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Captain Enema

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Posts posted by Captain Enema

  1. Dajobo, we've disagreed on this particular issue before so let me share the story of one of my best new officers in Supernova X.

    Leicaboss had been rotting away on none, fighting random wars but otherwise doing nothing productive with his nation for a while. I raided him and we had a chat about how alliances work. As a new player he simply didn't know about alliances and game mechanics beyond a few hundred infra.

    He joined SNX and immediately with my assistance got his nation in order, got trades, made new friends, and followed a roadmap to strength. He started tech dealing and signed up as a paramilitary officer.

    So rather than being chased from the game, he is now more active than ever and extremely loyal.


    I know stonewall has picked up a few nations for DK/DS this same sort of way. 

  2. are u one of stonewall fans :facepalm: someday he will be remembered :lol1:


    I dare say old bean, proper grammar does wonders when one tries to expound upon even the simplest of ideas. Now be a good lad and wipe the drool off your chin and go run along an play. Ignore my overusage of the passive voice as well, I know smurthwaite is going to vomit a little in his mouth, but he'll soldier on like the rest of us. 


    Chin Chin, 

    yer pal Tbm

  3. Those twip links Meth posted bring back fond memories. Those were good times, probably the only reason I didn't rogue Schattenman was due to his Twip postings. 


    And believe me, due to the Bubble Gum war, I wanted for a very long time to rogue him something fierce. To his credit, a few months ago, he owned up to his part in it. If he was still running the CoJ, there would be a decent chance of me being polite to them. But, alas, he's in polar, screw those guys.


    He's done other stuff since, but nothing quite comes close to twip. Maybe it was the whole atmosphere of nothing was considered off-limits with vox that made it so fun to read. Ol' Boss Hogg and the Vox spies made things quite interesting for a time. 


    For awhile, twip was the only way Vox could hit back and hit back they did with it. 


    I wish Monster's Inc luck, but I don't see the same foundations to Monster's University as there was with TWIP/Vox. Vox was a movement against the continuum and the NPO. I'm not even sure what MI represents, for now I'll settle for calling them tragic. 

  4. I don't see money being sent out by many Doom Sphere nations receiving tech, so I think you are well aware tech deals don't always involve the tech being sent to whoever pays for it. I'm sure you guys wouldn't appreciate it if your nations got slandered based on someone looking at the aid screens and not knowing the specifics of your tech deals.


    A number of us are in alliance approved growth programs and are fed tech by alliance banks that is sent free or paid for by other DK nations. 


    Rukunu, not so much, your entire coalition has a history of aid scamming, it's something you proudly boasted about a number of times during your Goon skirmish. 



    (07:28) <lordhitchrentboy>hey girl
    (07:29) <Franz>Hello there.
    (07:29) <lordhitchrentboy>So about those terms, I'm here to negotiate this little thing between us, anyway it takes to settle it.....
    (07:33) <Franz>Alrighty.
    (07:34) <lordhitchrentboy>I just gotta warn you, I'm sitting on my toilet. I ate a pupu platter last night and I got a pile of dumps stacked sideways in my colon.
    (07:34) <lordhitchrentboy>it's terrible man.
    (07:34) <Franz>You probably should take something like Mentos, it'll help you loosen up.
    (07:35) <lordhitchrentboy>Maybe, I was also thinking of stripping down, oiling up, and sitting on my washing machine with it on spin cycle.
    (07:35) <lordhitchrentboy>brb.. gotta see if my mom is out of the house, she's gets pissed when she catches me doing that.
    (07:36) <Franz>You should really buy her a box of chocolates, Hershey branded ones usually are popular.
    (07:36) <lordhitchrentboy>Nah, I'll just rub her feet some more, that usually calms her down.
    (07:36) <lordhitchrentboy>Still, hell of a way for a 43 year old man to pay his rent.
    (07:37) <lordhitchrentboy>all i get is a basement room for it.
    (07:37) <Franz>Still, at least you get privacy.
    (07:37) <lordhitchrentboy>Gotta share it with the four El Salvadoran war orphans my mom keeps in the basement. The sound of their sewing machines keeps me up all night.
    (07:38) <lordhitchrentboy>anyway, to business.
    (07:38) <lordhitchrentboy>I'm gonna move upstairs to the washing machine, so if wifi cuts out, that's the problem.
    (07:38) <lordhitchrentboy>brb
    (07:38) <Franz>Alrighty.
    (07:40) <lordhitchrentboy>Okk,, god dddamn harrd to typpee whattt are theheh terms?
    (07:41) <Franz>The terms are... let me just check...
    (07:42) <Franz>Removal from Brown sphere, drop treaties with Limitless Nexus and affiliated parties, do not raid for 150 days, do not purchase nukes for 60 days.
    (07:43) <Franz>You really should have the offer which was proposed back in June, Hitchcock, it would have been less painful than your current situation.
    (07:43) <lordhitchrentboy>thehehat's a lllot to connncsider...god damn spinnn cyclle. Havvve youuu hearrd te latest??? Weee are abouttt totto signn the GGPPA.. theyey aree gonnansn rape yall.
    (07:43) <Franz>Haha, oh you joker.
    (07:44) <Franz>The Green Protection Agency aren't really that big of a worry. I sense that they would be more than likely to stay neutral because I sense they got fed up of the actions you have taken during the past few months.
    (07:44) <lordhitchrentboy>NOOoo joke man. true story. Would I ever lie to you?
    (07:45) <lordhitchrentboy>And besides, Hershey just offered me white peace.
    (07:45) <lordhitchrentboy>let me show you.
    (07:45) <Franz>Ok.
    (07:45) <lordhitchrentboy>hershey: white peace is best peace.
    (07:46) <Franz>It's a good thing that Hershey isn't really bothering too much in regards of this conflict, and thus his opinion is just his opinion.
    (07:46) <Franz>SirWilliam / Xanth are really the people who can truly decide what will happen in terms of peace.
    (07:46) <lordhitchrentboy>You know they offered to do donation deals to get out of the war with LN?
    (07:47) <lordhitchrentboy>Hold on the El Salvadorans are taking an unscheduled break, let me go beat them.
    (07:47) <Franz>If they did, then it would be somewhat confusing as really I can't see how Limitless Nexus would be able to continue a protracted resistance to the coalition mounted against them.
    (07:47) <Franz>Alrighty.
    (07:48) <lordhitchrentboy>You really need to consider the fury of our triple break off flank attack and our secret treaties with Iron and the NPO.
    (07:48) <lordhitchrentboy>Further, we have rotavele.. either you negotiate with me, or you can negotiate wih him.
    (07:49) <Franz>Something tells me you mean The Ironborn and the New Polar Order rather than the two entities you have listed.
    (07:49) <lordhitchrentboy>No way, I never lie.
    (07:49) <lordhitchrentboy>IRON
    (07:49) <lordhitchrentboy>and NPO
    (07:49) <Franz>In addition, you really should consider that in terms of the direction of the war, the odds are stacked heavily against you.
    (07:49) <lordhitchrentboy>WE NEVER SURRENDER!
    (07:49) <lordhitchrentboy>I'm far too obtuse for such a bold move.
    (07:50) <Franz>One moment, let me verify your claims.
    (07:51) <lordhitchrentboy>They'll never confirm it until they show up to rekt you.
    (07:51) <lordhitchrentboy>whatever they say, all lies.
    (07:51) <lordhitchrentboy>Now that you see we are in the superior position, you'll hear our terms.
    (07:51) <Franz>At present, IRON are away and Pacifica are busy celebrating.
    (07:52) <Franz>I do not believe you are in a position to dictate anything Hitchcock.
    (07:52) <lordhitchrentboy>Please?
    (07:52) <lordhitchrentboy>Pretty Please?
    (07:52) <lordhitchrentboy>Pretty Please with a cherry on top?
    (07:52) <lordhitchrentboy>If you say yes, I'll send you a picture of my weiner.
    (07:52) <Franz>Nope, unless you were able to spring up over 200 nations out of thin air to fight... I don't believe the situation would change.
    (07:53) <lordhitchrentboy>Wait, that's all I got to do?
    (07:53) <lordhitchrentboy>200 nations?
    (07:53) <lordhitchrentboy>NO PROBLEM! Tremble with my wrath.
    (07:53) <lordhitchrentboy>brb, going to make a peanut butter sandwich for the 3 el salvadorans to share. chat more later.
    (07:53) <Franz>Ok.

    The real logs.... I promise.



  6. So can we all just request tweets to be made? Because I would have a few to request. This is amazing. I hope to see more alliances jump in on this. 


    Depends on the tweet, give it a shot, I've been tweeting all sorts of weird crap, you'd be hard pressed to get me to say no. 


    I did send a nice one to the First Lady thanking her for her work with kids, but yeah.. rest are weird. 


    Told Ol' Mitt Romney that in Cybernations.net even he has a shot at not sucking. 

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