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Posts posted by Shovel

  1. Wow. You're a cocky little !@#$%^&, aren't you? Last I checked, it's not a requirement to put your treaty information in your bio. But, like I said, if you're that confident, please try me again.

    Just a tad like you, eh? of course it is not a requirement, but like I said, most people do it. I don't need to try you again, I got all I want. ;)

  2. It is the responsibility of the attacker to research the potential consequences of attacking any potential targets. Those protecting and protected need only announce their relationship to give fair warning. The fact that nearly everyone maintains an accurate list of their treaty partners somewhere public is a bonus, not a requirement.

    Research was done, alliance not found to be protected. If you are stupid enough to have a 4 member alliance not state in their bio they are protected, well..and also, you expect someone to trawl through every single alliance's list of treaty partners? :')

  3. Well, clearly you're not intelligent enough to research tech raid targets before attacking. So I figured that reminding you of something as trivial as this was warranted.

    Bit like your protectorates aren't intelligent enough to put it in their bio or even mention that they are protected for a whole 7 days! And that land I gained, oh that was yummy, so it makes me pretty intelligent, benefitted my nation quite alot. ;)

  4. I see you've gotten my 'finger pointing' comment pretty pat down. I never suggested FCO love us nor am I aware of these incidents you have quoted. All I am saying is that instead of being rude, especially as an outsider to these alliances (so says your AA), you should be quiet and let the parties work out their own solution and not troll.

    I tend to do what I want. ;)

    I am not FCO, no. But I am an ally and if I see someone trying to make them look bad I ain't going to sit back and watch idly.

  5. There's no need for ad hominem attacks, especially ones having nothing to do with the matter at contention. Even if the government knew nothing of these rogue attacks, the conduct demonstrated in this thread shows a poor level of respect for a problem that should be engaged and not become a game of pointing fingers at one another.

    Yes, if I was FCO I would love to work with Nordreich! Especially with some of your members doing things like this:

    Minister of NoR hacking FCO's old forums, threatening our lives (I'm glad that a member of FCO made a police report), writing lists of people he hates and mocking continuously members of FCO and iFOK. Couple members of NoR sending ingame messages to FCOers and telling them not to move to purple and question the government. Any others we should know about? rolleyes.gif
  6. You are making just as much sense here as you did in private. I echo Chift's response.

    Just because you didn't understand it doesn't mean that it does not make "sense." ;)

    Regarding my previous post not making sense, I really don't see why not... Chift seemed to get the drift.

  7. I have PM'd you the log. It proves that at least three people knew about the attack to come on Nordreich, including one of the FCO's Triumvirs and a gov. official from another alliance. It can always go public, of course.

    Please go troll somewhere else and let the adults have a serious discussion, will you?

    Other than my edit it was a pretty valid statement. ;)

    And I didn't realise what you were doing was "discussing." It looked more like you trying to shine FCO in a bad light. So...heed your own advice?

  8. Decker, let's not be too hasty in portraying the innocent sheep. The fact that FCO's government KNEW about both members planning to go rogue is still inexcusable.

    Yes, the pain you must be feeling. I didn't realise your alliance was incompetant to the stage were you cannot deal with two rogues without it causing you such large damages.

    Edit: Actually, that's a lie. I did think you were pretty incompetant.

  9. So you have 2 rogues do planing and another member Decker supporting it by supplying a secret uranium trade as a current member of FCO. I'd say there was more support to this internally in FCO than just those 2 rogues taking their current course.

    Well, if I was FCO I would personally be doing more than declaring two nations rogue and supplying one of them with a uranium trade.

    And KanaX, don't you dare delete! I need your bloody trade.

  10. Yeah that's a good question. I'm finding it really odd that 2 "former" gov members quit at the same time and then go rogue on the same alliance. Is there more to this ?

    Yeah, there is so much to it. FCO have been plotting for weeks in back channels for two people to go rogue on NoR! I wouldn't take that, please attack them. :)

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