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Eggman Empire

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Posts posted by Eggman Empire

  1. The Dragon Empire will indeed be looking to vet partners for what we are now envisioning as an international Indian Ocean Terminal, but the concepts are preliminary and will have to be reviewed by the legislature.

    This project interest us. Would you consider adding us on as one of your partners? We will contribute technological and financial aid, as well as ships and manpower.

  2. Sammyace Kintober watched the ceremonies from afar. He nodded and silently congratulated Mykep for organizing this even to encourage peace. But if there was one thing Kintober knew, it was that as long as two people existed, there would always be conflict. He personally took the view point of "Peace through superior weaponry."

    He got on the line with his foreign affairs minister.

    "Blyzar, send a message to all nations who received MyKep's award. Tell them they're all invited to a week long, expense paid vacation to Eggman Empire. They may tour whatever facilities they wish as well."

  3. DrKintober viewed the screen with mild interest. Europe was certainly a hotbed for instability. It's at times like this he was glad is ancestors had moved away. Europe made a great market for his weapons, however, Kintober knew that it was highly likely Eggman Empire would be drawn into a war if he did try to sell WMDs and the like to European nations. Instead, he was simply content to observe and bulk up his own strength.

  4. DrKintober strode out of the auditorium with purpose. Actually, he hadn't a clue of what to do next, but he had to keep up appearances. He had just spent the last two hours being the main guest speaker in a conference at Hybruis State University. The conference had to deal with new ways of gene splicing, as well as what benefits it could bring. Kintober had argued in favor of being able to splice animal genes to human DNA, claiming it was the only way to reach the next step in humanity's evolution. Most of the audience thought he was nuts, but wisely kept it to themselves. All in all, he didn't care what they thought. It's not like they could do anything to stop the slicing experiments he had planned.


    Kintober shot to his feet. "Bumbling fool, I ought to-" He stopped as he noticed who'd run into him. She was probably 5'6 or 5'7, in her mid twenties, had brown hair and light brown skin, asian/european(?) , and was sprawled on the ground looking at Kintober like he was an ax murderer. He grinned. "My deepest apologies." He replied smoothly, his attitude changing gears quickly. He held out his hand. The lady squeaked, and put her arms over her head.

    "I'msorryIranintoyouI'minarushdon'thitme!" She blurted out. Kintober chuckled. She heard him and looked up, confused.

    "I'm terribly sorry about my outburst. Under a little pressure, you understand?" He asked. She nodded. "Good, let me help you up." He said re-extending his hand. She took it and he pulled her upright. As she dusted herself off, he noticed she was carrying a backpack, a duffel bag, and a roller suitcase. "I didn't realize university classes gave out that many assignments." He said with amusement. She looked away; a sour expression on her face.

    "They don't. Stupid jerks cancelled my scholarship because I was 'a disruptive influence' on the other students. Now I have to leave." She grumbled. She faced him. "If they're gonna kick me out, they coulda at least have the guts to say what I really did."

    "And what did you do?" Kintober asked inquisitively.

    "I'm studying bioengineering and biotechnology." She exclaimed. "I come up with a lot of theories, too. One of them was that if you applied the right amount of electricity to the right nerves, you can make a dead man walk." She continued. Mistaking Kintober's expression of interest for that of boredom, she hastily continued. "Well, you can make them do more then just walk. You can make them carry objects, drive vehicles, dance, all sorts of stuff. I tried my theory out on some dead rats. It seemed promising. And then..." She paused.

    "Go on." Kintober encouraged.

    "Well, I decided to actually test my theory. That's when the cops caught me digging up a dead body." She fidgeted awkwardly. Kintober burst out laughing. "Hey! It's not funny!" She shouted.

    "Of course it is my dear! 'Busted by the cops' hilarious!" He howled. Then he saw the death glare she was giving him and stopped. "Of course your little theory is quite interesting." He said, now serious. "Tell me, what is your name?"

    "Anita Kamrikov." She replied. Kintober nodded.

    "Let's go out to lunch, Anita. I'm itching to hear about your other theories." He said, helping Anita with her bags. "Stick with me, kid. I'm bring you places this university could never dream of sending you."


    Now Kintober has a girlfriend/apprentice. What madness will be wrought? Who knows.

  5. Kintober turned and looked through the files. "Uhhh......" He muttered, scrolling for the names. "Says here the computer virus is labeled as CDV#371, while the actual virus is filed under 'ADV/A Batch #12-483.'" Kintober noticed the bemused expression of Mykep. "Of course you can give them whatever fancy names you wish. Like how methylphosphonofluoridate is called Sarin nerve gas. We make that too. Would you like some?"

  6. "All biological and chemical agents are designed to be deployed in artillery, bomb, or missile shells. It's a requirement." Kintober said, sounding a little like a salesman proclaiming the advantages of his product.

  7. "How many have you tested this on?"

    Kintober shrugged off the look his friend gave him, and proceeded to answer the question. "The virus has been thoroughly tested on all our lab specimens. Healthy test subjects have all survived exposure, and lived to tell the tale." Mykep continued to glare at him. Kintober rolled his eyes and sighed. "Alright, you got me. All healthy, adult subjects survived exposure. Test subject fatality percentages stand at 13% of elderly, 26% of the sick and/or diseased, and 9% adolescence. Does that answer your question?" He asked smoothly.

  8. OOC:Sometimes Kintober just builds things to prove he can. Of course there's a big difference between a scaled model and the actual size the device would need to be to actually be effective(somewhere around the size of a city block).


    Kintober calibrated a magnetic coil for the umpteenth time. The prototype railgun he'd been working on always seemed to be messed up somehow. He finished calibrating, and hoped that everything would stay in alignment until the test fires had been complete. He put the casing back over the particular part of the device, and signaled a go. All around, warning alarms blared, telling all personnel to clear the area. Kintober hurried to a nearby bunker, shut the door, and peered out through the viewport.

    "Firing in ten....nine....eight...seven...six....five....four....three....two...one, firing!" A voice said over the PA system. Kintober stared at the gun excitedly. Then nothing happened. He groaned. Without bothering to ask the control center what was wrong, he left the bunker. He reached the gun and yanked off one of the maintenance panels. Just as he suspected, the coils had fallen out of alignment again. He snarled a curse, opened a nearby tool kit, and began to fix the problem; completely ignoring the shouts and warnings from the PA system. With one last twist, he forced the coil back to where it was supposed to go.


    The sound of the gun was deafening, as the projectile left the barrel at mach 1.5 and tore through the air. Kintober clapped his hands to his ears. He couldn't hear a thing, including the warning that the gun might explode. He was staggering back to the bunker when it blew. Shrapnel whizzed past him, a piece catching him in the shoulder and twisting him around. He saw the remnants of the device he'd spent months working on, and ignoring all else, began to cry. "It's just not fair!" He exclaimed. He then proceeded to throw a tantrum. He was still throwing it when containment teams dragged him back to the on-site infirmary for treatment.

  9. "Well, here's the catch:The virus is much too complicated for something as petty as e-mail delivery. The only sure fire way to put it on an opponent's computer is by planting it in a USB drive and uploading it onto a networking computer of theirs. In otherwords, someone has to infiltrate the enemy compound and manually upload the virus. The good news is that as long as the computer its put on can network with others, you good to go." Kintober explained the drawback, looking a little embarrassed.

  10. Kintober pondered the question. It was one that had haunted politicians and generals alike. How to wage war without killing civilians. After a few seconds of pondering, he suddenly lit up with a grin.

    "I think I can help you with your question." He said. He hurried to a terminal, MyKep in tow. His fingers flew across the keyboard as he accessed the information he was looking for. A minute or so later, he pulled up a file. On it, was the specs. for a new computer virus. "So far in field test, it has eaten through the most advanced firewalls and security systems, and has proven to destroy any computer it comes across. If your opponent uses computers for any sort, whether command and control, or targeting systems, they'll be shut down." MyKep nodded. It sounded promising. Kintober continued.

    "In addition to that, we have a real virus. It's a non-lethal virus that weakens the body and puts most people on bed rest. It causes extreme nausea, fatigue, restlessness, diarrhea, cramps, migraines, and a few other symptoms that makes holding a weapon a difficult task. The victim eventually recovers, but it takes several weeks. As far as your own troop's well-being, a proven vaccine has already been produced." Kintober turned to Mykep expectantly. "Whatcha think?"

  11. Kintober had gone for nearly 48 hours without sleep. He'd got another idea for an invention stuck in his head, and nothing, not even bodily functions like sleep, could stop him. ('course he still used the latrine.) He was in his personal lab underneath the Imperial palace. The place was on the cutting edge of scientific equipment, with all the latest gadgets and some Kintober had made himself. Currently, he was feverishly working on a machine which, he hoped, could change the way people farmed.

    "Almost....done!" He shouted in triumph as he welded the last few wires together. The device was shaped like a lower case T on its back. It had four small bulbs on each end and a large one in the center, making it look like a Christmas ornament. Putting a metal casing over the exposed wires, he then dragged the device off the work bench he was using and onto a cart. With effort, he pushed it into one of his test chambers. The room was filled with steam. He grinned as he plugged the machine in, and hit the "on" button. The machine groaned, and the four outer bulbs lit up. Electricity sparked from them to the center bulb, which began to glow. It seconds, a beam of energy zapped up from the bulb into the steam filled room.

    The change was instantaneous. The steam clouds grew dark. Thunder filled the room as little flashes of lighting appeared in the clouds. A minute or so later, it began to rain. Kintober whooped for joy.

    "I did it!I did it!I did it!" He chanted. He did a silly victory dance while he chanted. Kintober was so caught up congratulating himself, he didn't notice the storm beginning to grow worse. Thunder boomed and lighting flashed out from the clouds. "I'm #1!I'm #1!" Kintober chanted, making the mistake of pointing his finger in the air. Lightning came down and struck him with the force of three tazers. He flopped to the floor and spasmed for a minute or two, then grew still. "I did it, I did it." He muttered under his breath, still conscious somehow. Then he noticed the lightning and proceeded to crawl out of the room.


    Project #572:Weather control device. Success.

  12. "Actually it was built by my father." Kintober replied. Noticing Mykep's surprised look, he chuckled. "If there's one thing you should know about Kintobers, it's that we build to last. Although the original purpose my father had in mind was a conventional weapons research facility. I modified it in the beginning of my reign from conventional to biological. Now it serves to create antidotes and vaccines to pathogens, either natural or man-made." Kintober explained. "I will be honest with you. This is just a medium sized research lab at best.If you're curious as to why this facility only works on pathogens...well, like I said before, we have other compounds and facilities all dedicated to various different types of research and production. You can access and learn about other labs and their purposes if you'd like."

  13. DrKintober's head snapped up as his body felt the APC stop, and woke himself. He reached over to Mykep and nudged him to wakefulness. "Hey, we're here!" He said excitedly. Mykep shook himself into alertness and stood up. The door opened, and the squad went first, Kintober and Mykep following. Mykep blinked. It was midday when they had left the capital and now it was late in the night. He surveyed his surroundings. They were what appeared to be a small outpost. Cement walls 8 feet high and topped with barbed wire surrounded the base. It was only accessible via two large metal doors, one right behind them and one in the far wall. Guard towers with spotlights and heavy weapons were spaced evenly in the walls. Inside the base, it looked fairly sparse, lite up by halogen stadium lights. Along one wall was a few warehouses, a helipad, the barracks, the armory and messhall, and at the end, a small powerplant. On the other side was the Vehicle depot, a supply building, the command HQ, and a large cement space with a hut next to it. All in all, the place didn't look very impressive. Mykep turned to Kintober.

    "Correct me if I'm wrong, but this looks like a measly outpost. I trust there's more then meets the eye here?" He asked. Kintober grinned and led Mykep to the open cement pad. He pulled Mykep inside the hut and positioned Mykep against the far wall. Then he began to whisper to the soldier who was sitting infront of a bank of computer terminals and equipment. Kintober pulled an ID card out of his pocket, stuck it in a slot next to one of the computers, typed in a code, and walked up next to Mykep. Kintober gave the soldier a nod, who pressed a button on the control panel. Mykep was suprised when the floor jolted and began to sink. Then he realized it was an elevator. "Clever, a base under a base. I assume the pad has some trap door to let bigger supplies in." Kintober nodded.

    They reached the bottom, went through two checkpoints in a row, and finally entered the lab complex. "Well, what do you think?" Kintober asked.


    OOC:Just imagine they're in a high-tech lab complex that looks like is from the sci-fi shows.

  14. "Sick? Twisted? How could you say such things!? It's a symbol of encouragement; motivation if you will. And the crest, or emblem if you'd like, is exclusive to this unit." Kintober explained smoothly. MyKep raised an eyebrow. Kintober leaned forward. "See, this is my personal unit. They are devoted solely to me and take orders from no others. Their nice to have around on occasions. Like this one." MyKep nodded.

    "Fascinating-" He interrupted himself with a yawn, and continued. "-and as much as I would like to continue, I'm a bit fatigued. If you don't mind..." He yawned again and his eyelids drooped. Kintober nodded as well.

    "I understand. Carry on." With that, MyKep got as comfortable as he could, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. "Not a bad idea." Kintober mused. He turned to face the leader of the group, a grizzled First Sargent. "Sargent wake me when we reach our destination, would you?"

    "By your order." Came the gruff reply.

    "Very good. See you in a few hours." Kintober stated, before closing his own eyes and falling asleep.

  15. The two leaders reached the Imperial palace, and DrKintober and Mykep stepped out of the limo. In front of them, a short column of Pitbulls and Guardian APCs stood parked infront of the palace. Above them, Mi-28 and Mi-35 attack choppers droned overhead, watching the skies and the ground. MyKep was impressed with the security Kintober had ordered. Moments after stepping out of the limo, a squad of soldiers ushered the two to an APC relatively in the middle of the formation. While passing other vehicles and troops, MyKep noticed an interesting decal that was on every single one of them, man and machine. It was a cartoonish face, completely black except for two empty eyes and a grin that took up half the face. Resting on top of the head was a top hat. MyKep reasoned it was the crest of whatever division or unit these troops were attached to.

    They climbed into the APC, along with a squad of troops. The interior was a little cramped, but still large enough to sit comfortably. Kintober was positively beaming. "Well MyKep, what do you think of the LAV Guardian-03 APC?" He asked as the vehicle began to move forward.


    OOC:To imagine what the crest looks like, just look at my avatar.

    Guardian stats:

    Uses:Primary;APC, Anti-infantry. Secondary;Anti-air

    Armament:One M242 Bushmaster chain gun, one frontal co-axle 7.62mm M60 machine gun.

    Armor:Multiple 5083 Aluminum welded plates

    Crew:4;Bushmaster Gunner, Commander/co-axle machine gunner, Comm. officer, driver.

  16. Mykep looked down, thought for a moment and return the sick grin, replying "Well...since I'm here."

    "No time like the present, eh?" Kintober chuckled. He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. "Hello, this is Emperor Kintober. security clearance six-six-charlie-victor-lema-one. I'm going to require a delta formation escort with air cover. Have it assembled in front of the palace in twenty minutes. That is all." Mykep was impressed. Kintober ordered an escort like he was ordering a pizza. "Driver" He called up to the front seat. "Bring us to the Emperial palace." He turned back to Mykep. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss while we wait?"

  17. "Invite me to a seminar on them, or even show me the production of how they are created. If so, sure, I'll take a few." Mykep smiled realizing this would not cause any civilian casualties and at the same time, end a threat all at once. "So, to conclude my point on defending the world from aggressors, do you wish to sign the two arcticles of the 'Global Peace Initiative' ?"

    Kintober laughed. "A seminar? No. A tour? Yes. As for this 'Global Peace Initiative', I'm eager to see the results. Of course I'll sign; where's the pen and paper?"

  18. Mykep pondered, and with little to no hesitation said, "Very, very interested."

    DrKintober could feel his pulse quicken. He loved talking about his work. "In the time that I was gone, I worked on several...'projects' that have all shown promise. Electronic viruses that can shut down military computers, acidic gas that can eat through tank hulls, diseases that can put an entire army out of commission. See, while most rulers spend their time building toys that make the most noise, I spend my time focusing on a more subtle method of eliminating my enemies. So what do you say? Want in on some of the action?"

  19. "Well, I know you are in a weakened state but I do have a proposition for you. You see, the world has gone into a cold war and it threatens to tear the world apart. I have decided to face both of these sides and do whatever I can to avoid this war. For that reason, I have created an initiative to ask as a deterance on any first strike basis. Anyone who declares on someone without a just CB will face myself and all people who have sworn to an oath. Simply, I am defending the world from unjust wars. I would like for you to join me. "

    Kintober chuckled."Of course I'll join you. I wouldn't dream of doing things any other way. Now tell me, what type of MAD deterrents do you have in place? Most rulers believe nukes are where it's at, but I hold a different opinion." Mykep eyed him. "Any chucklehead can make a nuke and lob it at someone else. It takes real finesse to eliminate the enemy without either side ever firing a shot. I have the ability to do this. Interested?"

  20. "Well, Kintober thank you for the flu vaccine and I most certainly will have my economic regulation staff meet with you over that matter." Mykep then chuckled under his breathe, "I am and always will be a friend of the Eggheads. However, I align myself under neutrality as I've been attempting to make peace in the world. Do not worry though, you have my word that I will defend you and your nation. Other than that, yes, I would like to see an economic treaty of sorts written out to concrete our bond to paper. "

    Kintober nodded. "More then I could ask for." He chuckled. "Aside from hammering out the details for the treaty, what else do you have on your mind?"

  21. Mykep fixed his position in the seat to be more direct and looking at Kintober. He replied with a heavy heart,

    "Well this saddens me. I do not like seeing a friend who I almost consider family going through rough times even at the beginning of thier nation. What is it you need? Money? Security? Treaty? Military? I'm here for you."

    Kintober grinned. "It's good to have friends, even if they are few and far between. I'm looking for a treaty. Should any other country decide to attack us, I would like Forever Battlefield to assist us militarily, economically, and financially. You would get the benefit of placing bases and trading post inside our country, as well as first pick on any promising business ventures opening up in our country." Kintober leaned forward. "I recommend investing in our pharmaceutical companies. Which reminds me..." He leaned back and opened the metal briefcase he'd brought. Inside were several vials filled with fluid. "A gift." He closed the briefcase and placed it by Mykep's side. "The vials contain a flu vaccine. Made almost entirely by me, it's leaps and bounds ahead of the competition. It's effectively eliminated most normal flu strains, and provided a strong defense against more exotic strains like H1N1 and H5N1."

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