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Everything posted by kswiss2783

  1. Can we drop the old crap now? It's the past, move on ffs. This is about DOOM helping ML, nothing more.
  2. The general declare on STA nonsense. PS- I'm not DOOM.
  3. What beer? I hope not beer from long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, cuz it would probably be skunked by now.
  4. LOL. Yes, 20 man alliance should just take on everyone.
  5. Nice to see some class in this thread. o/
  6. Instead of just bashing DOOM, why not just say good luck? They're a small alliance as it is and you want them to DoW NSO and STA? Gimme a break. If you need NpO's help, ask them.
  7. You won't have any troubles finding targets, so have at it!
  8. Forcing an alliance to disband it just stupid. IT"S A GAME.
  9. Meh, we're ok with MK needing help on us. We take it as a compliment. At the same time, TPF may help with the destruction as well.
  10. Pathetic. All I heard from Batallion was that he was ready to fight and now he surrenders. Go away please.
  11. OOC- too bad I passed out wasted last night Welcome to the fight TPF.
  12. OOC-That would be a good reason to dislike him.... Go Pens- OOC WC was nothing but respectful when I spoke to him last night about the situation.
  13. My SDI is 0/2. I launched 14 nukes this morning to hit my 4 targets.
  14. Just reiterate what my fellow MLers have said- it is most graciously appreciated. A class act indeed.
  15. I agree. I don't tend to eat them, just hit them with a golf club like I did when I was a kid.
  16. Nope, just wanted to bring a little firepower along to blast away at that castle to rescue princess.
  17. OOC-I don't seem to recall you saying that the last time ML and MK fought when another FCC member decided to troll ML's announcement. Good luck though.
  18. I don't think it was missing out, but more convenient for them to not help their friends.
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