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Posts posted by Hyperion321

  1. I only rated alliances I know.

    [u][b]Alliances Included in First List:[/b][/u]
    Mostly Harmless Alliance - 9. !@#$@#$ awesome in every possible way. I don't care what anyone says, if you actually know MHA as a community, you know they are worthy of this score.

    Fark - 9. Also !@#$@#$ awesome. Potent military and hilarious community. They are easily the most well rounded (in a good way) alliance in this game.

    Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 8. I don't care if many of them aren't fans of Sparta, I've come to like IRON. They don't screw with people and they are [i]super chill[/i]. Good group.

    World Task Force - 6. Quite competent fighters while being a neutral alliance (that's rare). I wish I knew their community though.

    Orange Defense Network - 8. Fantastic allies. Ferociously loyal to their friends.

    The Order Of The Paradox - 8. I used to not get along with them, but these days I'm actually quite a big fan. Good gov and super chillax members (and a good military too).

    Umbrella - 8. I gave a -1 because I'm jealous of their tech. Also, Roq/NFL/Face are awesome.

    New Pacific Order - I'm still trying to decide how I really feel on this one. Technically they haven't bothered me since pre-karma, but I'm weary of what would happen should they ever win a war again. I'll go with a 3 for now.

    Viridian Entente - 5. Ehhhhh I'm semi undecided on this one, but I'm less positive than I am negative but I'll go neutral anyway.

    New Polar Order - 5. Used to be really, really negative, but after resolving some personal issues with them recently it's been raised up to neutral. I'm curious to see what they do post war without being restricted by reps.

    R&R - 9. We agree on almost everything all the time. Definitely my favorite non-allied alliance.

    Mushroom Kingdom - 4. They had a great opportunity to be awesome, and then they didn't peace NPO. All you had to do was just not be dicks just [i]once[/i], and you could have been great. *le sigh*

    The Legion - 2. I still don't like you for your conduct a year ago.

    Nueva Vida - 6. It was fun fighting them. The top tier match ups were quite entertaining. It's a shame you didn't let Alex play with magicalbricks though. We had wager pools about how much infra he could strip off in one round.

    Global Order of Darkness - 4. People change.

    Legacy - 4. Wussies.

    Asgaard - 8. They are a lot better allies to us than we deserve. For the true friendship and acceptance they have offered to us, I can't possibly justify a number any lower than this. Truly awesome allies. Also, Thrawn is awesome.

    Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 4. Also wussies. Damage happens in war, dudes...accept it.

    Athens - 9. They've been like family to us for years. I'll never forget that we had to get Tulak drunk to get him to sign the treaty in the first place. I'm sure it was the most worthwhile drinking binge of his life.

    Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 5. I'm only neutral because of sardonic.

    Guru Order - 7. Very nice fellows.

    Ragnarok - 5. Last war was !@#$@#$ weird.

    Random Insanity Alliance - 9. See Asgaard. Also, they have the biggest balls out of any alliance in the game. They fought on 3 sides in the same damn war and still came out as one of the most respected alliances in the world.

    [u][b]Alliances Added to List:[/b][/u]
    Poison Clan - 3. I still don't forgive your members for hitting Fark.

    New Sith Order - 1. Being proud of people not being able to stand you isn't worthy of anything higher.

    SOS Brigade - 3. I didn't know you before I had to deal with you in a planning channel. In hindsight, I wish it stayed that way.

    Exodus - 4. Meh.

    Complaints and Grievances Union - 8. ODN and Athens are worth an 8 easily.

    Superfriends - 8. All 8 of those points are for R&R and RIA.

    Doomhouse Accords - 5. Umbrella's awesome and MK's not-awesome balance each other out.

    Pandora's Box - 6. Would be higher if not for PC.

    AZTEC - 5. They're alright. Don't really know much about them.

  2. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1303640769' post='2698393']
    I meant in terms of score. Everyone knows iFOK is the strongest alliance when it comes to real power.
    That's debatable, but said debate doesn't belong here...unfortunately.

    But on topic...DAYUM MHA.

  3. This culture of making sure your enemies are as humiliated or crippled as possible really only stems from two groups of people who have found them selves eternally at war since the beginning of Bob. All people have to do is stop putting up with their stupid cat fight (which has entirely lost its purpose and reasoning) and everything will be fine.

  4. So my friend created a nation a few days ago and I sent him 3 mi in cash for a start up tech deal. Just today I went over to his house and logged on to my nation, completely forgetting that he also has logged on to his nation today. Normally I know that this would be fine, but since I sent him money for a tech deal a few days ago did I break any rules by logging into my nation from his house under the same IP?

  5. 1 - Karma happened. NPO lost their power. C&G/SF took over.

    2 - NpO decided to be the new moral police and hit \m/. This, by an extremely random and confusing chain of events, lead to TOP/IRON/other people hitting C&G. NPO's power base from pre-karma war sided with TOP and yet again lost the war. C&G/SF retained power.

    3 - Post war MK and TOP decided that they respected each other and worked on a relationship. Meanwhile MK dropped all their treaties and formed Doomhouse with Umbrella/GOONS, which is generally considered an offshoot of the recently formed Pandoras Box bloc (Umbrella, GOONS, FOK, iFOK, VE, PC).

    4 - A while later the Orders were gaining a bit of strength again, although the "quality" of said strength was considerably lower than average when considering pound for pound strength in their nations. SF/C&G was no longer considered the main powerbase in the world after Fark left SF and MK left C&G, and at this point it stood at DH/PB as one major power and The orders and their allies as the other major power, with a bunch of alliances in the middle.

    5 - VE said NpO spied on them. NpO said they were set up. War ensued, sides were skewed all over the place, lots of alliances got either strained and/or ripped apart by separate commitments, and generally this war sucked for everyone involved...except VE. Right now it is continuing in the forum of DH/FAN vs NPO. Every other front involved has closed.

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