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Dr Blindness

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Everything posted by Dr Blindness

  1. This post says it all. A good alliance will find you soon enough.
  2. Another bump for me wee Scottish friends.
  3. Time running down to get in on this special! We will be running a WCHA Final Five special in two weeks, but this one only has the rest of today and tomorrow left! Get in on it while you still can.
  4. We are still aggressively recruiting. This is a great place to be, so hop over and sign up today! We are currently offering a Minnesota state boys high school hockey tournament special. Next five nations who meet membership requirements and are approved will be given startup aid in 10 days rather than the normal 30. Offer ends with the update on Monday. http://z9.invisionfree.com/NAHA_Centre/index.php
  5. Returning the favor to my WAPA brethren.
  6. We've finally found a board that works properly! YAY! http://z9.invisionfree.com/NAHA_Centre/index.php Sign up for membership today! You will be given all the tools necessary to build a successful nation.
  7. After some registration problems with the board, we have had to delay recruitment efforts. Those problems appear to be resolved at the moment, so we will resume our search for quality members very soon. If you're looking for a fun, unique alliance, this is the one for you.
  8. Don't collect taxes until the day AFTER you get out of anarchy if possible. You'll get your full happiness back.
  9. Round 2 of recruitment underway. If you're looking for a good time, give us a call!
  10. I've found Grade F meat works just as well as caviar and baked alaska and is much cheaper. Dog food will do in a pinch too. Really cuts down on the maintenance fees.
  11. Join up with an alliance themed off the best sport on the planet! New members will be given whatever they need to be prosperous. Now accepting applications at our offsite forum: http://z9.invisionfree.com/NAHA_Centre/index.php We are a white sphere alliance! Nations under 1k NS will be required to switch to white prior to acceptance as we will work to set your trades!
  12. * not in the top 5%* *donates as well* *will continue to do so* *this game is worth 20 bucks a month to me*
  13. Without lead you cannot have scholars. So it's not terrible.
  14. Although when you get into nuke buying range, you won't be permitted to buy nukes if you have the powerplant option selected, if my understanding is correct.
  15. Heck, I'm not even 6 months in, but if I'm around to see 2 years, I'd love to see a + 7.5 bonus. That's some significant money right there.
  16. Having not read the entire thread, what's unfair is people dropping trades with no warning. :angry:
  17. We are still looking for the best and brightest. If you want a nice kick start plus great advice on how to grow even awesomer, why not join?
  18. At least until they change the 200 miles for 20 bucks down to 20 miles for 20 bucks.
  19. I haven't read the entire thread, but at 100 mil, just how many nations below the 5% threshold is the MP really going to impact? for example, even after my next infra jump, it would take me approximately 50 days or so to save up enough to purchase that, and frankly, i would be looking at the standard wonders first. I do like the SDI a lot, however, and agree with the suggestions to drop the aid requirement.
  20. Had myself a flu vaccination event last week, which got me a +15% population, which enabled me to pick up two improvements, which added another bunch of people, I forget exactly how much. Those are nice, but next month I'll be singing the blues when those bonus Whammies die of the flu.
  21. Bumpity-bump-bump. Gots to get the WAPA name back out there!
  22. Wouldn't it be lovely if no one had to pay to get people to trade? If we could all just look at each other's resources and say, "man, I wanna get me some of that." Bottom line, when you trade with someone, you both win. It's a lot like hugging your sister and then finding out she's Jessica Alba and you're not actually related. But that's just me.
  23. My first directive for my spies will be to get good pics of all the hot chicks in Whammyland.
  24. If someone has to be unavailable for a period of time and wants someone they trust to keep their nation going while they're away, how is that treated in terms of the multiple nations on same IP issue? I'm sure this ? has been asked ad nauseum, but I'm new to the CN forums, so I'm asking it again.
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