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Shadow hawk

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Everything posted by Shadow hawk

  1. "I believe a agreement could be made between your Faraway, and our own Newfoundland and Labrador, to strengthen and better both of our security in Eastern Canada, as well as our economies." Catherine would respond. Sipping his coffee, Françoise would be the next to respond, speaking after Catherine, "From the minor issues such as search and rescue to help our citizens remain as safe as possible, and maybe helping each other financially if needed, to the worse problems involving war, I believe the two of our nations could handle and help each other with such issues with ease. I must admit, that I hope that neither of us find ourselves in a war. A stable country, I believe, cannot live off warfare, and a small nation such as mine surly can't. Of course, should a conflict that should involve one of us come along, I'm sure sure we could let each other use each-other's bases to help each other. Maybe we could also set up occasional military exercises between our two nations, to better train our troops to defend Eastern Canada. I hope we can also help one another economically, by finding ways of encouraging business, industry, and growth between us." (Ooc- sorry for taking so long to respond, been rather busy lately.)
  2. With only a span of a couple weeks before the weather becomes unfavorable for launch, our six reconnaissance satellites have recently been/over a span of a few days or so will be launched into a medium earth and a polar orbit, at ~14,500 KM. These six satellites will be launched using our current rocket, the Nouveau âge. With the launch of these satellites, the senate of the republics has also approved another grant of 850 million NFD for the purpose of a better missile defense system, to be used as a 'SDI'. Research and the materials needed for the system will come along soon.
  3. A report from Terry French, Minister of Defense of Newfoundland&Labrador: Current technology needed and researched for our planed satellites prove to be of use, as the blueprints, design, etc, appears to be in our current military budget for now (Note: Current cost of this project is estimated at 4.13 billion NFD) Our six reconnaissance satellites, which are currently being finalized and will soon be ready for launch, should be able to see the earth well enough to let us know of any dangers that may come to our fair islands or mainlands. The satellites will use digital imaging systems to take detailed images of the earth below, and will send any info it gathered to the military bases on the ground. (Of course, any images and information going to and from the satellites will use a 256 bit encryption, however, another form of encryption is being thought up in a attempt to better secure our military networks.)
  4. As Catherine and Françoise got out of the car and thanked the driver, they began to walk to the building ahead, and up to the entrance they saw the secretary. Françoise would respond to the secretary's greeting, saying, "And it's a honor to meet you as well, miss Lemare." Catherine would be next, saying, "A honor to be here, miss"
  5. As the entered the limousine, Catherine and Françoise would thank the driver. "Some scones and coffee will be nice when we get there" Françoise would say when they were in the the car, "I enjoy the more aesthetic buildings myself, but I figure a plain building can also get what's needed done. A good view of Ottawa may be something to look forward to as well later."
  6. "Indeed, such a lovely day" Françoise would respond, "And it's a bit noisy here with all these people and those aircraft. Catherine, you coming?" "Yes, course" Catherine replied, a bit startled as she was looking around again, "Just was looking around. Must say, such a lovely day indeed, and so many things to do." As they approached the limousine, Françoise would ask, "So, where is this driver taking us? Can it be as lovely as this city, or maybe the day?"
  7. The president Françoise and his minister, Catherine, would go to where they needed to find Hanobel once they arrived at the airport. When they found each other, Françoise would be the first to speak to Hanobel. "bonjour Miss Hanobel, C'est Françoise, et Catherine. I must say Hanobel, you look as lovely as this Ottawa, and is indeed a pleasure to meet you. And your band of yours, I must say, knows how to make a old fellow feel right at home. Your band played our ode perfectly. I must also apologize for my french, it's been years since I've spoken it." Catherine, looking around as she usually does in her own curiosity, would naturally be the next to speak to her, "Yes, your band was great, I must say. They may even give our own band some competition."
  8. From today, to the 4th of July, As I'm traveling, and wont be able to get on my WiFi.
  9. With 141 of our representatives saying yes, the government of Newfoundland&Labrador has finally passed the 'Labrador Mining Project', which will give over 750 million NFD to help fund the various companies search for and extraction of resources in in the region of Labrador. It is hoped that the region of Labrador may benefit from these mines, and is hoped to bring in new revenue for both the people in the region, and Newfoundland&Labrador as a whole.
  10. "We're glade to know that there are people out there who seek to know more about the first immigrations into the new world by the Norse people, with the hopes that we may understand more about their cultures, and exchanges between the Norse and the First Nations, whom have lived here long before us, and who we hope to better understand as well. We at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, and we believe the rest of Newfoundland&Labrador, would be honored to welcome the people of the Royal Faraway Academy of Sciences to come and help us restore the ruins of L'Anse aux Meadows, with the hopes that we all can better understand our history." ~An open Letter to Glinda Sherwood Doyle, Chairwoman of the RFAS, ~From the students and professors at the Archaeology Division of the Memorial University of Newfoundland (ADMUN).
  11. Given the most recent fall of Germany, Newfoundlandic troops and personal would head over to Vinland and the general area around it. Even tho there really aren't many people living in the area, the move was largely symbolic. Any German installations that are not archaeological in nature, or any that have no such value for concerning such, would be torn down, and such parts may be used for other purposes, as seen fit by the local and central governments. Archaeological sites in/near the area will open in a couple days, and will soon be worked by our local archaeologist, and students. Any qualified persons or students from the other nations are also welcome to come to this, and other Archaeological sites as well.
  12. I believe there's a piece of German land that's on my island. (I think it's near Vinland, part of the island of Newfoundland). If I may, I woud like the piece back. (I'll provide some rp of how I will retake it.)
  13. Newfoundland&Labrador weather forecast alert. (Mostly around central Newfoundland) Gander Newfoundland, The Victoria Day weekend this year has been met with both icy roads, and record breaking snowfall, of nearly 58 centimeters of snow that has fell between Saturday and Sunday, breaking the previous record of only 49 centimeters, which was set in 1972. what was set over the whole month in 1972, has been broken in just a couple of days. Other parts of the region of Newfoundland is experiencing inclement and cold weather. To any of you who happen to be traveling through the heavy snow and rain, we hope you well, and the government has already dispatched some rescue crews and teams to various parts of the country to help those who need it. Please, remember to try to stay indoors, and expect power shortages and blackouts. For more information, other travel warnings, and etc., please visit our website, or watch your local weather channel.
  14. To: American Commonwealth - Hershey Defense From: Minister of defense- Terry French Thanks for allowing our order. We also appreciate the discounts and such, and I can imagine our Reps would love the chocolate. Hopefully we could use the money saved to purchase more weapons and chocolate sometime in the future. When the craft is finished, please let me or the senate know, so we can arrange a flight plan for you to our base. (Can I have mostly dark chocolate tho? Thanks.)
  15. ENCRYPTED TRANSMISSION To: American Commonwealth - Hershey Defense From: United Republics of Newfoundland/Labrador. Subject: Weaponry/Aircraft Dear Hershey Defense, The senate of these United Republics wishes to buy some extra aircraft from you. If you can, can you could fly the craft over to CFB Goose Bay please? We would be alright with paying any fees that you may charge for such. Of course, we can also just pick the craft ourselves, if you can't send them over. We would be interested in buying 25 of your F-22A Raptor, for about $3,500,000,000. Thanks for conserding us, Minister of defense- Terry French
  16. Election results for the 12th session for the House of representatives The 20XX elections for the 12th session of the house are as follows. Newfoundland&Labrador Socialist Party: 88 seats Newfoundland&Labrador First Party: 79 New States Party: 16 Labrador Party: 13 Greens party: 3 Independents: 1 Recent polls have shown, along with our latest election for the seats for the house, that the are Socialist Party is losing some ground, as the Newfoundland&Labrador First Party is gaining some. The Labrador Party also seems to be growing, possibly a result of the people of the Labor territory wishing to have more of a say in the nation's politics.
  17. Construction of our satellites will begin in a few days, and is expected that the satellites will be completed in about four years. Once completed, they will be launched from the rocket pad build at/near CFB Goose Bay the following year. Research is also underway to connect said satellites to our military network.
  18. Since Newfoundland's recent visit to space some time ago, there were plans and ideas of creating military and Surveillance satellites. A plan to make at least six satellites is currently underway. These first satellites of our nation will all be for the purpose of communications, guidance, and spying. There will also be in development, a MIM-23 Hawk, which is a medium range surface to air missile, that is to be able to destroy aircraft and other missiles in flight. Over the next several years, there should be at-least four launch pads for these missiles on each of our bases. The bases being Ft. Summer, Navel Base Argentia, and CFB Goose Bay. ​These missiles and satellites are to also be a part of our Strategic Defense Initiative, which will help defend us should we be under attack, or should we need them for any other purpose.
  19. With a majority vote of 150 of the members of the house saying yes, and only 27 saying no, with a more recent vote of over 235,000 registered voters agreeing, for a amendment to our constitution, creating a new article; "Article XVII" The amendment was written and made to create a set of successors for when the president is dead, or is too incapacitated to act within his/her powers, and etc.
  20. Several of our engineers have found that St. John's sewage system appears to be out of date, with millions of litres flowing into its harbor and neighboring waters everyday. The government has allowed for 10 million NFD to create a new Harbour Interceptor Sewer, which would be a 1600-mm diameter pipe that would stretch for about two kilometres around the harbourfront to collect the sewage. A site for the sewage treatment plant has also been chosen, at Southside hills. An additional 150 million NFD has been allowed for its construction. Because of its rather visible location, it will also be made to look visually appealing, and not very obtrusive. It should take around three or four years until its completion. Until its completion however, we will send volunteers to collect and screen the raw sewage water. With this, and the sewage plant that should be complected in a few short years, we hope to eventually heal our environment for our seas and water.
  21. Election results for the 11th session for the House of representatives The 20XX elections for the 11th session of the house are as follows. Newfoundland&Labrador Socialist Party: 93 seats Newfoundland&Labrador First Party: 81 New States Party: 20 Labrador Party: 4 Greens party: 1 Independents: 1 These elections has shown that the people have decided to show more faith for the Newfoundland&Labrador Socialist Party, as the latest president, Françoise Rode of the Newfoundland&Labrador Socialist Party, is of that party, and has a approval rating of at least 53%. It may also help that there is word that some more of the socialist policies may be coming around soon, in the hopes of growing our small nation. The increasing power of the Newfoundland&Labrador First Party also comes as no surprise, if even less, of its increasing power in the house, as many conservatives and so called "Liberal" conservatives prefer the economic and social stance of the Newfoundland&Labrador First Party. In other news, an amendment to our constitution and a few new sets of laws to go with it are expected to come out soon, with several major cities and districts already planning to let their citizens to vote on the amendment soon. The amendment is supposed to help make more clear the session of presidency, as Françoise Rode election came about with the house knowing of nothing else to do, as well as some confusion in the house on how it may affect the term and maybe a nation's policies and politics.
  22. This seems like it could be of interest. I'd like to claim the Kingdom of Great Britain please, and with its name of, well, Kingdom of Great Britain. I don't know why, but I like the sound of the name.
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