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Posts posted by Shovel

  1. I wonder if Invicta wouldn't have already attacked us for the transgressions they now play off as meaningless, were it not for the allies we have. Accusations of cowardice can go both ways.

    No, no, Invicta aren't attacking us because of the allies they have. (And no, I am not saying Invicta's allies are small and weak etc.)

  2. I don't feel like trawling through 19 pages of what could be absolute garbage.

    Dictating where you can and cannot go? I thought they just didn't like you.

    I would've thought judging by your calls for a free senate that the ideal choice would be to go join a sphere where the senate seats are free, instead of disrupting the way they do things. I mean if you're not happy with it; go somewhere else, is it that much of an issue is it. The majority of the purple sphere are happy with the way the senate seats are controlled. You however are a minority, this does not mean your views are not relevant at all, it does however mean the majority rule is more important that 3 small alliances making demands for a purple senate seat.

    There are many other spheres with open senates, why did you choose to go to Purple when you knew of the situation with the senate control?

    Just for the record I don't agree with controlled senate seats, but if that is the way that the majority of the purple team like it, why enforce your views on them? Looks to me like you're just out to cause a bit of trouble.

    How are we enforcing our views? We took a senate seat, simple. There is no forcing going on.

  3. You brought a second color based bloc to a color sphere which already had a uniting bloc with no apparent desire to work with them or coexist in a friendly manner. It really seems like things would be different if you had said, "Hey PEACE, we want to come to purple and we kinda want one of the senate seats..." Instead we see this crap floating around. By not considering those present before you, you create problems over the simplest and unimportant issues.

    I had hoped that the windbag that was the previous discussion on this topic would have been the last of this, but instead the other party comes back with this topic. Why? Your "own motives" ? The only purpose this serves is to cause problems.

    You want a senate seat? Great. Go talk to PEACE, work out a deal where everyone is happy, but don't come out here and campaign for senate... especially not as an "Alliance Announcement". If getting your entire bloc to vote for 1 candidate isn't enough to get you one of three seats, then you probably don't deserve it anyway.

    You need to actually know about the situation before making statements like these.

    We did ask PEACE nicely, they told us we couldn't have our own senate seat.

    And we don't deserve the senate seat because we have only 195 member total which wouldn't be enough to get a seat? I think we deserve it more because we put some work in to get the seat.

    Oh, and yeah, Stickmen aren't a colour bloc.

  4. It's a different degree, correct, but it's the general concept I'm getting at. Would you agree that when someone asks someone to do something they wouldn't ordinarily do, at least a small part of the blame rests in the one who asks? Would you not ask the asker to stop?

    Eh, not really, maybe slightly, but it is like you telling someone and teaching them how to use a gun and them then going out to kill someone with it. It's the person who killed who wanted and decided to do it, not the teacher. They can try to blame others all they want, but they did it. (That was a bit crap, but you get my point.)

  5. its not about gaining a senate seat, it's about the means in which you obtain a seat, spamming in annoying and quite dishonourable and Stickmen is dragging its own name through the mud by doing this.

    Also, why did you join purple if you didn't want to join PEACE unless there were exterior motives.

    The main reason to move colour was for Stickmen to be together, united, and the main reason for purple was that there were ample trades but small enough so we could have an impact, not necessarily a bad impact, before Alterego tries to spin my words.

  6. Never said it was a valid reason for a war. What Haf did was over board, but that doesn't push aside the fact that what you did was disrespectful, plain and simple. People rightfully got annoyed it when they got senate spam from NPO and when they wouldn't stop when asked to, people don't like it now.

    On the other hand, are you confirming that Purple didn't threaten you guys before this senate stuff went down and treated the Stickmen decently?

    Do you all like to put words in people's mouths?

    I never said purple threatened us before; they made some masked threats and took jabs at us, but not outright threats.

  7. We already share the seats this seems to be something the Stickmen don't want. We were quite happy to share the seats with them, but they dont want to share with us. Correct me if I'm wrong SM.

    We're sharing seats with you now and we're quite content?

    But yeah, you're wrong. We were quite willing to share the senate with you, you however would not share with us.

  8. Since the statement that it would be okay to hurl threats after "this senate stuff"

    Okay, okay, I got 'em:

    <Haflinger> I consider your spam messages an attempt to impersonate PEACE government officials.

    <Haflinger> You're obviously copying our format.

    <arexes[iFOK]> I don't

    <arexes[iFOK]> lol

    <Haflinger> If you think this is appropriate, expect to start receiving directions from us.

    <arexes[iFOK]> directions, how?

    <Haflinger> That's all I have to say.

    <arexes[iFOK]> ok fine

    <arexes[iFOK]> ttyl I guess

    <Haflinger> Impersonating alliance government is an act of war, however.

  9. That was after you escalated things, unless you can produce logs/quotes that shows threats before this senate stuff.

    They were after the senate stuff, yes, so...? It's an act of war to get a senator elected? Or are you going to go down the whole moral highway route about messaging people?

    Or you could provide actual proof for once, instead of referring me to other people. Unless you have no proof, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

    They were in the other thread from last week, everyone here knows he did, I really am too lazy to go find them.

  10. Threats? What threats? As far as I can tell, we haven't threatened you with diddly. A threat would be "Gtfo purple before we nuke you into oblivion", which is something we most certainly did not say. And no, I would not say trying to get our candidate onto the purple senate is desperation, but posting an endorsement thread most certainly is...

    Ask Haflinger about the threats, i'm sure he can explain them in great detail.

  11. Really? 3 votes separate the top four. You have your own bloc(well the ones who bothered switching to purple) mass spam PMs and a last ditch cap in hand public begging session and you are two votes from losing your seat. I would say the populous have united behind PEACE. :P

    You're REALLY trying to spin it to make it look like we are the ones failing? Really? PEACE and Poseidon have something like 1500 members and you can't even manage to beat Stickmen with a 190. Talk about incompetence.

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