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Eggman Empire

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Posts posted by Eggman Empire

  1. "Reynolds, what the F is going on?!" SGT Jay Romero called out to the man on the roof top in front of him. The man who's back was to the Sargent, was SPC Craig Reynolds. He was in the Sargent's Decon squad, and had been pronounced dead but three hours ago. Romero still couldn't quite believe whole chain of events that had led up to this point. It had all started but a day ago. Romero, Reynolds, and four other privates in 7th Chemical Company's Third Decontamination platoon; First Squad were on a routine clearing patrol looking for corpses in the quarantined city of Vlask. Reynolds had been taking point, and had found a body in one of the houses the squad was clearing. Reynolds and another private were in the process of trying to move the corpse into a body bag when the thing had literally burst, covering the squad with a contaminated pink goop. Reynolds had the extreme misfortune to have his face plate punctured by what was believed to be a piece of bone. After he was rushed to a med-center, his condition steadily grew worse.

    Within twenty-four hours of coming in contact with the goop, Reynolds had died. Or that's what Romero was told. Less then three hours after being declared dead, Reynolds apparently came back to life, and went on a murder spree. After killing three medical technicians, four guards, and an officer, Reynolds had escaped the small FOB in the middle of Vlask, with Romero hot on his tail. Reynolds had finally ran into a small apartment building and ran up to the roof, Romero still chasing him. Now, here they were. On a roof top with Romero wondering what the Hell was going on.

    "Reynolds, dammit, Answer my question!" Romero snarled. Reynolds didn't turn, but he did reply.

    "Ah, mortals with your silly questions." "Reynolds" said with a chuckle. Romero felt very cold suddenly. Reynolds' voice was not that of his own, but rather it seemed like a thousand different eerily cheery voices speaking directly into Romero's head.

    "Reynolds.....What's wrong with you? They said you died..." Romero asked, feeling his courage slipping. "Reynolds" giggled.

    "Ah, silly fool. You friend Reynolds died a long time before his mortal shell did. What you are witnessing is the birth of something truly remarkable. You should consider yourself honored to behold it." The thing explained. Romero felt every hair on his skin prick up.

    "Birth of what?" He asked cautiously. The thing giggled again.

    "Me of course." It said like that would explain everything. "Reynolds" finally turned around, and Romero gasped at what he saw. From the neck down, the man looked fairly normal. Well, as normal as one could wearing blood-stained scrubs. But the face...It was the face that caused Romero's heart to freeze up just for a moment. The eyes were gone, and filling in the sockets were two globes of flickering white light. The smile was much larger then any normal human could ever manage, with the grin literally going from ear to ear. The eyes seemed bore into Romero's soul, rooting him to the spot. "It will be easier for me to show you then use words. Come, let me show you." The thing reached out it's hand, and despite every instinct screaming at him to run, Romero found himself rooted to the spot. It made contact with Romero's uniform, and his world promptly imploded in on itself.


    A mere minute and a half later, the rest of the search party burst through the roof door, expecting to find Reynolds being detained by Romero. Instead, they found Romero curled up in a ball. A lieutenant rushed over to him.

    "What happened? Where'd he go?" The Lt. asked. Romero let out a choked sob. The Lt. shook him roughly. "Dammit Sargent, get a hold of yourself. What happened? Where's Reynolds?" He demanded.

    "Gone...swallowed by the abyss..." Romero muttered. The Lt. looked at him in confusion.

    "Sargent, what are you talking about?" He asked. Romero emitted a strangled giggle.

    "I saw it! The abyss is opened and I've seen it's every detail!" He suddenly spat out.

    "Sargent, stop rambling and wake up, that's an order!" The Lt. snarled, and slapped the NCO in the face. Romero didn't respond to the slap, but kept talking.

    "The abyss is hungry! Hungry for chaos, and rage, and insanity! We'll all be consumed by the oncoming madness! There's no way to stop it!" He screamed out. Before anyone could stop him, Romero lunged forward and snatched the Lt's sidearm and jammed it under his chin. "Only way out..." He sniffed.



    Somewhere in Vlask, in an abandoned Tux shop, a figure turned towards the sound of the gunshot. It then returned to it's business, looking through the racks of suits for something to appeal to it's taste, it's eyes shining through the gloom. It finally found what it wanted: A three piece, white-on-black pinstriped suit with a black tie, a top hat, and a pair of Italian dress shoes with a diagonal white strip going down both sides of each shoe.

    "This will do nicely." It spoke. "I'll find the cane later." It looked outside once more into the dark city streets and laughed. "I'm awake all, and I'm hungry..."


    Sammyace Kintober bolted upright from bed with a gasp. He sat there panting heavily, not quite sure what had happened. It was like he'd had the worst nightmare in history, but it was still haunting him even though he was awake. He sat there for several more minutes, before his adrenaline slowed down and weariness crept back over him. As he lay back down, he still couldn't shake the feeling that something bad had just popped up out there, and he was on it's hit list.

  2. "Excellent, I've publicly announced the treaty here.

    Ms. Cybil, what do you need for your nation and military? We are currently upgrading our weaponry and can give you our old R36 assault rifle at ridiculous prices. It's a very good rifle and we have over 400,000 of them, more than you would need I should think. We can also send some military technicians and engineers over with designs for modern artillery and tanks."

    "The Eggman Empire can give you a good deal on a few thousand AK-47s we have lying in reserve armories. They will be a mix of new and refurbished models. We can also help you design and build defenses and units, too." Ryst informed Cybil.

  3. "This just in from Egg News Network, police responding to a 911 call at an isolated gas station twenty miles south of Vlask found pure carnage at the site. Early this morning, police responded to a call from the station's manager claiming there was a madman inside the store beating customers. When police arrived, they found the gas station's store on fire and the parking lot a blood bath. Seven bodies have been found brutally mutilated, and authorities are combing the area for more.

    The fire was not severe and was brought under control, however, the video logs of the security cameras were destroyed. Because of this, the authorities have little to go on other then the initial phone call from the store's manager describing the suspect as tall, Caucasian, and having brown hair. It has also been confirmed that he stole the semi-cab of one of the victims. The cab is white, and has the licenses number 8CT-4Z1J. Further more-*click*"

    Hank turned of the radio of the cab and grinned. "Ha ha, I'm famous now!" He declared to thin air. "And you know what people do when they're famous, right?" He continued his one-way conversation. "That's right, they go on a world tour! Time to take the global community by storm!" A twisted look came over his face and he chuckled. "And what a red storm it will be."


    The truck roared down the open highway, it's driver honking the air horn every so often. It then passed a battered green sign reading: "Port town of Raydon: 55 miles."

  4. The Eggman Empire would like to offer those leaving Helzan passage and settlement inside our country's borders.

    The Eggman Empire would like to make clear to "Queen Valkyria Klein" that if she breaks any terms laid down in the peace treaty signed by her government between ours, retribution will be swift, severe, and permanent. You are also advised not to mess with our military installations in the area. Other then that, have a nice day.

    *Official Eggman Government message*


  5. Signing for the Eggman Empire

    Blyzar Dreth;

    Head Minister of External(foreign) Affairs

    Phil Ryst;

    Head Minister of Defense

    Approved via radio by Sammyace Kintober, Emperor of Eggman Empire, and Iblis Kray; Chancellor of Eggman Senate

  6. To General Hannah Asgeirsson

    The Eggman Empire is pleased you've shown such openess in our requests. Our Ministry of Foreign affairs is working on a treaty as we speak. It has some to our attention as well, that you and your country are facing a sea-borne invasion. If you would like, the Eggman Empire can dispatch a Fleet consisting the Supercarrier E.I.N. Filoviridae, two medium carriers, the E.I.N. Scalpel's edge and the E.I.N. Dissector, 12 cruisers, 17 destroyers, 21 destroyer escorts, 6 subs, and a myriad of support craft. If you would like, we can also send the 42nd Amphibious Infantry Division to supply ground support. We can have these resources on site in about 7 days. We can also have airborne elements of the 9th Experimental Division and 12th Infantry Division arrive via para-drop in your country in 14 hours. The Eggman government can also provide immediate ICBM support. Please get back to us on this matter.

    -Eggman Empire government.

    - Official Eggman Empire Government message-


  7. Kintober watched the speech unfold and chuckled. "Well Hannah, nice to see your quite the busy body. Glad everything's working out for you so far." He muttered. "Now-" He said, turning his attention back to the lab equipment in front of him. "-lets see if there's something in these tissue samples of yours that explains why you took to the augmentation process like a duck to water, Ms Asgeirsson. Aside from sheer willpower and determination, anyway." He said, holding up a vial of Hannah's blood.


    To:Hanseatic Commonwealth

    The Eggman Empire welcomes the Hanseatic Commonwealth back to the world stage. We also approve of General Hannah Asgeirsson as it's new leader. We would like to discuss trade and military interactions between our two countries whenever it is convenient.

    - Official Eggman Empire Government message-


  8. Kintober smiled awkwardly after Hannah's kiss and hug, but cleared his throat to regain his composure. He looked at the diary Hannah offered him and thought about it for a few moments. "You know...should this book fall into the wrong hands, it could be used as a political weapon against me. It could very well bring about my end. It would be safest if I took it and locked it away, or even better, destroyed it." He muttered. Hannah looked downtrodden, but still held the book out for him to take. Then Kintober flashed Hannah a deranged grin. "Keep it! It's not like I'm not already under investigation for authorizing unscrupulous scientific procedures." He laughed. Hannah smiled. Kintober continued. "Of course, the flight to New Jerusalem can be easily arranged." He said. "Now if you'll come with me, I can take you to the helipad." Hannah nodded and followed Kintober as he led the way.


    Hannah, Loew, and Kintober all stood on the helipad looking at a Hammerhead prepping for liftoff. It was a crossroads moment. Hannah had completed this phase in her life, and was ready to move on to the next. And now she had a companion to keep her company and a friendly face who could help down the road. It struck Hannah as a little silly. To her it felt like the end to one of those corny movies where the hero rides off to his next adventure, inviting a sequel. Kintober grabbed her hand to get her attention.

    "Well Hannah, this is it! The helicopter will take you to the airport where all the arrangements have been made! Once you step on that plane, it's out of my hands and you'll be on your own!" Kintober shouted over the din of the Hammerhead. Loew suddenly tapped Kintober on the shoulder to remind him of something. "Well, maybe not all on your own!" Kintober added. All three shared a laugh at that. Once they'd recovered from the joke, Kintober extended his hand to Hannah. "It was a pleasure knowing you Hannah. Be sure to stop by if your in the neighborhood!" He said. Then he pointed at Loew. "Alright buddy, you keep Ms Asgeirsson safe! That's an order from your emperor! Understand?" Loew nodded. "Alright, I won't keep you any longer. Climb aboard and find your destiny Hannah!" Kintober stated.

    "I can't thank you enough!" Hannah said, and gave him a hug. Kintober returned it.

    "Fulfilling your dreams and destiny will be thanks enough! That way I'll know that you used my gifts and didn't waste them!" Kintober replied.

    "Trust me, they won't go to waste!" Hannah said.

    "Now go, before you miss your flight!" Kintober stated. Hannah nodded and moved to the Hammerhead. She and Loew climbed inside, and Hannah got one last look at Kintober. "Keep in touch!" He yelled at her.

    "I will!" She shouted back. With that, the Hammerhead took off, and the soldier inside the cargo hold closed the door and motioned for the two passengers to get to their seats. Back on the ground, Kintober watched the Helicopter disappear over the horizon. A single tear ran down his cheek before he turned around and headed back down stairs.

  9. The Emperor chuckled. "Well, all's in days work I suppose." He said modestly. "But Hannah, I have to say. Even though I put you through the augmentation process, you're the one who made it past. Just because someone points you down the correct road, doesn't mean they've walked it for you." He paused and made a face. "You know, for some reason, that doesn't sound quite as philosophical as I thought it would." Kintober mused and Hannah snickered. Kintober shrugged. "Ah, well shows you I oughta stick to the sciences and not the arts. Anyways..." Kintober moved forward and shook her hand. "Congratulations one being one of the first humans to complete the Gen-7 HS-51 augmentation process. If you were any other subject right now, you'd be transferred out of here and into the 9th Ex Division. However, in your case, you'll be brought to the facility's helipad and airlifted to Robotropolis' International airport. Speaking of which, I need to know where you're going next, so I can get you a ticket." Hannah was just about to tell him when Kintober put his hand up. "Of course, that can wait. I still have a few gifts to give you." Hannah looked at him curiously. Kintober grinned, and like the Emperors of old, clapped his hands. Several guards brought in three metal cases and a table. The placed the table in between Kintober and Hannah and placed the cases on top.

    "Yes Ms Asgeirsson, in addition to the augmentation process, I still have a few more gifts to give you." Kintober said, looking mischievous. "In case one we have..." He opened it. "A structurally re-enforced Desert Eagle with six clips of ammo." Hannah inspected the gun, and noticed something engraved on it. It was a scantly dressed female with a cheeky look on her face. She looked like the kind painted on old WWII bombers. The drawing's arm was pointing towards the muzzle of the gun, and next to her was the word "Kisses". Hannah chuckled at that. However,

    Kintober drew her attention to the next case. He opened it, revealing an envelope. Kintober picked it up and gave it to Hannah. She opened it and found it held a cheap gift card with the words "Congratulations on your achievement" printed on it. She opened the card was surprised to see a bank debit card from the Eggman National Bank inside. "The card contains $100,000 in Eggman currency. It should make your journey a little more easier. Careful with it though. I won't be refilling it when it runs out." He stated. Hannah could only gape at the gift. "And now for the last little gift I have for you."

    He opened the third case, and inside, Hannah saw a cell phone, battery pack, and charger. She gave him a puzzled look. "I made a deal with a guy from a phone company based in Eggman Empire. It ties directly into the Eggman satellite communications network in orbit, so it'll always have a signal. And you'll never have to worry about paying for service. It's got unlimited minutes forever, too. And, for the final bonus, it holds the number to my personal office phone. However..." Kintober warned "I will only pick up three times. After that, you're on your own. So use your three calls wisely." He stated. "Now, I believe you were going to tell me where you are going?"

  10. It was about a week before they came to take Hannah away for her final test. For the past few days, she'd been in and out of examination rooms being poked, prodded, x-rayed, scanned, and all sorts of other things. Everything seemed to be healthy, from her bones, to her muscles, to every else the doctors and scientists had played and fiddled with since her stay here. Her body was accepting the augmentation process completely, and the doctors believed it would stay this way forever.

    Now she had been taken to another room in the complex. It was a simulated outdoor shooting range, complete with obstacles and hills. It was also large; at least 1000 meters down. They brought her to a table with an M4 with iron sights and a M203 attachment,M9 pistol, and a Barrett M82 sniper rifle. All were locked and loaded. In addition to the already loaded ammo, both the M4, M9, and M82 had two extra clips filled with ammo, and the M203 had seventeen extra TP chalk rounds. For some reason, Hannah felt giddy just looked at them, like there would be a fun surprise waiting for her to find in a few moments. Next to the weapons were some earplugs and a pair of ballistic-grade eyewear. She put them on.

    "Hello Ms Asgeirsson. Today we'll be seeing how well you can shoot. By the way, they'll be some surprises during this exercise, so stay sharp. Now, proceed to pick up the M4. After you do, you will have 10 seconds to get in a comfortable standing firing position before the test starts. Begin when ready." A voice carried over a speaker system announced. Hannah looked around for a second, and shrugged. No time like the present. She promptly picked up the M4 and braced it against her shoulder. A chime sounded, and exactly ten seconds later, the first target popped up about 250 meters downrange. Hannah hit it in just over a second. Hannah found that instead of closing one eye as she used the other to aim, she could keep them both open. One eye would look down the sights of the assault rifle while the other stayed open looking for more targets.

    What amazed Hannah is that before she came here, Hannah had difficulty focusing in on targets beyond 200 meters without magnification. Now it felt like she was looking through a super-powered scope. All she had to do was focus with just one eye, and she could see the holes and dents in targets even 300 meters away. The experience was incredible. Before she realized it, she was out of ammo. A buzzer sounded and the voice came back.

    "Congratulations, you have a 30 out of 30 score. Incredible seeing how the closest target was 200 meters out. Now, please pick up the pistol and repeat the process." Hannah complied, a slight buzz tingling through her body. She'd never really shot for fun, and only went to the ranges back home to re-qualify when she was in the military. Now, she was enjoying the whole thing. The M9 trial was far easier then the M4 challenge, as the targets were now 50-100 meters away from her. All 50 meter targets received a bullet to the head and 100 meters had holes put in their heads, throats, and upper chest. Each shot was a kill shot however.

    "Great work, Ms Asgeirsson. 15 out of 15, all kill shots. Now, move back to the M4 and set up the M203's sight. You may begin after-wards." The voice informed her. She complied. This time, in addition to people-shaped cutouts, tank and truck sized ones popped up. It had been a while since she'd used a M203, and aiming it was a bit trickier then a regular rifle, but after missing her first shot, Hannah remembered to line the M203 sights up with the M4 sight, and by the end, the middle of the range was painted with orange chalk.

    "A bit rough on that one, 8 out of 9, but still high marks. Now, pick up the sniper and get in a comfortable position. You have 30 seconds once you touch the weapon." Hannah snatched the heavy weapon, pushed the legs down, got down on her belly, and sighted in. Within seconds, the first target at around 800 meters appeared. A loud pop filled the air as the .50 caliber slug was propelled downrange. The target's head was blown clean off. The pattern continued for another 9 shots.

    "Another successful foray. 10 out of 10. I should mention you have an excellent response time. Since every time you knock one target down, another comes up in it's place. So far, most targets stand for about 1.2 seconds before you blast them. A very good number. Now, We will commence with night fire exercises." As soon as the voice had said that, the lights went out. However, after a few seconds, Hannah's eyes adjusted, and it was like looking though really dark sunglasses. It still seemed dark, but she could still see...for the most part. "Now, reload your M4 and begin again." Hannah complied, and the process began again. At the end of all four weapons trials, Hannah learned that the darkness hindered only her response time. She'd gone from a 1.2 to a 3.7. A dramatic change to be sure, but she still hadn't lost any of her accuracy.

    "Well, a little practice on your own and you'll get better." The voice said. "Now, just reload the M4 and we'll repeat the process in the light one more time. Just to make sure everything works. Oh, by the way, 30 targets, 30 rounds in your magazine. Make each one count." It informed her. Well that sounded strange, but Hannah figured there had to be a point to it. She reloaded the M4 and got in position. However, instead of a green, human-shaped target, a metal cylinder popped up. A panel on the front of it popped open and a barrel jutted out. The turret spat out bullets. Hannah's eyes widened a millisecond before she dove to the left. If she had been any slower, she would've either died or been seriously injured. Rather then panic and ask what the hell was going on, Hannah grinned. For the briefest of milliseconds, Hannah though about simply spraying it with bullets, but then remembered the voice's warning about the amount of targets. Finally, a real challenge for today. She rolled, and came up firing a single round into the turret. It slipped between the barrel and the open space and began to bounce around the inside of the turret's casing. The thing sank back into the floor, smoke beginning to drift from it. No sooner had it gone down then another one sprung up. Hannah was on it in a second. The moment the hatch opened, a bullet flew into the turret. It too sank into the ground. Before Hannah could congratulate herself, two more turrets popped up. Hannah laughed. Today was going to be a good day.

    The test went by fast, but became more difficult, as more and more turrets came up. First it was two at a time, then three, then four, and finally five turrets popped up at a time. By the time it was over, Hannah was panting and sweating. And a slight wound from a grazing shot on her arm oozed blood. But she didn't care. The whole experience left her invigorated and pumped. She could honestly say she'd never felt this good after combat. It felt like she was high on some euphoric drug. And part of her knew it wasn't just the adrenalin. She enjoyed this. She enjoyed the experience of shooting and getting shot at. She wanted to go find more enemies; get into more battles; risk her life more in the face of danger and death. Especially if she felt this way each time. Part of her was worried by this, but the rest of her basked in the feeling. The voice on the intercom brought her out of her revelry.

    "Excellent work Ms Asgeirsson, simply excellent! You've passed with flying colors! Congratulations, simply congratulations! You've done it! Not only have you been successfully augmented, but it's all taken hold and working perfectly. Congratulations, you've just graduated from the Gen-7 HS-51 augmentation program! You did it!" The voice cried out in happiness. A short track of some type of victory music began playing. When it was finished, the voice began. "Now, you will be escorted back to your room. Tomorrow, you will be flown out of the base and will be set free. Again, congratulations!" With that, the door behind her opened.


    The second she was back in her room, Hannah gave Loew a big hug. He awkwardly returned the gesture and pointed to an object next to her bed. She looked and saw it was a wine bottle with a not on it. The note read "Congrats. See ya tomorrow. -Sammyace." She could only chuckle.

  11. "Well Ms Asgeirsson, you must be fairly excited. This is your last procedure, and then all there is, is some post-op tests and examinations to make sure everything's settled correctly, and you'll be on your way." Kintober informed Hannah behind his surgical mask. Hannah was most pleased when she had learned Kintober would be performing the final procedure. "Today, what we will be doing is modifying your respiratory system, digestive system, and a few organs that control various hormones and chemicals. You respiratory system is basically going to be transformed into an internal gas mask that will screen out most non-lethal gasses and some biological agents. The upgrade to your digestive system will allow you to eat organic items that most humans can't digest. Grass for example. Other organs we're upgrading include your liver, kidneys, thyroid, thymus, adrenal gland, and pancreas. Your liver and kidneys will be able to process low level toxins with ease. Your thyroid to produce more hormones such as Calcitonin which will help keep your bones strong. Your thymus will be able to produce more T cells which will help fight off infection and disease. I believe you can figure out what will happen after your adrenal gland is improved. And your pancreas will be able to break down fat, protein, and carbohydrates more efficiently, maximizing the potency of whatever food or drink you ingest." Kintober stated. He sounded like he was reading from a manual or a brochure. "You ready?" He asked with a grin. Hannah nodded. Just this last procedure, and she'd be ready. Ready to restore her country. Ready to make those who sought its ruin to pay. Ready to face the world if need be. "Well, then. Lets do this." Kintober chuckled. He placed the mask over Hannah's face, and she hoped it would be the last time here.


    Hannah woke, once again in her room. She felt rather tired, and she noted a few more IV bags hooked up to her arm then usual. She looked up and saw Loew looking over her. He grin seemed real this time. Like he was actually happy and not just making an expression. He held out a note. Hannah took it gingerly and opened it.

    Dear Ms Asgeirsson,

    Congratulations! You successfully completed the Gen-7 HS-51 type augmentation process! A great feat! All that's left is for you to heal up, and then we'll begin post op observations and tests to make sure everything is functioning properly. It'll take two weeks tops. After that, you and Loew will be released and free to go where ever you wish. I will pay for tickets myself as well. Before you leave, however, I wish to see you off. Outside of that, congratulations again!

    -Sammyace Kintober

    Hannah read the note twice, and began to cry. It was finally over.

  12. "This is the second to last procedure. It and the one after are both incredibly tricky. For this procedure, we'll be cutting the top of your skull off, and do various things to you brain. It will improve such things as your reflexes, response time, and intelligence." The doctor said. Hannah gave him a look from the surgical table. The man rolled his eyes and huffed. "If I tried to explain it any more, you'd have to be a neurosurgeon to figure out what we're going to do. Just relax and breath deep." He said, placing the mask over Hannah's face and turning on the KO gas.


    OOC: Alright, let me say this:Part of the way I write is by looking up the technical details and facts. I wanna RP a tank, I see what the modern tank of today is like. So it's realistic and all. Anyway, I haven't the foggiest on how the brain works or which part controls which. True, I could research it, but to fully reach the point where I want to go with this, it'd probably take days. And there's nothing particularly interesting about a bunch of doctors screwing around with someone's brain. Well, there is, but at my current writing skills, I probably couldn't do it. So yeah, I'm using my "One free Cop-out" pass on this. Hope you understand Sarah...and anybody reading this topic.



    Hannah cracked her eyes opened and yawned. Sitting up, she stretched out. She heard a faint tapping noise coming from Loew, and she looked over just in time to see him throw a tennis ball at her. Faster then the blink of an eye, her hand was in front of her face, holding the offending ball before it had reached its target. She chuckled. Then she giggled. Then she cackled. Then she burst out in a full blown maniac laugh. Then she stopped and looked around. What the hell made her do that?


    *Elsewhere in the facility.*

    "So, how is she?" Kintober asked, juggling his attention between files on the facility clean-up and current events in the country and world. The doctor in front of him nodded.

    "She's progressing quiet well. We've just finished the brain augmentation." The doctor stated promptly.

    "Did you tell her what would would happen to her?" Kintober inquired, sifting through some papers.

    "Oh, yes. Told her about the increased mental aptitude, reflexes, and response time." The doctor replied.

    "And what about the side-effect of slight mental instability and the occasional urge to kill all enemy combatants on the battlefield?" Kintober asked. The doctor scratched his chin and thought.

    "Hmmm...oh, you know, I forgot to mention it." He replied after a few seconds. Kintober gave him a blank look, and then shrugged.

    "Ah, well, she'll figure it out. If not, I'll ask about it when I see her again." He replied offhandedly.

  13. It had been several days since the breakout. The damage to the facility wasn't all that severe. It was mainly cosmetic. While Hank had unlocked all the prisoner's doors on Hannah's floor, the doors to the various surgical chambers ran on different circuits and command programs and stayed shut. Unfortunately, manpower was a different story. While the majority of the facility staff had been sealed safely inside their barracks in a different building, 98% of all staff who were on duty in the augmentation building had been slaughtered. Experienced doctors, technicians, and maintenance personnel were now dead, putting a large hole in the facility's workforce. Now, many personnel found themselves working double shifts, and redundant areas had been temporarily closed until more staff could be trained and brought in. No simple task, considering the security clearance required just to know the location of the facility.

    Regardless, the facility had been brought back online, and augmentation processes had begun again. And Kintober had personally made sure that Hannah was on the top of the list to have her process finished. And so, here Hannah found herself lying on a surgical table with a handful of doctors preparing to operate on her. "Today, we'll be working on your eyes. You'll have a blindfold on afterwards so your eyes will be able to adjust to the augmentation smoothly." A doctor informed her. She nodded, and they began. The last thing she saw the doctors do was place a strange contraption over her face before she was asleep.

    If she knew what it was supposed to do, Hannah would've been quite shocked. The purpose of the device was literally to pluck out her eyeballs. It wasn't that they had just cut out her eyeballs. They were simply pulled out of her head. Hannah's eyeballs were still attached to her body via her optic nerve cords. The first thing the doctors did was carefully inject small amounts of serum into her cornea, pupil, lens, iris, and dozens of other parts of the eye. The serum would encourage a sort of "fine-tuning" upgrade to the eye, allowing it's owner to see better, more far, increased peripheral vision, and more accurate. If pulled off right, the procedure would also allow one to also see into the dark. After the injections were finished, the eyes were placed back into their sockets, and a medical blindfold was placed over Hannah's eyes to prevent damage. The operation would be a complete success, and Hannah now had a better pair of eyes.

  14. Upon hearing her speech, Kintober shot her a grin. "Ms Asgeirsson, you are as elegant as you are beautiful. And your advice is just as powerful as your fists." He didn't return the kiss, but he did pat her on the shoulder. "I suppose your right. Demon or not, we all pave our own destinies. Just because some being wants to run mine doesn't mean I'll let him. Not without one hell of a fight. I will rule this country and live my life the way I want to. The hell with some monster that made a deal with my grandfather." He chuckled. Then he grinned at her again. "As for you bringing order to this world, well...I think we both have a common goal in that respect. And I believe we have the same type of order in mind." He stretched out and yawned before returning to his speech. "You know, I wouldn't say we're alike minds, but I'm fairly certain they travel down the same roads of thought. Just know this, whenever you or Sarah needs help down the road, let me know. You'll have all of Eggman Empire at your disposal. Now, rest up and heal quickly! We still have the last part of your augmentation to finish." He said, the chirpiness returning to his voice. "I hope to see you again soon my lady! Don't worry, by the way. I suspect you'll be out of this place very soon. Oh, and before I forget, here." Kintober pulled out a brown bag and pulled out it's contents. It was Hannah's diary and locket. "Well, get well soon! I must be off now. Someone has to clean up the mess the prison break made." He said with a bit of a sigh. With that, he left the book, locket, and his bag of candy next to Hannah and left the room.

  15. Finally, a question for Mr. Ryst and Mr. Dreth. As you may know, we are currently about two thirds of the way done with our Autoway System. However, the System does call for building some of the roads in your country, due to the shape of our nation. We were hoping you would allow these roads to be built, possibly even redrawn so they pass through some of your cities if you'd like. We would be more than willing to help build the roads if you do not want to yourself."


    Map of planned routes.

    Dreth stood up. "I believe this is arrangeable. After studying your map, I believe I have some suggestions. Here is a map of our country:"


    "It seems that you have two parts of your interstate planned to run through Isen(Yellow square) and Kulde-staden(blue square). Do you think it would be possible to connect your roads to Robotropolis(gray square), Frysebane(black square), and Havensvend(green square)? We would ask you to connect to Vlask(orange square), but Vlask has been quarantined off a chemical attack by terrorist and we still haven't cleaned it up yet." With that, he sat down. Ryst stood up in his place.

    "As for the treaty..." Ryst said. "I find it acceptable, and I will sign it as a representative of the Eggman Empire government."

  16. Kintober stiffened. A sour look came over his face and he growled. "Mr. S..." Kintober muttered. Kintober stood up from the chair, and began to pace. "Ms Asgeirsson, I think there's something you should know. First off, whatever this Mr. S is, he's not just the figment of your imagination or some psychological experiment various subjects are being exposed to. It is..." Kintober pause. "something that seems to enjoy haunting not just myself, but my family's history." Hannah looked at him in curiosity. "You see, it started with my grandfather, Alfred Kintober. In addition to build the man who created the Eggman Empire of today, he apparently made a deal with the devil. Or something close to it. The story goes that in exchange for the know-how to create a country, and for said country to prosper, Alfred signed an agreement with a creature that held no real name, except for the pseudonym 'Mr. S.' From what I've heard, 'Mr. S' wore a pinstripe suit with a top hat, a cane, and a tie that said 'Smile.' Anyway, part of the agreement included that every Kintober from then on would be blessed with great intellectual prowess. However, the story doesn't say what this 'Mr. S' wanted in return. I think I've figured it out though." Kintober stopped pacing and his face took on a hard look.

    "It seems that eventually, every Kintober will be visited by this creature, and if they don't agree with it's demands, they go insane. Case and point, my brother Jack. I was originally under the impression he had died in a car wreck. However, he came back to attack me in his rebellion some months ago. The rebellion was defeated, and I personally stopped Jack. But before I beat him, Jack continually rambled on about how the curse on our family wasn't a myth. He said the same creature who'd helped Alfred was the same creature who'd visited him, and helped him build his army. From what Jack told me, he was obeying the orders of this being. When I asked him what the creature wanted, he gave me a strait answer:The demon wants to watch the world descend into chaos just for the hell of it." Hannah didn't know what it was about the sentence Kintober had just issued, but it sent a shiver running up and down her spine. "Aside from that, I couldn't get much out of my brother before locking him up in the facility. However, I'm beginning to believe what he said more and more." He turned to face Hannah, dead serious.

    "Ms Asgeirsson, what I'm about to tell you does not leave this room. If it does...well, you'll regret it. Understood?" Hannah nodded. Kintober continued. "Since the rebellion, well, terrorist attack more like it, I've found myself hearing a rather persistent voice in the back of my mind. It is definitely not my own. It has been constantly urging me to attack other nations on the basis of 'They're planning it too.' That, and I've been having more and more vivid dreams about Eggman Empire descending into anarchy. Sometimes it's because of other nations, but other times..." Kintober seemed to drift off for a second. "Other times it's a different enemy. One that wields more power then any nation on this planet. And when I have those dreams, the underlying message is that because I didn't do what the voice says, my nation I've worked hard to maintain and grow, will suffer." Kintober leaned in close. "So Ms Asgeirsson, I'm either going insane, or there is an entity out there that wants the world to burn and it wants me to be it's pawn." Kintober stood up and turned away from Hannah. "I will not allow this. Even if it takes every fiber of my being, even my life, I will not allow this great country to be part of some monster's schemes." He turned back to Hannah "Ms Asgeirsson, I have a question for you." Hannah looked at him.

    "What is it?" Her mouth suddenly dry.

    "Do you think it's possible, that there is some sort of ethereal being out there, that wants to see the entire world go up in smoke, for whatever reason? And do you think that it chose my family, and my country to be its instrument in causing this? Or am I just going insane?"

  17. Kintober sat back and rubbed his chin despite the scar. "Yes, I do believe you friend will be alright. I'm afraid he's lost some his good looks though. Reconstructive surgery on the back of someone's head has a tendency to do that. And from what we can tell, his brain has either healed fully from any damage it may have taken, or he never had any to begin with." Kintober pulled a berry drop out of his candy bag and chewed on it. "As for Hank, don't feel bad about losing to him. There's something you must understand though." Kintober leaned forward. "Every procedure you've either gone or are going to go through, has been performed on him at least twice. Not only that, but he's received hundreds of other augmentations from previous projects. The reason is, he's our guinea pig. The man simply refuses to die. The man has a latent healing power that I'm just beginning to duplicate. It's the only reason I haven't killed the monster yet." Kintober snarled. He realized he was rambling, and returned to his original topic.

    "The point is, Hank is probably the most dangerous man in the Eggman Empire. Perhaps the world. He's worth a thousand soldiers. Every possible aspect about him has been improved. Speed, strength, agility, endurance, perception, vision...even his intelligence has been inproved. So don't feel bad about him beating you, okay? In fact, I think you and Loew are the first to ever survive going up against him." Kintober then grew serious. "Now, did Hank say anything to you? Anything at all?"

  18. The figure stepped out into the light, and Hannah saw that it was a young man, perhaps late twenties. He was drenched in blood, and a large smile was plastered on his face. Hannah was instantly on guard. He began clenching and unclenching his hands, and Sarah noticed something akin to claws on his fingertips. "So, you must be the Emperor's pet project, hm? And I see you have the retard with you." He spat in Loew's general direction. "Anyway, time for introductions! My name is Hank. Your name holds no meaning to me until you either beat me or join my master. I don't name punching bags." He stated very business like. Hannah looked at him curious. Master? A cold feeling settled in her gut. "Now, I have but one request." He glared at her. "Join my master, Mr. S, or die here with the rest of the monsters." His voice was as cold as ice. Hannah returned her own glare.

    "I told that demon no." She stated firmly. "I won't let him or anyone else control my destiny!" Hank merely smiled at her.

    "So be it. But I can see you're quiet powerful, and you have a friend. It's only fair I get one too." He turned to look back in the room. "Hey buddy. Give me a hand will ya?" He reached for something, and a disgusting ripping noise came from inside. He stepped back out into the light "Thanks buddy!" He called back. "I knew he'd give be a hand." Much to Hannah's shock and horror, Hank proceeded to pull back a severed arm from the room. He grinned, and waved the arm at Hannah, and threw it at her like a spear. The move came as such a shock, Hannah didn't even react as the limb smacked her in the face. The blow came with such force, it broke her nose and caused her to stagger back. Hank laughed, and lunged at her. "I'm always ready to give a helping hand!" He cackled.

    He moved like lightning, covering the distance between himself and Hannah in seconds. His first blow was a pile driver to Hannah's stomach. She gagged as the punch sent shock-waves through her body. With on fist still in her gut, Hank whipped his other around into Hannah's head, snapping it to the side and sent her flying to the ground. He moved forward, but Hannah swung her legs out and delivered a smashing blow to Hank's kneecap. He grunted, grinned, and hopped back. "Looks like you're not a waste of flesh after all." He chuckled, as Hannah hopped back up to a fighting stance. "Let the games begin!" He shouted, and charged. Hannah played defense, letting the man come to her. Hank swung at her head, but was blocked. At the same time, Hannah counter-punched, her fist heading for Hank's gut. Hank spun around, and brought his hand down to crush Hannah's neck. She ducked out of the way, and tried to kick Hank in his leg. Hank hopped back. He grabbed Hannah's arm and pulled her forward into his oncoming fist. Hannah went dead weight, pulling Hank off-balance and missing his fist. She hopped back up, and plowed her fist right into Hank's chin. He stumbled forward, swinging with all his might. Hannah blocked another punch, and delivered a salvo of her own.

    Teeth flew as her fist smashed into Hank's mouth. He roared in anger and spat blood on her. Hank charged forward, swinging and screaming. He got in close and grabbed Hannah by the neck. With one savage blow, he raked his nails down her face. Blood splashed down her face and Hank began to choke her. Hannah refused to give up the fight, and brought her knee strait into Hank's crotch. He gasped and staggered back. Hannah charged forward for the kill. It was a trick. Hank neatly sidestepped at the last second and slammed his elbow into Hannah's back. As her momentum carried her forward, Hank raced after her, and grabbed her shoulders. He pushed, and Hannah fell with all of Hank's weight on her. The fall knocked the wind out of her again, and Hank grabbed her head and slammed it into the ground with a wet crunch. She went limp. Hank raised his fist back to crush her skull, savoring the moment. When he tried to punch however, he found his wrist was stuck on something. He looked over his shoulder and saw Loew holding it in a vice-like grip. Hank rolled his eyes. "Son-of-a-*"

    His curse was cut short as Loew rammed his fist into Hank's check, knocking him off Hannah. Hank sprang back up just in time for Loew's haymaker to smash into his shoulder. Hank spun and Loew charged forward, reigning down blows on Hank's back. Loew put as much force as he could into his blows. They rained down on Hank with righteous fury, hitting his arms, his shoulders, and his head. "Enough!" Hank screamed. He pushed aside Loew's fist, and in a display of insane strength, charged forward, picking up Loew clear off the ground and slamming him into the wall several feet away. Hank smashed Loew's body against the wall again and again. Which each time, Loew's head smacked into the concrete wall, leaving a bigger and bigger blotch of blood on the wall. "Kill all of you!!!" Hank screamed, a savage grin on his face. Then he froze.

    "What?" He asked thin air, letting Loew drop. "What do you mean 'stop'?" He asked. "But I was going to kill them! I thought you wanted them dead!!! Why would you stop me?!" He shouted.

    "Attention all personnel. The facility will be entering level-1 Lock-down mode in 60 seconds. All entrances will be sealed and Kolokol-1 will be pumped in to incapacitate all aggressors. Thank you and have a nice day." A computerized voice chirped happily over the intercom.

    "Oh, well that's a good point." He turned to run down the corridor, but gave one last look over his shoulder. "I'll be out there, waiting for you two freaks. And I'll kill you eventually." He chuckled. With that, he ran of at inhuman speeds to the nearest exit.


    *some time later*

    Hannah was in a blurry fog. Her whole body ached, and she felt like she couldn't move a muscle. Her ears alerted her to approaching footsteps, and try as she might, she couldn't do a thing. All she could do was listen.

    "Found some more bodies over here." One asked.

    "Looks like these folkes had the hell beat out of them. Call for a bagger?" A second one said. Hannah, desperate for help, moaned.

    "Hang on, I think them still alive!" The first one said.

    "First ones we've come across." The second one muttered.

    "Call for medivac." First said.

    "On it." Came the reply. Hannah sighed in relief, an felt the fog returning to envelop her. The last thought to go through her head was if Loew was okay.


    Hannah awoke once more, the fog lifting from her mind. She found herself in a hospital bed, hooked up to the various life-support monitors that were standard in hospitals. Hannah noted that there was just an IV bag hooked up to her, and nothing else. No breathing tubes or face mask or anything. And aside from general soreness, Hannah didn't feel specific or intense pain. She took that as a good sign. Something stirred near her, and she looked over and saw, much to her surprise, Kintober. The man looked worse for wear. His hair was mused, and there was bruising on his face and a scar running along his jawline. Still, the man looked happy as ever. "Ah, I'm glad your awake! You had me worried for a second. Jelly-drop?" He asked, extending the bag to Hannah.

  19. Hannah lay in her bed, wondering what her next augmentation would be. It was Christmas, and she had held a small service with Loew, praying to God and thanking Him for His hand in keeping her alive. Hannah soon found herself growing homesick. She wished to be back in Hansa, with her old friends, and family. To be by Sarah's side once again. Homesickness soon grew into hate and loathing for those responsible for destroying Hansa. Hannah again promised to herself that she'd bring any and all whom were Hansa's enemies to their knees in surrender. A sadistic smile crossed her lips as she thought of the things she'd do to them when she got a hold of them.

    Then a loud klaxon began to blare. Hannah sat strait up in surprise and looked at Loew, hoping for an explanation. Loew was, to put it mildly, flipping out. He was scurrying back and forth from his stool to the door. He looked like he was constantly checking to door to see if it was locked. Between that, he was twiddling his thumbs, pulling his hair, and giggling.

    "Loew, what's wrong?!" She asked. She would soon find out.


    *Location:Eggman Empire; the facility, Building 3. Christmas eve, several minutes earlier.*

    Four security guards sat in the control room that secured the hallway to the elevator from the entrance. All the guards were actually Happy Smilers. Two Gen-4s, a Gen-5, and a Gen-6 overseeing operations. They were quiet, and they were lethal. However, none of them knew there was a traitor in their midst. Why should they suspect? Happy Smilers received some of the most thorough indoctrination in the world, and they'd sooner put a gun to their head then betray their country and their leader. However, it would turn out that someone else had gotten to one of them.

    One of the Gen-4 smilers glanced around to make sure no one was looking, and reached into his pocket to pull a computer disk out. He subtly put the disk in one of the computers hooked up to the building mainframe and grinned when he saw a "program installing." The virus sliced and diced though the firewalls and programs of the mainframe, replacing them with its own. Soon, the Smiler saw the words "installation complete. Run program? Y/N." With a grin, he clicked "yes."




    Hank's eyes opened, as he heard the faint noise of the cell door's electric lock open. A grin of his own appeared. Time to get busy.


    *Inside the facility, several minutes after release.*

    Hank stood in the center of the control room, drenched in blood. Mutilated bodies, blood spattered walls, and torn organs and bones surrounded him. Hank had single-handedly killed all twenty-six technicians, happy smiler guards, and doctors that manned the place. The room had not been hard to find. It was all a matter of following the guards. The control room was the most critical part of the facility, so it stood to reason that it had the most guards. Hank's gamble had paid off. He chuckled. The guards, all Gen 5-6 Happy Smilers had been powerless to stop him. A newly fond memory of his was putting one guard's leg bone through another's head. Or when he'd punched through the chest of one guard and stuffed his heart into the mouth of another. Yes, good times for all.

    He looked over console after console until he found the one he was looking for. He pushed the gutted corpse of a technician out of the way. "Look at the mess you're making. I'll report you to the boss." Hank giggled. A rustle sounded behind him, and a guard leaped at him. Hank made his own lunge forward, and smashed the man in the face. He grabbed the guard's throat and slammed his body against a nearby control panel. The guard wriggled, trying to get free. Hank grinned. "I thought Gen-6s were supposed to beat me hands down. Ah, well, that's where hype gets ya." Hank then promptly tore the man's throat out. He threw the still-wiggling corpse on the ground and smashed it's head with his bare foot. "Now, back to business." He muttered. He walked back to the console and typed in a command on the keyboard. He clicked yes, and grinned as all the cell doors in the building opened automatically. "Now, to find you and your lady friend Herman." He growled.

  20. Hannah jolted up with a start. Hannah knew she had a nightmare, but she couldn't remember a single thing about it. And for some reason, the quote "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!" was running through her head. She tried to convince herself that it was just a bad dream, but for some reason, some part of her mind told her it was much more then that. She noticed she was shivering, and it wasn't because the room was cold. Suddenly she felt Loew's hand on her should. She looked up, and saw him staring at the was like normal, grinning. She smiled.

    "I know Loew." She said, grabbing his hand with her own. "I'll be alright."


    After a few days of rest, Hannah found herself in another session. Nothing different, just the same restrains, the same needles, the same burning fluid, the same electrocution, and the same screaming. But she found it did less to her. Hannah felt stronger, and more resilient. As the procedure ended, she chuckled. The doctor who was writing some notes looked at her. "Enjoying the process I see." He muttered. "Well, be happy. This concludes your muscle augmentations. Now the only thing left two or three other steps, some tests, and you'll be done." He said plainly. Hannah grinned at him as a reply.


    Deep underground, under building three, a specimen raised his head. "What's that?" He asked thin air. "So 'They' are a 'she' and 'she' is now on the list?" It was very clear that the man had delusional schizophrenia, or something else. He grinned suddenly. "Oh, I think I will do whatever I want. Thanks for the update." Hank began to laugh. It soon became a maddened cackle. Fairly soon, something was about to go sour in the facility, and Hank was looking forward to it.

  21. The thing cocked it's head to the side. It made a grotesque chuckle. "Me...? I'm ME of course!" The thing giggled. It noted the confusion on Hannah's face, and began to pace. "I never really gave myself a name, however, others have saw fit to name me over the course of time. Demon, monster, and living horror come to mind. I was even called Loki a long time ago. However, the pseudonym I go by these days is Mr. Hpp Smlr, or Mr. S, if it's easier to remember." It stopped pacing and turned to face Hannah again.

    "And I should say your comment about 'Kintober's gift' highly offensive. The man may be a genius, but there's no way that any human could reach that level of medical expertise in this era. You know how he worked out the formulas, and serums, and equations necessary to create the augmentation process?" It asked, leaning forward on it's cane. Hannah shrank back as it's face neared hers. "I gave it to him! I went inside his screwed up little head and put the necessary information into his cranium! 'Why,' you may ask? Well, that's none of your business...yet. Long story short, you should be thanking me for getting you pathetic, squishy self upgraded." By the time It had finished, Hannah realized it was at a 45 degree lean forward. It sprang back upright immediately, and began on a different tirade.

    "Now, about your little quest. I believe I can help you. Technically I already am, but that's besides the point." It giggled. "I can help you, not only rebuild Hansa, also wipe all your foes off the map. I'm not talking bowing at your feet, I'm talking them under your feet in a pine box. Their countries, their people, their armies, themselves; all obliterated. Leaving you and your people to take their rightful place in history as the one and only remaining people on the face of this earth. Join me, and I will make you the most powerful person on this planet. No type of weapon will ever be able to touch you!" It paused. "Of course, if you decline, I'll accept that, and you'll wake up and remember this only as a faint dream. But, should you do, just remember that I have plans, and sooner or later, they'll run into you. Now, what do you say?" It asked, extending a gloved hand.

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