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Posts posted by dealmaster13

  1. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1304226084' post='2702965']
    We ended up in a draw and decided that we would part as friends.

    Whether you call it a draw, or a clear win or lose, the true measurement of the success of a war is how well you can get back on your feet after taking your blows and dealing your blows.

    Cheers to a great first war to kick off what will be a great round.

  2. [quote name='Ferrie' timestamp='1304249126' post='2703114']
    Its like this... The big guys picked on the little guys for the last 2 rounds. The little guys regrouped, got back to their core members, updeclared, and kicked your ass. Not a lot of intelligence goes into it. If you were winning, you'd be singing a different tune. We're willing to let this go as far as it needs to. You guys would have had a great chance against us if you would have protected your nukes.... You chose not to, and nearly all(but the 2 orange shot off(nj btw)) of yours got stolen. :)

    You knew we were coming, but did nothing to stop us. We fight. We dont turtle. We're Lafayette Escadrille. Any time. Any place. One on one with out your BS declarations on filler alliances, we'll either take our beating, or like in this case, hand one out. Win all the flags you want, but the win comes from winning the respect of TE. Which we've already done, and your far from....

    Amen to that

  3. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304235164' post='2703046']
    This is a golden thread....G-6 kept declaring on LE and it was fine. LE declares once on G-6 and they suddenly can't let anything go?

    Well, by the looks of things, I'd say they're taking a bit of a beating, don't you think? I dunno, maybe over taking 10 nukes in a 24 hour period into the second week of the round is just the norm. Kudos to LE.

  4. [quote name='Guppy Fish' timestamp='1303670558' post='2698606']
    His alliance seems to be techraiding everyone else indiscriminately... leading to its oblivion? :rolleyes:

    Well, I guess we'll have to deal with that :)

  5. Alright, this is all really getting out of hand, sorry for that, it's meant to be 'not g-6's' topic anyway.

    [quote]Your saying we shouldn't be proud and our guys shouldn't celebrate. I'll pass kind sir :3[/quote]
    No, not "we"; you yourself shouldn't be overly amazed by G-6's accomplishments as if it(/they) were something unprecidented. Doch was a guy that was quick to defend G-6 using whatever reason he could conjure up - you just somewhat remind me of him, that's all.

    ... and secondly, since good ol' Stevie's decided to join in the discussion:
    [quote]I let you off. That is how you got #2, and smashed our #1 #2 #3. You also said you dont shoot for #1, which you very clearly did at the end. While the rest of us couldnt collect, you could, and then tried to use that advantage. If Im ever involved in another flag run, I wont be that nice again.
    They didnt know who the rouge was until I went and told them after I had a change of heart. And we were kept in NA for the last week anyways.[/quote]
    [list][*]If you didn't "let [me] off", at least you and probably a few more on your end would have had their war slots filled for a good long time.
    [*]I don't shoot for #1 in the sense that I don't do this thing called 'flag-running' I build because I can build and I build to the end. I don't [i]need[/i] another flag - it's all another statistic as are my second and third place finishes, just for the record I've never since claimed a TE real life prize either.
    [*]"While the rest of us couldnt collect" - You can't be serious. Here you're talking about you yourself, despite collecting the most overall by a margin. Both #1 and very much so #3 were able to collect well past my radiation-cleanup-fallout-shelter-system collection; I'll leave you to find out who the #1 and #3 were. If I'm wrong - which I could be; back it up with some pics.
    [*]Either Confusion would have shed light on the issue or I or someone else would have thought it to be suspicious that a rogue who attacked me also attacked a rogue who attacked you. Not often you see a rogue hit a rogue, but interesting stuff.
    [*]Finally, yeah, you (as a group; not sure why you keep using the term 'we' to refer to yourself) were [i]in[/i] nuclear anarchy on the last day - won't deny that.[/list]

    That's my rant over. I don't have much more to say about the topic of G-6, even though I'm sure others will want to carry on.

    Good luck with your alliance, Roi Loup, it's clearly going to have a successful future.

  6. [quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1303591859' post='2697969']
    1 is all it takes buddy. It could be more but everyone was placing rogues at the end. You guys complain about rogues while we challenge them and brush them off.

    Don't get me worng - Rudolf did a great job as obviously he was the one that managed to pull through the rest, just a shame the others didn't keep up.

    I rather like how sacred the flag seems to be in this game (good entertainment), however sometimes in my view, a few people just cross the line with their efforts - not my problem so long as I'm not involved; although that wasn't the case last round.

    All in all, if you could tone down the unnecessary omfgg6istehbest on the forums, that would be much appreciated. We don't need another Doch here.

  7. [quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1303584122' post='2697879']
    Most people who flag run utilize rogues >.> If you want flag running to be a happy no war zone you will have to wait for G-6 and most other nations to stop playing.

    And besides you sneaking into 2nd place, G-6 obtained 1st, 3rd and 4th.

    Yes, one G-6 member ended up with more NS than a non G-6. I'm not sure why you're proud about that.

  8. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1303320995' post='2694723']
    It is actually interesting that given all the game changes this round, the winner had a NS of 37,076.122 while the prior round winner was at 32,000.000. That is only a 16% difference.

    To come back to this very briefly, taking me as an example, getting to 35k NS, I can only assume the guy the won round 15 hadn't managed 500k casualties nor taken 13 nukes or more with in the region of 5000-6000 infra damages, or even the equivalent second placed or third placed man? So taking these things into consideration, I think it's fair to say that there has been a visible improvement in quality due to the game changes.

  9. [quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1303534520' post='2697462']
    In all my rounds, it was the most awesome flag run. Massive in scale leaving ruin to much. But organized enough to leave much room for victory to be achieved versus the masses. :smug:

    If I've learned anything it is, for people who claim to love war you are sure picky about it.

    [size="1"]You don't know it but Confusion is secretly pulling your strings as well.[/size]

    You're missing the point, that while it was a successful 'flag run' for you, you had it relatively easy by being in wars where your larger nations aren't affected. I'm not sure you can really comment if you weren't one of the guys in G-6 'flag-running'.

    While we're at it, there are also other ways of acheiving first place other than utilising as many rogues as 'flag-runners' and damaging your own alliance's reputation. I can't stress how much of a loss it would have been for G-6 had a regular outsider won.

  10. [quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1303505003' post='2696971']
    Well, firstly in-game it still says 5. But since he said he took a day off, it's 4 days without bonuses, 3 with a shelter or kit, 2 with both.

    We're trying to figure out what was meant in this post!

    [quote name='admin' timestamp='1303430372' post='2695989']
    If you have fallout shelters and radiation cleanup, together those reduce the effects down to just 1 day now.

  11. [quote name='Guppy Fish' timestamp='1303498036' post='2696823']
    It's reduced TO one day, not BY one day. ;)

    Wait, we need to clarify this.

    Days of nuclear anarchy without radiation clean up and a fallout shelter system: 4
    Days of nuclear anarchy with radiation clean up and without a fallout shelter system: 3
    Days of nuclear anarchy with a fallout shelter system and without radiation clean up: 3
    Days of nuclear anarchy with radiation clean up and a fallout shelter system: ?

  12. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1303320995' post='2694723']
    It is actually interesting that given all the game changes this round, the winner had a NS of 37,076.122 while the prior round winner was at 32,000.000. That is only a 16% difference.

    Conversely, #100 in Round 16 was at 9,258.506 NS and #100 in Round 15 was at 3,565.908 NS. Almost a 3 to 1 difference.

    But look at the #40 NS for rounds 4-12, something unnatural occured in rounds 13-15 and I was even in round 13 and somehow ended up with 1k infra in second place, but I can't remember what happened.

  13. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1302984017' post='2691628']
    I suggest that re-buying lost Tech be treated like Infrastructure and Land. It can be re-bought at 50% of it’s original cost up to say, 10 units of your peak level.

    This would make it consistent with infra and land. It is also logical from the role playing aspect. It would be cheaper to replace lost technology than it was to originally develop it since the basic research and development was already done.


    Second that

  14. A current problem with the new resource changing feature is that a (nuclear) rogue is able to obtain uranium simply by changing their own resources.

    I suggest that if a nation is under a team within which they are sanctioned, they themselves can't change their resources.

  15. [quote name='Einer' timestamp='1302504535' post='2688418']
    Technopolis/htmlmaster wins the prize for timing - his nuke hit at 12:00:01. I was all ready to send out air attacks, then had one of those classic moments of "Hey wait, where did my air force go???"

    lol... trigger fingers.

    Reminds me of the time I tried spying both of Baer's remaining nukes at update and he launched on inbetween the two ops which sucked :'(

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