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The Mongol-Swedes

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Posts posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. As I see it, NATO isn't obligated to do anything if they decide they don't want to formally remain in a position of responsibility. They didn't want to put up with a slacking, unstable, and ineffective treaty partner, so they withdrew their support in 'proper' fashion, and that's that. NATO can and likely will deal with whatever nonsense 'fallout' this action may entail.

    Not to mention the fact that we'll be right there to back 'em up.

  2. The brown team is always looking for new members. Try NSO, they are a pretty good fit for everyone :D

    What a livewire! You don't even have two 1/8ths to rub together and you suppose you have what it takes to satisfy a fine bunch of Pinkos? Lolbrown.

    Truthfully, I wish The Recession and all the XG crew luck in finding new homes. You'll always be welcome to pop in and join the circle. We'll save the spark for ya.

    o7 XG

  3. While the curiously bourgeois nature of your festivities has me somewhat in a hazy fluster, the character of the signatories in this treaty is more than awesome enough to convince me that this is indeed a positive - and perhaps, inevitable - development for two great allies, whose dedication to their treaties far outstrips the power of high stats.

    Viva de la SWF!

    Viva de la NEAT!

    Libertad o Muerte!

  4. Lsf_nEWS_bROADCAST_logo_oh_lol22121212.gif

    Increasing reports have reached this news desk of the sudden appearance of "bad $@! Space Marines" throughout the Federation's frontiers. While initially the Delegates Council was responding to these reports as "wicked awesome balls-tripping good-times" as a result of a recent spike in science fiction interest, the sheer number of confirmed reports has inspired a unanimous decision by the Delegates to be the first to make contact, or "at least score some killer space weed".




    LSF - CAL Mutual Defence Optional Aggression Pact


    It is demonstrated that the sovereignty of each participating alliance and their members shall be held sacrosanct.


    No member nation of either alliance will declare war on any member nation of the other, provide aid, be it military, money, technology, knowledge and intelligence, to enemies of the other, or commit acts of espionage against the other.


    The signatory alliances and their members will treat each other with as much respect and decency as they would their own members. Alliance members are expected to show tact and consideration when addressing any grievances by making full use of proper diplomatic channels. Any and all information gathered by one of the signatories with potential impact on the security of the other must be privately forwarded to them within 24 hours upon receiving the information. All parts of said information must be disclosed, including its' sources.

    Mutual Intelligence

    The signatory alliances will refrain from any intelligence gathering or active intelligence operation, including, but not limited, to obtaining information from private forums, IRC channels, or through the use of former or current members of the other. Each signatory alliance will provide to the other any offers of said intelligence or active operations made by any third party.

    Mutual Defense

    An attack on one signatory alliance will be considered as an attack on both and shall be treated as such by the other signatory.

    Military assistance must be given within 48 hours of the official recognition of state of war by the signatory under attack or official appeal for assistance by the said signatory, may it be public or private.

    Optional Aggression

    In the event that either signatory should choose to initiate aggression against a third party, the aggressor signatory may request any level of support deemed necessary from the other signatory. However, the other signatory has full sovereignty over their involvement in any aggressive act on the behalf of the initial aggressor.


    The present treaty is concluded in perpetuity, with the provision that both signatory alliances will become unbound from the terms of this treaty 24 hours after notice of its termination for cause is given in the form of a public announcement from a duly elected or appointed leader of the withdrawing signatory alliance , to be posted on the board of the Cybernations Forums and the respective forums of the signatory alliances. A minimum of 24 hours notice must be provided in private to the leadership of the signatory alliances prior to the public announcement of the termination of this agreement. Both signatories are highly encouraged to seek the diplomatic solution of the problem before the termination of the agreement. Violations of this agreement are grounds for dissolution of this agreement without prior notice.

    Signed for the Crimson Auric Legion

    Mak Stormwielder - Chapter Master

    Evil Lord Doom - Master of the Forge

    Isaacblue72 - Captain of the Auric Guard

    Signed for the Libertarian Socialist Federation

    The Delegates Council

  5. lsfblackguardsmm3.png

    A PWNAGE Addendum from the Libertarian Socialist Federation

    The Libertarian Socialist Federation is proud to be the oldest surviving member of the Pink sphere and a contributor to PWN/PWNAGE. We welcome the newest members of PWNAGE to pass the spliff to the left and look forward to expanding our old digs here and bringing glory and lulz to a most immoral sphere.


    On a personal note: TCB, try stopping by sometime and keeping your old pals updated on your affairs if you're so offended by us using the old signature. Really! It takes hardly anytime whatsoever.

    o7 The Centurion Brotherhood!

  6. Heh, I laugh in the face of those imperialist twits who would troll this amazing treaty. There's a good chance they'd get a contact high, in the process!

    Cheers to Jellyboo for his simplistic style. Nothing wrong with going back to basics with making an announcement.

    Vive de l'Internationale! Vive la NEAT!

    Libertad o Muerte!

  7. I look forward to the announcement of your merger into The International shortly.

    That joke was about as lame as your cliched power bloc. See the sig for more details.

    I'm definitely looking forward to the SPA standing on its own two feet very soon. And with NATO standing them up, you'll be looking forward to them announcing far more impressive things. Now quit killing my buzz, wouldya?

  8. But that makes no sense, as members will have issues with one another, and you will end up with a massive pile of drama. Apart from nothing ever getting done. People who can weild power effectively should have it.

    I invite you to the LSF forums to see the 'nothingness' we have accomplished.

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