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Everything posted by Zephir

  1. Weeeell, if you're interested in an alliance that, while isn't especially active on forums or cybernations but will let you keep your yellow team status and is full of nutcases, you're welcome to check out the "What Would John Moses Browning Do?" alliance. Our cybernations forum recruitment thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=4197 Our forums: http://z7.invisionfree.com/WWJohnMosesBrow...dex.php?act=idx
  2. http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/4546/ww...nnercopyem3.jpg <-- What, image tags are still down? What a gip. Since the old thread is, as the topic description says, dead and buried, and because we've revamped our charter somewhat, I've decided to make a new thread for recruitment to the W.W.J.M.B.D. alliance. So, you clicked on the title of this thread, probably because you thought it looked interesting, right? Well, we are interesting. Nuttier than fruitcake. For those that want a fairly stable alternative to the drama of the larger alliances, but want to be protected from rogue nations, the W.W.J.M.B.D. is for you. If you want to meet and hang out with a bunch of just barely sane peoples, the W.W.J.M.B.D. is for you. If you want to be a complete idiot, the W.W.J.M.B.D. is probably not for you. The W.W.J.M.B.D. alliance is a newer alliance, mainly seeking neutrality on planet Bob, while trying to invent bigger and better guns to keep others out of our noses. That's what we do. The main thing you need to know is this: We're not actually a gun alliance. Don't get me wrong, many of us like our guns, but we have a fairly open joining policy. We don't care what your team color is, we don't care what your previous alliances were, we don't care if you're republican, democrat, black, white, up, down, strange, charmed, top, bottom, or... I think I lost my train of thought. No matter. The bottom line is, we aren't going to reject you no matter what you believe in. We aren't exactly a theme alliance. We'll still be there to help defend your nation, and we'll expect you to be there to do the same. If this seems like too much to ask, then we probably aren't your kind of alliance anyway. Really, that's our only condition. Well, that, and that you have to sign up at our forums, which are located here: The W.W.J.M.B.D. Forums. That, and that you read and comply with our 55 page manual. Wow, you really read all that? Really? Nah, you didn't. ...Did you? Nah, you didn't. tl;dr Join us, we're fun.
  3. And a bump bump here and a bump bump there...
  4. Kinky. Jeeze, this gets bumped off the page fast. Well, time to bump it up, then.
  5. Wasn't meant as a bribe; it's meant to help strengthen you. It's a startup fund. Just thought I should clear that up. In either case, like I said, your decision. If you don't think you can find what you're looking for in my alliance, that is your prerogative. To be honest, I don't know if you could. But hey, you wanted to be recruited, so I did what I could. Good day, and I hope you can find what works for you. EDIT: You know, I like your style. Do you mind if I send you $100,000, no strings attached, then? At your level, you probably need it.
  6. We're not serious, as far as "Wah! Drama!" is concerned. We do, however, take the game fairly seriously, and we help out our own. Plus, I can offer you a $100,000 startup bonus, seeing as your nation's so young. It's your choice of course, but I feel I'd be insulting if I didn't do my utmost to recruit, now that I'm in.
  7. Recruit you? Okay. Join the "What Would John Moses Browning Do?" alliance! We're new, but we're fun. Many of us have a disposition to guns, but I think many of us hold leftist views; at least I do. We're mostly neutral, with the only real stipulation being that if you're attacked, you attack back and hard. If you're interested, just visit our boards and have a look around, ja? http://z7.invisionfree.com/WWJohnMosesBrow...dex.php?act=idx
  8. In that case, sod off ye git! Yes. Joining us is good. We're fun peoples.
  9. I think I'm going to have to say thanks but no thanks, but thanks for the offer.
  10. Oh yeah, and there was that one time we all paid our taxes at the same time. Wild. XD
  11. I don't think he's dissing you, just pointing out that it is a bit suspicious... Either way, I feel that I should note that he's right, you will be considered a rogue alliance with those policies, which never bodes well for the alliance in question. Tends to piss off a lot of the bigger alliances.
  12. Wow, it's kind of surprising how fast threads fall off the first page here. Oh well. Might as well bring up my post.
  13. Just giving this a bump to the front page; seems to be the popular thing to do, after all.
  14. W.W.J.M.B.D. Forums / Banner So, you clicked on the title of this thread, probably because you thought it looked interesting, right? Well, I don't know about interesting, but we're certainly different here. The W.W.J.M.B.D. alliance is a newer alliance, mainly seeking neutrality on planet Bob, while trying to invent bigger and better guns to keep the peace. That's what we do. The main thing you need to know is this: We're not actually a gun alliance. Don't get me wrong, many of us like our guns, but we have a fairly open joining policy. We don't care what your team color is, we don't care what your previous alliances were, we don't care if you're republican, democrat, black, white, up, down, strange, charmed, top, bottom, or... I think I lost my train of thought. No matter. The bottom line is, we aren't going to reject you no matter what you believe in. We'll still be there to help defend your nation, and we'll expect you to be there to do the same. If this seems like too much to ask, then we probably aren't your kind of alliance anyway. Really, that's our only condition. That, and that you read and comply with our 55 page manual. Phew, you actually sat down and read all of that? Well, hey, why don't you give us a visit, then? W.W.J.M.B.D. Forums
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