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Posts posted by KainIIIC

  1. Are you saying you don't love me?


    You're not Lord though.


    There's reconciling and there's non-mutually-exclusive.  Two very different things.


    Though, perhaps I'm blinded by my perpetual desire to some day again be aligned to Viridia. *shrug*


    Sure, but as said on our embassy, you got the wrong retirement in the wrong alliance for some kind of "reconciliation" or "non-mutually-exclusitivity" to happen.


    [OOC] If I had the 40 hours to drop on CN every week at this point, I'd be happy to do so. I really love this game. It just isn't in the cards. That said, I'm here for the long haul and a lot of my time freed up this week for the immediate future. [/OOC]


    The analysis isn't that shocking to a lot of people but it's still fun to read the way other people phrase things.


    I miss making a boogeyman of you too  :mellow:

  2. You know, maybe we were mistaken in thinking that alliances merging and disbanding was a good thing for CN. For one thing, it limits the number of AAs out there with a more "open" affiliation up for grabs for other alliances to find relations with. Instead it's just the same old players doing the same old thing, only making minor changes to their FA and shifting only slightly from one "side" to another.


    In any event, interesting enough stuff in there but nothing terribly surprising. Had to laugh at NSO and VE reconciling even with Ray stepped down.

  3. Oh, I thought this was already on the books... ages ago. Anyway, congrats!


    youwish raged out, shit broke, the treaty was cancelled, and after we got our stomach pumped out, we're all sober and good to go back from an oDoAP to an MDoAP :)

  4. Even if you are right; what you say still refutes his NSO vrs 3mill NS statement. 


    NSO v. understanding the point


    Militarization brought us up to 4.05m and even still, before BiPolar we were 4m. Before Karma, RAD, 6 mil, Legion and Dave War (even though we didn't join) we were 3m. It's still a solid rule of thumb.


    Smurf v. Being ZIed in 5 days. ;)

  5. Wouldn't call it best rivalry ever, but since this thread appears to be about listing rivalries, I'll throw in Sparta-NSO. Some of my personal funniest CN memories were bridge dwelling the sith.


    Ah yes, we used to have tons of fun mudslinging back and forth, especially when Hyp ("Mr. Hands") was around. Best moments were during the neutral poaching (Hyp calling us "barbaric") and the Spy-Polar war, where Hyp begged us to declare on them, and where NSO & the world trolled the crap out of Sparta for declaring on Exodus.


    Y'all were at 4.4mill NS right before the kaskus war. 


    Unknown Smurf v. not lying


    (we were 3.9 million)



    Mj v. SF was good while it lasted

  6. Name's mentioned in the OP, and I was apparently DFA's best opponent. Works for me :)


    Well looky here, all the same folks who were berating both sides of the war for their "arrogance", particularly on the part of Kaskus, are now all respectful and lovey dovey.  Gotta love the PR turn around you spineless sacks of meat.


    No worries, you can always join the opposing alliance to whatever war we get ourselves in. It can become a hobby of yours (and target practice for our noobs)


    Gosh whats Kaskus NS now? Like 300,000? 


    we got 'em down to 280k, but tech, rebought infra and PMed nations are tough to destroy :(

  7. DoorNail kind of just undercut his original reason to complain about this DoW in the first place.


    "We already considered ourselves at war with you, we aided Kaskus which is an act of war, but we cancelled aid packages SO WHY ARE YOU BEING SO MEAN?!"


    the soapbox ain't working well for you so far..

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