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  • Nation Name
    Take Cover We Comin
  • Alliance Name
    Poison Clan
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  • CN:TE Alliance Name
    Pork Shrimp

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. [quote name='Juggernaut123' timestamp='1299730983' post='2658254'] Obviously overconfident haha, I feel bad for your alliance now. Hypocritical much? [/quote] Lol your sooo full of yourself
  2. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1299705092' post='2657926'] Yea when you declare war on someone, you take into consideration how well of fighters they are.. OP. show me whos better at fighting? [/quote] I'm sure they'd love too and us too That's look at how much NS we've all lost: Roman Empire: -60,559 Synergy: -45,400 Pork Shrimp: -16404 Ordo Paradoxia: -38,344 So you guys have lost almost twice the amount of NS we have and you had a 8:1 nuke ratio on us at the start of the war. You guys can make excuses and talk all you want, but stats don't lie. Trust me, you guys suck
  3. alliance seniority means nothing. All of us with little seniority have changed AA's to get out of nuclear anarachy/collect taxes. And the very few of us that weren't here just prior to the war were either from deja vu or whatever or were former PC. For example I fought with PC in Karma. Either way we came back is because we all have good friends and memories here.
  4. [quote name='Tautology' timestamp='1299628306' post='2657208'] Yeah, I knew what you meant but I couldn't resist it. The point is that what makes PC what it is is more than just its casualty stats. [/quote] Lol and what do you think makes up PC?
  5. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1299628332' post='2657209'] if you're looking for the big picture then you're in the wrong thread, this is just a bunch of PC members going "stop with that all that useless pride RoK, (insert casualty stats in reply to completely unrelated quote) [/quote] Naw no really. There's a bunch of girls above us from NATO? arguing.
  6. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1299628332' post='2657209'] if you're looking for the big picture then you're in the wrong thread, this is just a bunch of PC members going "stop with that all that useless pride RoK, (insert casualty stats in reply to completely unrelated quote) [/quote] Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins
  7. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1299628061' post='2657204'] that should be you're not your [/quote] big picture > details bro
  8. [quote name='Tautology' timestamp='1299627660' post='2657193'] That's where we're different. We'd never trade our friends and we'd willingly give up our infra for friends. [/quote] And this is coming from the person sitting in hippie mode at a pretty 4999.99k infra?
  9. [quote name='Tautology' timestamp='1299627660' post='2657193'] That's where we're different. We'd never trade our friends and we'd willingly give up our infra for friends. btw, it doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things but it's "they're great" not "there". [/quote] Lol you know excatly what I mean't. And any ally of PC knows what I'm refering to. Your full of !@#$ Taut, taking advantage of my typos!
  10. [quote name='Tautology' timestamp='1299626723' post='2657160'] Great statistics but that's not what Laz was talking about, but I think you already know that. [/quote] Yeah I know there great. And my point is is that we'd trade infra for friends anyday. While RoK trades infra to please one friend while pissing off a bunch of others. Oh and btw, I couldn't find your "No surrender clause" in your charter either
  11. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1299605657' post='2656801'] On the note of Rok: why would we surrender? sure we're taking damage, it's war.... This is Ragnaroks culture, it's who we are, i wouldn't expect poison clan to understand what i'm talking about, i don't expect a sense of culture from the member of a bloc that couldn't even remember which flag is PC's [/quote] Lol is that joke? Twisted: 5,412,651 Attacking + 6,225,986 Defending = 11,638,637 Casualties zoom: 4,774,761 Attacking + 5,783,122 Defending = 10,557,883 Casualties fant0m (former PC) : 4,534,329 Attacking + 6,464,154 Defending = 10,998,483 Casualties velcity: 4,705,575 Attacking + 5,488,400 Defending = 10,193,975 Casualties that's 3 of us above 10 mil casulaties (not including fant0m) and after an extensive search I couldn't find one Rokker above 5mil casulaties nevermind 10mil! If I were to make a list of Poison Clan members above 5 mil casualties there would be 10 of us.
  12. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1299624867' post='2657111'] You want to put your money where your mouth is? Confusion. [/quote] You must really think your all that putting your name at the end of every post.
  13. I knew this had to be the work of someone from NPO the second I saw we got declared on again without even having the opporunity to peace out because nobody else would be soooooooooooooo cowardly. Turns out I was right Guess what RE (NPO), YOU'VE HAD THE ADVANTAGE BEFORE. And you've been destroyed because we all know your terrible fighters and even if it takes all round we will do it again.
  14. [quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1299545303' post='2655980'] Then we'll amalgamate a few middle tiers nations and stop you. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img] [/quote] Haha yeah uh goodluck with that
  15. [quote name='In Spades' timestamp='1299481052' post='2655190'] Yes, continue being butthurt over our refusal to surrender. That'll make us surrender faster. [img]http://img.walgreens.com/dbimagecache/38004073900_450x450_a.jpg[/img] for those heavy flow days [/quote] Haha I like that post. We weren't complaining about you guys not surrendering, atleast I wasn't. believe it or not spades but most of your mates don't have a warchest unlike you. In fact I'm looking at your entire AA's alliance spy report spreadsheet right now. So although you may be down for a dozen more rounds (with me hopefully), your mates don't have the endurance for it. Plain and simple.
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