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Overlord Wes

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Posts posted by Overlord Wes

  1. 40 minutes ago, firingline said:

    It is the single biggest problem with TE, and the fact that one particular alliance has so vehemently opposed that suggestion should be all the proof you need. DAs should be significantly strengthened on how much cash they destroy. Essentially, if you turtle for a round of war, you should expect to have no more than $30m in the bank.


    Actually it was 2 members of BC and 1 member of OP that disliked specifically your suggestion on how to solve turtling lol. 2+2 now because I also agree :v

  2. 1 hour ago, cobwebbyarc6 said:

    Aid has allowed for more dynamic strategy which has ultimately lead to engagement. Yeah, we should definitely remove it. 

    Imo the only way to avoid having it abused is to nerf it to the point where it's not really worth using. Any rule changes would either get skirted around or disallow gameplay styles that are allowed in SE.

  3. 3 minutes ago, kerschbs said:

    Side note, TE is a beta? Let’s do the great reset baby and get this game pumping. 



    9. Cyber Nations Tournament Edition is in beta development and as a result game features, demographics, statistics, calculations, and everything else may be subject to change at any time. We reserve the right to modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, this website (or any part of) with or without notice to you and you confirm that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification to or withdrawal of Cyber Nations Tournament Edition. You will not be eligible for any compensation because you cannot use any part of this website or because of code issues, website failure, suspension or withdrawal of all or part of this website.

  4. 10 hours ago, mikeymikes said:

    played te in the last round, and liked it


    but there was only 60 nations or so by the end of the round

    most of them were all in 2 uneven alliances

    not very completive 


    recommend a 6 nation limit per alliance, one trade circle each

    so there would be maybe 10 alliances, and several would be even in strength 

    10 alliances is much better than 2 alliances, much more completive



    Even if there's a limit ingame, it's impossible to really enforce the limit. An 18-member alliance would just turn into 3 6-member alliances that are allied

  5. 4 hours ago, Arcane said:

    It's always a PITA to modify the URL's, so with the power of ChatGPT, I put this together.  Anyone want to give it a try to see if it works?  Copy the link you normally use to modify your moon location and add in the lat/lon from the above.  Will spit out three URL's for mine/base/colony--just click.  As long as you're still in the same logged in session with CN, it should move them as if you modified and pasted the link manually.  Use at your own risk--not responsible if it puts a moon colony on mars.  :) Let me know if it works.  I was only able to test it on my stuff for this month's 3 moves.


    Moon Wonder Mover

    (and thanks to everyone in this thread for the years of updated hotspots)

    confirmed it works. would be great to have this for mars too. as far as i can tell the only difference in the links is &Location=Moon -> &Location=Mars

  6. On 12/2/2022 at 2:52 AM, Overlord Wes said:

    Just noticed that the description on https://tournament.cybernations.net/prizes.asp doesn't match. [also a typo]


    Top Two Nations By Most Infrastructure Lost In The Alliance with the Most Infrastructure Lost The top two players by Most Infrastructure Lost that finish Tournament Round 63 in the alliance that records the Most Infrastructure Destroyed award on the awards screen (infrastured destroyed is determined by infrastructure lost by alliance members during war, 10 member alliance minimum) will win an item(s) of your choosing from the Cyber Nations Merchandise Store valued $40 and under or two $30 donations applied to your (or your friends) Cyber Nation Standard account.
  7. On 12/2/2022 at 2:52 AM, Overlord Wes said:

    Just noticed that the description on https://tournament.cybernations.net/prizes.asp doesn't match. [also a typo]


    Top Two Nations By Most Infrastructure Lost In The Alliance with the Most Infrastructure Lost The top two players by Most Infrastructure Lost that finish Tournament Round 63 in the alliance that records the Most Infrastructure Destroyed award on the awards screen (infrastured destroyed is determined by infrastructure lost by alliance members during war, 10 member alliance minimum) will win an item(s) of your choosing from the Cyber Nations Merchandise Store valued $40 and under or two $30 donations applied to your (or your friends) Cyber Nation Standard account.

    bump @admin

  8. On 11/14/2022 at 9:01 AM, admin said:

    I want to keep the infrastructure lost award, but I agree that rewarding the strongest nations in the alliance with the most infras lost excludes those who actually worked to earn the reward. I'll change this to "Top Two Nations By Most Infrastructure Lost In The Alliance with the Most Infrastructure Lost" for the next round.

    Just noticed that the description on https://tournament.cybernations.net/prizes.asp doesn't match. [also a typo]


    Top Two Nations By Most Infrastructure Lost In The Alliance with the Most Infrastructure Lost The top two players by Most Infrastructure Lost that finish Tournament Round 63 in the alliance that records the Most Infrastructure Destroyed award on the awards screen (infrastured destroyed is determined by infrastructure lost by alliance members during war, 10 member alliance minimum) will win an item(s) of your choosing from the Cyber Nations Merchandise Store valued $40 and under or two $30 donations applied to your (or your friends) Cyber Nation Standard account.
  9. "Alliance with most infrastructure lost" encourages not going as hard on war opponents. This combined with giving the prizes to "top 2 nations by NS at end" means that the nations who contribute the most to the alliance award are less likely to get the prize themselves.


    Several other awards' best strat is to just save money for the end, but the combination of 'alliance infra lost' and 'most soldiers killed' produces the most degenerate playstyle.

  10. 10 hours ago, Alexandros o Megas said:

    We welcome the war!


    8 nations declared just 4 wars instead of 24 in your Blitz? Interesting!

    2 of our 8 haven't built up yet, and 2 weren't able to make update, so including the "others" it's actually 4 nations declaring 10 wars!

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