posts posted by Willaim Kreiger

  1. [quote name='Jocabia' timestamp='1298351967' post='2641432']
    And "what is" is that you have no choice but to meet our terms or continue on the path you're on. The sooner that's clear, the better. If you've chosen to burn then stop pretending like it's something else. Stop pretending like you've chosen to beat us. We both know that is not one of the options.

    And if you guys are really outnumbered 2 to 1 in the overall count, then what you're doing is all that much more stupid and this is just that much more over.
    There is always another choice. If the terms you offer are absurd, it is totally within their right to reject them, and totally within their right to encourage their membership to fight back tooth and nail. You seem awful bent out of shape for being so certain you're winning.

  2. [quote name='Siocthastoirm' timestamp='1297915034' post='2636322']

    Couldn't help myself. And no, we're not really like that :popcorn:
    Considering the spelling in that image, that is probably the single greatest propaganda piece, ever. I don't even like the troll meme thing either.

  3. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1297752215' post='2634229']

    This is the updated version that makes more sense. It still sucks, but what the hell, I was bored.[/center]
    Needs more diplomatic shark.

  4. [quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1297297862' post='2627423']
    Did you hear what happened to that abandoned house? Man, it was a total holocaust.
    That holocaust was apparently started by a group of campers who weren't careful.

    Get your head out of your ass. You know what holocaust means and it's contemporary usage. Nobody gives a damn that the word holocaust used to refer to destruction by fire. If I say "My grandfather died in a holocaust" Not a single soul on this planet will say "Oh, wasn't he careful when he lit his fireplace?" Everybody will know what it means because we all know what the holocaust is. Or would you rather forget it so you can play your little game of being the victim? I don't care. You can be all sad and pathetic, and I will pretend to care about you. I will call your cause just and your leaders shining beacons of excellence, just don't trivialise the holocaust.

    You know exactly what I mean and trying to e-lawyer your way out of it just shows your lack of respect.
    Chill. There are plenty of ways in modern literature, screenplay, and culture that have that word associated with it. A nuclear holocaust for example would occur if several nations started launching nuclear weapons around the planet. This is obviously something that strikes a personal chord with you, and if you lost someone you care about I'm sorry to hear that but don't try and bite someone's head off for being factual. Take a step back, take a deep breath and calm down. Yes, it is a word with loaded connotation, but that doesn't mean it isn't globally recognized for its other definitions too. We all know that the Holocaust happened, and it was awful, but we all know that the word has other meanings too.

    And I don't have the slightest clue where you're getting at with the second part of your post.

    I don't mind the Everything Must Die name for the war, but remove the "war" part in the end. It sounds better as Everything Must Die, instead of Everything Must Die War. The war is implied -_-

  5. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1297551495' post='2630640']
    It has certainly turned out that way recently, though I hold no real ill-will toward either of the FOKs. They've been pretty cool people and pretty challenging fights across the board. I'd still wait maybe one more war before I declared us destined for eachother though :wub:

  6. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1296868669' post='2619688']
    That's pretty ridiculous, imagine having Furs as your native resource and forever being subject to naval attacks, battle support and blockades!
    Hey, that's me!

    Dear Admin/Mods,
    I'm not certain whether or not this has really been discussed before, as I don't really visit these forums that often. I prefer to remain on my native boards, but I'd like to submit that having Furs as a native resource and being a relatively old nation is a [b]severe[/b] disadvantage to have. Prior to your installation of navies there were many arguments about what was the worst resource, and furs was already at the forefront in that regard. However, at least having furs as your native resource didn't have a negative effect on your nation. I didn't choose whether to have furs or not and unlike today, when I joined the game 4+ years ago, rerolling for good resources was not a common occurrence. I've lived through the the whole "furs is one of, if not the worst resources in the game" for a few years now with no real complaints. It's a game and it is what it is. However, it does seem a little unfair.

    So here's some stats from my nation currently:
    [quote]2,327.057 mile diameter.
    5.784 in purchases, 1.865 in modifiers, 2,319.408 in growth [/quote]

    Infrastructure: 605.18[/quote]

    How am I, or anyone with furs in a similar situation, supposed to be able to defend myself from navies? I have a large enough warchest where I could dip in and purchase enough infrastructure to buy navies, but I think it is a silly thing when there is a built in advantage for nations who are lucky enough to [b]not[/b] have furs as a native resource. It is common practice for many nations during warfare to sell their land underneath 1,000 miles in order to avoid having to maintain and defend their navies. Now, this wasn't a problem for me when I had enough infrastructure to buy navies, but since I've been hit with 25+ straight nuclear weapons my infrastructure has been depleted and I can't even buy ships anymore.

    Now, before anyone claims that I am complaining simply because this is affecting me negatively (I will get over it as soon as I'm done typing this post, trust me), think about the nations with furs who are much younger/less-developed than myself. A nation who has had little chance to build a warchest, is suddenly jumped by two or three nations with full or partial navies who pick apart his fledgling navy. He is now sitting under the infrastructure limit for navies, and thus unable to purchase more ships to fight back, but is being pounded into the floor by Naval Supported attacks from his enemies. In addition they have just blockaded him and even if he's managed to avoid anarchy to this point, his collections will be affected through no fault of his own. Just because of some rather silly game mechanics.

    Furs is already a questionable resource at best in this game. Adding to the fact that it places your nation at a distinct disadvantage relative to every other nation on CN, I think one of three things could be changed to make this an even playing field.

    A: Just remove the inability to sell your land growth. Make furs effects on land apply to your modifier only so it is not lost and the problem is solved. Nations who want to may keep their epic amounts of land, and those who don't can sell their nation to role play/fight/exist in whatever way they wish.

    B: Just make it like someone else mentioned in this thread earlier. Set the limit to 1000 miles of purchased land for navies. Everything stays the same and you create an even playing field for all involved.

    C: Remove or severely lower the infrastructure/tech requirements on navies. They make sense from a role-playing standpoint, but from a balance standpoint it is just rather silly. If I'm going to be stuck with 2,000+ miles of land (which is absurd from a role-playing standpoint), then at least let me and those like me defend myself.

    Anyways, I don't know if anything will come of this, but I thought I'd post here and see what happened, or if anyone cared.


  7. [quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1296072252' post='2603129']
    As someone who was part of the Orders for a time, I'm aware of the extent to which Josef Thorne was idolized by people both sides of the Orders for his ability to argue to the point of getting under his opponents skin and ultimately break them down. Anyone who knew Josef, or was a member of either Orders (particularly Pacifica) at the same time of him is going to take any comparison to him as a compliment (i.e. Pacifican heroes such as Tamerlane). By comparing him to Josef, you're only admitting how much Tamerlane is getting under your skin, and getting you all riled up.
    Your analysis of my psyche is both deep, and factual. I was a member of an Order and from my perspective he didn't seem to be much more than a loose cannon but if you wish to idolize him that is your prerogative. You have obviously never seen someone get me "riled up".

    But point taken, next time I wish to call someone an !@#$%^& for attempting to get under people's skin for no other reason except for their own amusement, I'll simply just go with the adjective rather than the reference to one of their old heroes.

  8. [quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1296070415' post='2603071']
    Coming from someone in the Orders, that's a pretty big compliment right?
    Because you were never a member of an Order, right? I seem to recall you being around for a while yourself. Seriously what does that even mean? I am a member of Polaris, and I have been for a while. Does that somehow automatically cast me as a Josef Thorne worshipping zombie? I can think for myself, thanks, just like anyone else. While on occasion Josef Thorne amused me, there were far many more instances where I just called him an !@#$%^& and moved on with my life.

    [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1296070618' post='2603075']
    Do you have any idea how hard I've worked for that distinction? I am soooo quoting you on that, dude.
    Whatever floats your boat, dude.

  9. [quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1295333060' post='2580561']
    So your excuse is "Dajobo didn't think he'd get any relevant info"?

    So if I play with a gun and shoot my friend in the face, should I be exonerated because I didn't think it was loaded?
    Please read the entire post and try again. You can pick one line from any post and make it sound ridiculous. The argument is the entire post, not just one or two lines.

  10. [quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1295332752' post='2580537']
    Funny. You were able to talk to VE so quickly, yet when you $%&@ed with =LOST= a few months back there wasn't a Polar gov capable of actually fixing the problem in sight.

    You shouldn't expect people to listen to your points when you won't give others the same respect.

    (death to =lost= etc etc)
    What in the hell are you on about? I was around and just wanted nothing to do with =LOST='s $%&@ed accusations. There is no reason that your applicant AA should be something completely unrelated to your actual AA [b]and[/b] to not have it referenced in your wiki. We are simply not exhaustively checking every rogue that attacks us from a 3 man AA with no apparent ties to anyone. That problem with =LOST= has since been changed, since they added it to their wiki, and I bet they havn't had problems with that anymore, have they? Groundbreaking, isn't it?

  11. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295320061' post='2579701']
    Oh wow! I HAVE spotted a huge difference. In that situation, NPO attacked in the middle of negotiations. In this situation, VE didn't even bother to talk to NpO about it at all.
    Well that's not totally true. To be fair Dajobo, approached Impero and Impero told us to shove off! It's all good though, results are results yes?

  12. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1295319695' post='2579669']
    So that's why in the past 2 hours over 30 of your nations went to peace mode?
    Really? We're still all stuck on the whole peace mode argument? We've been going to war for five years now. You'd think people would quit beating a dead horse. People going into peace doesn't necessarily equate to cowardice, and never has. Get over yourself.

  13. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1295318930' post='2579602']
    And are you also going to ignore the big question? "Speaking of, how, exactly, did Lennox get VE's warchest info after only being in the alliance for just a couple days? Is VE just that lax, or was it a set up?"

    Or can all you offer is 'how the hell do I know' like Monsieur Typo?
    You should ask them how long they waited for us to report Lennox's screenshots before they rolled us. The answer is comical at best.

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