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Willaim Kreiger

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Posts posted by Willaim Kreiger

  1. Other alliances have far exceeded where they were before they fell, however.

    Not that I consider us the best, but said alliances also started a lot lower before they were beat down than we did :P. Regardless, props to any alliance that rebuilds itself after being thoroughly massacred, it's a rough and difficult process and it's impressive to see.

  2. I do find it a little funny that if you look at most* of the old nations, they all have a relatively small national strength. Compared to other nations of course.

    Nation growth has really inflated as the game has gotten older. We all hail from an era where 3 million aid packages were unheard of unless they were trained from a lot of nations. These days 3 million is chump change.

  3. Good work again STA, solid few days you have had recently!

    Also just a meh gain for IRON, its hard to recruit people under terms.

    Well to be honest, I doubt terms really effect recruiting given that new nations have no idea that you're on terms. But yeah :P

  4. Of course they aren't all to blame for that war, as the NADC did have its own faults too. However, those were of an internal nature of which I can't currently deal with. I can, however, attempt to stop the recreation of a BLEU-like bloc.

    To be perfectly honest with you, if we wanted to "re-create a BLEU-like bloc" there is nothing that you could do to stop us. Seriously, what the hell are you on about? BLEU wasn't some roving bloodthirsty demon hell bent on the destruction of NADC. BLEU was defending itself from an inept alliance whose senior government member decided to throw to the fires by spying on Polar. The reasons and destruction of BLEU are far in the past, leave it there where it belongs and walk away.

    It's an economic bloc yo, relax.


    I should clarify the spying on Polar was in-game spying on our nukes, as far as I can remember.

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