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Eggman Empire

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Posts posted by Eggman Empire

  1. From Iblis Kray; acting government ruler, on behalf of Eggman Empire.

    To the Grøenlandia govenment.

    You might want to tell your men not to get to close to our country. Any infringements on our borders will be considered an act of war. We wonder why you would consider attacking us, when the real threat is already doing so and has threatened to do the same to you. So either screw off or help out. That is all.

  2. Nearly ten minutes after the first message came out, a second one followed.

    "Well today is your lucky day folks." The same voice explained. "Turns out that unkillable monster known as Emperor Sammyace Kintober of Eggman Empire has successfully stopped the missiles that were going to decimate whatever part of the world they were going to hit. In a rather cruel, yet funny twist of irony, by disabling the missiles that were headed towards you fellows, Kintober has activated another set of missiles, aimed at his own country. So rejoice, for the guilty will be punished. Also, boycott Genshabi. They're EEEEVVVVIIILLLL!!"

  3. *4 minutes later.*

    Kintober made a note to carry more incendiary grenades with him from now on. They were very practical. As he entered the control room, he was surprised to find it empty. 'A trap?' He thought. As he looked around, he spotted the main screen mounted to the wall on the far side of the room. On it was a display of the missiles' progress. They had left Eggman Empire air space and had just gotten over the Atlantic.

    Kintober looked at the multitude of control terminals that filled the room and had no idea which one controlled the missiles. Although he suspected that the elevated platform with a single terminal on it might be a master control panel. He hurried over and checked his watch as he arrived. 5 minutes left. Better hurry. After wasting another two minutes searching for something, he stumbled across the actual program that controlled the missiles' self-destruct program. A clock on the screen showed he had 2.43 minutes left before the missiles reached the point of no return and there would be no way to deactivate them.

    Kintober frantically tried to access the self-destruct activation protocol, but right before he got to the "yes/no" activation button, a password blocked his path. Only 1.58 minutes left. THINK! What could be the password. Kintober quickly jabbed in some gibberish to see if there was a letter limit. There was, and the word was surprisingly only five letters. Kintober nearly screamed. A five letter word could be anything. It could be "wheat" for all he knew! He wracked his brains trying to think of a five letter word that his brother would use, but nothing came up. 1.03 minutes.

    'Why so glum chum? Turn that frown upside down and make it glow!' The thought raced through Kintober's head, although he had no idea where it came from. An upside down frown is a smile, right? But why would anyone in their right mind have a password to the self-destruct sequence on ICBMs 'smile?!' It made no sense! 0.46 minutes. It was his only option. Now or never! Kintober typed the password in and hit enter. The passcode block disappeared and was replaced with "Activate missile self destruct? Y/N." The dispay struck Kintober as anticlimactic, but he didn't dwell on it and hit 'yes.'

    He looked up and saw the 15 dots on the screen disappear into nothingness. A wave of relief swept over him and he slumped over the console with a heavy sigh.

    "Congratulations, you save countless total strangers. To bad I forgot to mention that if the missiles are deactivated, another set with fire. They're actually aimed at the Eggman Empire. They have no off button. So like I said, congratz! You both won and failed at the same time! How does it feel?" His brother said over the intercom, ruining his moment of victory. Kintober looked up, and to his dismay, red dots had reappeared on the screen, and they were all heading towards Eggman Empire's major cities.

  4. OOC:Related to this post



    Across the globe, in perfect synchronization, hundreds, perhaps thousands of TV and radio stations found their signals hijacked and a new message being played. Displayed on TVs, a cartoonish figure with his internal organs and brain scooped out appeared. Then an audio began to play.

    "Hello. You may ask what is going on right now. Well, let me explain. I represent a group of disgruntled people who've the misfortune of being the guinea pigs in the production of various anti-pathogenic drugs that have been created by the Genshabi Research Corps, owned by the Eggman Empire government. Aside from making life giving pharmaceuticals, Genshabi was the Eggman Empire's personal production lab when it came to creating a multitude of chemical and biological weapons. The Eggman Empire have added these weapons to their national stockpile of deterrents, and even tried to sell them abroad. Perhaps if Genshabi had been scrutinized a bit more closely and held accountable for their crimes, this might not have happened and hundreds would not be dead from illegal experimentation. So, as a way of getting the attention of the world community, I have just now armed and launched 15 ICBMs all loaded with various biological and chemical weapons. I know not where they'll hit, but where ever they do land will defiantly be hurting. That's about all I gotta say to that. That you and have a nice day. Well most of you. A good bit of you will be dead in the next 15 minutes."

  5. *OOC:Writer's block is killing me. I had a plan on how to end this, then it died. So the rest of the tale might feel a little forced. My apologies.



    Kintober and his team had made their way from the mines to the exterior corridors of the complex. For the most part, all they had come across was cameras and the occasional patrol; both were easy to take care of. Kintober was a bit surprised seeing how the attack alarm was blaring. Unfortunately, they seemed to be lost. Without a map, they had no idea where to go. However, Kintober could not be deterred, and was convinced that he would come across a map or somebody who knew the layout.

    His luck had a change for the better when they had come across a repair team fixing a broken electrical box. A search of the bodies revealed schematics holding a layout for the base. They promptly headed directly for the control center. Of course, since they were going the most direct route, they had been spotted, and Kintober and his team then became engaged in "run-n-gun" tactics, not sticking around to be pinned down by security teams. The tactic had worked fine until they came across automated defense turrets.

    Kintober, however, found that the turrets could be disabled with a well thrown grenade. Unfortunately, they were running out of them. But, Kintober was feeling that it wouldn't matter soon because they were almost to the control room. They were right down the hall from it, in fact. But the path from Kintober's cover to the door was bracketed by half-a-dozen turrets, and several Smiler rip-offs. As Kintober's mind raced to think up solutions for his problem, he was quite surprised to hear the shooting stop. He was even more surprised to here his brother's voice over the intercom.

    "Hello Sammy! Fancy meeting you here." The intercom relayed.

    "Yeah, well with that 'hint' you sent me, it wasn't hard to figure out." Kintober replied.

    "If I had known you were still alive, I never would've sent it. But it doesn't matter. As it is, I'm glad you're here. You'll get to witness the largest biological/chemical strike in history." Kintober's brother said with a chuckle.

    "Oh yeah? What's your target? Havensvend? Kulde-staden? Robotropolis? Jutzberg? You've already murdered tens of thousands in Vlask and turned it into a inhospitable toxic dump. How do you plan to top that?!" Kintober shot back, not quite believing that his brother could top his last attack.

    "And here I though you were the brilliant one." He brother chuckled. "I'll put it this way, one: It does not pay to be a customer of Genshabi Research Corps, and two: The attack on Vlask will look like a simple shooting compared to the attack I have planned. Speaking of which, lets begin." Kintober's brother hung up as a warning blared over the intercom.

    "Warning! Missiles 1-15 have been activated. Payloads 1-15 have been armed. Launch in progress. Time to Point of no Return estimated 10 minutes. All personnel to defensive stations. Repeat-"*click*

    "What do you think of that? Unoriginal, but the end result will be the same. Say, how about a little challenge? If you can get past my guards and enter the control center, I'll give you a hint on how to disable the missiles. Better hurry, Tah!"

  6. The Arans #5 Mining Facility, located in mountainous regions north of Isen, had long since abandoned by the Arans Mining Co. when it had run dry around the rule of Wilhelm Kintober. Since then it had been condemned due to weakening roof supports and geological instability. Or so the reports read. In actuality, the mine made up the rear entrance of a small but complex network of tunnels, labs, living quarters, armories, and motor pools.

    Well, not so much a rear entrance as another of one of the compound's hidden entrances. Infact, the only reason why the mine was considered a rear entrance, was because it was never used anymore. The "main" entrance was actually hidden inside an abandon warehouse a few miles away from the mine. But I digress.

    Anyhow, it seems that the users of the complex felt the mine would never be used again, and so had sealed up the mine entrance, placing sporadic and outdated monitoring security equipment and various "warning" signs to deter unwanted visitors. It also helped that tales of creatures and "mysterious disappearances" occurring around the mine helped keep curious onlookers away.

    All this meant jack-diddly as Kintober crouched on the edge of the perimeter, watching for sentries and waiting for his men to disable all the security measures. Kintober's overall plan was simple. He would have the bulk of his forces attack the main entrance, while he and a small infiltration party would sneak through the back. And that was his plan for getting inside. The rest he planned on improvising.

    It didn't seem to bother him much though. Just then, a voice came over his radio. "BSG lead, this is BSG 1. All defenses and security measures have been eliminated." Kintober grinned. "Roger, hold fast until I give the signal." He replied. Then he switched the radio to another frequency. "BGM, this is BSG lead, commence the attack! I repeat, you are go for the attack!" He switched back to the other frequency. "All units, this is BSG lead, the diversion is in progress, lets get moving!"


    Inside the compound, the man at the desk reached over and activated the intercom. "Security, whats all the commotion about?" He asked, somewhat irked.

    "Eggman Empire units have begun attacking the main entrance. Spy satellites are showing other Eggman Empire troops closing in on our position, but it will take them a while to get here. Your orders?"

    The man snarled. "With drawl all available troops and reserves. Keep only the most mission critical personnel in place to carry on the attacks."

    "Confirmed, relaying orders." With that, the man turned off the intercom and leaned back in his chair in a huff.

    "Impossible! No one could have translated the clues." He growled.

    "No one living perhaps..." A warped voice behind him chirped.

    "Are you suggesting my brother somehow survived? Not likely. Even wearing a vest, you don't survive someone shooting you multiple times point blank." The man dismissed the idea.

    "Oh, and here I thought you had an open mind. No wonder you've been unable to unseat your brother." The voice replied condescendingly.

    "Whatever. Even if he's still alive, he still can't beat me. Especially in my own castle!" The man declared, more to himself then his companion.

    "We'll see. The game is played better with two though." The voice answered, mirth in his voice.

  7. Avita shrugged. "Can't say that I've ever used anything Canadian build, not with total knowledge that the product I was using was build there, anyway." She helped Liska pull the rest of the debris away from the metal door, listening to her trying to sell the stairway as safe. The internal debate raged inside her for a little while, but finally Avita choose the presumed security of a stable area that could lock out the elements and any unwanted visitors. God only knew what creatures roamed this desolate wasteland. "Could be worse." Avita said out loud. A thought struck her while she was contemplating this. "Say, what's on the menu once we settle down for the night?" Avita knew she had some odd snacks and munchies in her suitcase, but that wouldn't last long. "And where's a clean water source while we're on the topic?"

  8. "...lost Recon outposts 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 17, and 18. We've also lost contact with the militia garrisons in over a dozen small towns and Brigadier General Yerkes reports another battalion-sized force of hostiles with vehicle support have formed up against his holdings in Isen." Brigadier General Parklan reported, pointing to red dots and lines on the map behind him to give a visual idea. Silence met the announcement. The few generals sitting around the table merely stared at the map. It was as if they were hoping that if they stared long enough, the red on it would go away.

    "Did General say how long he could hold out? "Phil Ryst, the Head Minister of Defense asked. Parklan shrugged.

    "He said that his forces were slowly losing ground and that given the amount of enemy re-enforcements continually arriving..." Parklan paused, looking away before continuing. "...He said that if he doesn't get help soon, the enemy will overrun his position probably within 72 hours." The silence was even more smothering then the last.

    Strategically and logistically speaking, Isen is essentially the crossroads of Eggman Empire. It has the cities of Vlask, Havensvend, and Kulde-staden to it's east, Robotropolis to it's north, and Frysebane and Jutzberg to it's west. Separating those areas are vast swaths of ice fields. As such, since Isen is smack dab in the midde, it makes the perfect rest and refuel point. Combined with the fact that it sits on top of the largest oil field in Eggman Empire, Isen plays a key roll in controlling the geographic portion of Eggman Empire.

    "Gah!Blast those freakin' Smiler knockoffs! Where did they come from?!" Snarled a four star general.

    "A better question would be where is ourSmiler Troops?" Remarked a three star, glaring at Ryst.

    "Where they should be, holding defensive positions in and around Robotropolis, Havensvend, Kulde-staden. If these cities are attacked and overran, you can kiss this country goodbye." Ryst replied hotly.

    "You're right! If Isen falls, we kiss only half this country goodbye, as well as our major oil supply! Brilliant tactic!" The four star general shot back.

    "Pardon me for interrupting, but didn't the terrorist send us a video claiming it held the location of their base?" A two star asked.

    "Yes and no. They did send us a video, but all it held was a bunch of senseless riddles that would most likely lead us on a wild goose chase. I'm guessing its sole purpose is to take up time and resources." Ryst answered, leaning back into his chair. "Jeez Sammy, you sure picked a fine time to die on us."


    *Kintober's personal lab; recovery wing, under the Emperial palace*

    The nurse pushed the med-cart down the hall, bobbing slightly as he listened to the music coming from his Ipod. He was already finished with most his rounds, and was on his last one. He looked at the room numbers next to the door, although he already knew it was the last room on the right. Apon reaching his destination, he opened the door expecting a sleeping patient hooked up to several monitoring machines. Instead he was met with the site of an empty bed and disabled machines. The nurse froze, as panic seized him. Then his mind began to work again, and he dashed towards a button next to the door frame and slammed his palm down on it.


    A tall man with reddish-orange hair, unnaturally grey skin, and an odd mustache that somewhat like a handlebar except it was strait looked up as sirens announced the escape of a patient.

    "'Bout time they figured out I ran off." He muttered.

    "Is there a problem my lord?" A soldier with a grinning face painted on his armor asked.

    "None whatsoever. Are the troops ready to disembark?" He asked.

    "Yes my lord. All the troops have mounted their respective vehicles and are waiting for you to open the gate." The soldier replied.

    "EXCELLENT!" The man proclaimed with a bit too much excitement. With that, he typed in his authorization code into the computer terminal he was standing by. With a load groan, the metal door that lead from the underground motorpool to the outside opened. The man rushed back to the lead Guardian APC and climbed inside.

    "Tell everyone to move out. They all have the destination co-ordinates, right?" He asked the comms. officer. The officer nodded. "Wonderful." He smirked. Kintober looked out the viewport into the frozen lands that lay before him and laughed.

    "I don't know what you were thinking brother, but you've placed your chess pieces poorly. Now your king has but a few pawns to guard it, and I'm bringing an army of queens. It will be checkmate soon enough!"

  9. *BeepBeepBeepBeep*

    The heart rate monitor sounded like an alarm clock. It's screen showed a near continual wave of up-and-down lines. After the shooting, Kintober had been dragged to his personal lab, which was just about as good as any hospital, inside the capital building. If for no other reason then to pronounce Kintober as dead. It was to the great surprise of every scientist and physician that the man was still alive, if just barely. Inside the operating room, a small crowd of doctors crowded over Kintober to try to keep him alive.

    "How the hell is he still breathing?!" Asked one doctor, as he cut Kintober's cloths off.

    "He was wearing a vest!" Replied another, who had just thrown said vest onto the ground.

    "Impossible, even with a vest, most of those rounds got through. He should be a dead man!" Chimed a third.

    "Shut up and work on keeping him alive, morons!" Yelled the head physician.

    One orderly was ripped part of Kintober's shirt of when his hand touched Kintober's skin. "Yeowch! Doctor, the man's burning up! His chest feels like it's on fire!"

    "Holy...look at that!" Another doctor exclaimed. All discussion stopped. Much to the shock and surprise of everyone, the bullet holes on Kintober's chest began to slowly close. But their astonishment was broken by one of the monitor's warning beeps.

    "The man's burning up! Somebody bring ice!" Yelled the chief physician. The monitor showed Kintober's temperature 104.3, well in to the danger zone, and rising. Now on top of his bullet wounds, the doctors had to worry about Kintober roasting himself.


    The man sat at his desk, the ever present control console flashing and beeping in front of him. Right now he had the "kid-in-a-candy-store" feeling. His rival was dead, nobody else knew anything about him, and his army had infiltrated almost every city and town in Eggman Empire. He leaned forward and pushed the intercom on his desk. "Attention! To all units: Move to stage three. Begin the assault."


    Recon base Kalisk was number 6 in a long line of micro bases that dotted the Eggman Empire map. The purpose behind these micro bases were to act as speed bumps and resistance points in the event that Eggman Empire was ever invaded. All the bases were designed to house four companies, with the exact combination for every base. Tankers, Infantry, Calvary, and a support company, each with their own separate barracks. Much to the dismay of each company, their barracks were right next to each other, nearly a stone's throw from each other.

    Aside from the barracks, there was also the motorpool, which house a dozen Paladin tanks, 20 Pitbulls, 20 Guardian-03 APCs, and various support vehicles. Right now the base was on high alert, so everyone was in or around their assigned vehicles. They had heard about the attack on Vlask and Kintober's apparent assassination. They knew something was coming, but they thought it was going to happen to someone else and not them. Oh how wrong they were.

    The shriek of incoming mortar shells and artillery rounds pierced the silence and the base became a light show. Dozens of buildings erupted into flames or collapsed as hundreds of shells slammed into the base. The hardest hit areas were the barracks and the motorpool. Even as shells still exploded on the ground, hundreds of unknown troops charged the wasted defenses and overran them mercilessly. Upon their first encounter with this new enemy, the Eggman soldiers made the horrifying discovery that these were not normal humans. The truth, unbeknown to the hapless defenders, was that the enemy they were fighting where actually a kind of prototype super soldier. They shared many traits with Kintober's own Happy Smiler supersoldier program. And unfortunately for the Eggman troops, they shared the Smiler's penchant for violence and blood.

    Little by little, the survivors and a handful of vehicles rallied around the Armory. It was the most sturdy building in the base, and was built to withstand a nuclear blast. However, in the short span the battle had raged, the Eggman Empire troops had realized that they were most likely going to die or be captured. Faced with such a haunting prospect, the soldiers swore to make the enemy pay in blood for their imminent victory.

    Cannons belched smoke and fire, gun barrels spat lead, and the flash of exploding munitions filled the smoke-clogged sky. Everyone fought, from the cooks to the combat engineers, and from the lowest private to the highest officer. But for all their valiant efforts, the Armory was overrun. As the last of the Eggman soldiers fell, the enemy troops began to wire the base with explosives and chemical agents.

    Soon the preparations were finished, and the enemy commander wasted no time in ending the base. With a simple push of a button, Recon base Kalisk was reduced to a smoldering pile of twisted wreckage and toxic contaminants. With their jobs finished, the enemy troops moved past the remnants of the base, which burned like a funeral pyre. Tragically, these events were repeating themselves across Eggman Empire, with numerous other Recon bases falling, as well as many small towns. It wasn't long before the military figured out that Eggman Empire was under attack.

  10. *OOC:First off:All credit goes to EA game studios and the C&C franchise for introducing the Guardian, Pitbull, and Crusader. I just stole the idea.*

    The LAV(Light Assult Vehicle) Guardian-03 APC


    Uses:Primary;APC, Anti-infantry. Secondary;Anti-air

    Armament:One M242 Bushmaster chain gun, one frontal co-axle 7.62mm M60 machine gun.

    Armor:Multiple 5083 Aluminum welded plates

    Crew:4;Bushmaster Gunner, Commander/co-axle machine gunner, Comm. officer, driver.

    Purpose:The object of the Guardian-03 was to provide an APC that could transport troops safely through inclement weather conditions and rough terrain without breaking down whilst providing a replacement for the aging fleet of M113s the EE military had. The trials proved it to be a rousing success. It offers more protection to passagers and crew; being able to take several hits from RPGs, mines, IED, and other weaponry. It has alonger life expectancy and is easier to maintain then the M113 as well. The Guardian is able to support infantry, take on lightly armed vehicles and slow moving aircraft (helicopters), and support larger vehicles such as tanks. Sealable slots in the hull allow for infantry to provide additional side firepower. There is also a variant of the Guardian in where the Bushmaster is replaced is a missile launcher to kill tanks with.

    The S/SAV(Scout/Support Assult Vehicle) CC-6 Pitbull


    Uses:Primary; Multi-purpose Recon, anti-tank, anti-air. Secondary:Make-shift mobil comm. center, target painter

    Armament:4-8 AGM-114 Hellfire missiles or dual set of .50 cal. machine guns.

    Armor:Basic HMMWV armor kit, Bullet-resistant windows.

    Crew:3;Gunner, Commander/Comm. officer, driver

    Purpose:The Pitbull is probably one of the most multi-purpose vehicles in the mechanized branch of the EE military. It's main purpose is to serve recon missions to support satilite intelligence, as well as supply real-time information on enemy positions and troop movements. Its purpose is also to be able to traverse difficult(rocky, icy) terrain without difficulty in a speedy fashion.It has three main variants:

    *Anti air/vehicle. The AA/V version has a missile rack mounted in the back which usually contains AGM-114 missiles. It can store 8 missiles in the rack, but usually only carries 4 to keep the weight down.

    *Anti infantry. The Anti-infantry version has a dual set of .50 cal. machine guns in place of the missile rack.

    Both the missile rack and the machine gun turrent are controlled by a gunner inside the cab.

    *mobil communications/command/fire support center. The Command/comm./fire support type doesn't have any main weapons, only what those in the cab have. Instead, advanced radio and sensor packeges take up the space where the turrent was. The gunner is replaced with/now a second comm. officer. This type of vehicle is designed to follow initial attacking forces and co-ordinate attacks, call in airstrikes, and mark spots for artiliary.

    All 3 types can mark targets with a laser for air/ballistic missile strikes. The main weakness of a Pitbull is that it has little armor, and a direct tank or missile blast would shred it, whilst a RPG or IED could cripple it if placed right.

    Paladin Main Battle Tank


    Uses:Primary;Anti-tank, secondary; infantry support

    Armament:One 125mm smoothbore cannon, one M2HB .50 cal. machine gun, two M240 7.62 mm machine guns (1 pintle-mounted, 1 coaxial)

    Armor:Chobham composite armor

    Crew:4; Commander, gunner, loader, driver. Three the crew is trained well enough

    Purpose: Provide new blood for Eggman Empire's tank fleet, which consist of mainly of M1A1s. It is also meant to fight and win against other tanks and to support infantry and other vehicles during an assualt. It can be equiped with AP, HE, white phosphorus, and anti-personnel rounds for its main cannon. It is superior to the M1 tanks in that it is faster(60mph onroad, 50 offroad), has better fuel economy (15mpg), better armor, and a slightly bigger gun. It has a fire rate of 1 shot every 1 1/2 seconds (With auto loader.) Some are also equiped with a experimental anti-rocket/missile laser.

  11. Avita found the whole situation fascinating, if not disturbingly creepy. She had no idea that she was walking on top of so much rubble. She tried to stop it, but the question of how many bodies were buried underneath her feet sprung forward anyway.

    "Doesn't this creep you out? I mean, we're basically walking on a type of graveyard here, right?"

  12. Procinctia is now at war with whoever’s responsible, until your destruction or ours.

    Some time later, Generalissimo received a recorded message from an unknown person.

    "Our destruction or yours, hm? So be it. Although it's difficult to be intimidated by a lunatic lording over a shattered ruin of a country. Don't worry, after all is said and done, you'll have a front row seat. Oblivion will be a sight to see."


    Sammyace Kintober looked at the clock. Nearly 10 and 1/2 hours had passed since the massacre at Vlask. Clean-up of the gas-turned-liquid toxin were proving to be near impossible. Although inert, the stuff responded to nearly anything. And to make matters worse, the corpses of those poisoned had been rotted by the toxin, and burst apart like overripe fruit whenever anything tried to move them. When they popped, they either spewed out a gas-form of the toxin, or gooey liquid spilled out. The stuff was nearly identical to the liquid toxin already on the ground except for the fact that it had DNA intermixed.

    Reports from the docks weren't any better either. After a grueling nine hour battle, most of the fires had been put out, although a few small ones still remained. As for the ships themselves, it had been discovered that they were carrying hazardous chemicals. Now a chemical cloud of smog drifted over the docks of Vlask. It wasn't lethal immediately, but Kintober was sure that a few hours of exposure would lead to severe health problems.

    Making matters worse, was the poisoning of the Vlask harbor. Although caused partly by the destruction of the ships, a quick search of the bottom revealed dozens, perhaps hundreds of non-descript barrels. It became apparent that the barrels had been there for some time. They were sealed, allowing their contents to be preserved and stored. But after a close visual examination of the barrels, it was decided that each on of them had a small explosive device planted on it. While the attack on land was taking place, the devices exploded, blowing the barrels open, allowing them to release whatever poison that was stored in them. If one could sum up Vlask currently in two words, it would be ecological nightmare.

    And last but not least, was the evacuation. With a good part of the outskirts closed to the attack, combined with the toxic smog, there were very few routes that were available to the public. This had led to widespread panic, which led to riots and numerous accidents, which led to even fewer routes open. The military was doing what they could. Using cargo helicopters to evacuate civilians and other methods, but it was barely making a dent.

    Now, thanks to the little message that had been put out by whoever was responsible, every person and politician who had a grudge against Kintober was calling for his head. He sighed and placed his hand in his forehead. This day had passed the 'nightmare' stage long ago. He looked down at his desk and reached for the phone. He dialed a number and waited for a response. "Anything? No?...@#$%. Keep looking. You can create those kind of chemicals with a child's chemistry set in a treehouse. The lab has to be around somewhere." He hung up and sighed. His head hurt even worse. With great deliberation, he picked a choice in a decision that had been weighing heavily on him for hours. Again he reached for the phone, and dialed in a different number. "Hello...Yes, Hank, it's me...schedule a press conference. I'd say in about 15 minutes...what am I planning to do? I've got an announcement....No you can't talk me out of it...Look, just schedule it, alright?...Thank you." Kintober hung the phone back up. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. After a moment of staring at his desk, he shrugged. "No time to dilly-dally. Got to get ready." He mused.


    *15 minutes later, press conference.*

    "Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, and all my faithful subjects. Around 10 hours ago, the Port city of Vlask was attacked by an unknown enemy. They used chemical weapons and explosives on the city, leaving it in chaos. I'm still not sure where the death toll is at. Then, a scant few minutes after the attack ended, the group that claimed to be behind the attack hijacked every radio and television signal in the nation and delivered an ultimatum saying that if I did not give up my position and submit myself to the proper authorities, many more will die. I will not have this. As of now, I am officially resigning from the office of Emperor and placing myself under voluntary arrest. I'm my absence, Iblis Kray, Head Senate Chancellor, will hold temporary office until the people appoint a new ruler."


    In a hidden location, a man watching the live broadcast smiled. He tapped a button on his desk and spoke into a microphone. "Tell our agent the plan is a go."


    Meanwhile, the conference room had erupted into a sea of yelling reporters. Kintober could barely even hear them. So it was understandable that no one notices a press member near the back stand on his chair and yell out "Sanity is relative!" As soon as the phrase was uttered, on of Kintober's body guards went rigid. He tapped Kintober on the shoulder, and when Kintober turned to face him, the man pulled of his uzi and proceeded to fire half a clip into Kintober's chest.


    The man stared at the screen and smiled. With Kintober finally dead, there wasn't a single person who could figure out how to stop him. And the man did not intend to be stopped by anything. He spoke into the microphone. "Attention!All personnel, we are now at stage two. Repeat, we are now at stage two." The man smiled. Now, he was unstoppable. And there wasn't a force on earth that would stop him from reaching his goal.

  13. Vlask. Eggman Empire's largest port city. It was originally the capital of Eggman Empire before Robotropolis was founded. It has the second most heavily populated city in Eggman Empire, roughly 8.6 million, with Robotropolis being 9.7 million. It is the main import/export center for the resources flowing through the Empire. The docks stretch for miles, as ships of all types come to pick up or drop off their cargo.


    Without warning, over a dozen large freighters and tankers spread along the rows of docks erupted into massive fireballs. Chunks of metal and bits of shrapnel flew through the air and tore up the ground. Soon secondary fires, started by volatile compounds being hit by the flaming debris, ignited. In a matter of minutes, the massive harbor skyline was filled with inky trails of black smoke.

    Some distance away, a person put down their binoculars and reached for his radio. Judging from the chatter over the police scanner, most of the emergency response crews and law enforcement were tied up getting the dock fires under control. Meaning by the time everyone figured out what was really going on, it would be too late. The man grinned. He loved a good distraction.

    "This is Abyss, to all sprayer units. The diversion is in place and the locals are completely focused on it. Don your gear and roll out. Confirmation is 'gagging cough.'" The man spoke into the mouthpiece. Nobody replied, but then again, nobody was supposed to. The plan was rolling now, and he'd done his part. Time to leave before things got hot. The man gave Vlask on last glance, before turning away to escape the impending disaster. As he walked to his car, he cracked a grin and began to chuckle. He knew what was coming, and it gave him an immense thrill.


    Spread out on the fringes of the city, garage and warehouse doors opened in unison. The vehicles that emerged? Sprayer trucks, originally designed to pump out pesticides. Now their payloads were far more sinister. No eyebrows were raised as the trucks drove by, partly because they all were using different routes to cover more ground, and they all had the city's utility symbol painted on their sides. If people could've looked inside the tinted windows, they'd most assuredly panic as one would see a driver and a passenger dressing in full chemical suits and gas mask. Of course, by the time they realized what was going on, it was too late.

    Exactly five minutes after the order had gone out, the operators turn in their sprayers in unison. The effect was immediately felt. One of the first to feel it was one Mrs. Ellise Shay, who was out showing her 8 month old baby the sights. It was at the moment the truck was passing her that it turned on the posion.

    Barely a few seconds passed by before the gas hit Mrs. Shay. She felt it instantly. With one breath, the gas entered her lungs and attacked her nervous system. In the next second, they continued to ravage her nerves, while also attacking her lungs, heart, throat, and mouth; dissolving them. By the time her brain registered what was going on, she had less then thirty seconds to live. As she collapsed to the ground, blood and mucus flowing out of her mouth and nose, her only thought was if her baby was alright.

    The trucks rolled down the streets in the residential areas, spraying the death gas indiscriminately. Nurseries, schools, and businesses became mass tombs, as pedestrians on the sidewalk simply flopped over, with only growing pools of blood under them to indicate something horrendous was happening. It was surreal almost. If you stood just a few blocks down the street, you could see the trucks coming, and the people toppling over as it passed them.

    As the vehicles made their way deeper into the city, somebody finally alerted the city government of what was going on. The mayor, to his credit, acted quickly and ordered the trucks stopped by any means necessary and put out a general evacuation order. However that last one would cause more trouble then help as people realized they had the sea to their backs and the sprayers to their front, slowly cutting off escape.

    Vlask got two lucky breaks. One was that the sprayer trucks finally ran out of their payload about 1/5ths of the way into the city. The second break was that instead of floating in the air indefinably, the gas settled and turned into an inert, liquid form after a hundred meters. However, authorities were unable to arrest even one suspect or capture one truck. Why, because in addition to their payload, the trucks were also wired. Whenever a truck used up its load, it would speed up, ram into the most populated area, and detonate.

    When it was all over, reports began to flow in as to ballpark estimates of how many had been murdered. The count was somewhere in the tens of thousands and promised to keep climbing. And, in addition to the chemical attack, the dock fires were still raging. To make matters worse, claims about hundreds of dead fish now appearing in the harbor began to surface. One could only assume that there had been two chemical strikes that day; one on land, and one in the water. And as the city descended into chaos, news reports were reaching the other cities across Eggman Empire.


    In a dark room, in a hidden facility, a man chuckled as he watched the madness on the news play out. Well, he though, best not keep them waiting. Besides, if he didn't hurry, someone else might take credit for his orchestra of chaos. He walked over to his desk. Installed in it was a large control panel; filled with buttons, screens, levers, keyboards, and switches. He glanced over it before finding the button he wanted, and pushed it. And with that, he had hijacked the radio waves.

    "Hello." A voice that had gone through a scrambler spoke out to the masses. "By now you've most likely heard of the events that have taken place in Vlask. You may be wondering 'Why?' Why did this horrible atrocity happen? Why would anyone do this to us? I'll tell you: It's your punishment for supporting your mad scientist of a ruler and allowing him to get away with committing crimes against humanity. I tell you this: Sammyace Kintober is a evil, horrible man who should've been executed a long time ago. The fact that he's still in power defiles the memory of all those that hes butchered."

    "Now Kintober." He said in a slightly different tone of voice. "If you have any humanity. If you care even the slightest about your subjects, you will willingly step down from office and prepare to face the punishment for your crimes. For if you do not, every 12 hours another act like the one in Vlask will be committed. And trust me, they'll get a lot worse. So to recap, step down, or the only thing you'll be in charge of is rotted corpses. Thank you, that is all."

    The man pushed another button and the communication link was severed. He sat down in his chair and leaned back. He sighed contently and smiled. "Now, we just watch the insanity erupt." He thought.

  14. "I never said I would do either. I did say I wanted to kick him in the family jewels, and I meant that Generalissimo was that weird creepy stalker guy who couldn't stand the fact that his 'crush' had moved elsewhere, so he focused his attention on her younger sister in an effort to replace her. So, yeah, I just called your boss a disturbed stalker." Avita took a look around the decrepit and crumbling buildings. "Are we there yet?" She said, completely switching the topics.

  15. "Well, looks like we're going back into the fire. Which Jeep you want to take, Steve?...Steve?" Vesker looked to either side of him and saw the Happy Smiler wasn't there. "What the..." He looked around and saw Steve get in the same jeep that Ix'Chimalionwhatever chick had climbed into.

    "Isn't that cute? He's got a crush." Vesker whirled around to see who just spoke. He wasn't surprised to see it was Nick. Vesker made a sour face. "And here I thought the older versions where incapable of showing that sort of emotion." Nick said condescendingly.

    "What do you got against Steve?" Vesker asked.

    "I believe the real question is what do I have against the Happy Smiler program." Nick replied. "They're savage, brutal, sociopaths who're bad attempt at replacing people like you and me. I'm surprised he hasn't dismembered you and wore your bones like a necklace." Nick continued. Vesker gave him a disbelieving stare.

    "You're a real jerk." Vesker stated.

    "And you're gullible and/or in denial. Now if you'll excuse me, my men and I have suicide mission to attend." Nick shot back, before promptly turning away and getting into another jeep. Vesker glowered at the man for a few seconds before turning away and joined Roxas and Sentinel in their jeep.

  16. To say that Avita was appalled at this blatant kidnapping, and the thought that it had been tolerated for so long...well, she wasn't happy. "That mother....I'm gonna kill that son of a parasite! How dare he do such a thing to someone like you! Just because he can't get over your sister! So not only is he a nutjob, but he's a kidnapping pedophile! When I get my hands on him I'm gonna..." Avita then proceeded to issue several colorful and disturbing threats that she'd picked up from both college and her workplace.

  17. Nick glared at the men and women who surrounded him. Doubtless, he and the Smilers under his control could inflict a high casualty percentage, but in the end he would be dead and the torment he'd gone through these past few months would be for not. He made a rather frustrated facial expression, growled helplessly, then relented.

    "Fine, fine. Whatever. The Gen#1 can stay and participate in this madcap quest you're all so gunhoe for. And since I can't leave until he can, I might as well come with you." He strode forward up to Jerry, and saluted.

    "Sargent First Class Nick Haymaker, 3rd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, A Co." Nick gestured to the four men behind him. "Bob, Jack, Mills, and Chuck. Currently attatched to my unit. Originally part of the 1st Happy Smilers Division." He clasped his hands together. "Well, now that we're all friends, mind telling me what suicide mission we're embarking on?"

  18. "Oh, embassy Boulevard. Must be lovely this time of year." Avita remarked dryly. She grunted as she stood up and stretched out her limbs. "Yeah...definantly doing great things for my country. Totally." She muttered. The way she said it, it sounded like she didn't believe it for a second. Feeling the need to change the subject, Avita popped a question. "So how long have you been working for Generalissimo?"

  19. A belch of coherent energy erupted from the barrel of the gun and smashed into the wrecked jeep, as soon as Sentinel saw the man moving towards his vehicle. The bolt of power melted through the vehicle, slagging the engine and the compartment in a single shot. The sound of ammunition cooking off under extreme heat only proved Sentinels' suspicions as to why he was moving.

    Vesker blinked and Steve cocked his head at the display of aggression that unfolded in front of them.

    "You know, despite all the unpredictable garbage in this hellhole, it's nice to see a few things stay the same. Your exceptional attention to detail comes to mind." Vesker said to Sentinel as he strolled up to the pair of Imperium soldiers. "Bummer about the radio though."

    Steve declined to join Vesker and instead inched his way towards the Amazonian woman, Ix'Chimalxochitzin. He knew she was different even before he'd seen her. He could, for lack of a better word, feel the power Ix wielded. And Steve felt drawn towards it. He suddenly found himself feeling very awkward. The only other person he had really ever talked to at length was Vesker. Banishing the strange emotion he felt, Steve strode the last few paces up to Ix and introduced himself.

    "Hi. Name Steve. You are Ix'Chima...Chima-ma-ma...Ix?" He asked, figuring if he couldn't pronounce her last name, best to not try and murder it. Before the amazonian could respond, a shout rang out through the crowd as five men stepped forward.

    "There you are freak! You have any idea how much crap we had to go through to find you?!" The voice demanded. Vesker and Steve spun around to face five ragged men all toting various weapons. SFC Nick Haymaker of the Eggman Army, NCOIC of an operation to find and recover Steve that had been ordered months ago, had finally found his target. Nick was completely ignoring Vesker, who decided to step in.

    "Who might you be?" He asked.

    "SFC Nick Haymaker of the Eggman Army, commanding this little FUBAR mission. You must be Steve's traveling buddy, whats-the-name? Oh right, SFC Wilhelm Vesker. Well I sure am happy ta' meet cha!" Sarcasm oozing from his tone. "Well, I'm incharge of this outfit now, so pack up all you little keepsakes and what not so we can get out of here." The time in the Dilberian wasteland had not gone well for Nick, and he wanted out ASAP.

    "Hang on a minute." Vesker interjected, not liking the other man already. "A friendly government has asked for military aid and being the senior most ranking individual in the Eggman Army around, I pledged to help him. Now under the Uniform Code of-"

    "Screw the code! I know the code! And you know what the code says? The code says that the orders given to me from the Executive office of our government allows me to countermand orders issued by NCOs and Officers up to the rank of Lt. Colonel. Therefore, I override your orders, and replace them with my own!" Nick replied.

    "I will not except that!" Vesker fired back.

    "Like I care! My orders say I gotta bring that nutjob back! You can go jump on a mine for all I care." Nick retorted.

    "Steve is under my command and he's staying here to help win this fight!" Vesker said heatedly.

    "Like freak he will! My orders are clear! Now if you want to make things difficult, I can! Like I said, my orders said nothing about Steve's companions, so nobody will care if you wind up facedown in a ditch somewhere. As for Steve, I was never told he had to be brought back alive!" Nick was done brandying words. He hated this place, the brass that had stuck him here, Steve for being the reason he was here in the first place, and now he hated this fellow E-7 who acted like he owned the place. The two men snarled at each other, hands slowly inching towards their weapons. If something wasn't done quick, Jerry would be losing two, if not more of his volunteers.

  20. Avita thought about the question for a moment. "Well, the position I hold is an actual and offical cabinet position that oversees and presides over all medical and/or scientific RnD projects and programs ordered by the Eggman Government. The Ministry of Medicine and Science also acts as a food and drug quality testing watchdog organization, to make sure the general population isn't harmed by any consumable food or medicine. We also monitor the general health of the Eggman Empire citizens and we are responsible for dealing with any problems, diseases, or ailments that largely impact the populous." Avita sighed and stretched before continuing. "Make no mistake, I'm hold a very real and an incredibly important position in my government. Perhaps the most important. It's no picnic either." She grumbled.

    "As to why I'm here and why I talk about Kintober....well, things are a little iffy. Doing what I do is tough, but I can do it. Problems arise when Kintober, who's an eccentric borderline insane, decides to mix things up a bit. Hence, why I'm here talking to you instead of being in my office dealing with administration problems and request for more funding. As sour as it is to admit, I'm glad I'm out of the office." Avita stated. "Not that I don't enjoy talking to you, of course." She added quickly.

  21. At this last statement, Avita chuckled darkly. " Heh, now that's the kicker. See, I accepted the position simply because I didn't know about them. What I mean by that is the administration has not told the public about the staggering about of attempts to change the government. Although in a way, most of the coups attempted were quiet, subtle ones." Avita paused for a second as she remembered something else. "And to be honest, the Eggman Government has a very loose definition of the word 'coup.' Merely bringing up the idea of changing the government is viewed as an attempt at forming a coup. So, with that in consideration, the number of actual coups are largely cut. It probably goes under fifty."

    "Besides, the sole target for the many attempted coups and assassinations is almost always the ruler himself. Other government officials have almost never been targeted. Certainly not my position." She said with a shrug.

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