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Everything posted by SnowWolf

  1. I'm spamming this thing. Whatever it's called....


  2. You also gave your reason as "real-life issues." What happens with stuff like that is that you tell the other people in the alliance that you will not be able to fulfill your duties and step down so someone else can defend the alliance. But no. You went inactive while the alliance burned. You asked NOONE for help while you had no idea what you were doing. Next time, do the logical thing, and then maybe you won't be on your former alliance's ZI list.
  3. a haiku would have been better... Nice fighting with you guys
  4. We're happy to have you! Heres what you do: First, go to "Edit my Nation", on the Alliance Affiliation scroll-down menu pick "specify other" and type in "UCN Applicant". Then sign up for our forums. In the "Checkpoint" section you will see "Member Applications". In the "How to Join UCN" thread you will find instructions to make a post with the required information (there are instructions there). Here's the link to the forums: http://s7.zetaboards.com/TheCommonwealth/index/ You'll be accepted within a few hours. If you have any more questions or want any more info on the UCN, let Corpius know (on the UCN forums).
  5. Hope y'all can make it in this hell-hole called CN Congratulations and Good Hunting!
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