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Eggman Empire

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Posts posted by Eggman Empire

  1. John could only stare dumbly at the actions that had just taken place. His mind raced with possibilities, none of them pleasant. Then another thought struck him. What if the man in the room wasn't the only one who might come back to life? He clutched the handgun he had gotten from the weapons room. The sound of loud footsteps made him jump. He scurried over to where Roberts was.

    "What do we do?"


    OOC:It's hard to keep up with this due to the fact that I can only get in a post once a day or so. Would anyone care to RP John if something interesting happens and I'm not around?

    John's personality:Aside from being a normal guy, his most noticeable personality traits:Prone to improvise, a loner, quiet, very good at analyzing a situation and thinking up possibilities and solutions.

    Abilities:Crack shot with any handgun. Psychic abilities:Impath/slight telepath. Can sense general emotions and can "skim" minds for thoughts and facts.

  2. OOC: That's one thing I do remember; that your last campaign was as part of the Northern Empire, and against Greater Nordland (when it was just Brian Reimer and Kaiser Martens).

    OOC:I remember that. It was supposed to be my final hurrah before I joined the military and dropped this because I would be "too busy." Anyways...


    IC:"Come, I'll lead the way. You can have whatever you want done the way you want it. Just tell the cooks and they'll make it for you." Blyzar said.


    They made their way to the dinning hall. It was a massive room with a giant dinner table in the center and several tables and booths surrounding it. The main table was empty, but some of the secondary tables had customers such as the mansion staff and military personnel. A quiet buzz filled the air from the various conversations. Blyzar picked a booth out at random and they sat down. "As you can see, when not being used for special occasions, the Hall becomes a DFAC." Blyzar said, gesturing to the various people. "Just think of what you want while I ring for service." Blyzar added. With that, he pressed a buzzer on the side of the table. In a few minutes, a waiter walked up with a pen and paper.

    "Good evening Minister Dreth. What can I get for you and your guest?" The man asked chipperly.

    "I'll have a well-done steak with the chef's special spice blends, Onion rings, mushrooms, steamed broccoli, a pineapple/orange/banana slushy, and a slice of carrot cake." Blyzar replied. The waiter nodded. "Told you they can make anything. What would you like?" Blyzar said to Hunt.

  3. "All units pull back to the fortifications and engage in covering fire! Hand-to-hand when necessary!" Nick ordered. With that, the hounds were released. The six Smilers let loose their weapons at the charging hordes with glee. Instead of retreat, they charged headlong into the fight. Nick sighed and merely fired at oncoming enemies as he followed the others. "Stay close!" He ordered. He wondered what Emperor Kintober saw in the Smiler program.

  4. John looked up and saw another man staring at him. He jumped to his feet and brandished the scalpel.

    "No, I just woke up. I have no clue where we are. Who are you? And what's with all...this." He gestured to the carnage around him. "Name's John, by the way. From Eggman Empire." For some reason, John just KNEW that this man was A. From Promised Land, and B. Military. "And who's your friends?" He added.

  5. OOC:I've forgotten which battles I've fought in. I don't have the time to browse through the archives either. I hope you'll understand.


    IC:"I would be more then delighted to show you." Yerkes replied briskly. "Follow me." He motioned them towards a door that read Map and equipment storage.

    "As interesting as I find this, I must take a rain check General. Nature is calling and I must answer. I hope you two understand." Blyzar interjected. "But please show the Admiral here our collection." He told Yerkes, who nodded.


    Blyzar hummed as he strode down the corriders. He enjoyed giving tours. They were the easy part of the job. He'd reached the bathroom and was just about to enter it when the occupant inside opened the door and nearly ran into him.

    "My apologizes, I-" His statement was cut short when he saw who he was addressing. Standing in front of him was Avita Karnikov; Head Minister of Medicine and Science, clad in nothing but a large pink bathrobe. "Avita, I-er...didn't you know slepted here." He said. Avita looked away.

    "I...I don't...I live outside of Robotropolis." She said meekly.

    "Then what are you-...Oh...." Blyzar said. He looked away. "I'm giving a tour to that Promised Land Admiral. You might wanna make yourself scarce." He told her. She nodded. He turned and looked back at her. "Avita." She met his gaze. "Be careful, trouble follows that man like a lost puppy."


    Yerkes had just finished telling Hunt about the last war Eggman Empire had been involved in before Kintober had been "Assasinated" when Blyzar entered the room, looking slightly flustered.

    "Well, good news and bad news. Bad news is there's some renovations going on that I didn't know about so I can't show you Emperor Kintober's private bed room. Good news is we can get some dinner from the kitchens. Sound alright?" He asked.

  6. Ix'Chimalxochitzin noticed a pack being dropped, and moved in to investigate. As she approached however, she could see some bullets impacting on the tail end of the helicopter, causing it... quite a bit of discomfort. She'd have to remember that weak spot next time they were shooting at her. The last of teh gunfire dying down behind her, she moved to the wreckage burning near the treeline.

    The pilots would see a petite pale skinned human with auburn colored hair and green eyes, standing at around four foot nine and wearing very little, most of it animal hides. There was nothing tribal about the M4 hanging by a strap from her shoulder though. She grabbed the edge of one of the twisted metal door, and with a surprising amount of strength all but ripped the door off its hinges. The M4 was pointed at the pilots again, and she commanded them in a voice not used to speaking English.

    - "You come. Me take prisoner."

    The zombies and both elephambies had by now noticed the commotion as well, and though they had eaten quite well off of their soon-to-be brothers and sisters, the prospect of more flesh urged them to a run. As she exited the helicopter with the surviving crew, the horde came running from the fortifications around the same time the Happy Smilers broke the treeline. Seeing this, Ix'Chimalxochitzin flung her arm out to her side, making the zombies behind her slow and stop, before leveling her rifle at the newcomers as well.

    - "APERTURE?!?"

    From the look in her eyes, appearing to have a soft greenish glow to them, it was clear that their answer to her question would be the difference between life and death. Though there were many humans close to her, the zombies having just eaten their fill as well as her authority over the group being absolute as their leader kept them under control... for the moment. That they would effectively see a group of zombies -- and two elephambies -- obey simple commands would cause a shock she was unaware of, but would perhaps be helpful for psychological reasons.

    OOC:Amyante, I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Does she have control over the zombies? If I misinterpret, please inform me.



    Nick blinked. Had she really just ordered the zombies to stop? His mind reeled. He composed himself and took stock of the situation. She had a M4, and apparent command of zombies. The situation at least held information to be gleaned. Then he realized he couldn't speak English.

    "Anyone know what she said?" He asked. One of the Smilers nodded.

    "She think we Aperture." The Smiler, (who's name was Bob) replied in broken danish.

    "Well tell her we're not so she doesn't try to kill us." Nick ordered. Bob nodded.

    "Not Aperture. Eggman Empire. We fight Aperture. Friends?" Bob asked. Nick prayed that Bob said what he thought he said and looked at Ix'Chimalxochitzin, waiting her response.

  7. Nick ran like a bat out of hell. The elephanbies had finished with the rebellion positions, and where now chasing Nick and his team, hoping to catch another meal. To make matters worse, the elephanbies had been joined by a group of smaller zombies, equally hungry. Nick could tell the Smilers wanted to fight, but even six of them, equiped with AP rounds for their SAWs, would be hard pressed to eliminate three elephanbies along with a horde of smaller ones. "Keep moving! If we make it to a fortified position, we'll stop and return fire." This though pleased the Smilers, and they pressed forward with renewed vigor. Neither Nick or the Smilers knew they were heading towards Ix'Chimalxochitzin and her group of fighters.

  8. "I wouldn't be surprised if he'd memorized all of them." Blyzar chuckled. "But his real book collection is on his computer. He's got dozens of flash drives, all devoted to a different topic and completely full. They range from anything like autonomy to zoology. He must have thousands of books, journals, and textbooks on those thinks. Look, there's some on his desk." Blyzar pointed to two grey flash drives on Kintober's desk. One said pathogens while the other read cybernetics.

    "Well, I think that's it for this room. C'mon and I'll show you the rest of the important rooms." Blyzar said and turned out of the room. Hunt nodded and followed. Neither knew that if you tilted the portrait of Wilhelm just right, the fireplace would open and reveal a secret passage that led to Sammyace's personal lab.

    It did not take long for Blyzar to show Hunt another important room. The war room. It was a fairly open room, with computers, phones, and communications equipment lining the walls. In the center of the room stood a table with a map of Eggman Empire on it. On top of the map were little flags with different markings on them.

    The room had a few soldiers manning the various terminals along the walls and a single officer stood over the table. He noticed the two and moved over to them. He gave a quick salute to Blyzar, who returned it, before turning to hunt.

    "Brigadier General Wallace Yerkes. You must be the Admiral from Promised Land. What can I do for you?" He asked.

    "Not too much General. I was just showing Admiral Hunt the war room." Blyzar replied. Yerkes nodded.

    "I can see why. Alot of history here. Did you know every war Eggman Empire has fought in has been coordinated in this room? If you want, I can show you all the maps we used during our campains."

  9. "I wouldn't be surprised if he'd memorized all of them." Blyzar chuckled. "But his real book collection is on his computer. He's got dozens of flash drives, all devoted to a different topic and completely full. They range from anything like autonomy to zoology. He must have thousands of books, journals, and textbooks on those thinks. Look, there's some on his desk." Blyzar pointed to two grey flash drives on Kintober's desk. One said pathogens while the other read cybernetics.

    "Well, I think that's it for this room. C'mon and I'll show you the rest of the important rooms." Blyzar said and turned out of the room. Hunt nodded and followed. Neither knew that if you tilted the portrait of Wilhelm just right, the fireplace would open and reveal a secret passage that led to Sammyace's personal lab.

    It did not take long for Blyzar to show Hunt another important room. The war room. It was a fairly open room, with computers, phones, and communications equipment lining the walls. In the center of the room stood a table with a map of Eggman Empire on it. On top of the map were little flags with different markings on them.

    The room had a few soldiers manning the various terminals along the walls and a single officer stood over the table. He noticed the two and moved over to them. He gave a quick salute to Blyzar, who returned it, before turning to hunt.

    "Brigadier General Wallace Yerkes. What can "

  10. John McHalster bolted upright. And promptly swore as he felt a sharp stabbing pain against his scalp. He put his hand to it and drew it away when he felt wetness. He looked at his hand and nearly panicked as he saw blood. He looked around and saw a bloody needle lying on the floor. He looked down at his body and dozens of needles sticking out. He gingerly pulled them out and cursed at the pain each time. Once he finished with his painful task, he looked around and gauged his surroundings. He was in a white room. Across from him was a few monitoring machines. He looked up and noticed where all the needles had come from. A rack while dozens of types of IVs hung over him. In one of the walls was a door. He was about to leave when he noticed he wasn't wearing anything.

    He looked around and noticed a tray with medical scrubs, along with a scalpel next to them. He donned the scrubs and grabbed the scalpel. Any weapon is good, right? He tried the door. It was open, which surprised John. He exited the room into a hallway. To the left was a dead end, and to the right, the corrider took a left. He strode down the hallway, turned the corner, and stopped. A slaughter house displayed itself infront of him. Mangled bodies lay in pools of blood.

    John spun back behind the corner and forced his mind to think. His name was John McHalster. He was taking a test to join the Eggman Armed Forces. He scored 100%. The administrator brought him to the head office after words and accused him of cheating. He asked for a second chance and they gave him a completely new test. He scored 100% again. Then some officers and scientist from the Eggman Army came and put him through a bunch of academic and medical test. When it was over, they told him he could serve his country far better if he came with them, rather then joined as a lowly privade. They took him to a Guardian APC and they set of for somewhere. Before they made it, John remembered a loud exposition and he blacked out.

    Now he was here, and the only way to leave was through the bodies. He drew a deep breath, and strode through the bodies. He'd almost made it when he tripped at knocked over a cart of medical supplies. It sounded like thunder, the noise echoing throughout the halls.


    OOC:John's on the same floor with the other survivors.

  11. "Excellent!" Blyzar clapped his hands together in delight. "Lets go!" He hurried off, and Hunt maintained a. brisk walk to keep up with him. Blyzar led him through a door, down a hall, and through another door. "Here we are" He stated. "Emperor Kintober's personal study." It was dead silent, except for the steady ticking of a grandfather clock in on of the corners. Directly infront of them was a large mahogany desk, with a leather seat behind it. Odd nicknacks, papers, files, books, and a single reading lamp cluttered the desk. A large, elegant looking fireplace made up part of the wall behind the desk and chair.

    On the wall above the fireplace hung portraits of the five Kintobers Hunt had seen in the Gardens. They came in historical order. Johan Kintober's portrait showed him standing in front of a newly built Robotropolis, a pickax and shovel in hand. The portrait of Renold Kintober showed him on a cliff's edge, overlooking the harbor and port of Vlask. Alfred Kintober's painting showed him with his hands on the very desk that was in front of Blyzar and Hunt now. On the desk in the portrait was a copy of the Eggman Empire constitution. In his portrait, Wilhelm Kintober stood in front of a hospital. The painting depicted him in the process of cutting a red ribbon with an oversized pair of scissors. The final portrait showed Sammyace Kintober. He was clad in a lab coat, a syringe in one hand, and a vial of something in another. He stood in front of a metal counter that held lab equipment.

    After gazing at the paintings for a few minutes, Hunt allowed his eyes to wander. Bookshelves lined all the other walls. They held volume after volume of all kinds of scientific and medical textbooks. One could teach an entire medical college with the sheer volume and depth the books held.

  12. OOC:Sounds good to me Jerry.


    IC:Nick crouched behind a fallen log as bullets wizzed over his head. His men had pulled a 360 perimeter and were repelling oncoming infantry. The Happy Smilers never wasted a round. They only fired when they knew they had a kill shot. The result was the waves of attacks were becoming weaker and less frequent. Although Nick feared something worse such as tanks or mortars were on the way.

    Such thoughts were interrupted as a new foe entered the fray. Three zombies burst out of seemingly nowhere, and headed strait for Nick. He hadn't even brought his gun to bear before all three of the zombie's heads exploded almost in unison. He looked back and saw two of the Smilers facing him, smoke wafting from their gun barrels. He gave them a thumbs up. They nodded.

    "Alright. We gotta go. Nobody want's to stick around to be zombie chow, right?" He asked. The others nodded. They proceeded to high crawl away from their former position. They had gotten about 300 meters when an earth-shaking roar tore through the air. The ground shook as whatever it was found enemy positions that had been firing at the extraction team. "CHEESE IT!" Nick yelped, and the team sprang to their feet and took off in a mad dash away from what had to be at least three elephanbies began devastating rebellion positions.

  13. In the waters off the coast of Diberia, a helicopter-carrier class destroyer, the E.I.F. Unyeilding idled about. It had a mission, launch a heavily modified UH-60 carrying an extraction team. The UH-60 took off, and headed for land. Somewhere around forty kilometers north of Esmeralds, the chopper started taking fire from AP positions.

    "Set us down, quick!" The NCOIC called. The pilot managed to set the bird down and allow for the extraction team to leave. As it attempted to take off, enemy fire smashed into it, and it spun off and crashed elsewhere in the wastes. The NCOIC, First Sargent Nick Haymaker grimaced. "There goes our easy way out." He grumbled. His soldiers didn't complain, as he knew they wouldn't. The soldiers in question were six of the newest versions of the Happy Smilers research program. Superior to the original versions in every respect, the Happy Smilers also had most of their mental facilities in place. They were able to do anything from carry on a conversation to learn how to build a computer from scratch. They still had the bloodlust of the original Happy Smilers, kept it better under control.

    "Come on fellas. Time to finish the mission." Haymaker said. The Happy Smilers nodded, and they headed towards the Esmeralds base. Their mission: Find Steve and extract him. Whether they would reach him was a different story.

  14. The procession left the gardens, and within a few minutes, they arrived at the palace. Built by Afred Kintober and finished by Wilhelm, the place was built by a fortress. The initial perimeter was protected by a ten cement wall topped with barbed and razor wire. Evenly spaced guard towers stood just behind it. On the walls themselves, Bunker style windows had been placed. One could clearly see the assortment of heavy weapons mounted on the towers and windows. .50 Cals, M240Bs, M249 SAWs, sniper rifles, and TOW launchers stuck out like barbs. The group had to go through three different checkpoints. To save time, Only the APC holding Hunt and Blyzar went through.

    Arriving at the front of the palace, they saw the massive pillars that supported the second floor balcony. They climbed a flight of polished marble steps to a set of massive varnished oak doors. Hunt and Blyzar entered and were faced with the massive front hall. Flights of marble stairways led to the second floor hallways and balconies. Doors were all along the walls. Blyzar turned to Hunt.

    "Would you care to receive the full tour, or just visit the sites where the Kintobers spend most of their time?" Blyzar leaned close to Hunt and whispered "If we take the latter, we can get some supper from the kitchens."

  15. "I agree wholeheartedly." Blyzar said. They gazed at the figures for a few more minutes before Blyzar gestured to the convoy. "If you wouldn't mind, shall we continue the tour? The next stop is the Imperial Palace."

  16. "Excellent! You won't regret this decision. Follow me, we have a personal motorcade for you."

    Blyzar led Hunt out of the terminal into a private lot. There, three Guardian-03 APCs and four CC-6 Pitbulls interspaced between them. Blyzar led Hunt to the middle APC. The hatch opened and the two and Hunt's guard's entered. The interior had been redesigned into a limo type style. Padded leather seats, a mini-bar, soft lighting, a stereo, and a mini-TV. Bulletproof glass had been installed into the firing slots, allowing occupants to look outside without having to worry about someone taking potshots at them.

    "To the Ice Gardens please." Blyzar told the driver.


    They arrived at the Gardens at around 10 pm local time. The gardens were truely a sight to behold. Hundreds of statues, looking just like real objects and creatures glistened and gleamed in the carefully positioned lights that dotted the Gardens. In the center of the Gardens, a grand site was held. Five sculptures of men stood, ten feet higher then anything else in the garden. They weren't just any men. They were Kintobers. The first was Johan Kintober: The man who laid the foundations for Eggman Empire by building a small research settlement later known as Robotropolis. The second; Renold Kintober. He had expanded the settlement and founded Vlask. The third was Alfred Kintober, who created the Eggman Empire officially. He helped establish the political infrastructure and military order that would be vital in overcoming the challenges Eggman Empire would face. He was also the first Kintober to officially be recognized as Emperor. The Fourth, Wilhelm Kintober. He was the man responsible for turning Eggman Empire into a world renown medical and scientific establishment. The fifth, was Sammyace Kintober. Each figure looked regal and imposing.

    "Having fun yet?" Blyzar asked, as he handed Hunt a cup of hot coffee.

  17. Blyzar smiled.

    "I'm glad you are pleased. The citizens of Eggman Empire thrive on efficiency. The more waste we cut, the more we have to give to worth while things, like education, or infrastructure. If you would like, we can start the tour by visiting Robotropolis' Ice gardens. They're wonderful to look at, especially at this time in the evening when the lights are on."

  18. Vesker disengaged himself from a conversation with one of the Promise Land soldiers and ambled over to the map. Before he looked at it, he gave a last glance at Steve. He hadn't jumped back onto Sentinel, but he was following Sentinel like a lost puppy. Vesker shrugged. He'd seen weirder. Looking back at the map, he gave it a good looking over.

    "Excuse me, Mr. Rough, Roxas. I'm not sure if this helps any, but I thought you might want to know that while Steve and myself was making our way here, we spotted a AP small re-supply base just a few dozen kilometers south of our location." He took out his trusty, if not blood smeared, knife, and marked it's location. "It's about two and a half days walk. I spotted humvees with .50 cals and MK. 19s and two or three bradlys. There were some cargo trucks as well. Me and Steve watched it for a few hours and noted two convoys come through. From what we saw, they had an armory, a small machine shop, and a fuel depot. The defenses are designed to keep out wandering survivors and zombies, but a small commando team might be able to sneak in. It'd make a great place to restock. Especially if we're going on a trip." He said. "One last thing, the vehicles are marked as Aperture Science. This might work to our advantage. Interested?" He asked.


    OOC:I'm settling into my new unit, so I'll be a little spotty. But I should have internet set up by the month's end. Mabye the middle of next month at the very most.

    Subtle, I forgot the names of your guys. What where they again?

    Btw, its 7:04 PM where I'm at right now

  19. "You get a line I'll get a pole..."

    "HoNeY, HOnEY!"

    "You get a line I'll get a pole..."

    "BaBE, baBe!"

    "You get a line I'll get a pole, we'll go down to the fishing hole, Honey, oh babe, your mine! Go to your left, your right, your left; Go to your left, your right, your left, HEY!"

    The two men trudged through the wasteland, uncaring of whether their song was heard or not. The first man was Wilhelm Vesker. Now Sargent First Class in the Eggman Empire army. The time he'd spent in Dideria, or as he called it:"This godforsaken wasteland," had taken it's toll. Any fat he'd had when he'd first come here was gone completely. Only muscle and skin remained. His skin wasn't looking to pristine either. He maintained his sanity by griping, being sarcastic, and having one-way conversations with his partner.

    The second man was somewhat taller, and completely insane. Steve was a soldier who came from the "Happy Smiler" division, he'd been specially augmented by Emperor Kintober himself. He was quicker, tactically smarter, could heal faster, and was an infinitely better then the regular soldier. Unfortunately the process had left him a happy, if bloodthirsty maniac.

    At the current moment, Vesker was teaching Steve cadences he'd remembered from back home.

    "Steve, you'll make a great cadence caller yet." Vesker said. Steve giggled. Vesker sighed. He'd first met Steve in the first zombie outbreak in Diberia. They'd been fight buddies ever since, battling zombies and Aperture Science soldiers alike. Currently they were looking for the resistance headquarters.

    "Halt! Identify or we'll shoot!" Yep, found it. Vesker sighed and put his hands in the air. Steve glowered but did the same. A patrol of rebels moved up next to them, guns drawn. "Names. NOW!" The commander said.

    "SFC Wilhelm Vesker and...SGT...er...Steve of the Eggman Empire Army, 2nd Exploratory Battalion, Blue Raider Brigade, Echo Company." Wilhelm replied. He honestly didn't know Steve's rank, but it had to be at least Sargent.

    "For Aperture Science scum, you're incredibly stupid. The last remnants of the Eggman taskforce withdrew months ago." The commander sneered.

    "Well golly gee, no wonder I haven't been able to find my drinking pals." Vesker replied sarcastically. "Has it ever occurred to you that we missed the boats? Surely you've must have come across other EE soldiers." He continued. The commander glared at him.

    "Look, we've been searching for resistance headquarters. We're tired, hungry, and dirty. Even if you lock us up, that would be an improvement." Vesker said. The commander looked at him cautiously, then relented.

    "Alright, but only in handcuffs. Got me?"

    "Fine by me. Is in fine by you Steve?" Vesker asked Steve. Steve nodded reluctantly.


    *at resistance HQ.*

    "Looks like you check out. Sorry about the mishap." The commander replied abashed. Vesker shrugged.

    "S'all right. Least you guys asked first. AP soldiers shoot first, questions never." He said nonchalantly.

    "You'll be given your weapons and equipment after you leave this room. If you care to stay and fight, go to the command center. They'll assign you a post." The commander said. Vesker nodded.


    *Inside the command building*

    Well I'm lost." Vesker stated. The command building was highly disorienting for newcomers. "Got anything?" He asked Steve. Steve paused for a second and sniffed the air. Then he grinned even wider then normal and bolted off down a hall. "Wait! What's up?" Vesker called, chasing after him.

    "Sentinel! Sentinel Sentinel!" Steve whooped.

    "Wait...Sentinel? Oh..." Vesker muttered as he ran after Steve.


    Roxas and Rough were in the middle of striking up a conversation when Steve burst into the room.

    "SENTINEL!" He yelled, jumped, landed on Sentinel, and wrapped his arms around the giant; creating a most ridiculous display to the stunned onlookers.

    "Dangit Steve, I'm gonna-" Vesker charged through the room, tripped, and fell face first infront of JerryRough. He looked up and saw Roxas and Rough looking at him. "Ohi! SFC Wilhelm Vesker, at your service." He pointed to Roxas. "I'm suprised you're not dead yet." He said.


    OOC:I'm comedic relief! :P

  20. Eggman International. A bustling airport filled with people from all walks of life and from all over the world. Ambassadors and diplomats used the airport constantly, leading to the creation of a wing solely for diplomatic purposes. Right now the wing had been prepped and ready for a visit from a Promised Land representative, one Admiral Hunt.

  21. [qoute]To the world, on behalf of the Eggman Empire and myself, I have two announcements to make. The first holds the greatest significance, while the second is largely an internal affair.The first announcement is this: As Eggman Empire watched nuclear bombs fall over the past months, we watched quietly and did nothing. As nations such as Hanseatic Commonwealth and Procinctia smoldered, we sat by and did nothing. Although we told ourselves it was because we had recently come out of a chaotic stretch, in reality we really wanted nothing to do with the many happenings of other nations.

    I suppose it's our nature. Eggman Empire is a fairly isolationist nation more focused on conquering scientific mysteries then the world. "So what if some rubes destroy each other. Not our fight, not our fault." We said to ourselves. Well I say no more! As of today Eggman Empire will, at the very least, supply aid to nations needing it. At this very moment, we have two large aid packages ready for Procinctia and Hanseatic Commonwealth.

    Unfortunately our resources are not infinite, we will render aid, but only if the nation in question cannot handle the problem by itself. But for such instances like devastating wars or a cataclysmic natural disaster, aid will be ready and waiting.

    One a related note, the ministers to contact to request aid are Blyzar Dreth; Head Minister of External Affairs, and our newly appointed Avita Karnikov; Head Minister of Medicine and Science. Which by the way is the other thing I was going to announce. Well my friends, that is all I have to say. Hopefully the world will take us up on our offer. This is Emperor Sammyace Kintober, signing off.[/qoute]


    *An hour later, in a vault-bunker beneath Robotropolis.*

    "I don't like!"

    "As much as I hate to agree with Minister Ryst, I must concur."

    "Shut up Voi!"

    "GENTLEMEN!" Iblis Kray; Head Senate Chancellor, yelled, silencing the inevitable argue between Phil Ryst and Hank Voi. "Although I must admit the Emperor's announcement is highly unorthodox, I must also state that he has never steered us wrong before." Any further conversation was cut short by the entrance of Kintober with Karnikov's arm around his. Ryst scowled, Voi raised an eyebrow, Kray sighed, and Dreth yawned.

    "Good day sirs, if you haven't met Avita, I suggest you do. She's quiet brilliant." Kintober said.

    "You are too kind, my Emperor." Karnikov blushed.

    "Please tell me you gave her this position because she has some brains inside that ditzy head of hers." Ryst grumbled, glaring daggers at Karnikov, making her hide behind Kintober a little.

    "Ryst, you hurt me. You think I survived over hundred assassination attempts because I fall for the first pretty face I see?" Kintober asked, a dangerous edge entering his voice.

    "Well, no, I-" Ryst started, but Kintober cut him off and answered his own question.

    "Of course not! Because I am a genius, probably one of the greatest the world has ever known! Believe me, I had her thoroughly investigated. I even know about that one incident she had in grade school involving...well, that's a story for her to tell." Avita gaped at him and blushed furiously. "Sorry. Had to make sure I could trust you." He apologised. "But enough of that! Time to move onto business." He turned to Blyzar Dreth. "The aid is ready?"

    "As ready as it'll ever be." Dreth said, picking the dirt out from under his fingernails.

    "Excellent!, Voi, is the tour for whatshisname from Promised Land ready yet?"

    "Yes, Admiral Hunt will be arriving at Eggman International within the week. His 'tour' route is all picked out." Hank Voi replied.

    "Excellent!" Kintober exclaimed.

    "Sir, I must express some concern about this tour. The whole plan could backfire." Dreth replied.

    "Pansy..." Ryst muttered under his breath. Dreth scowled at him.

    "I assure you all, everything will go according to plan. Nothing will go wrong and no incidents will happen. The Admiral will love his visit here." Kintober said. "Now, I must take my leave. Avita, you stay here so the rest of my inner circle can get to know you and come to trust you. Bye!" With that, Kintober detached himself from Avita, spun around, and walked out the door. Avita stood there like a fish out of water.

    "Yeah, he does that alot." Kray apologized to Avita.


    OOC:Avita Bio:

    Name Avita Karnikov

    Occupation:Head Minister of Medicine and Science





    Hair/eye color:Brown/green.

    Info:A brilliant mind in regard to all things related to medical science. Otherwise she is somewhat naive and a little ditzy. She is attractive, but is unable to hold a boyfriend because of her interest. Despite her brilliant mind and numerous scholarships, she has yet to achive a degree of any kind, mainly due to being kicked out of every university and college she has entered. Mostly because of her unorthodox methods of testing her theories. Kintober literally ran into her after giving a lecture at Großer Verstand University(An important medical college that works closely with major pharmaceutical companies). She was in the process of moving out after the university canceled her scholarship because she had been arrested by the police for digging up a grave so she could prove a theory about reanimating the dead. She seems to have a split personality. On side is an extremely nice person. Caring, loving, somewhat motherly. The other pursues her theories to the extreme, with disregard to to human life, dignity, or rights. The latter is probably the reason why Kintober is so infatuated with her.

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