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Posts posted by IYIyTh

  1. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1313079017' post='2777571']
    Please show me where anyone in MK has said or suggested that we view MJ only as a "nice tool".

    Keeping someone "marginalized," after a "hard earned victory," whom likely would be in one's coalition in a post describing an ideal post-war world isn't exactly what I would envision as being endearing.

  2. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1313075737' post='2777544']
    Huge facepalm right here. I have no idea who you got to be a Tri, that few active nations in MHA, huh? Your post does explain your lack of understanding when it comes to FA though.

    Is restating that MK views Mjolinor as a nice tool to be kept down in the future after they do their bidding for them not relevant to the discussion?

    I'll take your endorsement as a compliment.

    [quote name='janax' timestamp='1313076559' post='2777550']

    I'm all for minimizing the influence of people who aren't in PF (or allied) and maximizing our own influence. That doesn't mean everyone else has a target on their back, or that I'm going to spread a bunch of lies, half-truths and spun stories about them, simply that it is in our own best interest to make sure we are at the top.


    Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you.

    I'm just more shocked at the claims that no one is gunning for anyone when it's simply not true.

    That and the whole take on Mjolinor.

  3. [quote name='kwell' timestamp='1313019248' post='2777013']
    I see you are courageous :ehm: It's not being meat shields when sf is acting aggressively against pb/dh/allies. PB/DH/Allies will be affected too if sf wants to roll pb/dh/allies. It's really just looking after the common good for people in pb/dh/ and allies.

    I might agree with you if of all of the alliances on these boards the past few months, the SF ones had been the most aggressive.

    At any rate, it's pretty clear how Ardus feels about Mjolinor, there's really no way to spin it.

  4. [quote name='ali5541' timestamp='1313002102' post='2776805']
    Yah. But you know, still stings a little.

    Yeah but no one who "donates," should have any reason to !@#$%* or attempt to leverage that into anything.

    Plus, I'm willing to bet more donors would pop up in a reset in an attempt to do what some did and put themselves astronmically ahead of everyone else.

  5. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1312934104' post='2776220']
    This honestly reminds of NPO leading up to Karma. We in TPF were certain that was coming as much as 5 months before it happened when we were told to start preparing to be on the losing side of a long war. NPO didn't want to believe it and allowed themselves to be isolated. 2.5 years later they've never recovered. Fark/XX should learn from that.

    While paranoia seems to be the motivating drive for many alliances (Including a few individuals in this thread and for sure in a certain post merely confirming what everyone already knew was being said behind closed doors,) I think you'll be disappointed if one believes XX will take any bait.

    The good thing about paranoia is that it can be exposed before it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

  6. [quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1312728823' post='2774158']
    If you believe your friend has a plan to kill you they aren't really your friends now are they?

    Do you have to believe someone may want to kill you for it to be a possibility? ;)


    ^Tried to embed. Epic fail.

  7. [quote name='Matt Miller' timestamp='1312713023' post='2774097']
    So even though we (as your allies) told you we would not enter, you still thought we might and allowed your block mate to threaten us? We never gave you a reason not to trust us, yet you still didn't trust us. That's good to know, Ego.

    [i] [u]"Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet if necessary, because they may want to kill you. [/u][/i]"

    Ego stated he does what every good alliance leader does in this game (and any government in the world, since this OOC, I suppose,) which is consider anything a possibility and nothing certain. Trust is certainly important but there is a degree of Murphy's Law at play.

    I agree there's a bit of strong arm from Xiph , but it's nothing Bob's never seen before. (Definetly not even the best of Xiph himself.)
    If anything it seems it was a pretty effective way to get a point across, regardless of whether said possibility existed or not, it at least would make someone think twice if it did. I could see how that would be upsetting but from what I can tell it was done out of respect for IRON's potential ability to make things go haywire that the strong-arm was employed.

    I can see how that would be upsetting, but does that really make Ego untrusting?

    Edit: grammar

  8. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1312613797' post='2773408']
    Actually, Fark has been the SF alliance we've gotten along with worst for quite some time. As far as we've figured out, Fark partly blames us for them being held down so long in GW2 or something to those effects, IIRC.

    That's weird, because all throughout the board, I see Fark's name getting brought up by all sorts of people, but not the other way around.

  9. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1312526506' post='2772490']
    the problem is everyone seems to think Xiph is our spokesperson, when in reality he is GOD's spokesperson, nothing more.

    I've attempted to post in our embassy, I'd be willing to discuss any issues anyone in MK has with RIA or myself,
    and inb4 z0mg mogar is a pedo!

    Don't worry, it's not uncommon.

    People do their own thing to spice up their theme or whathaveyou, and basically are returned with fifth grade insults.

    Apparently they think that[b] that's [/b]funny.

  10. [quote name='John Clark' timestamp='1312140046' post='2768426']
    Its not the rubber and wine that suck!
    Its not the coal and sugar that suck!

    All the player based resources are fairly well balanced, its when bonus resources came about that this good v bad started and circles. If not for the unbalancing bonus resources things like rubber/fur or fur/wine would be just as good as fish/wheat.

    We dont need the ability to change our starting resources we just need for the bonuses to be balanced.

    To be fair, cattle and wine is pretty turrible.

    What with everyone demanding Uranium as a wildcard, etc.

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