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The Mongol-Swedes

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Posts posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. Pink Reclamation Efforts are underway. Us eebil anti-democratic guvmint-run healthcare Adolf Obama lovin' Socialists require Lebensraum for the trees. Heil!

    [OOC] Mixed private/public healthcare is 'Socialism'. LOL![/ooc]

    Good luck, Jason8. You'll always be welcome to visit the Black Guards. lolpink

  2. Take a look at the history of your ideology. Any rational being will find it nothing less than abhorrent...

    Not to mention your leaders have consistently run your alliances into the ground with backroom politics, foolish ambitions, and idealistic arrogance.

    Seems like rational beings these days find NPO clones to be the running definition of abhorrent, friend. Liberty prevails this time 'round.

  3. Lsf_nEWS_bROADCAST_logo_oh_lol22121212.gif

    The Delegates Center today announced their approval of increased use of the Internet by the "psychedelically enhanced" communes of the Federation, noting the "considerable amount of Serious Business and Lulz to be had were of significant value to the morale and well-being of our esteemed citizenry", stated one Delegate, too blazed out of his mind to remember where he'd left his ID.

    With that being said, it is the opinion of this loudmouth that lulz alliances that are also diehard allies who have shown a great deal of loyalty without messing about with frivolous formalities and exaggerated self-importance, are exactly the kinds of allies that one can always count on. Also, Bel Air is So Fresh and their nuts leave me saying Wow! every time.

    Without further ado, the LSF Public News Service is pleased to announce the following treaty.


    The Name Goes here Treaty.

    Preamble: gay.gif I mean.. One Day, Those mighty fine gentlemen from the wonderful gated community of Bel Air, came up a group of fine people from an anarchist alliance called the LSF. Those fine gentlemen quickly feel in love with LSF, and decided they wanted to be friends.

    SEXSHUN 1: Sovereignty.

    While LSF and Bel Air are very good friends, We agree not to use the Other's Tooth Brush, or Come into their house without knocking.

    SEXSHUN 2: Mutual Defense

    If Someone comes and triess to pick a fight with LSF, then Well Bel Air's gonna come and fight those people. If Someone tries to punch Bel Air, LSF will shank them with a spoon.

    SEXSHUN 3: Optional Aggression

    If either Bel Air or LSF want to go start a fight they can ask the other signatory to come and help them, but the other dudes don't have to come if they ain't feeling it.

    SEXSHUN 4: Intelligence

    If some dude is telling some juicy gossip story about the popular people, and one of the signatories hears this gossip, they gonna come and tell their friend.

    SEXSHUN 5: The Sad Clause.

    If LSF or Bel Air decide they don't like each other they can cancel this treaty. But you got to give the other alliance like 72 hours before you cancel it. But for that sad period, the other 4 SEXSHUN's still apply.

    Signed for Bel Air:

    King Xander the Only, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Back Alley Abortionist, and the True and Righteous Hero of Pink

    Emperor Marx, Carlton the Glorious

    890765, Bel Air Country Club manager, and the King of Facerolled Ruler Names

    This Charming Man, Bel Air Country Club Courtesy Desk, England Is Mine, Hang the blessed DJ, Scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen, this means you really love me

    Druss the Legend, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sweet Talking, and Romancing

    Newhotness, Minister of Economics and Receiver of Poontang

    Extraduty, Minister of $%&@ and Lover of Women and Children

    Signed for LSF:

    The Delegates Council

  4. I'm sure the Gulag was epic fun.

    I'm sure the American prison system is/was epic fun.

    Face it: All States spread injustice in the name of Order, be they 'communist' or 'democratic'.

    EDIT: A little supporting data.


  5. Even I disapprove of this statist trend of parliamentary democracy you're having now, congrats. :wub: As a former dweller of the Federation, it's nice to see you guys are still doing well.

    Heh, and you actually think that these jokers really have power. Maybe you'd like to pop by and see how we livin'. Really, I thought you'd know better.

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