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Anu Drake

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Posts posted by Anu Drake

  1. I can back that up. If they attack me to defend him, they will face over 10 million strength on them.

    Smallfrog, please be careful how you throw around the CDT NS strength. The scenario you describe above details you attacking this rogue after he has joined a large alliance (presumably without that alliance's blessing). A counter attack from said alliance would not be aggression, it would be defense. And therefore it would not be a CDT defense. Love you, kid, but you responded to questions from friends at MCXA and brothers at NpO with bravado that was not necessarily warranted. A simple 'we would negotiate a settlement' or 'I would warn that alliance of his past misdeeds and ask them if they really want to take him on as a member' would have sufficed.

  2. Update - 10/17/07

    • MHA reclaims the top spot in nations
    • MK and ASC jump over the 2 million mark, making a total of 5 Aqua alliances that have reached that level. 3 have been in the past 2 weeks!.
    • Ragnarok is rising quickly, now just 1 place out of the top ten in NS and score.
    • Today's update key words: Vision and Ego

  3. Couldn't figure out why you were showing the CDT as 300k less than my stats until I realized there was a merge that you might not know about. The Centurian Brotherhood is the new name of the former alliances of CDC and The Brotherhood. So all three AAs are technically current members of the CDT at the moment.

    Here's a link to our current membership (for ease of use, I combined all 3 AAs).

  4. Won't be too much more work to stay on there Van Hoo, you all are doing some impressive growing.

    Here's today's update highlights:

    Update - 10/12/07

    • MHA reclaims the top spot in NS and score, but look how close those 2 great allies are!
    • Big Congrats to Fark, who passed the 2 million NS mark this week. ASC and MK will join them soon, just about the time NATO and MHA jump over 3 million.
    • Today's update key word: United.

  5. Thank you for your response.

    Ayrian is on our perma-ZI list for being an aid-thief. I guess we'll have to wait until he gets out of hippy to get it back.

    It will be a horserace to see who gets to him first. He's on our perma-ZI list for telling me to go err, uh, cuddling with myself.

    I'd venture to guess he's going to be the most watch nation in the verse for a little while.

  6. Snowbeast, I have all of the supplies ready for your bachelor party. Waiting for you whenever you need it.

    Rohalia, I don't know you but you are a lucky lady.

    So, uh, since we're getting some allied love here, Snow, hows about setting a brother up with an Atlantean? How's Elishia doing these days?

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