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King Wally

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Everything posted by King Wally

  1. Forums: http://z3.invisionfree.com/Killed_In_Action_CN IRC: http://irc2go.com/pjirc/?net=Coldfront&room=KIACN Motto: Justify Your Existance Team Color: Purple Theme: Military Foundation Date: Founded July 8, 2009 Alliance Leadership: Commander in Chief - Guardian666 General of the Interia - Swillmaster General of the Exteria - King Wally General of the Armed Forces - Linkkjm Video: About us: KIA was the brainchild of founder Guardian666, inspired by the military with structures, codes, and morals all borrowed from this background he created an alliance which encourages the development and responsible use of the Cybernations military functions while still maintaining set rules and guidance to protect its members. The leadership is designed to make streamlined and efficient decisions and runs with minimal red tape. Members are encouraged to tech raid albeit within set boundaries, and the defense of the alliance is held as paramount for all members. To be killed in action for KIA is as its name suggests the greatest honor of all. What this means for you is that if you ever find your self under attack you can feel secure in the fact that you aren’t surrounded by a bunch of Ghandi loving, Dali Lama preaching peace moders, your surrounded by well armed, well experienced veterans who will be licking their lips at the chance to race to your defense. When you join KIA you join a group which shares a common interest in the military, its strategy, history, patriotism and comradeship. If you want to play Cybernations in peacemode wetting yourself at the prospect of each days tax collection and bill payment KIA is not for you… on the other hand if you enjoy spending your time drooling over your next high tech aircraft investment then you’ve come to the right place… we remember where we left the declare war button… but most of all we remember that at the end of the day your meant to be playing Cybernations FOR FUN!!! How to Join: Register on our forums (link above) and register an account, and then sign up at our New Member Enlistment page.
  2. I had found myself feeling lost and bored with cybernations, just about to accept the fact that the game possibly wasn't that much fun afterall. A bland routine of collecting tax... paying bills... sitting well behaved and following pointless rules for the sake of following pointless rules. Then Guardian told me about his brand new vision for KIA... I sat back ran my eye over his demo charter... he had done it! He had created an alliance which had perfectly suited what I had always been looking for. I want to thank Guardian for putting KIA together, he has put a hell of a lot into getting this fine ship afloat, I am so proud to be a founding General of this great Alliance!!! Drop by sometime everyone, the more friendly faces around the better. Link in my sig...
  3. You guys deserve a bump... from anouther alliance just starting out as well. Good luck!!! ... but most of all enjoy yourself, afterall thats what its all about.
  4. Great alliance here.... just a little bump from your friends at KIA!
  5. BLACK LIST: Please feel free to add names of rulers who have been proven to have acted in a manner you see as being unfit to serve for any future alliance. Spy activity, theft, and high level deceipt and crime only. NO personal feuds or everyday issues that didn't work out. I only want true rogues that we all should avoid. Nation Ruler: Frankman1 - for the repeat theft of new member aid across several alliances. GLOP $6,000,000 debt.
  6. Ok Im going to try and start the black list. It will need a sticky pin, and to be kept in alphabetical order of ruler name. Also we all need to be carefull not to abuse the system. Just cause someone pisses us off or wasn't good for their alliance doesn't mean they get a black list. The black list needs to be for real rogues. In this case he's a repeat offender, who in GLOP at least stole 6 million dollars from us and ran to peace mode back at EOW which is his "base alliance". I'll get this started soon... or if a moderater wanted to it may be more official?
  7. Thank you all for your info and offers of assistance, we may yet require it. We have actually been punished for our peacefull nature in this circumstance. We wanted to give him a final warning... and he responded by running to peace mode. I have had no luck trying to communicate with his alliance EOW, they just deleate my embassy posts on their forum and keep passing the buck. After looking into them I must say the whole alliance looks shady. 9 members several multi's by the looks of the cancelled inter alliance trade offers, money going in... no tech going out? I would like to put a formal warn notice out there. If you deal with any nation in EOW be carefull with your cash. By the way I also beleive we should start on these recruitment pages a permenant black list of rulers that have scammed alliances so other alliances can cross check their new recruits have a clean history. If we work together we should be able to stamp out this behaviour.
  8. Joining GLOP was the best move I ever made in CN... hope to see you all there soon
  9. Thats ok.. sometimes we all get a bit excited at the prospect of pulling in new recruits but there are times we need to look out for each other. Heres a perfect example
  10. I wanted to hear from any other alliances here that have delt with the ruler Frankman1 before. I know we are about his 6th or 7th alliance to date and we have had an unfortunate experiance with him. While I don't want to go on a personal vendetta without first hearing his side of the story (he has seen my messages but is avioding all contact at present) it would apear he may be a character you should be wary of. I will simply say do not send him any joining or growth aid until you are 100% sure he is commited to your organisation. As you will see going through publicly available records he joined our alliance about a week ago, accepted considerable cash aid and today without notice he seams to be making himself very comfortable at a new alliance. Frankman1 if you are reading please reply... and to all others please use caution. Thank You King Wally
  11. Elections have begun... good luck to all! The votes are flooding in as we speak
  12. GLOP elections start today! Remember Every Vote Counts!!!!
  13. GLOP has joined the new round of TE and is currently fighting on several fronts! Good times on TE B)
  14. So im not alone... perhaps when we both loose our jobs for playing CN on the job we can start our own company
  15. New GLOP 3x3 tech deals kick off on the 4th July. We need tech sellers ASAP msg me to sign up
  16. I'd love you to join us at GLOP. We are relatively small at 50 members but still big enough to help you out. I could offer you a $3,000,000 joining bonus and even earn you anouther $3,000,000 in our 3x3 tech deal on the 4th of july. Just let me know, and good luck!
  17. I went to send a formal business email at work with the tail out Regards "King Wally" thank god I noticed before I hit send....
  18. GLOP welcomes this weeks new members to the alliance! Welcome aboard to the nations of: Patriots Rep empire of Gi Argentina Frank land I am also very happy to announce that 3 of these new members have nominated for various positions in government here at GLOP. Elections kick of on the 1st so good luck to all! GLOP will be recruiting new members all month so anyone interested in joining should hit up our official web site below. Hope to see you there!
  19. I wish Orbit Black the best of Luck. I wish to offer a declaration of mutual peace from GLOP. We are a relatively small yet enthusiastic alliance co-existing with you within the black team. TE is a world rife with conflict and as mutual alliances of the black sphere I propose we should work together where possible. If we can be of help you can find me in game under the same ruler name. Game on! King Wally
  20. $3,000,000 new member bonus currently available... ... as dire straights once sung thats "money for nothin"
  21. Let me get this straight, you want a dictatorship style alliance you can join... only as long as your the dictator? That nearly defies logic unless you physically start your own alliance from scratch apoint yourself supreme overloard and then I am guessing bribe other nations to come over with cash or dam strong military protection? Not having a go... just suggesting you may be better off building one yourself. If such an alliance already existed by their very nature they would want you to be nothing more then a quiet servent to their policies.
  22. Vote 1 the Adude / King Wally coalition for Minister of Recruitment!!! oh and while your there Link for HC!!! Elections are on July 1st
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