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Posts posted by Shovel

  1. His excuses do not fool me. I see through his charade.

    Two government members of SLCB attack Invicta members, and then when they see it is not getting the attention they want, they make an announcement on it in the hopes of exacerbating the situation. I am well away that a "truce" has been called, however, considering the Stickmen's previous history there is no reason for anyone to believe they intend to honor. Considering the nature of these alliances, we can only assume this is yet another attempt to provoke purple. Really, I don't see what is so hard to understand.

    Let them follower their leaders one by one. Soon enough they should be gone with. I for one shall not miss any of them.

    It really isn't hard to understand, yet you are still struggling with it.

  2. I think AirMe needs to catch up on his CN etiquette

    3 million is easier on the person paying reps, and the person attacked gets a bit of extra cash out of it as a "sorry our member was dumb and attacked you"

    Although, I wouldn't expect anymore from Shovel, IIRC he killed the last couple alliances he was in

    You don't remember correctly, keep trying though.

  3. We did. It seemed fair not to waste aid slots on anything less than 3m.

    I am a reasonable person - we will take reps equal to what the damages have been. I have asked my guys to work with the two nations of ours who have been attacked to get the numbers.

    Let me get this right, instead of you coming to us with this new offer you decided that you would first of all post it in public to try and make us look bad?

  4. Someone keeps going back to the same tired line.

    Please, tell me you will pay the damages done, and then this can be resolved.

    I keep going back to the same tired line because you and other keep using the same tired argument.

    I will repeat again, I don't see any Invicta govt. trying to talk with us, simply them trying to call us out.

  5. I was trying to help both parties out by seeking a resolution, as my alliance is kind of in the middle of this, as we are allied to Invicta, and Nemesis. In case you didn't realize this, Nemesis is your ally (and an alliance I founded) so I was working with them to hopefully resolve it with the knowledge of what Invicta would be seeking.

    Are you saying that SLCB will pay damages dealt?

    We aren't going to fold simply because they try to posture and win support on these forums.

  6. 6 million is no longer what Invicta wishes to receive. that was the original statement of Invicta, however in talks held with them Waltar has stated that the damage done would be acceptable to them.

    Hopefully get SLCB to back off their stupidity.

    Are you saying Invicta didn't demand 6 million? Because they did.

  7. About what?

    We will not be going to war, even though there has been plenty of speculation. All we'd like to get is our fair share of reps from the attacker - the same as iFOK had asked of us when one of our guys had aided a tech raid target of theirs (in case you didn't notice, the fellow who did that left the alliance and spent about 700m instead fighting them) - with the exception of the reps being considerably less.

    What I don't understand is why they sent the 3m to Legion (just found this out) and didn't talk with us about it when I was actively trying to pursue communications with them. And why I had to find out from a third party that the reps were paid to Legion to begin with.

    Because we are iFOK?

  8. What's funny is, about 4 months ago getting a Senate seat was no big deal and they didn't want to cause destabilization on the sphere.

    Yet, what are they doing now? Exactly what they said would be "no big deal" and they are causing "destabilization" - real classy, Stickmen.

    If we were making the fuss over it, then your post might be valid. However your post is full of your usual drivel so it isn't.

  9. Yes.

    The objection is to dishonesty in the messages themselves. Has always been. If the messages clearly identified the source and described who the person they were advocating for was, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

    We don't object to information, but rather to disinformation.

    Because the box saying who it is sent from totally doesn't identify the person. Are you really saying your members are that stupid?

  10. I should have left a long time ago, but the ignorance of that last post has done it.

    The treaty ammendment stipulates a majority of nations being on the sphere. Surprise, surprise for a sphere economic treaty.

    If the Stickmen were serious about being on purple the "limitations" would have not been an issue just like they're not for us.

    Ignorance? You do realise how stupid your post is?

    The 50% limitation is and was not an issue, the issue was having 50 members on purple when at the time iFOK and SLCB didn't even have 50 members and FCO only just had over 50 members. And the whole having to be a member of PEACE for 6 months.

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